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Commit b779d981 authored by Deepak Khatri's avatar Deepak Khatri :dog:
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Pocket beagle

parent 4ecf3781
1 merge request!11Pocket beagle
with 3904 additions and 1 deletion
......@@ -12,4 +12,5 @@ BeagleBoard Docs
.. toctree::
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......@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ Sections
Indices and tables
This diff is collapsed.
.. _pocketbeagle_introduction:
This document is the **System Reference Manual** for PocketBeagle and
covers its use and design. PocketBeagle is an ultra-tiny-yet-complete
Linux-enabled, community-supported, open-source USB-key-fob-computer.
PocketBeagle features an incredible low cost, slick design and simple
usage, making it the ideal development board for beginners and
professionals alike. Simply develop directly in a web browser providing
you with a playground for programming and electronics. Exploring is made
easy with several available libraries and tutorials with many more
PocketBeagle will boot directly from a microSD card. Load a Linux
distribution onto your card, plug your board into your computer and get
started. PocketBeagle runs GNU.Linux, so you can leverage many different
high-level programming languages and a large body of drivers that
prevent you from needing to write a lot of your own software.
This design will keep improving as the product matures based on feedback
and experience. Software updates will be frequent and will be
independent of the hardware revisions and as such not result in a change
in the revision number of the board. A great place to find out the
latest news and projects for PocketBeagle is on the home page
` <>`__
.. important:: Make sure you check the ` docs <>`_ repository for the most up to date information.
.. _pocketbeagle_home_page_figure:
.. figure:: images/1fig-PB-homepage.png
:align: center
:alt: PocketBeagle Home Page
PocketBeagle Home Page
\ No newline at end of file
.. _pocketbeagle_change_history:
Change History
This section describes the change history of this document and board.
Document changes are not always a result of a board change. A board
change will always result in a document change.
.. _document_change_history:
Document Change History
.. table:: Change History
======= =================== ================== ======
**Rev** **Changes** **Date** **By**
======= =================== ================== ======
A.x Production Document *December 7, 2017* JK
======= =================== ================== ======
.. _board_changes:
Board Changes
.. table:: Board History
| **Rev** | **Changes** | **Date** | **By** |
| A1 | Preliminary | *February 14, 2017* | JK |
| A2 | Production. Fixed | *September 22, 2017* | JK |
| | mikroBUS Click reset | | |
| | pins (made GPIO). | | |
Upon the creation of the first, 27mm-by-27mm, Octavo Systems OSD3358
SIP, Jason did a hack two-layer board in EAGLE called “PocketBone” to
drop the Beagle name as this was a totally unofficial effort not geared
at being a Foundation project. The board never worked
because the 32kHz and 24MHz crystals were backwards and Michael Welling
decided to pick it up and redo the design in KiCad as a four-layer
board. Jason paid for some prototypes and this resulted in the first
successful “PocketBone”, a fully-open-source 1-GHz Linux computer in a
fitting into a mini-mint tin.
.. _rev_a1:
Rev A1
The Rev A1 of PocketBeagle was a prototype not released to production. A
few lines were wrong to be able to control mikroBUS Click add-on board
reset lines and they were adjusted.
.. _rev_a2:
Rev A2
The Rev A2 of PocketBeagle was released to production and
[\ *launched
at World MakerFaire 2017*].
Known issues in rev A2:
| **Issue** | **Link** |
| GPIO44 is incorrectly labelled | `github |
| as GPIO48 | .com/beagleboard/pocketbeagle/is |
| | sues/4 < |
| | eboard/pocketbeagle/issues/4>`__ |
.. _connecting_up_pocketbeagle:
Connecting Up PocketBeagle
This section provides instructions on how to hook up your board. The
most common scenario is tethering PocketBeagle to your PC for local
.. _whats_in_the_package:
What’s In the Package
In the package you will find two items as shown in figures below.
- PocketBeagle
- Getting Started instruction card with link to the support URL.
