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Commit c82e9aa0 authored by Eli Cohen's avatar Eli Cohen Committed by David S. Miller
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mlx4_core: resource tracking for HCA resources used by guests

The resource tracker is used to track usage of HCA resources by the different

Virtual functions (VFs) are attached to guest operating systems but
resources are allocated from the same pool and are assigned to VFs. It is
essential that hostile/buggy guests not be able to affect the operation of
other VFs, possibly attached to other guest OSs since ConnectX firmware is not
tolerant to misuse of resources.

The resource tracker module associates each resource with a VF and maintains
state information for the allocated object. It also defines allowed state
transitions and enforces them.

Relationships between resources are also referred to. For example, CQs are
pointed to by QPs, so it is forbidden to destroy a CQ if a QP refers to it.

ICM memory is always accessible through the primary function and hence it is
allocated by the owner of the primary function.

When a guest dies, an FLR is generated for all the VFs it owns and all the
resources it used are freed.

The tracked resource types are: QPs, CQs, SRQs, MPTs, MTTs, MACs, RES_EQs,
and XRCDNs.

Signed-off-by: default avatarEli Cohen <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarJack Morgenstein <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarDavid S. Miller <>
parent acba2420
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