.. documentation master file, created by
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GSoC @
Work on awesome open source projects this summer with!
.. admonition:: What is Google Summer of Code?
:class: admonition-code
Spend your summer break writing code and learning about open source development while earning money!
Accepted students work with a mentor and become a part of the open source community. Many become lifetime
open source developers! The 2024 student application window will be open from
`March 18th 2024 <>`_ to
`April 2nd 2024 <>`_!
But don't wait for then to engage! Come to our `Discord <>`_ and
`Forum <>`_ to share ideas today.
Google Summer of Code is open to individuals age 18 and older in most countries who are new or beginner
contributors to open source coding projects. Read more on the GSoC site
`Rules page <>`_ and the
`FAQ page <>`_.
.. grid:: 1 2 2 3
.. grid-item-card::
:fab:`gitlab;pst-color-primary` Open Source Development
Experience working on impactful open source project which
will be used by thousands of people around the world!
.. grid-item-card::
:fas:`microchip;pst-color-primary` Free Hardware
Recieve open source single board computer,
debugging tools, and other required hardware for free!
.. grid-item-card::
:fas:`sack-dollar;pst-color-primary` Handsome Stipend
Earn while making impactful contributions to the open source
community, Stipend can be upto $6600 based on your country.
.. admonition:: Background
:class: admonition-clock-back is a volunteer organization that seeks to advance the state of
`open-source software <>`_ on open-source
hardware platforms capable of running high-level languages and operating systems (primarily Linux) in embedded
environments. Born from taking mobile phone processors and putting them on low-cost boards to build affordable
desktop computers, has evolved to focus on the needs of the "maker" community with greater focus
on the I/O needed for controlling motors and reading sensors to build things like robots, 3d printers, flying
Past GSoC projects included `creating an interpreter
for tiny CPUs <>`_, `adding SPI
and sensor support to Python <>`_, `an HTML and
git based tutorial sharing environment <>`_, `porting
autopilot software to Linux <>`_, `an open source
100MHz 14-channel logic analyzer <>`_, `using Android
tablets as Linux displays <>`_,
`putting ADC support in Linux under the IIO framework <>`_,
`using Android phones as a network boot source <>`_, `Running Arduino
code on Linux <>`_, `Robot Operating System support
within the Yocto Project build system <>`_,
`Minix I2C support <>`_, `an RPC
framework for heterogeneous processor communication <>`_,
`a transparent USB packet sniffer <>`_,
`ARM optimizations for XBMC <>`_,
`ARM optimizations for FFTs <>`_,
`make-shift pulse-width-modulation <>`_ and
`RPC optimizations for OpenCV <>`_. has
benefited from sponsorship from Texas Instruments, Circuitco, Digi-Key, element14 and others, but avoids any dependence
on that sponsorship for sustaining the effort. The project has evolved over the past few years with over 1,000,000
boards in circulation with developers worldwide and strong roots in the Linaro, Yocto Project, Angstrom Distribution,
Debian and Linux communities---and support for running most major Linux distributions including Ubuntu, Android, Fedora,
ArchLinux, Gentoo, Buildroot and many more.
BeagleBoard was `inspiration for Raspberry Pi <
interview-eban-upton-reveals-all>`_ and PocketBeagle is available for about $25 through over 30 distributors
world-wide (and is even available at Micro Center in the USA), but is more than a throw-away computer. It is an instance
of true open hardware, exposing users to the broader world of electronics, demystifying computers and fostering an environment
of clones that have changed the industry for good.
Students will be expected to demonstrate an understanding of cross-compiling before being accepted, but support for
demonstration is available through the IRC channel that typically has approximately 150 online chatters logged on at
any time, most with sufficient experience to explain the process.