.. figure:: images/pocketbeagle_package_small_size.jpg
:align: center
:alt: PocketBeagle Package
PocketBeagle Package
.. figure:: images/PB-card-front-1.jpg
:align: center
:alt: PocketBeagle Package Insert front
PocketBeagle Package Insert front
.. figure:: images/PB-card-back-1.jpg
:align: center
:alt: PocketBeagle Package Insert back
PocketBeagle Package Insert back
.. _connecting_the_board:
Connecting the board
This section will describe how to connect to the board. Information can
also be found on the Quick Start Guide that came in the box. Detailed
information is also available at
` <>`__
The board can be configured in several different ways, but we will
discuss the most common scenario. Future revisions of this document may
include additional configurations.
.. _tethered_to_a_pc_using_debian_images:
Tethered to a PC using Debian Images
In this configuration, you will need the following additional items:
- microUSB to USB Type A Cable
- microSD card (>=4GB and <128GB)
The board is powered by the PC via the USB cable, no other cables are
required. The board is accessed either as a USB storage drive or via a
web browser on the PC. You need to use either Firefox or Chrome on the
PC, IE will not work properly. Figure below shows this configuration.
.. figure:: images/PB1-fullPC-3.jpg
:align: center
:alt: Tethered Configuration
Tethered Configuration
In some instances, such as when additional add-on boards, or PocketCapes
are connected, the PC may not be able to supply sufficient power for the
full system. In that case, review the power requirements for the add-on
board/cape; additional power may need to be supplied via the 5v input,
but rarely is this the case.
.. _getting_started:
Getting Started
The following steps will guide you to quickly download a PocketBeagle
software image onto your microSD card and get started writing code.
1. Navigate to the Getting Started Page
` <>`__
Follow along with the instructions and click on the link noted in Figure
5 below
` <>`__.
You can also get to this page directly by going to
` <>`__
.. figure:: images/5fig-PB-GetStarted.png
:align: center
:alt: Getting Started Page
Getting Started Page
1. Download the latest image onto your computer by following the link to
the latest image and click on the Debian image for Stretch IoT (non-GUI)
for BeagleBone and PocketBeagle via microSD card. See Figure 6 below.
This will download a .img.xz file into the downloads folder of your
.. figure:: images/6fig-PB-DownloadSW.png
:align: center
:alt: Download Latest Software Image
Download Latest Software Image
1. Transfer the image to a microSD card.
Download and install an SD card programming utility if you do not
already have one. We like for new users and so we
show that one in the steps below. Go to your downloads folder and
doubleclick on the .exe file and follow the on-screen prompts. See
figure 7.
.. figure:: images/7fig-PB-Etcherdownload.png
:align: center
:alt: Download Etcher SD Card Utility
Download Etcher SD Card Utility
Insert a new microSD card into a card reader/writer and attach it via
the USB connection to your computer. Follow the instructions on the
screen for selecting the .img file and burning the image from your
computer to the microSD card. Eject the SD card reader when prompted and
remove the card. See Figures 8 and 9.
.. figure:: images/8fig-PB-Etcherselectimage.png
:align: center
:alt: Select the PocketBeagle Image
Select the PocketBeagle Image
.. figure:: images/9fig-PB-Etcherfinish.png
:align: center
:alt: Burn the Image to the SD Card
Burn the Image to the SD Card
1. Insert the microSD card into the board - you'll hear a satisfying
click when it seats properly into the slot. It is important that your
microSD card is fully inserted prior to powering the system.
.. figure:: images/10fig-PB-SDcardinsert2.jpg
:align: center
:alt: Insert the microSD Card into PocketBeagle
Insert the microSD Card into PocketBeagle
1. Connect the micro USB connector on your cable to the board as shown
in Figure 11. The microUSB connector is fairly robust, but we suggest
that you not use the cable as a leash for your PocketBeagle. Take proper
care not to put too much stress on the connector or cable.
.. figure:: images/11fig-PB-microUSBattach1.jpg
:align: center
:alt: Insert the micro USB Connector into PocketBeagle
Insert the micro USB Connector into PocketBeagle
1. Connect the large connector of the USB cable to your Linux, Mac or
Windows PC USB port as shown in Figure 12. The board will power on and
the power LED will be on as shown in Figure 13 below.
