diff --git a/boards/beaglebone/ai-64/ch06.rst b/boards/beaglebone/ai-64/ch06.rst
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+++ b/boards/beaglebone/ai-64/ch06.rst
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+.. _detailed-hardware-design:
+Detailed Hardware Design
+This section provides a detailed description of the Hardware design.
+This can be useful for interfacing, writing drivers, or using it to help
+modify specifics of your own design.
+:ref:`bbai-64-block-diagram-ch06` below is the high level block diagram of the board. For those who may be concerned, It is the same figure as shown in :ref:`beaglebone-ai-64-high-level-specification`. It is placed here again for convenience so it is closer to the topics to follow.
+.. _bbai-64-block-diagram-ch06:
+.. figure:: images/ch05/board-block-diagram.svg
+   :width: 400px
+   :align: center 
+   :alt: Fig: BeagleBone AI-64 Key Components
+   Fig: BeagleBone AI-64 Key Components
+.. _power-section:
+Power Section
+:ref:`power-flow-diagram` shows the high level block diagram of the power section of the board.
+.. _power-flow-diagram,High level power block diagram:
+.. figure:: images/ch06/power.svg
+   :width: 400px
+   :align: center 
+   :alt: Fig: High level power block diagram
+   Fig: High level power block diagram
+This section describes the power section of the design and all the
+functions performed by the *TPS65941213 and TPS65941111*.
+.. _TPS65941213-and-TPS65941111-pmic:
+TPS65941213 and TPS65941111 PMIC
+The main Power Management IC (PMIC) in the system is the *TPS65941213 and TPS65941111*
+which is a single chip power management IC consisting of a linear
+dual-input power path, three step-down converters, and four LDOs. LDO
+stands for Low Drop Out. If you want to know more about an LDO, you can
+go to `http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Low-dropout_regulator <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Low-dropout_regulator>`_ .
+If you want to learn more about step-down converters, you can go to `_http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DC-to-DC_converter <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DC-to-DC_converter>`_ .
+The system is supplied by a USB port or DC adapter. Three
+high-efficiency 2.25MHz step-down converters are targeted at providing
+the core voltage, MPU, and memory voltage for the board.
+The step-down converters enter a low power mode at light load for
+maximum efficiency across the widest possible range of load currents.
+For low-noise applications the devices can be forced into fixed
+frequency PWM using the I2C interface. The step-down converters allow
+the use of small inductors and capacitors to achieve a small footprint
+solution size.
+LDO1 and LDO2 are intended to support system standby mode. In normal
+operation, they can support up to 100mA each. LDO3 and LDO4 can support
+up to 285mA each.
+By default only LDO1 is always ON but any rail can be configured to
+remain up in SLEEP state. In particular the DCDC converters can remain
+up in a low-power PFM mode to support processor suspend mode. The
+*TPS65941213 and TPS65941111* offers flexible power-up and power-down sequencing and
+several house-keeping functions such as power-good output, pushbutton
+monitor, hardware reset function and temperature sensor to protect the
+See the :ref:`TPS6594-Q1-block-diagram` shown below for high level details
+for *TPS65941213 and TPS65941111*, for more information on the, refer to https://www.ti.com/product/TPS6594-Q1 Texas instruments product page.
+.. _TPS6594-Q1-block-diagram:
+.. figure:: images/ch06/TPS6594-Q1.svg
+   :width: 400px
+   :align: center 
+   :alt: Fig: TPS6594-Q1 block diagram
+   Fig: TPS6594-Q1 block diagram
+.. _pmic-a-diagram,PMIC-A TPS65941213 circuit:
+.. figure:: images/ch06/pmic-a.svg
+   :width: 400px
+   :align: center 
+   :alt: Fig: PMIC-B TPS65941213 circuit
+   Fig: PMIC-B TPS65941213 circuit
+.. _pmic-b-diagram,PMIC-B TPS65941111 circuit:
+.. figure:: images/ch06/pmic-b.svg
+   :width: 400px
+   :align: center 
+   :alt: Fig: PMIC-B TPS65941111 circuit
+   Fig: PMIC-B TPS65941111 circuit
+.. _dc-input:
+DC Input
+:ref:`figure-23` below shows how the DC input is connected to the **TPS65941213 and TPS65941111**.
+.. _figure-23,Figure 23:
+.. figure:: media/image38.png
+   :width: 400px
+   :align: center 
+   :alt: Fig: TPS65217 DC Connection
+   Fig: TPS65217 DC Connection
+A 5VDC supply can be used to provide power to the board. The power
+supply current depends on how many and what type of add-on boards are
+connected to the board. For typical use, a 5VDC supply rated at 1A
+should be sufficient. If heavier use of the expansion headers or USB
+host port is expected, then a higher current supply will be required.
+The connector used is a 2.1MM center positive x 5.5mm outer barrel. The
+5VDC rail is connected to the expansion header. It is possible to power
+the board via the expansion headers from an add-on card. The 5VDC is
+also available for use by the add-on cards when the power is supplied by
+the 5VDC jack on the board.
+.. _usb-power:
+USB Power
+The board can also be powered from the USB port. A typical USB port is
+limited to 500mA max. When powering from the USB port, the VDD_5V rail
+is not provided to the expansion headers, so capes that require the 5V
+rail to supply the cape direct, bypassing the *TPS65941213 and TPS65941111*, will not have
+that rail available for use. The 5VDC supply from the USB port is
+provided on the SYS_5V, the one that comes from the**TPS65941213 and TPS65941111**, rail
+of the expansion header for use by a cape. *Figure 24* is the connection
+of the USB power input on the PMIC.
