diff --git a/simppru-examples/button_click_rpmsg.rst b/simppru-examples/button_click_rpmsg.rst
index f21807fb41500190c615352472f41b74dafe8fc9..ac10f3f399e52bad8faa98c256338961bbe08b5d 100644
--- a/simppru-examples/button_click_rpmsg.rst
+++ b/simppru-examples/button_click_rpmsg.rst
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
 Sending state of button using RPMSG
-!!! info “Schematic” === “Pocket Beagle” |image0|
-   === "BeagleBone Black / Beagle Bone Black Wireless"
-       ![](images/led_button_beagle_bone_black.png)   
+.. image:: images/led_button_pocket_beagle.png
+   :width: 598
+   :align: center
+   :height: 400
+   :alt: Sending state of button using RPMSG
diff --git a/simppru-examples/delay.rst b/simppru-examples/delay.rst
index 7d6ead6ce927384fd5d6b7f056568b50fa39bc55..2f04b3bb8e1c55423179e7e04fca4d66ec2f1a96 100644
--- a/simppru-examples/delay.rst
+++ b/simppru-examples/delay.rst
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
 Delay example
-!!! info “Schematic” === “Pocket Beagle” |image0|
+.. image:: images/led_pocket_beagle.png
+   :width: 598
+   :align: center
+   :height: 400
+   :alt: Delay example
-   === "BeagleBone Black / Beagle Bone Black Wireless"
-       ![](images/led_beagle_bone_black.png)   
@@ -30,4 +30,3 @@ using the ``delay`` call, after that it writes LOW to header pin P1_31,
 then again waits for 5000ms using the ``delay`` call, and finally writes
 HIGH to header pin P1_31.
-.. |image0| image:: images/led_pocket_beagle.png
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/simppru-examples/digital_read.rst b/simppru-examples/digital_read.rst
index c39930612ddf5386ca6901753fa0234991d7b46f..9563db3a849fab8cb2a217fe1284c7e2b290753d 100644
--- a/simppru-examples/digital_read.rst
+++ b/simppru-examples/digital_read.rst
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
 Digital read example
-!!! info “Schematic” === “Pocket Beagle” |image0|
-   === "BeagleBone Black / Beagle Bone Black Wireless"
-       ![](images/led_button_beagle_bone_black.png)   
+.. image:: images/led_button_pocket_beagle.png
+   :width: 598
+   :align: center
+   :height: 400
+   :alt: Digital read example
@@ -33,4 +32,3 @@ This code runs a never ending loop, since it is ``while : true``. Inside
 P1_29 is HIGH, header pin P1_31 is set to LOW, and if header pin P1_29
 is LOW, header pin P1_31 is set to HIGH.
-.. |image0| image:: images/led_button_pocket_beagle.png
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/simppru-examples/digital_write.rst b/simppru-examples/digital_write.rst
index 45997aa502d5be6255a1ac21ecbb775a0a5d8f22..154ad1b1d5ea474ee2ea7a2f8b2f178f4da69384 100644
--- a/simppru-examples/digital_write.rst
+++ b/simppru-examples/digital_write.rst
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
 Digital write example
-!!! info “Schematic” === “Pocket Beagle” |image0|
-   === "BeagleBone Black / Beagle Bone Black Wireless"
-      ![](images/led_button_beagle_bone_black.png)
+.. image:: images/led_pocket_beagle.png
+   :width: 598
+   :align: center
+   :height: 400
+   :alt: Digital write example
@@ -26,4 +25,3 @@ Explaination
 This code runs a never ending loop, since it is ``while : true``. Inside
 ``while`` it sets header pin P1_31 to HIGH.