.. figure:: images/12fig-PB-USBtoPC1.jpg
:align: center
:alt: Insert the USB connector into PC
Insert the USB connector into PC
.. figure:: images/13fig-PB-PowerLED1.png
:align: center
:alt: Board Power LED
Board Power LED
1. As soon as you apply power, the board will begin the booting process
and the userLEDs **Figure 14** will come on in sequence as shown below.
It will take a few seconds for the status LEDs to come on, like teaching
PocketBeagle to 'stay'. The LEDs will be flashing as it begins to boot
the Linux kernel. While the four user LEDS can be over written and used
as desired, they do have specific meanings in the image that you've
initially placed on your microSD card once the Linux kernel has booted.
- **USER0** is the heartbeat indicator from the Linux kernel.
- **USER1** turns on when the microSD card is being accessed
- **USER2** is an activity indicator. It turns on when the kernel is
not in the idle loop.
- **USER3** idle
.. figure:: images/14fig-PB-UserLEDs1.png
:align: center
:alt: User LEDs
User LEDs
.. _accessing_the_board_and_getting_started_with_coding:
Accessing the Board and Getting Started with Coding
The board will appear as a USB Storage drive on your PC after the kernel
has booted, which will take approximately 10 seconds. The kernel on the
board needs to boot before the port gets enumerated. Once the board
appears as a storage drive, do the following:
1. Open the USB Drive folder to view the files on your PocketBeagle.
2. Launch Interactive Quick Start Guide.
Right Click on the file named **START.HTM** and open it in Chrome or
Firefox. This will use your browser to open a file running on
PocketBeagle via the microSD card. You will see
file:///Volumes/BEAGLEBONE/START.htm in the url bar of the browser. See
Figure 15 below. This action displays an interactive Quick Start Guide
from PocketBeagle.
.. figure:: images/15fig-PB-starthtmpage.png
:align: center
:alt: Interactive Quick Start Guide Launch
Interactive Quick Start Guide Launch
1. Enable a Network Connection.
Click on 'Step 2' of the Interactive Quick Start Guide page to follow
instructions to "Enable a Network Connection" (pointing to the DHCP
server that is running on PocketBeagle). Copy the appropriate IP Address
from the chart (according to your PC operating system type) and paste
into your browser then add a **:3000** to the end of it. See example in
Figure 16 below. This will launch from PocketBeagle one of it's favorite
Web Based Development Environments, Cloud9 IDE, (Figure 17) so that you
can teach your beagle new tricks!
.. figure:: images/16fig-PB-enablenetwork.png
:align: center
:alt: Enable a Network Connection
Enable a Network Connection
.. figure:: images/17fig-PB-cloud9.png
:align: center
:alt: Launch Cloud9 IDE
Launch Cloud9 IDE
1. Get Started Coding with Cloud9 IDE - blinking USR3 LED in JavaScript
using the BoneScript library example
#. Create a new text file
.. image:: images/SRM1_cloud9blinkPB.png
Copy and paste the below code into the editor
.. code-block::
var b = require('bonescript');
var state = b.LOW;
b.pinMode("USR3", b.OUTPUT);
setInterval(toggle, 250); // toggle 4 times a second, every 250ms
function toggle() {
if(state == b.LOW) state = b.HIGH;
else state = b.LOW;
b.digitalWrite("USR3", state);
.. image:: images/SRM2_cloud9blinkPB.png
.. image:: images/SRM3_cloud9blinkPB.png
Save the new text file as *blinkusr3.js* within the default directory
.. code-block::
node blinkusr3.js
within the default (/var/lib/cloud9) directory
.. image:: images/SRM4_cloud9blinkPB.png
Type CTRL+C to stop the program running
.. _powering_down:
Powering Down
| 1. Standard Power Down Press the power button momentarily with a tap.