+.. _figure-24.-usb-power-connections:
+.. figure:: media/image96.png
+   :width: 400px
+   :align: center 
+   :alt: Fig: USB Power Connections
+   Fig: USB Power Connections
+.. _power-selection:
+Power Selection
+The selection of either the 5VDC or the USB as the power source is
+handled internally to the *TPS65941213 and TPS65941111* and automatically switches to 5VDC
+power if both are connected. SW can change the power configuration via
+the I2C interface from the processor. In addition, the SW can read
+the**TPS65941213 and TPS65941111** and determine if the board is running on the 5VDC input
+or the USB input. This can be beneficial to know the capability of the
+board to supply current for things like operating frequency and
+expansion cards.
+It is possible to power the board from the USB input and then connect
+the DC power supply. The board will switch over automatically to the DC
+.. _power-button-1:
+Power Button
+A power button is connected to the input of the *TPS65941213 and TPS65941111*. This is a
+momentary switch, the same type of switch used for reset and boot
+selection on the board.
+If you push the button the *TPS65941213 and TPS65941111* will send an interrupt to the
+processor. It is up to the processor to then pull the**PMIC_POWER_EN**
+pin low at the correct time to power down the board. At this point, the
+PMIC is still active, assuming that the power input was not removed.
+Pressing the power button will cause the board to power up again if the
+processor puts the board in the power off mode.
+In power off mode, the RTC rail is still active, keeping the RTC powered
+and running off the main power input. If you remove that power, then the
+RTC will not be powered. You also have the option of using the battery
+holes on the board to connect a battery if desired as discussed in the
+next section.
+If you push and hold the button for greater than 8 seconds, the PMIC
+will power down. But you must release the button when the power LED
+turns off. Holding the button past that point will cause the board to
+power cycle.
+.. _section-6-1-7,Section 6.1.7 Power Consumption:
+Power Consumption
+The power consumption of the board varies based on power scenarios and
+the board boot processes. Measurements were taken with the board in the
+following configuration:
+* DC powered and USB powered
+* monitor connected
+* 4GB USB flash drive
+* Ethernet connected @ 100M
+* Serial debug cable connected
+:ref:`table-4` is an analysis of the power consumption of the board in these various scenarios.
+.. _table-4,Table 4:
+.. list-table:: Table 2: BeagleBone AI-64 Features and Specification
+   :header-rows: 1
+   * - MODE 
+     - USB 
+     - DC 
+     - C+USB
+   * - Reset 
+     - TBD 
+     - TBD 
+     - TBD
+   * - Idling @ UBoot 
+     - 210 
+     - 210 
+     - 210
+   * - Kernel Booting (Peak) 
+     - 460 
+     - 460 
+     - 460
+   * - Kernel Idling 
+     - 350 
+     - 350 
+     - 350
+   * - Kernel Idling Display Blank 
+     - 280 
+     - 280 
+     - 280
+   * - Loading a Webpage 
+     - 430 
+     - 430 
+     - 430
+The current will fluctuate as various activates occur, such as the LEDs
+on and microSD/eMMC accesses.
+.. _processor-interfaces:
+Processor Interfaces
+The processor interacts with the *TPS65941213 and TPS65941111* via several different
+signals. Each of these signals is described below.
+.. _i2c0:
+I2C0 is the control interface between the processor and the *TPS65941213 and TPS65941111*.
+It allows the processor to control the registers inside the**TPS65941213 and TPS65941111**
+for such things as voltage scaling and switching of the input rails.
+.. _pmc_powr_en:
+On power up the *VDD_RTC* rail activates first. After the RTC circuitry
+in the processor has activated it instructs the**TPS65941213 and TPS65941111** to initiate
+a full power up cycle by activating the *PMIC_POWR_EN* signal by taking
+it HI. When powering down, the processor can take this pin low to start
+the power down process.
+.. _ldo_good:
+This signal connects to the *RTC_PORZn* signal, RTC power on reset. The
+small “*n*” indicates that the signal is an active low signal. Word
+processors seem to be unable to put a bar over a word so the**n** is
+commonly used in electronics. As the RTC circuitry comes up first, this
+signal indicates that the LDOs, the 1.8V VRTC rail, is up and stable.
+This starts the power up process.
+.. _pmic_pgood:
+Once all the rails are up, the *PMIC_PGOOD* signal goes high. This
+releases the**PORZn** signal on the processor which was holding the
+processor reset.
+.. _wakeup:
+The WAKEUP signal from the *TPS65941213 and TPS65941111* is connected to the**EXT_WAKEUP**
+signal on the processor. This is used to wake up the processor when it
+is in a sleep mode. When an event is detected by the *TPS65941213 and TPS65941111*, such
+as the power button being pressed, it generates this signal.
+.. _pmic_int:
+The *PMIC_INT* signal is an interrupt signal to the processor. Pressing
+the power button will send an interrupt to the processor allowing it to
+implement a power down mode in an orderly fashion, go into sleep mode,
+or cause it to wake up from a sleep mode. All of these require SW
+.. _power-rails:
+6.1.9 Power Rails
+:ref:`figure-25` shows the connections of each of the rails from the **TPS65941213 and TPS65941111**.