-.. |image0| image:: images/led_pocket_beagle.png
diff --git a/simppru-examples/hcsr04_example_rpmsg.rst b/simppru-examples/hcsr04_example_rpmsg.rst
index 91fa3eccb06a4a953074c3a7b7161dcdece719ee..4f54acc201afa93194cc98d000e6b68aaa0b877a 100644
--- a/simppru-examples/hcsr04_example_rpmsg.rst
+++ b/simppru-examples/hcsr04_example_rpmsg.rst
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
 HCSR04 Distance Sensor example (sending distance data to ARM using RPMSG)
-!!! info “Schematic” === “Pocket Beagle” |image0|
-   === "BeagleBone Black / Beagle Bone Black Wireless"
-       ![](images/hcsr04_beagle_bone_black.png)   
+.. image:: images/hcsr04_pocket_beagle.png
+   :width: 598
+   :align: center
+   :height: 400
+   :alt: HCSR04 Distance Sensor example
diff --git a/simppru-examples/hcsr04_sensor.rst b/simppru-examples/hcsr04_sensor.rst
index b246c1ca87392a6eb4fe464fb8329c30c0c0e552..f2005a9c024a1de79f0296144f29039197acddff 100644
--- a/simppru-examples/hcsr04_sensor.rst
+++ b/simppru-examples/hcsr04_sensor.rst
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
 Ultrasonic range sensor example
-!!! info “Schematic” === “Pocket Beagle” |image0|
-   === "BeagleBone Black / Beagle Bone Black Wireless"
-       ![](images/hcsr04_beagle_bone_black.png)   
+.. image:: images/hcsr04_pocket_beagle.png
+   :width: 598
+   :align: center
+   :height: 400
+   :alt: Ultrasonic range sensor example
diff --git a/simppru-examples/images/simpPRU.png b/simppru-examples/images/simpPRU.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8bd57d860b6b740b9d44ad037cc5d709722ff060
Binary files /dev/null and b/simppru-examples/images/simpPRU.png differ
diff --git a/simppru-examples/index.rst b/simppru-examples/index.rst
index 82f8593265d0f67b955b72980e355c95b4a6cfd8..c0bc8b26577ae1b5232eeeb163ac4f8d3bf6dd6c 100644
--- a/simppru-examples/index.rst
+++ b/simppru-examples/index.rst
@@ -3,53 +3,32 @@
 simpPRU Examples
-The PRU is a dual core micro-controller system present on the AM335x SoC
-which powers the BeagleBone. It is meant to be used for high speed
-jitter free IO control. Being independent from the linux scheduler and
-having direct access to the IO pins of the BeagleBone Black, the PRU is
-ideal for offloading IO intensive tasks.
-Programming the PRU is a uphill task for a beginner, since it involves
-several steps, writing the firmware for the PRU, writing a loader
-program. This can be a easy task for a experienced developer, but it
-keeps many creative developers away. So, I propose to implement a easy
-to understand language for the PRU, hiding away all the low level stuff
-and providing a clean interface to program PRU.
-This can be achieved by implementing a language on top of PRU C. It will
-directly compile down to PRU C. This could also be solved by
-implementing a bytecode engine on the PRU, but this will result in waste
-of already limited resources on PRU. With this approach, both PRU cores
-can be run independent of each other.
+These are the examples which have been tested on simpPRU.These examples will serve as a guide for the users to implement.
 .. image:: images/simpPRU.png
    :width: 398
    :align: center
    :height: 200
-   :alt: simpPRU
-What is simpPRU
--  simpPRU is a procedural programming language.
--  It is a statically typed language. Variables and functions must be
-   assigned data types during compilation.
--  It is typesafe, and data types of variables are decided during
-   compilation.
--  simPRU codes have a ``.sim`` extension.
--  simpPRU provides a console app to use Remoteproc functionality.
