## release="9.5" image_type="machinekit" ## ##Debootstrap: https://wiki.debian.org/Debootstrap ## ##debootstrap --arch=${deb_arch} --include=${deb_include} --exclude=${deb_exclude} \ ##--components=${deb_components} --foreign ${deb_codename} /tmp/tmp.dir/ http://${deb_mirror} ## deb_distribution="debian" deb_codename="stretch" deb_arch="armhf" # deb_include=" \ alsa-utils \ at \ automake \ avahi-utils \ bash-completion \ bc \ bluetooth \ build-essential \ ca-certificates \ can-utils \ connman \ cpufrequtils \ curl \ device-tree-compiler \ dosfstools \ dnsmasq \ firmware-atheros \ firmware-brcm80211 \ firmware-iwlwifi \ firmware-libertas \ firmware-misc-nonfree \ firmware-realtek \ firmware-ti-connectivity \ firmware-zd1211 \ git-core \ haveged \ hdparm \ hexedit \ hostapd \ htop \ i2c-tools \ initramfs-tools \ iperf \ iw \ less \ libiio-utils \ libncurses5-dev \ libnss-mdns \ libtool \ libdbus-1-dev \ libusb-1.0-0-dev \ linux-base \ linux-cpupower \ locales \ lshw \ lsof \ lzma \ lzop \ memtester \ net-tools \ openssh-server \ pastebinit \ pkg-config \ ppp \ python-dev \ python3 \ python3-dev \ python3-numpy \ python3-setuptools \ rfkill \ rsync \ screen \ ssl-cert \ sudo \ systemd \ tio \ tmux \ u-boot-tools \ udhcpd \ unzip \ usb-modeswitch \ usbutils \ vim \ wget \ wireless-tools \ wpasupplicant \ xz-utils \ " # deb_exclude="" # deb_components="main contrib non-free" deb_mirror="" ## ##Some packages fail to install via debootstrap: deb_additional_pkgs="<comma|space>" ## deb_additional_pkgs=" \ btrfs-progs \ dirmngr \ libjpeg-dev \ libnotify-bin \ libpam-systemd \ libprotobuf-dev \ libprotobuf-c0-dev \ libzmq3-dev \ protobuf-c-compiler \ python-smbus \ python-setuptools \ zip \ " ## rfs_username="machinekit" rfs_fullname="Kit Ex Machina" rfs_password="machinekit" rfs_hostname="beaglebone" rfs_startup_scripts="enable" rfs_opt_scripts="https://github.com/RobertCNelson/boot-scripts" rfs_default_desktop="" rfs_desktop_background="" rfs_default_locale="en_US.UTF-8" rfs_etc_dogtag="Machinekit Debian Image" rfs_console_banner="Support/FAQ: http://www.machinekit.io/" rfs_console_user_pass="enable" rfs_ssh_banner="Support/FAQ: http://www.machinekit.io/" rfs_ssh_user_pass="enable" ## ##enable kernel repo: http://repos.rcn-ee.com/(debian|ubuntu) repo_rcnee="enable" repo_rcnee_pkg_list=" \ bb-cape-overlays \ bb-customizations \ bb-wl18xx-firmware \ firmware-am57xx-opencl-monitor \ ipumm-dra7xx-installer \ gpiod \ linux-image-4.14.79-ti-rt-r82 \ pru-software-support-package \ rcn-ee-archive-keyring \ roboticscape \ ti-pru-cgt-installer \ tiomapconf \ vpdma-dra7xx-installer \ wireguard-tools \ " ## ##nodejs: https://github.com/nodesource/distributions ## make sure to add: apt-transport-https #repo_nodesource="node_0.12" #repo_nodesource="node_4.x" #repo_nodesource="node_6.x" #repo_nodesource="node_8.x" #repo_nodesource_dist="stretch" ## repo_rcnee_pkg_version="4.14.79-ti-rt-r82" include_firmware="enable" # repo_external="enable" repo_external_arch="armhf" repo_external_server="http://deb.machinekit.io/debian" repo_external_dist="stretch" repo_external_components="main" repo_external_key="deb.machinekit.io.pubkey.asc" repo_external_pkg_list=" \ machinekit-rt-preempt \ " # chroot_COPY_SETUP_SDCARD="enable" chroot_before_hook="" chroot_after_hook="machinekit/chroot_hook.sh" chroot_script="machinekit-stretch.sh" chroot_post_uenv_txt="" chroot_tarball="enable"