+.. _figure-25,Figure 25:
+.. figure:: media/image39.jpg
+   :width: 400px
+   :align: center 
+   :alt: fig-25: Power Rails
+   Fig-25: Power Rails
+VRTC Rail
+The *VRTC* rail is a 1.8V rail that is the first rail to come up in the
+power sequencing. It provides power to the RTC domain on the processor
+and the I/O rail of the **TPS65941213 and TPS65941111**. It can deliver up to 250mA
+VDD_3V3A Rail
+The *VDD_3V3A* rail is supplied by the **TPS65941213 and TPS65941111** and provides the
+3.3V for the processor rails and can provide up to 400mA.
+VDD_3V3B Rail
+The current supplied by the *VDD_3V3A* rail is not sufficient to power
+all of the 3.3V rails on the board. So a second LDO is supplied, U4,
+a **TL5209A**, which sources the *VDD_3V3B* rail. It is powered up just
+after the *VDD_3V3A* rail.
+VDD_1V8 Rail
+The *VDD_1V8* rail can deliver up to 400mA and provides the power
+required for the 1.8V rails on the processor and the display framer. This
+rail is not accessible for use anywhere else on the board.
+The *VDD_CORE* rail can deliver up to 1.2A at 1.1V. This rail is not
+accessible for use anywhere else on the board and connects only to the
+processor. This rail is fixed at 1.1V and should not be adjusted by SW
+using the PMIC. If you do, then the processor will no longer work.
+The *VDD_MPU* rail can deliver up to 1.2A. This rail is not accessible
+for use anywhere else on the board and connects only to the processor.
+This rail defaults to 1.1V and can be scaled up to allow for higher
+frequency operation. Changing of the voltage is set via the I2C
+interface from the processor.
+The *VDDS_DDR* rail defaults to**1.5V** to support the LPDDR4 rails and
+can deliver up to 1.2A. It is possible to adjust this voltage rail down
+to *1.35V* for lower power operation of the LPDDR4 device. Only LPDDR4
+devices can support this voltage setting of 1.35V.
+Power Sequencing
+The power up process is consists of several stages and events. :ref:`figure-26`
+describes the events that make up the power up process for the
+processer from the PMIC. This diagram is used elsewhere to convey
+additional information. I saw no need to bust it up into smaller
+diagrams. It is from the processor datasheet supplied by Texas
+.. _figure-26,Figure 26:
+.. figure:: media/image40.png
+   :width: 400px
+   :align: center 
+   :alt:  Fig-26: Power Rail Power Up Sequencing
+   Fig-26: Power Rail Power Up Sequencing
+:ref:`figure-27` the voltage rail sequencing for the**TPS65941213 and TPS65941111** as it
+powers up and the voltages on each rail. The power sequencing starts at
+15 and then goes to one. That is the way the *TPS65941213 and TPS65941111* is configured.
+You can refer to the TPS65941213 and TPS65941111 datasheet for more information.
+.. _figure-27,Figure 27:
+.. figure:: media/image41.png
+   :width: 400px
+   :align: center 
+   :alt: Fig-27: TPS65941213 and TPS65941111 Power Sequencing Timing
+   Fig-27: TPS65941213 and TPS65941111 Power Sequencing Timing
+.. _power-led:
+Power LED
+The power LED is a blue LED that will turn on once the *TPS65941213 and TPS65941111* has
+finished the power up procedure. If you ever see the LED flash once,
+that means that the**TPS65941213 and TPS65941111** started the process and encountered an
+issue that caused it to shut down. The connection of the LED is shown in
+.. _TPS65941213-and-TPS65941111-power-up-process:
+TPS65941213 and TPS65941111 Power Up Process
+:ref:`figure-28` shows the interface between the **TPS65941213 and TPS65941111** and the
+processor. It is a cut from the PDF form of the schematic and reflects
+what is on the schematic.
+.. _figure-28,Figure 28:
+.. figure:: media/image42.jpg
+   :width: 400px
+   :align: center 
+   :alt: Fig-28: Power Processor Interfaces
+When voltage is applied, DC or USB, the *TPS65941213 and TPS65941111* connects the power
+to the SYS output pin which drives the switchers and LDOs in
+the **TPS65941213 and TPS65941111**.
+At power up all switchers and LDOs are off except for the *VRTC LDO*
+(1.8V), which provides power to the VRTC rail and controls
+the **RTC_PORZn** input pin to the processor, which starts the power up
+process of the processor. Once the RTC rail powers up, the *RTC_PORZn*
+pin, driven by the *LDO_PGOOD* signal from the *TPS65941213 and TPS65941111*, of the
+processor is released.
+Once the *RTC_PORZn* reset is released, the processor starts the
+initialization process. After the RTC stabilizes, the processor launches
+the rest of the power up process by activating the**PMIC_POWER_EN**
+signal that is connected to the *TPS65941213 and TPS65941111* which starts the *TPS65941213 and TPS65941111*
+power up process.
+The *LDO_PGOOD* signal is provided by the**TPS65941213 and TPS65941111** to the processor.
+As this signal is 1.8V from the *TPS65941213 and TPS65941111* by virtue of the *TPS65941213 and TPS65941111*
+VIO rail being set to 1.8V, and the *RTC_PORZ* signal on the processor
+is 3.3V, a voltage level shifter, *U4*, is used. Once the LDOs and
+switchers are up on the *TPS65941213 and TPS65941111*, this signal goes active releasing
+the processor. The LDOs on the *TPS65941213 and TPS65941111* are used to power the VRTC
+rail on the processor.
+.. _processor-control-interface:
+Processor Control Interface
+:ref:`figure-28` above shows two interfaces between the processor and
+the**TPS65941213 and TPS65941111** used for control after the power up sequence has
+The first is the *I2C0* bus. This allows the processor to turn on and
+off rails and to set the voltage levels of each regulator to supports
+such things as voltage scaling.