+   :alt: simpPRU Examples
 .. toctree::
    :maxdepth: 1
-   build.rst
-   install.rst
-   language.rst
-   io.rst
-   usage-simppru.rst
-   usage-simppru-console.rst
+   delay.rst
+   digital_read.rst
+   digital_write.rst
+   hcsr04_example_rpmsg.rst
+   hcsr04_sensor.rst
+   button_click_rpmsg.rst
+   led_blink_button.rst
+   led_blink_for.rst
+   led_blink_while.rst
+   led_blink.rst
+   read_counter.rst
+   rpmsg_example.rst
+   rpmsg_pru_calculator.rst
diff --git a/simppru-examples/led_blink.rst b/simppru-examples/led_blink.rst
index 39fa662530dd6aec2f07e9f7c23d13a4dbcc9450..28f49776d6436afad17d1efdd76cc9c1c4858228 100644
--- a/simppru-examples/led_blink.rst
+++ b/simppru-examples/led_blink.rst
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
 LED blink example
-!!! info “Schematic” === “Pocket Beagle” |image0|
-   === "BeagleBone Black / Beagle Bone Black Wireless"
-       ![](images/led_beagle_bone_black.png)
+.. image:: images/led_pocket_beagle.png
+   :width: 598
+   :align: center
+   :height: 400
+   :alt: LED blink example
@@ -31,4 +30,3 @@ This code runs a never ending loop, since it is ``while : true``. Inside
 header pin P1_31 to LOW, then again it waits for 1000ms. This loop runs
 endlessly, so we get a Blinking output if one connects a LED
-.. |image0| image:: images/led_pocket_beagle.png
diff --git a/simppru-examples/led_blink_button.rst b/simppru-examples/led_blink_button.rst
index 45374e3445ea57745be316f3a926b6d9c219c424..915a813eb03f41b3fea488329b619a03467df827 100644
--- a/simppru-examples/led_blink_button.rst
+++ b/simppru-examples/led_blink_button.rst
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
 LED blink on button press example
-!!! info “Schematic” === “Pocket Beagle” |image0|
-   === "BeagleBone Black / Beagle Bone Black Wireless"
-       ![](images/led_button_beagle_bone_black.png)   
+.. image:: images/led_button_pocket_beagle.png
+   :width: 598
+   :align: center
+   :height: 400
+   :alt: LED blink on button press example
@@ -34,5 +33,3 @@ HIGH, waits for 1000ms, then sets header pin P1_31 to LOW, then again it
 waits for 1000ms. This loop runs endlessly as long as header pin P1_29
 is HIGH, so we get a Blinking output if one connects a LED to output
-.. |image0| image:: images/led_button_pocket_beagle.png
diff --git a/simppru-examples/led_blink_counter.rst b/simppru-examples/led_blink_counter.rst
index a2641cf1a99942213e21fc767d90b8350d5ea010..3719694e21a3531b0b195ccd3dd52e8eec5e3e83 100644
--- a/simppru-examples/led_blink_counter.rst
+++ b/simppru-examples/led_blink_counter.rst
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
 LED blink using hardware counter
-!!! info “Schematic” === “Pocket Beagle” |image0|
-   === "BeagleBone Black / Beagle Bone Black Wireless"
-       ![](images/led_beagle_bone_black.png)
+.. image:: images/led_pocket_beagle.png
+   :width: 598
+   :align: center
+   :height: 400
+   :alt: LED blink using hardware counter
@@ -49,5 +48,3 @@ loop. Here, we check if ``read_counter`` is less than 200000000, as
 counter takes exactly 1 second to count this much cycles, so basically
 the LED is turned on for 1 second, and then turned off for 1 second.
 Thus if a LED is connected to the pin, we get a endlessly blinking LED.
-.. |image0| image:: images/led_pocket_beagle.png
diff --git a/simppru-examples/led_blink_for.rst b/simppru-examples/led_blink_for.rst
index dda15efb2620172a2f4e26fb9075c57fe487e1ef..18a774cb76f922fd886223f3ca71d5779a38aef4 100644
--- a/simppru-examples/led_blink_for.rst
+++ b/simppru-examples/led_blink_for.rst
@@ -1,14 +1,12 @@
 LED blink using for loop example
-!!! info “Schematic” === “Pocket Beagle” |image0|
-   === "BeagleBone Black / Beagle Bone Black Wireless"
-       ![](images/led_beagle_bone_bl
+.. image:: images/led_pocket_beagle.png
+   :width: 598
+   :align: center
+   :height: 400
+   :alt: LED blink using hardware counter
@@ -33,4 +31,3 @@ to LOW, then again it waits for 1000ms. This loop runs endlessly, so we
 get a Blinking output if one connects a LED. So LED will blink 10 times
 with this code.
