Minor capitalization and pluralization fixes
Actually, all "BeagleBoard" boards are ARM, but not all Beagles. We need to find better encapsulating terms. Specifically, this page only addresses "BeagleBoard" boards, like BeagleBoard, BeagleBoard-xM, and BeagleBoard-X15, not BeaglePlay, BeagleBone, BeagleConnect or BeagleV boards. We've started using the term "Beagles" to refer to the entirety of the product line. BeagleBoard is meant to be embedded single board computers that are low-power and small-size. Both xM and X15 added more upon this base. They are all ARM+DSP based boards. BeagleBone is meant to have the cape headers for embedded prototyping. Originally, BeagleBone stood for "the bare-bones BeagleBoard" where less was integrated onto the board and more header pins were available to make it more optimized for embedded systems. We also dropped the DSP from the original BeagleBoard. AI and AI-64 bring back the DSP for performing AI tasks. BeaglePlay is meant to be an easier-to-use computer with standard connections and integrated connectivity. BeagleConnect is meant to be MCUs that connect to Linux computers to act as the gateway or system controller. BeagleV is meant to be RISC-V based boards. Let's figure out a place to put this information and get ourselves aligned to it or correct it as needed. cc @lorforlinux
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