+The second is the interrupt signal. This allows the *TPS65941213 and TPS65941111* to alert
+the processor when there is an event, such as when the power button is
+pressed. The interrupt is an open drain output which makes it easy to
+interface to 3.3V of the processor.
+.. _low-power-mode-support:
+Low Power Mode Support
+This section covers three general power down modes that are available.
+These modes are only described from a Hardware perspective as it relates
+to the HW design.
+RTC Only
+In this mode all rails are turned off except the *VDD_RTC*. The
+processor will need to turn off all the rails to enter this mode.
+The **VDD_RTC** staying on will keep the RTC active and provide for the
+wakeup interfaces to be active to respond to a wake up event.
+In this mode all rails are turned off except the *VDD_RTC* and
+the **VDDS_DDR**, which powers the LPDDR4 memory. The processor will need
+to turn off all the rails to enter this mode. The *VDD_RTC* staying on
+will keep the RTC active and provide for the wakeup interfaces to be
+active to respond to a wake up event.
+The *VDDS_DDR* rail to the LPDDR4 is provided by the 1.5V rail of
+the **TPS65941213 and TPS65941111** and with *VDDS_DDR* active, the LPDDR4 can be placed in
+a self refresh mode by the processor prior to power down which allows
+the memory data to be saved.
+Currently, this feature is not included in the standard software
+release. The plan is to include it in future releases.
+Voltage Scaling
+For a mode where the lowest power is possible without going to sleep,
+this mode allows the voltage on the ARM processor to be lowered along
+with slowing the processor frequency down. The I2C0 bus is used to
+control the voltage scaling function in the *TPS65941213 and TPS65941111*.
+.. _sitara-am3358bzcz100-processor:
+TI J721E DRA829/TDA4VM/AM752x Processor
+The board is designed to use the TI J721E DRA829/TDA4VM/AM752x processor in the
+15 x 15 package. 
+.. _description:
+:ref:`figure-29` is a high level block diagram of the processor. For more information on the processor, go to `https://www.ti.com/product/TDA4VM <https://www.ti.com/product/TDA4VM>`_
+.. _figure-29,Figure 29:
+.. figure:: media/image43.png
+   :width: 400px
+   :align: center 
+   :alt: Fig-29: Jacinto TDA4VMBZCZ Block Diagram
+   Fig-29: Jacinto TDA4VMBZCZ Block Diagram
+.. _high-level-features:
+High Level Features
+:ref:`table-5` below shows a few of the high level features of the Jacinto
+.. _table-5,Table 5:
+.. list-table:: Table 5: Processor Features
+   :header-rows: 1
+   * - Operating Systems 
+     - Linux, Android, Windows Embedded CE,QNX,ThreadX 
+     - MMC/SD 
+     - 3
+   * - Standby Power 
+     - 7 mW 
+     - CAN 
+     - 2
+   * - ARM CPU 
+     - 1 ARM Cortex-A8 
+     - UART (SCI) 
+     - 6
+   * - ARM MHz (Max.) 
+     - 275,500,600,800,1000 
+     - ADC 
+     - 8-ch 12-bit
+   * - ARM MIPS (Max.) 
+     - 1000,1200,2000 
+     - PWM (Ch) 
+     - 3
+   * - Graphics Acceleration 
+     - 1 3D 
+     - eCAP 
+     - 3
+   * - Other Hardware Acceleration 
+     - 2 PRU-ICSS,Crypto Accelerator 
+     - eQEP 
+     - 3
+   * - On-Chip L1 Cache 
+     - 64 KB (ARM Cortex-A8) 
+     - RTC 
+     - 1
+   * - On-Chip L2 Cache 
+     - 256 KB (ARM Cortex-A8) 
+     - I2C 
+     - 3
+   * - Other On-Chip Memory 
+     - 128 KB 
+     - McASP 
+     - 2
+   * - Display Options 
+     - LCD 
+     - SPI 
+     - 2
+   * - General Purpose Memory 
+     - 1 16-bit (GPMC, NAND flash, NOR Flash, SRAM)
+     - DMA (Ch) 
+     - 64-Ch EDMA
+   * - DRAM 
+     - 1 16-bit (LPDDR-400,DDR2-532, DDR3-400) 
+     - IO Supply (V) 
+     - 1.8V(ADC),3.3V
+   * - USB Ports 
+     - 2 
+     - Operating Temperature Range (C) 
+     - -40 to 90
+.. _documentation:
+Full documentation for the processor can be found on the TI website at `https://www.ti.com/product/TDA4VM <https://www.ti.com/product/TDA4VM>`_ for the current processor used on the board. Make sure that you always use the latest datasheets and Technical Reference Manuals (TRM).
+.. _crystal-circuitry:
+Crystal Circuitry
+:ref:`figure-30` is the crystal circuitry for the TDA4VM processor.
+.. _figure-30,Figure 30:
+.. figure:: media/image44.png
+   :width: 400px
+   :align: center 
+   :alt: Fig-30: Processor Crystals
+   Fig-30: Processor Crystals
+.. _reset-circuitry:
+Reset Circuitry
+:ref:`figure-31` is the board reset circuitry. The initial power on reset is
+generated by the **TPS65941213 and TPS65941111** power management IC. It also handles the
+reset for the Real Time Clock.