-.. |image0| image:: images/led_pocket_beagle.png
diff --git a/simppru-examples/led_blink_while.rst b/simppru-examples/led_blink_while.rst
index 6227fcb6c5fb7b8e29529aeb3d58bfef028113e8..4576780055edc94901dc69ac3fa1e34059643199 100644
--- a/simppru-examples/led_blink_while.rst
+++ b/simppru-examples/led_blink_while.rst
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
 LED blink using while loop example
-!!! info “Schematic” === “Pocket Beagle” |image0|
-   === "BeagleBone Black / Beagle Bone Black Wireless"
-       ![](images/led_beagle_bone_black.png)
+.. image:: images/led_pocket_beagle.png
+   :width: 598
+   :align: center
+   :height: 400
+   :alt: LED blink using while loop example
@@ -31,4 +30,3 @@ Inside ``while`` it sets header pin P1_31 to HIGH, waits for 1000ms,
 then sets header pin P1_31 to LOW, then again it waits for 1000ms. This
 loop runs endlessly, so we get a Blinking output if one connects a LED
-.. |image0| image:: images/led_pocket_beagle.png
diff --git a/simppru/index.rst b/simppru/index.rst
index fd36882a7c7c28203e5978b2d9831d8d5667c20e..d8e953f4e8a97e719c9e204477e7d8555bbe7c1e 100644
--- a/simppru/index.rst
+++ b/simppru/index.rst
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ What is simpPRU
    assigned data types during compilation.
 -  It is typesafe, and data types of variables are decided during
--  simPRU codes have a ``.sim`` extension.
+-  simpPRU codes have a ``.sim`` extension.
 -  simpPRU provides a console app to use Remoteproc functionality.
diff --git a/simppru/io.rst b/simppru/io.rst
index 8b7e63e6bb07e6be75a6770509114966f14eeb52..fe2e84102b1ea9c1e043b0fdb5e52e7163db3a2d 100644
--- a/simppru/io.rst
+++ b/simppru/io.rst
@@ -1,158 +1,6 @@
 IO Functions
-PRU<->Header pin mappings
-=== “PocketBeagle” === “PRU0” \| R30 Register bit (Output) \| R31
-Register bit (Input) \| Header pin \| \| :————–: \| :————–: \| :——–: \|
-\| - \| 16 \| P1_20 \| \| 7 \| 7 \| P1_29 \| \| 4 \| 4 \| P1_31 \| \| 1
-\| 1 \| P1_33 \| \| 0 \| 0 \| P1_36 \| \| - \| 15 \| P2_18 \| \| 15 \| -
-\| P2_33 \| \| - \| 14 \| P2_22 \| \| 14 \| - \| P2_24 \| \| 6 \| 6 \|
-P2_28 \| \| 3 \| 3 \| P2_30 \| \| 2 \| 2 \| P2_32 \| \| 5 \| 5 \| P2_34
-   === "PRU1"
-       | R30 Register bit (Output) | R31 Register bit (Input) | Header pin |
-       | :--------------: | :--------------: | :--------: |
-       | 9 | 9 | P1_02 |
-       | 11 | 11 | P1_04 |
-       | 15 | 15 | P1_30 |
-       | 14 | 14 | P1_32 |
-       | 10 | 10 | P1_35 |
-       | - | 16 | P2_31 |
-       | 8 | 8 | P2_35 |
-=== “BeagleBone Black” === “PRU0” \| R30 Register bit (Output) \| R31
-Register bit (Input) \| Header pin \| \| :————–: \| :————–: \| :——–: \|
-\| - \| 15 \| P8_15 \| \| 15 \| - \| P8_11 \| \| - \| 14 \| P8_16 \| \|
-14 \| - \| P8_12 \| \| 7 \| 7 \| P9_25 \| \| 5 \| 5 \| P9_27 \| \| 3 \|
-3 \| P9_28 \| \| 1 \| 1 \| P9_29 \| \| 2 \| 2 \| P9_30 \| \| 0 \| 0 \|
-P9_31 \| \| 6 \| 6 \| P9_41 \| \| 4 \| 4 \| P9_42 \|
-   === "PRU1"
-       | R30 Register bit (Output) | R31 Register bit (Input) | Header pin |
-       | :--------------: | :--------------: | :--------: |
-       | 13 | 13 | P8_20 |
-       | 12 | 12 | P8_21 |
-       | 8 | 8 | **P8_27 |
-       | 10 | 10 | **P8_28 |
-       | 9 | 9 | **P8_29 |
-       | 6 | 6 | **P8_39 |
-       | 7 | 7 | **P8_40 |
-       | 4 | 4 | **P8_41 |
-       | 5 | 5 | **P8_42 |
-       | 2 | 2 | **P8_43 |
-       | 3 | 3 | **P8_44 |
-       | 0 | 0 | **P8_45 |
-       | 1 | 1 | **P8_46 |
-       ** Before using these pins, you need to disable HDMI functionality.     