The system will power down automatically. This will shut down your
software with grace. Software routines will run to completion.
| The Standard Power Down can also be invoked from the Linux command
shell via "sudo shutdown -h now".
| 2. Hard Power Down Press the power button for 10 seconds. This will
force an immediate shut down of the software. For example you may lose
any items you have written to the memory. Holding the button longer
than 10 seconds will perform a power reset and the system will power
back on.
1. Remove the USB cable Remember to hold your board firmly at the USB
connection while you remove the cable to prevent damage to the USB
4. Powering up again. If you'd like to power up again without removing
the USB cable follow these instructions:
#. If you used Step 1 above to power down, to power back up, hold the
power button for 10 seconds, release then tap it once and the system
will boot normally.
#. If you used Step 2 above to power down, to power back up, simply tap
the power button and the system will boot normally.
.. figure:: images/20fig-PB-powerbutton.png
:align: center
:alt: Power Button
Power Button
.. _other_ways_to_connect_up_to_your_pocketbeagle:
Other ways to Connect up to your PocketBeagle
The board can be configured in several different ways. Future revisions
of this document may include additional configurations.
As other examples become documented, we'll update them on the Wiki for
PocketBeagle ` <>`__
See also the `on-line discussion. <!msg/beagleboard/JtOGZb-FH2A/9GVu7I6kAQAJ>`__
.. _pocketbeagle_overview:
PocketBeagle Overview
PocketBeagle is built around Octavo Systems' OSD335x-SM
System-In-Package that integrates a high-performance Texas Instruments
AM3358 processor, 512MB of DDR3, power management, nonvolatile serial
memory and over 100 passive components into a single package. This
integration saves board space by eliminating several packages that would
otherwise need to be placed on the board, but more notably simplifies
our board design so we can focus on the user experience.
The compact PocketBeagle design also offers access through the expansion
headers to many of the interfaces and allows for the use of add-on
boards called PocketCapes and Click Boards from MikroElektronika, to add
many different combinations of features. A user may also develop their
own board or add their own circuitry.
.. _pocketbeagle_features_and_specification:
PocketBeagle Features and Specification
This section covers the specifications and features of the board in a
chart and provides a high level description of the major components and
interfaces that make up the board.
.. table:: PocketBeagle Features
| **Feature** | '''''' |
| System-In-Package | Octavo Systems OSD335x-SM in 256 Ball BGA |
| | (21mm x 21mm) |
| SiP Incorporates | |
| Processor | Texas Instruments 1GHz Sitara™ AM3358 ARM® |
| | Cortex®-A8 with NEON floating-point |
| | accelerator |
| Graphics Engine | Imagination Technologies PowerVR SGX530 |
| | Graphics Accelerator |
| Real-Time Units | 2x programmable real-time unit (PRU) 32-bit |
| | 200MHz microcontrollers with single-cycle |
| | I/O latency |
| Coprocessor | ARM® Cortex®-M3 for power management |
| | functions |
| SDRAM Memory | 512MB DDR3 800MHz RAM |
| Non-Volatile Memory | 4KB I2C EEPROM for board configuration |
| | information |
| Power Management | TPS65217C PMIC along with TL5209 LDO to |
| | provide power to the system with integrated |
| | 1-cell LiPo battery support |
| Connectivity | |
| SD/MMC | Bootable microSD card slot |
| USB | High speed USB 2.0 OTG (host/client) |
| | micro-B connector |
| Debug Support | JTAG test points and gdb/other monitor-mode |
| | debug possible |
| Power Source | microUSB connector, also expansion header |
| | options (battery, VIN or USB-VIN) |
| User I/O | Power Button with press detection interrupt |
| | via TPS65217C PMIC |
| Expansion Header | |
| USB | High speed USB 2.0 OTG (host/client) |
| | control signals |
| Analog Inputs | 8 analog inputs with 6 @ 1.8V and 2 @ 3.3V |
| | along with 1.8V references |
| Digital I/O | 44 digital GPIOs accessible with 18 enabled |
| | by default including 2 shared with the 3.3V |
| | analog input pins |
| UART | 3 UARTs accessible with 2 enabled by |
| | default |
| I2C | 2 I2C busses enabled by default |
| SPI | 2 SPI busses with single chip selects |
| | enabled by default |
| PWM | 4 Pulse Width Modulation outputs accessible |
| | with 2 enabled by default |
| QEP | 2 Quadrature encoder inputs accessible |
| CAN | 2 CAN bus controllers accessible |
.. _osd3358_512m_bsm_system_in_package:
OSD3358-512M-BSM System in Package
The Octavo Systems OSD3358-512M-BSM System-In-Package (SiP) is part of a
family of products that are building blocks designed to allow easy and
cost-effective implementation of systems based in Texas Instruments
powerful Sitara AM335x line of processors. The OSD335x-SM integrates the
AM335x along with the TI TPS65217C PMIC, the TI TL5209 LDO, up to 1 GB
of DDR3 Memory, a 4 KB EEPROM for non-volatile configuration storage and
resistors, capacitors and inductors into a single 21mm x 21mm
design-in-ready package.