+The board reset is the SYS_RESETn signal. This is connected to the
+NRESET_INOUT pin of the processor. This pin can act as an input or an
+output. When the reset button is pressed, it sends a warm reset to the
+processor and to the system.
+On the revision A5D board, a change was made. On power up, the
+NRESET_INOUT signal can act as an output. In this instance it can cause
+the SYS_RESETn line to go high prematurely. In order to prevent this,
+the PORZn signal from the TPS65941213 and TPS65941111 is connected to the SYS_RESETn line
+using an open drain buffer. These ensure that the line does not
+momentarily go high on power up.
+.. _figure-31,Figure 31:
+.. figure:: media/image45.png
+   :width: 400px
+   :align: center 
+   :alt: Fig-31: Board Reset Circuitry
+   Fig-31: Board Reset Circuitry
+This change is also in all revisions after A5D.
+LPDDR4 Memory
+BeagleBone AI-64 uses a single MT41K256M16HA-125 512MB LPDDR4 device
+from Micron that interfaces to the processor over 16 data lines, 16
+address lines, and 14 control lines. On rev C we added the Kingston
+*KE4CN2H5A-A58* device as a source for the LPDDR4 device.
+The following sections provide more details on the design.
+.. _memory-device:
+Memory Device
+The design supports the standard DDR3 and LPDDR4 x16 devices and is built
+using the LPDDR4. A single x16 device is used on the board and there is
+no support for two x8 devices. The DDR3 devices work at 1.5V and the
+LPDDR4 devices can work down to 1.35V to achieve lower power. The LPDDR4 comes in a 96-BALL FBGA package
+with 0.8 mil pitch. Other standard DDR3 devices can also be supported,
+but the LPDDR4 is the lower power device and was chosen for its ability
+to work at 1.5V or 1.35V. The standard frequency that the LPDDR4 is run
+at on the board is 400MHZ.
+.. _ddr3l-memory-design:
+LPDDR4 Memory Design
+:ref:`figure-32` is the schematic for the LPDDR4 memory device. Each of the
+groups of signals is described in the following lines.
+*Address Lines:*  Provide the row address for ACTIVATE commands, and the
+column address and auto pre-charge bit (A10) for READ/WRITE commands, to
+select one location out of the memory array in the respective bank. A10
+sampled during a PRECHARGE command determines whether the PRECHARGE applies to one bank (A10 LOW, bank selected by BA[2:0]) or all banks (A10 HIGH). The address
+inputs also provide the op-code during a LOAD MODE command. Address
+inputs are referenced to VREFCA. A12/BC#: When enabled in the mode
+register (MR), A12 is sampled during READ and WRITE commands to
+determine whether burst chop (on-the-fly) will be performed (HIGH  BL8
+or no burst chop, LOW  BC4 burst chop).
+*Bank Address Lines:*  BA[2:0] define the bank to which an ACTIVATE, READ, WRITE, or PRECHARGE command is being applied. BA[2:0] define which mode register (MR0, MR1, MR2, or MR3) is loaded during the LOAD MODE command. BA[2:0] are referenced to VREFCA.
+*CK and CK# Lines:* are differential clock inputs. All address and
+control input signals are sampled on the crossing of the positive edge
+of CK and the negative edge of CK#. Output data strobe (DQS, DQS#) is
+referenced to the crossings of CK and CK#.
+*Clock Enable Line:* CKE enables (registered HIGH) and disables
+(registered LOW) internal circuitry and clocks on the DRAM. The specific
+circuitry that is enabled/disabled is dependent upon the DDR3 SDRAM
+configuration and operating mode. Taking CKE LOW provides PRECHARGE
+power-down and SELF REFRESH operations (all banks idle) or active
+power-down (row active in any bank). CKE is synchronous for powerdown
+entry and exit and for self refresh entry. CKE is asynchronous for self
+refresh exit. Input buffers (excluding CK, CK#, CKE, RESET#, and ODT)
+are disabled during powerdown. Input buffers (excluding CKE and RESET#)
+are disabled during SELF REFRESH. CKE is referenced to VREFCA.
+.. _figure-32,Figure 32:
+.. figure:: media/image46.png
+   :width: 400px
+   :align: center 
+   :alt: Fig-32: LPDDR4 Memory Design
+   Fig-32: LPDDR4 Memory Design
+*Chip Select Line:* CS# enables (registered LOW) and disables
+(registered HIGH) the command decoder. All commands are masked when CS#
+is registered HIGH. CS# provides for external rank selection on systems
+with multiple ranks. CS# is considered part of the command code. CS# is
+referenced to VREFCA.
+*Input Data Mask Line:* DM is an input mask signal for write data. Input
+data is masked when DM is sampled HIGH along with the input data during
+a write access. Although the DM ball is input-only, the DM loading is
+designed to match that of the DQ and DQS balls. DM is referenced to
+*On-die Termination Line:* ODT enables (registered HIGH) and disables
+(registered LOW) termination resistance internal to the LPDDR4 SDRAM.
+When enabled in normal operation, ODT is only applied to each of the
+following balls: DQ[7:0], DQS, DQS#, and DM for the x8; DQ[3:0], DQS,
+DQS#, and DM for the x4. The ODT input is ignored if disabled via the
+LOAD MODE command. ODT is referenced to VREFCA.
+.. _power-rails-1:
+Power Rails
+The *LPDDR4* memory device and the DDR3 rails on the processor are
+supplied by the**TPS65941213 and TPS65941111**. Default voltage is 1.5V but can be scaled
+down to 1.35V if desired.