-          You can read how to do this [here](https://archive.vn/D8Bzy)
-=== “BeagleBone Black Wireless” === “PRU0” \| R30 Register bit (Output)
-\| R31 Register bit (Input) \| Header pin \| \| :————–: \| :————–: \|
-:——–: \| \| - \| 15 \| P8_15 \| \| 15 \| - \| P8_11 \| \| - \| 14 \|
-P8_16 \| \| 14 \| - \| P8_12 \| \| 7 \| 7 \| P9_25 \| \| 5 \| 5 \| P9_27
-\| \| 3 \| 3 \| P9_28 \| \| 1 \| 1 \| P9_29 \| \| 2 \| 2 \| P9_30 \| \|
-0 \| 0 \| P9_31 \| \| 6 \| 6 \| P9_41 \| \| 4 \| 4 \| P9_42 \|
-   === "PRU1"
-       | R30 Register bit (Output) | R31 Register bit (Input) | Header pin |
-       | :--------------: | :--------------: | :--------: |
-       | 13 | 13 | P8_20 |
-       | 12 | 12 | P8_21 |
-       | 8 | 8 | **P8_27 |
-       | 10 | 10 | **P8_28 |
-       | 9 | 9 | **P8_29 |
-       | 6 | 6 | **P8_39 |
-       | 7 | 7 | **P8_40 |
-       | 4 | 4 | **P8_41 |
-       | 5 | 5 | **P8_42 |
-       | 2 | 2 | **P8_43 |
-       | 3 | 3 | **P8_44 |
-       | 0 | 0 | **P8_45 |
-       | 1 | 1 | **P8_46 |
-       ** Before using these pins, you need to disable HDMI functionality.      
-          You can read how to do this [here](https://archive.vn/D8Bzy)
-=== “BeagleBone AI” === “PRU0” \| R30 Register bit (Output) \| R31
-Register bit (Input) \| Header pin \| \| :————–: \| :————–: \| :——–: \|
-\| 3 \| 3 \| P8_12 \| \| 4 \| 4 \| P8_11 \| \| 5 \| 5 \| P9_15 \| \| 17
-\| 17 \| P9_26 \|
-   === "PRU1"
-       | R30 Register bit (Output) | R31 Register bit (Input) | Header pin |
-       | :--------------: | :--------------: | :--------: |
-       | 1 | 1 | P9_20 |
-       | 2 | 2 | P9_19 |
-       | 3 | 3 | P9_41 |
-       | 5 | 5 | P8_18 |
-       | 6 | 6 | P8_19 |
-       | 7 | 7 | P8_13 |
-       | 9 | 9 | P8_14 |
-       | 10 | 10 | P9_42 |
-       | 11 | 11 | P9_27 |
-       | 14 | 14 | P9_14 |
-       | 15 | 15 | P9_16 |
-       | 16 | 16 | P8_15 |
-       | 17 | 17 | P8_26 |
-       | 18 | 18 | P8_16 |
-   === "PRU2"
-       | R30 Register bit (Output) | R31 Register bit (Input) | Header pin |
-       | :--------------: | :--------------: | :--------: |
-       | 10 | 10 | P8_33 |
-       | 11 | 11 | P8_31 |
-       | 6 | 6 | P8_38 |
-       | 7 | 7 | P8_36 |
-       | 20 | 20 | P8_08 |
-       | 15 | 15 | P9_13 |
-       | 3 | 3 | P8_39 |
-       | 2 | 2 | P8_42 |
-       | 9 | 9 | P8_35 |
-       | 8 | 8 | P8_34 |
-       | 5 | 5 | P8_37 |
-       | 4 | 4 | P8_40 |
-       | 17 | 17 | P8_28 |
-       | 18 | 18 | P8_29 |
-       | 19 | 19 | P8_30 |
-       | 1 | 1 | P8_41 |
-       | 0 | 0 | P8_44 |
-       | 14 | 14 | P9_11 |
-   === "PRU3"
-       | R30 Register bit (Output) | R31 Register bit (Input) | Header pin |
