/home/melta101/Documents/bb_GSoC/ WARNING: Duplicate explicit target name: "openbeagle". /home/melta101/Documents/bb_GSoC/ ERROR: Unknown directive type "admonishment".
.. admonishment:: Remember mentored GSoC projects are supposed to be for software projects that service the Beagle and general open source
embedded systems community, not theses, how-to guides or what I did over my summer vacation ideas.
/home/melta101/Documents/bb_GSoC/ WARNING: undefined label: 'gsoc-contribution-guide' /home/melta101/Documents/bb_GSoC/ WARNING: undefined label: 'gsoc-contribution-guide' /home/melta101/Documents/bb_GSoC/ WARNING: undefined label: 'gsoc-contribution-guide'
build succeeded, 5 warnings.
Had the above warning