+.. _vref:
+The *VREF* signal is generated from a voltage divider on the **VDDS_DDR**
+rail that powers the processor DDR rail and the LPDDR4 device itself.
+*Figure 33* below shows the configuration of this signal and the
+connection to the LPDDR4 memory device and the processor.
+.. _figure-33,Figure 33:
+.. figure:: media/image47.jpg
+   :width: 400px
+   :align: center 
+   :alt: Fig-33: LPDDR4 VREF Design
+   Fig-33: LPDDR4 VREF Design
+.. _gb-emmc-memory:
+4GB eMMC Memory
+The eMMC is a communication and mass data storage device that includes a
+Multi-MediaCard (MMC) interface, a NAND Flash component, and a
+controller on an advanced 11-signal bus, which is compliant with the MMC
+system specification. The nonvolatile eMMC draws no power to maintain
+stored data, delivers high performance across a wide range of operating
+temperatures, and resists shock and vibration disruption.
+One of the issues faced with SD cards is that across the different
+brands and even within the same brand, performance can vary. Cards use
+different controllers and different memories, all of which can have bad
+locations that the controller handles. But the controllers may be
+optimized for reads or writes. You never know what you will be getting.
+This can lead to varying rates of performance. The eMMC card is a known
+controller and when coupled with the 8bit mode, 8 bits of data instead
+of 4, you get double the performance which should result in quicker boot
+The following sections describe the design and device that is used on
+the board to implement this interface.
+.. _emmc-device:
+eMMC Device
+The device used is one of two different devices:
+* Micron *MTFC4GLDEA 0M WT*
+* Kingston *KE4CN2H5A-A58*
+The package is a 153 ball WFBGA device on both devices.
+.. _emmc-circuit-design:
+eMMC Circuit Design
+:ref:`figure-34` is the design of the eMMC circuitry. The eMMC device is
+connected to the MMC1 port on the processor. MMC0 is still used for the
+microSD card as is currently done on the BeagleBone Black. The size
+of the eMMC supplied is now 4GB.
+The device runs at 3.3V both internally and the external I/O rails. The
+VCCI is an internal voltage rail to the device. The manufacturer
+recommends that a 1uF capacitor be attached to this rail, but a 2.2uF
+was chosen to provide a little margin.
+Pullup resistors are used to increase the rise time on the signals to
+compensate for any capacitance on the board.
+.. _figure-34,Figure 34:
+.. figure:: media/image48.png
+   :width: 400px
+   :align: center 
+   :alt: Fig-34: eMMC Memory Design
+   Fig-34: eMMC Memory Design
+The pins used by the eMMC1 in the boot mode are listed below in *Table 6*.
+.. _table-6,Table 6:
+.. figure:: media/image49.png
+   :width: 400px
+   :align: center 
+   :alt: Table 6: eMMC Boot Pins
+   Table 6: eMMC Boot Pins
+For eMMC devices the ROM will only support raw mode. The ROM Code reads
+out raw sectors from image or the booting file within the file system
+and boots from it. In raw mode the booting image can be located at one
+of the four consecutive locations in the main area: offset 0x0 / 0x20000
+(128 KB) / 0x40000 (256 KB) / 0x60000 (384 KB). For this reason, a
+booting image shall not exceed 128KB in size. However it is possible to
+flash a device with an image greater than 128KB starting at one of the
+aforementioned locations. Therefore the ROM Code does not check the
+image size. The only drawback is that the image will cross the
+subsequent image boundary. The raw mode is detected by reading sectors
+#0, #256, #512, #768. The content of these sectors is then verified for
+presence of a TOC structure. In the case of a *GP Device*, a
+Configuration Header (CH)*must* be located in the first sector followed
+by a *GP header*. The CH might be void (only containing a CHSETTINGS
+item for which the Valid field is zero).
+The ROM only supports the 4-bit mode. After the initial boot, the switch
+can be made to 8-bit mode for increasing the overall performance of the
+eMMC interface.
+.. _board-id-eeprom:
+BeagleBone is equipped with a single 32Kbit(4KB) 24LC32AT-I/OT
+EEPROM to allow the SW to identify the board. *Table 7* below defined
+the contents of the EEPROM.
+.. _table-7,Table 7:
+.. list-table:: Table 7: EEPROM Contents
+   :header-rows: 1
+   * - Name    
+     - Size (bytes)    
+     - Contents   
+   * - Header    
+     - 4    
+     - 0xAA, 0x55, 0x33, EE   
+   * - Board Name    
+     - 8    
+     - Name for board in ASCII: A335BNLT   
+   * - Version    
+     - 4    
+     - Hardware version code for board in ASCII: 00A3 for Rev A3, 00A4 for Rev A4, 00A5 for Rev A5,00A6 for Rev A6,00B0 for Rev B, and 00C0 for Rev C.   
+   * - Serial Number    
+     - 12    
+     - Serial number of the board. This is a 12 character string which is: WWYY4P16nnnn where: WW  2 digit week of the year of production YY  2 digit year of production BBBK  BeagleBone AI-64 nnnn  incrementing board number   
+   * - Configuration Option    
+     - 32    
+     - Codes to show the configuration setup on this board.All FF   
+   * - RSVD    
+     - 6    
+     - FF FF FF FF FF FF   
+   * - RSVD    
+     - 6    
+     - FF FF FF FF FF FF   
+   * - RSVD    
+     - 6    
+     - FF FF FF FF FF FF   
+   * - Available    
+     - 4018    
+     - Available space for other non-volatile codes/data   
+:ref:`figure-35` shows the new design on the EEPROM interface.