-       | :--------------: | :--------------: | :--------: | 
-       | 0 | 0 | P8_32 |
-       | 5 | 5 | P9_25 |
-       | 6 | 6 | P8_09 |
-       | 10 | 10 | P9_31 |
-       | 8 | 8 | P9_18 |
-       | 16 | 16 | P8_07 |
-       | 15 | 15 | P8_10 |
-       | 17 | 17 | P8_27 |
-       | 20 | 20 | P8_43 |
-       | 18 | 18 | P8_45 |
-       | 19 | 19 | P8_46 |
-       | 9 | 9 | P9_17 |
-       | 13 | 13 | P9_28 |
-       | 11 | 11 | P9_29 |
-       | 12 | 12 | P9_30 |
-       ** Before using these pins, you need to disable HDMI functionality.      
-          You can read how to do this [here](https://archive.vn/D8Bzy)
 -  All Header pins are ``constant integer variable`` by default, with
    its value equal to respective R30/R31 register bit
diff --git a/simppru/language.rst b/simppru/language.rst
index ead310a468a5980b46968671dc9502df3b6e7ce1..0dc4895b786aa35e918d0ef952a7f11f0f5dcda8 100644
--- a/simppru/language.rst
+++ b/simppru/language.rst
@@ -14,8 +14,7 @@ Datatypes
 -  ``int`` - Integer datatype
 -  ``bool`` - Boolean datatype
 -  ``char`` / ``uint8`` - Character / Unsigned 8 bit integer datatype
--  ``void`` - Void datatype, can only be used a return type for
-   functions
+-  ``void`` - Void datatype, can only be used a return type for functions
@@ -27,8 +26,7 @@ Constants
 -  ``true`` - Boolean constant (True)
 -  ``false`` - Boolean constant (False)
 -  ``Px_yz`` - Pin mapping constants are Integer constant, where x is
-   1,2 or 8,9 and yz are the header pin numbers. For further details
-   refer to `this <io.md>`__
+   1,2 or 8,9 and yz are the header pin numbers.
@@ -81,8 +79,7 @@ Variable declaration
    ``boolean`` by default.
 -  Variables can be assigned other variables of same datatype.
    ``int``\ s and ``char``\ s can be assigned to each other.
--  Variables can be assigned expressions whose output is of same
-   datatype.
+-  Variables can be assigned expressions whose output is of same datatype.
@@ -147,8 +144,7 @@ Indexing:
 -  Arrays are zero-indexed.
--  The index can be either a char or an int or an expression involving
-   chars and ints.
+-  The index can be either a char or an int or an expression involving chars and ints.
 -  Accessing elements of an array:
@@ -269,8 +265,7 @@ Boolean expressions
    => 'a' < 'b';
-!!! Note Expressions are evaluated following the `operator
-precedence <#operators>`__
+- **Note** : Expressions are evaluated following the `operator precedence <#operators>`
 If-else statement
@@ -373,9 +368,7 @@ Syntax
-!!! Note **var** is a **integer**, and **start, stop, increment** can be
-**arithmetic expression, integer or character variable, or integer or
-character constant**.
