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Documentation / docs.beagleboard.io
Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 InternationalThe source for https://docs.beagleboard.org, the definitive location for all Beagle documentation. See latest build at https://docs.beagleboard.io.
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Linux kernel device trees and device tree overlays for BeagleBoard.org open hardware single board computers and add-on boards.
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BeagleBoard.org website for Google Summer of Code for on-boarding contributors and summarizing output. Please feel free to create issues for updates that need to be created. https://gsoc.beagleboard.io
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Docker image for building Sphinx-based documentation
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BeagleV-Fire / beaglev-fire
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalPlaceholder for work on a Polarfire SoC based RISC-V BeagleBone compatible board
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BeagleV-Fire / Gateware
MIT LicenseUpdated -
BeaglePlay / beagleplay
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalLinux computing made simple and fun - https://beagleplay.org
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Robert Nelson / ti-linux-kernel-dev
MIT LicenseUpdated -
BeagleY-AI / BeagleY-AI
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalBringing open source hardware to an industry standard form-factor - https://beagley-ai.org
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Ayush Singh / bb-imager-rs
MIT LicenseUpdated -
BeagleY-AI / BB Imager
Apache License 2.0Imaging Utility for BeagleY-AI - https://beagley-ai.beagleboard.io/bb-imager
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Busted Wing / Gateware-serv-on-fire
MIT LicenseSERV RISC-V on BeagleV-Fire PolarFire SoC Gateware
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pinout / pinout.beagleboard.io
Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 InternationalUpdated -