With this level of integration, the OSD335x-SM family of SiPs allows
designers to focus on the key aspects of their system without spending
time on the complicated high-speed design of the processor/DDR3
interface or the PMIC power distribution. It reduces size and complexity
of design.
Full Datasheet and more information is available at
` <>`__
.. _board_component_locations:
Board Component Locations
This section describes the key components on the board, their location
and function.
Figure below shows the locations of the devices, connectors, LEDs,
and switches on the PCB layout of the board.
.. figure:: images/21fig-PB-walkaround.png
:align: center
:alt: Key Board Component Locations
Key Board Component Locations
**Key Components**
- **The Octavo Systems OSD3358-512M-BSM System-In-Package** is the
processor system for the board
- **P1 and P2 Headers** come unpopulated so a user may choose their
- **User LEDs** provides 4 programmable blue LEDs
- **Power BUTTON** can be used to power up or power down the board (see
section 3.3.3 for details)
- **USB 2.0 OTG** is a microUSB connection to a PC that can also power
the board
- **Power LED** provides communication regarding the power to the board
- **microSD** slot is where a microSD card can be installed.
\ No newline at end of file
.. _pocketbeagle_high_level_specification:
PocketBeagle High Level Specification
This section provides the high level specification of PocketBeagle.
.. _block_diagram:
Block Diagram
Figure 22 below is the high level block diagram of PocketBeagle.
.. figure:: images/22fig-PB-blockdiagram.png
:align: center
:alt: PocketBeagle Key Components
PocketBeagle Key Components
.. _system_in_package_sip:
System in Package (SiP)
The OSD335x-SM Block Diagram is detailed in Figure 23 below. More
information, including design resources are available on the
`'Octavo Systems Website' <>`__
.. figure:: images/OSD335x-color-block.jpg
:align: center
:alt: OSD335x SIP Block Diagram
OSD335x SIP Block Diagram
Note: PocketBeagle utilizes the 512MB DDR3 memory size version of the
OSD335x-SM A few of the features of the OSD335x-SM SiP may not be
available on PocketBeagle headers. Please check Section 7 for the P1 and
P2 header pin tables.
.. _expansion_headers:
Expansion Headers
PocketBeagle gives access to a large number of peripheral functions and
GPIO via 2 dual rail expansion headers. With 36 pins each, the headers
have been left unpopulated to enable users to choose the header
connector orientation or add-on board / cape connector style. Pins are
clearly marked on the bottom of the board with additional pin
configurations available through software settings. Detailed information
is available in Section 7.
.. figure:: images/24fig-PB-Headerphoto.png
:align: center
:alt: PocketBeagle Expansion Headers
PocketBeagle Expansion Headers
.. _microsd_connector:
microSD Connector
The board is equipped with a single microSD connector to act as the
primary boot source for the board. Just about any microSD card you have
will work, we commonly find 4G to be suitable.
When plugging in the SD card, the writing on the card should be up.
Align the card with the connector and push to insert. Then release.