+- **Note** : **var** is a **integer**, and **start, stop, increment** can be **arithmetic expression, integer or character variable, or integer or character constant**.
 .. _examples-1:
@@ -410,8 +403,7 @@ Examples
 While-loop statement
-While loop statement repeatedly executes a target statement as long as a
-given condition is true.
+While loop statement repeatedly executes a target statement as long as a given condition is true.
 .. _syntax-2:
@@ -453,8 +445,7 @@ Examples
 Control statements
-!!! Note ``break`` and ``continue`` can only be used inside looping
+- **Note** : ``break`` and ``continue`` can only be used inside looping statements
@@ -525,7 +516,7 @@ declaration tells the compiler about a function’s name, return type, and
 parameters. A function definition provides the actual body of the
-!!! warning Function must be defined before calling it.
+- **Warning** : Function must be defined before calling it.
 .. _syntax-5:
@@ -542,27 +533,36 @@ Syntax
        return <data_type>;
-!!! Note If return data type is void, then return statement is not
+- **Note** : If return data type is void, then return statement is not
 needed, and if still it is added, it must be return nothing, i.e.,
 something like this ``return ;``
-!!! Warning ``return`` can only be present in the body of the function
+- **Warning** : ``return`` can only be present in the body of the function
 only once, that too at the end of the function, not inside any compound
-!!! fail “Wrong” \* ``return`` inside a compound statement, this syntax
-is not allowed.
-``python     def test : int : int a {         if : a < 4 {             return a;         }     }``
+- **Wrong** : ``return`` inside a compound statement, this syntax is not allowed.
-!!! done “Correct” \* ``return`` is not inside compound statments, It
-should be placed only at the end of function definition \```python def
-test : int : int a { int gf := 8; if : a < 4 { gf := 4; }
+.. code:: python
+   def test : int : int a {         
+   if : a < 4 {            
+   return a;        
+   }     
+   }
+- **Correct** :  ``return`` is not inside compound statments, It should be placed only at the end of function definition 
-       return gf;
+.. code:: python
+   def test : int : int a {
+   int gf := 8;
+   if : a < 4 
+   { 
+   gf := 4; 
+   }
+   return gf;
-   ```
 .. _examples-5:
@@ -571,52 +571,52 @@ Examples
 Examples according to return types
-=== “Integer” \```python def test_func : int : int a, int b { int aa :=
-a + 5;
+- **Integer** 
+.. code:: python
-       if : aa < 3 {
+   def test_func : int : int a, int b 
+   { 
+      int aa := a + 5;
+      if : aa < 3 {
            aa : = 0;
-       }
+      }
-       return aa + b;
+      return aa + b;
-   ```
-=== “Character” \```python def next_char : char : char ch, int inc {
-char chinc := ch + inc;
+- **Character** 
+.. code:: python 
-       return chinc;
+   def next_char : char : char ch, int inc {
+      char chinc := ch + inc;
+      return chinc;
-   ```
-=== “Boolean” \```python def compare : bool : int val { bool ret :=
+- **Boolean**  
-       if : val < 0 {
-           ret := true;
-       }
+.. code:: python 
-       return ret;
-   }
-   ```
+   def compare : bool : int val {
+      bool ret :=false;
+         if : val < 0 {
+            ret := true;
+         }
+         return ret;
+      }
-=== “Void” \```python def example_func : void : bool qu { if : qu and
-true { … do something … } }
+- **Void**
+.. code:: python 
    def example_func_v : void : {
        int temp := 90;
-   ```
 Function call
@@ -639,24 +639,19 @@ Syntax
-We will consider functions defined in earlier
-`subsection <#examples_5>`__
-=== “Integer”
-``python     int a := 55;     int ret_val := test_func(4, a);``
+- **Integer** ``int a := 55;  int ret_val := test_func(4, a);``
-=== “Character”
-``python     char a := 'a';     char b := next_char(a, 1);``
+- **Character** ``char a := 'a'; char b := next_char(a, 1);``
-=== “Boolean” ``python     bool val := compare(22);     compare(-2);``
+- **Boolean** ``bool val := compare(22);  compare(-2);``
-=== “Void” ``python     example_func(false);     example_func_v();``
+- **Void**  ``example_func(false);  example_func_v();``
 Testing or Debugging
-For testing or debugging code, use the –test or -t flag to enable print,
-println and stub functions. Use –preprocess to stop after generating the
+For testing or debugging code, use the --test or -t flag to enable print,
+println and stub functions. Use --preprocess to stop after generating the
 C code only. Then run the generated C code (at /tmp/temp.c) using
@@ -683,4 +678,4 @@ Stub functions
 PRU specific functions will be replaced by stub functions which print
-“function_name called with arguments arg_name” when called.