+.. _figure-35,Figure 35:
+.. figure:: media/image50.png
+   :width: 400px
+   :align: center 
+   :alt: Figure 35. EEPROM Design Rev A5
+   Fig-35: EEPROM Design Rev A5
+The EEPROM is accessed by the processor using the I2C 0 bus. The *WP*
+pin is enabled by default. By grounding the test point, the write
+protection is removed.
+The first 48 locations should not be written to if you choose to use the
+extras storage space in the EEPROM for other purposes. If you do, it
+could prevent the board from booting properly as the SW uses this
+information to determine how to set up the board.
+.. _micro-secure-digital:
+Micro Secure Digital
+The microSD connector on the board will support a microSD card that can
+be used for booting or file storage on BeagleBone AI-64.
+.. _microsd-design:
+microSD Design
+:ref:`figure-36` below is the design of the microSD interface on the board.
+.. _figure-36,Figure 36:
+.. figure:: media/image51.png
+   :width: 400px
+   :align: center 
+   :alt: Figure 36. microSD Design
+   Fig-36: microSD Design
+The signals *MMC0-3* are the data lines for the transfer of data between
+the processor and the microSD connector.
+The *MMC0_CLK* signal clocks the data in and out of the microSD card.
+The *MMCO_CMD* signal indicates that a command versus data is being sent.
+There is no separate card detect pin in the microSD specification. It
+uses *MMCO_DAT3* for that function. However, most microSD connectors
+still supply a CD function on the connectors. In BeagleBone AI-64
+design, this pin is connected to the**MMC0_SDCD** pin for use by the
+processor. You can also change the pin to *GPIO0_6*, which is able to
+wake up the processor from a sleep mode when an microSD card is inserted
+into the connector.
+Pullup resistors are provided on the signals to increase the rise times
+of the signals to overcome PCB capacitance.
+Power is provided from the *VDD_3V3B* rail and a 10uF capacitor is
+provided for filtering.
+.. _user-leds:
+User LEDs
+There are four user LEDs on BeagleBone AI-64. These are connected to
+GPIO pins on the processor. *Figure 37* shows the interfaces for the
+user LEDs.
+.. _figure-37,Figure 37:
+.. figure:: media/image52.png
+   :width: 400px
+   :align: center 
+   :alt: Figure 37. User LEDs
+   Fig-37: User LEDs
+Resistors R71-R74 were changed to 4.75K on the revision A5B and later
+:ref:`table-8` shows the signals used to control the four LEDs from the
+.. _table-8,Table 8:
+.. list-table:: Table 8: User LED Control Signals/Pins
+   :header-rows: 1
+   * - LED 
+     - GPIO SIGNAL 
+     - PROC PIN
+   * - USR0 
+     - GPIO1_21 
+     - V15
+   * - USR1 
+     - GPIO1_22 
+     - U15
+   * - USR2 
+     - GPIO1_23 
+     - T15
+   * - USR3 
+     - GPIO1_24 
+     - V16
+A logic level of “1” will cause the LEDs to turn on.
+.. _boot-configuration:
+Boot Configuration
+The design supports two groups of boot options on the board. The user
+can switch between these modes via the Boot button. The primary boot
+source is the onboard eMMC device. By holding the Boot button, the user
+can force the board to boot from the microSD slot. This enables the eMMC
+to be overwritten when needed or to just boot an alternate image. The
+following sections describe how the boot configuration works.
+In most applications, including those that use the provided demo
+distributions available from `beagleboard.org <http://beagleboard.org/>`_ the processor-external boot code is composed of two stages. After the
+primary boot code in the processor ROM passes control, a secondary stage
+(secondary program loader -- "SPL" or "MLO") takes over. The SPL stage
+initializes only the required devices to continue the boot process, and
+then control is transferred to the third stage "U-boot". Based on the
+settings of the boot pins, the ROM knows where to go and get the SPL and
+UBoot code. In the case of BeagleBone AI-64, that is either eMMC or
+microSD based on the position of the boot switch.
+.. _boot-configuration-design:
+Boot Configuration Design
+:ref:`figure-38` shows the circuitry that is involved in the boot
+configuration process. On power up, these pins are read by the processor
+to determine the boot order. S2 is used to change the level of one bit
+from HI to LO which changes the boot order.
+.. _figure-38,Figure 38:
+.. figure:: media/image53.png
+   :width: 400px
+   :align: center 
+   :alt: Figure 38. Processor Boot Configuration Design
+   Fig-38: Processor Boot Configuration Design
+It is possible to override these setting via the expansion headers. But
+be careful not to add too much load such that it could interfere with
+the operation of the display interface or LCD panels. If you choose to
+override these settings, it is strongly recommended that you gate these
+signals with the *SYS_RESETn* signal. This ensures that after coming out
+of reset these signals are removed from the expansion pins.
+.. _default-boot-options:
+Default Boot Options
+Based on the selected option found in :ref:`figure-39` below, each of the
+boot sequences for each of the two settings is shown.
+.. _figure-39,Figure 39:
+.. figure:: media/image54.jpg
+   :width: 400px
+   :align: center 
+   :alt: Figure 39. Processor Boot Configuration
+   Fig-39: Processor Boot Configuration
+The first row in :ref:`figure-39` is the default setting. On boot, the
+processor will look for the eMMC on the MMC1 port first, followed by the
+microSD slot on MMC0, USB0 and UART0. In the event there is no microSD
+card and the eMMC is empty, UART0 or USB0 could be used as the board
+If you have a microSD card from which you need to boot from, hold the
+boot button down. On boot, the processor will look for the SPIO0 port
+first, then microSD on the MMC0 port, followed by USB0 and UART0. In the
+event there is no microSD card and the eMMC is empty, USB0 or UART0
+could be used as the board source.