There should be a click and the card will start to eject slightly, but
it then should latch into the connector. To eject the card, push the SD
card in and then remove your finger. The SD card will be ejected from
the connector. Do not pull the SD card out or you could damage the
.. figure:: images/25fig-PB-SDcard.png
:align: center
:alt: microSD Connector
microSD Connector
.. _usb_2.0_connector:
USB 2.0 Connector
The board has a microUSB connector that is USB 2.0 HS compatible that
connects the USB0 port to the SiP. Generally this port is used as a
client USB port connected to a power source, such as your PC, to power
the board. If you would like to use this port in host mode you will need
to supply power for peripherals via Header P1 pin 7 (USB1.VIN) or
through a powered USB Hub. Additionally, in the USB host configuration,
you will need to power the board through Header P1 pin 1 (VIN) or Header
P1 pin 7 (USB1.VIN) or Header P2 pin 14 (BAT.VIN)
.. figure:: images/26fig-PB-USB.png
:align: center
:alt: USB 2.0 Connector
USB 2.0 Connector
.. _boot_modes:
Boot Modes
There are three boot modes:
- **SD Boot**: MicroSD connector acts as the primary boot source for
the board. This is described in Section 3.
- **USB Boot**: This mode supports booting over the USB port. More
information can be found in the project called "BeagleBoot" This
project ported the BeagleBone bootloader server BBBlfs(currently
written in c) to JavaScript(node.js) and make a cross platform GUI
(using electron framework) flashing tool utilizing the
project. This will allow a single code base for a cross platform
tool. For more information on BeagleBoot, see the `BeagleBoot Project
Page <>`__.
- **Serial Boot**: This mode will use the serial port to allow
downloading of the software. A separate USB to TTL level `serial UART
cable <>`__
is required or you can connect one of the Mikroelektronika `FTDI
Click Boards <>`__ to use this
method. The UART pins on PocketBeagle's expansion headers support the
interface. For more information regarding the pins on the expansion
headers and various modes, see Section 7.
.. table:: UART Pins on Expansion Headers for Serial Boot
| **H | **S | **Proc | **SiP | **Pin Name |
| eader.Pin** | ilkscreen** | Ball** | Ball** | (Mode 0)** |
| P1.22 | GND | | | GND |
| P1.30 | U0_TX | E16 | B12 | uart0_txd |
| P1.32 | U0_RX | E15 | A12 | uart0_rxd |
| | | | | |
If the Serial Boot is not in use, the UART0 pins can be used for Serial
Debug. See Section 5.6 for more information.
*Software to support USB and serial boot modes is not provided by*
*Please contact TI for support of this feature.*
The board can be powered from three different sources:
- A USB port on a PC.
- A power supply with a USB connector.
- Expansion Header pins.
.. Note:: VIN-USB is directly shorted between the USB connector on PocketBeagle and USB1_VI on the expansion headers. You should only source power to the board over one of these and may optionally use the other as a power sink.
The tables below show the power related pins available on PocketBeagle's
Expansion Headers.
.. table:: Power Inputs Available on Expansion Headers
| **H | **S | **Proc | **SiP | **Pin Name |
| eader.Pin** | ilkscreen** | Ball** | Ball** | (Mode 0)** |
| P1.01 | VIN | | P10, R10, | VIN |
| | | | T10 | |
| P1.07 | USB1_VI | | P9, R9, T9 | VIN-USB |
| P2.14 | BAT_+ | | P8, R8, T8 | VIN-BAT |
.. table:: Power Outputs Available on Expansion Headers
| **H | **S | **Proc | **SiP | **Pin Name |
| eader.Pin** | ilkscreen** | Ball** | Ball** | (Mode 0)** |
| P1.14 | +3.3V | | F6, F7, G6, | VOUT-3.3V |
| | | | G7 | |
| P1.24 | VOUT | | K6, K7, L6, | VOUT-5V |
| | | | L7 | |
| P2.13 | VOUT | | K6, K7, L6, | VOUT-5V |
| | | | L7 | |
| P2.23 | +3.3V | | F6, F7, G6, | VOUT-3.3V |
| | | | G7 | |
.. table:: Ground Pins Available on Expansion Headers
| **H | **S | **Proc | **SiP | **Pin Name |
| eader.Pin** | ilkscreen** | Ball** | Ball** | (Mode 0)** |
| P1.15 | USB1_GND | | | GND |
| P1.16 | GND | | | GND |
| P1.22 | GND | | | GND |
| P2.15 | GND | | | GND |
| P2.21 | GND | | | GND |
.. Note:: A comprehensive tutorial for Power Inputs and Outputs for the OSD335x System in Package is available in the `'Tutorial Series' <>`__ on the Octavo Systems website.