+**function_name called with arguments arg_name** when called.
diff --git a/simppru/usage-simppru-console.rst b/simppru/usage-simppru-console.rst
index 22f72965d63ba9dd5b97eac079e8bb3e90029c2d..9099c88078f2e64fbe1399e5e3736a939ba5b995 100644
--- a/simppru/usage-simppru-console.rst
+++ b/simppru/usage-simppru-console.rst
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 simppru-console is a console app, it can be used to send/receive message
@@ -6,10 +6,13 @@ to the PRU using RPMSG, and also start/stop the PRU. It is built to
 facilitate easier way to use rpmsg and remoteproc API's to control and
 communicate with the PRU
-!!! Warning Make sure to stop PRU before exiting. Press ``ctrl+c`` to
+- **Warning** : Make sure to stop PRU before exiting. Press ``ctrl+c`` to exit
+.. image:: images/main_screen.png
+   :width: 598
+   :align: center
+   :height: 400
+   :alt: Main Screen
@@ -22,7 +25,11 @@ Start/stop buttons
 Use these button to start/stop the selected PRU. If PRU is already
 running, on starting simppru-console, it is automatically stopped.
+.. image:: images/stop_screen.png
+   :width: 598
+   :align: center
+   :height: 400
+   :alt: Start/stop buttons
 Send message to PRU
@@ -32,7 +39,11 @@ supported. On pressing enter, the typed message is sent.
 PRU0 is running echo program, whatever is sent is echoed back.
+.. image:: images/send_screen.png
+   :width: 598
+   :align: center
+   :height: 400
+   :alt: Start/stop buttons
 Receive message from PRU
@@ -42,26 +53,30 @@ using a for loop, which checks if new message is arrived every 10 ms.
 -  PRU is running echo program, whatever is sent is echoed back.
-   |image3| |image4|
+.. image:: images/receive_screen_2.png
+   :width: 598
+   :align: center
+   :height: 400
+   :alt: Echoing program
 -  PRU is running countup program, it sends a increasing count every 1
    second, which starts from 0
-   |image5| |image6|
+.. image:: images/receive_counter_2.png
+   :width: 598
+   :align: center
+   :height: 400
+   :alt: Echoing program
-Change PRU id
+Change PRU ID
 Using the radio box in the upper right corner, one can change the PRU
 id, i.e. if one wants to use the features for PRU0 or PRU1
+.. image:: images/select_pru_id_screen.png
+   :width: 598
+   :align: center
+   :height: 400
+   :alt: Change the PRU ID
-.. |image0| image:: images/main_screen.png
-.. |image1| image:: images/stop_screen.png
-.. |image2| image:: images/send_screen.png
-.. |image3| image:: images/receive_screen.png
-.. |image4| image:: images/receive_screen_2.png
-.. |image5| image:: images/receive_counter.png
-.. |image6| image:: images/receive_counter_2.png
-.. |image7| image:: images/select_pru_id_screen.png
diff --git a/simppru/usage-simppru.rst b/simppru/usage-simppru.rst
index f9ca57cad364742390dad060631ede19a0e310c0..0d8fcf183b8c6cc53407e688da66a1c91e0227c4 100644
--- a/simppru/usage-simppru.rst
+++ b/simppru/usage-simppru.rst
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 .. code:: bash