.. _jtag_pads:
Pads for an optional connection to a JTAG emulator has been provided on
the back of PocketBeagle. More information about JTAG emulation can be
found on the TI website - `'Entry-level debug through full-capability
development' <>`__
.. figure:: images/27fig-PB-JTAGpads.png
:align: center
:alt: JTAG Pad Connections
JTAG Pad Connections
.. _serial_debug_port:
Serial Debug Port
Serial debug is provided via UART0 on the processor. See Section 5.3.4
for the Header Pin table. Signals supported are TX and RX. None of the
handshake signals (CTS/RTS) are supported. A separate USB to TTL level
`serial UART converter cable <>`__
is required or you can connect one of the Mikroelektronika `FTDI Click
Boards <>`__ to use this method.
.. figure:: images/28fig-PB-serialdebug.png
:align: center
:alt: Serial Debug Connections
If serial boot is not used, the UART0 can be used to view boot messages
during startup and can provide access to a console using a terminal
access program like `Putty <>`__. To view the boot
messages or use the console the UART should be set to a baud rate of
115200 and use 8 bits for data, no parity bit and 1 stop bit (8N1).
\ No newline at end of file
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
.. _pocketbeagle_pocketcape_support:
PocketCape Support
This is a placeholder for recommendations for those building their own
PocketCape designs. If you'd like to join the conversation
`'check out the discussion on the google group for PocketBeagle' <!category-topic/beagleboard/pocketbeagle/Uxx_9ce2YHM>`__
\ No newline at end of file
.. _pocketbeagle_mechanical:
PocketBeagle Mechanical
.. _dimensions_and_weight:
9.1 Dimensions and Weight
Size: 2.21” x 1.38” (56mm x 35mm)
Max height: .197” (5mm)
PCB size: 55mm x 35mm
PCB Layers: 4
PCB thickness: 1.6mm
RoHS Compliant: Yes
Weight: 10g
Rough model can be found at
` <>`__
\ No newline at end of file
.. _pocketbeagle_additional_pictures:
Additional Pictures
.. figure:: images/PocketBeagle_Front_BW.jpg
:align: center
:alt: PocketBeagle Front BW
PocketBeagle Front BW
.. figure:: images/PocketBeagle_Back_BW.jpg
:align: center
:alt: PocketBeagle Back BW
PocketBeagle Back BW
\ No newline at end of file
.. _pocketbeagle_support_information:
Support Information
All support for this design is through the community at:
- ` <>`__ or
- ` <>`__.
.. _hardware_design:
Hardware Design
Design documentation can be found on the wiki. Including:
- Schematic in PDF
- Schematic and layout in EAGLE
- Schematic and layout in KiCAD
- Bill of Materials
- System Reference Manual
.. _software_updates:
Software Updates
It is a good idea to always use the latest software. Instructions for
how to update your software to the latest version can be found at:
Download the latest software files from
` <>`__
.. _export_information:
Export Information
- CCATS: G173833
- Documentation:
` <>`__
.. _rma_support:
RMA Support
If you feel your board is defective or has issues and before returning
merchandise, please seek approval from the manufacturer using
` <>`__.
You will need the manufacturer, model, revision and serial number of the
.. _getting_help:
Getting Help
If you need some up to date troubleshooting techniques, the Wiki is a
great place to start
` <>`__.
If you need professional support, check out
` <>`__.

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