+.. _ethernet:
+10/100 Ethernet
+BeagleBone AI-64 is equipped with a 10/100 Ethernet interface. It
+uses the same PHY as is used on the BeagleBone Black. The design is
+described in the following sections.
+.. _ethernet-processor-interface:
+Ethernet Processor Interface
+:ref:`figure-40` shows the connections between the processor and the PHY. The
+interface is in the MII mode of operation.
+.. _figure-40,Figure 40:
+.. figure:: media/image55.png
+   :width: 400px
+   :align: center 
+   :alt: Figure 40. Ethernet Processor Interface
+   Fig-40: Ethernet Processor Interface
+This is the same interface as is used on BeagleBone. No changes were
+made in this design for the board.
+.. _ethernet-connector-interface:
+Ethernet Connector Interface
+The off board side of the PHY connections are shown in *Figure 41*
+.. _figure-41,Figure 41:
+.. figure:: media/image56.png
+   :width: 400px
+   :align: center 
+   :alt: Figure 41. Ethernet Connector Interface
+   Fig-41: Ethernet Connector Interface
+This is the same interface as is used on BeagleBone. No changes were
+made in this design for the board.
+.. _ethernet-phy-power-reset-and-clocks:
+Ethernet PHY Power, Reset, and Clocks
+:ref:`figure-42` shows the power, reset, and lock connections to
+the **LAN8710A** PHY. Each of these areas is discussed in more detail in
+the following sections.
+.. _figure-42,Figure 42:
+.. figure:: media/image57.png
+   :width: 400px
+   :align: center 
+   :alt: .Figure 42. Ethernet PHY, Power, Reset, and Clocks
+   Fig-42: Ethernet PHY, Power, Reset, and Clocks
+VDD_3V3B Rail
+The VDD_3V3B rail is the main power rail for the *LAN8710A*. It
+originates at the VD_3V3B regulator and is the primary rail that
+supports all of the peripherals on the board. This rail also supplies
+the VDDIO rails which set the voltage levels for all of the I/O signals
+between the processor and the **LAN8710A**.
+A filtered version of VDD_3V3B rail is connected to the VDD rails of the
+LAN8710 and the termination resistors on the Ethernet signals. It is
+labeled as *VDD_PHYA*. The filtering inductor helps block transients
+that may be seen on the VDD_3V3B rail.
+The *PHY_VDDCR* rail originates inside the LAN8710A. Filter and bypass
+capacitors are used to filter the rail. Only circuitry inside the
+LAN8710A uses this rail.
+The reset of the LAN8710A is controlled via the *SYS_RESETn* signal, the
+main board reset line.
+Clock Signals
+A crystal is used to create the clock for the LAN8710A. The processor
+uses the *RMII_RXCLK* signal to provide the clocking for the data
+between the processor and the LAN8710A.
+.. _lan8710a-mode-pins:
+LAN8710A Mode Pins
+There are mode pins on the LAN8710A that sets the operational mode for
+the PHY when coming out of reset. These signals are also used to
+communicate between the processor and the LAN8710A. As a result, these
+signals can be driven by the processor which can cause the PHY not to be
+initialized correctly. To ensure that this does not happen, three low
+value pull up resistors are used. *Figure 43* below shows the three mode
+pin resistors.
+.. _figure-43,Figure 43:
+.. figure:: media/image97.png
+   :width: 400px
+   :align: center 
+   :alt: Figure 43. Ethernet PHY Mode Pins
+   Fig-43: Ethernet PHY Mode Pins
+This will set the mode to be 111, which enables all modes and enables
+.. _hdmi-interface-1:
+Display Port Interface
+BeagleBone AI-64 has an onboard Display Port framer that converts the LCD
+signals and audio signals to drive a Display Port monitor. The design uses the on chip
+internal Display Port Framer.
+The following sections provide more detail into the design of this
+.. _supported-resolutions:
+Supported Resolutions
+The maximum resolution supported by BeagleBone AI-64 is 1280x1024 @
+60Hz. *Table 9* below shows the supported resolutions. Not all
+resolutions may work on all monitors, but these have been tested and
+shown to work on at least one monitor. EDID is supported on the
+BeagleBone AI-64. Based on the EDID reading from the connected monitor,
+the highest compatible resolution is selected.
+.Table 9. HDMI Supported Monitor Adapter  Resolutions
+.. list-table:: Table 9. HDMI Supported Monitor Adapter  Resolutions
+   :header-rows: 1
+   * - RESOLUTION    
+     - AUDIO
+   * - 800 x 600 @60Hz    
+     - 
+   * - 800 x 600 @56Hz    
+     - 
+   * - 640 x 480 @75Hz    
+     - 
+   * - 640 x 480 @60Hz    
+     - YES 
+   * - 720 x 400 @70Hz    
+     - 
+   * - 1280 x 1024 @75Hz    
+     - 
+   * - 1024 x 768 @75Hz    
+     - 
+   * - 1024 x 768 @70Hz    
+     - 
+   * - 1024 x 768 @60Hz    
+     - 
+   * - 800 x 600 @75Hz    
+     - 
+   * - 800 x 600 @72Hz    
+     - 
+   * - 720 x 480 @60Hz    
+     - YES 
+   * - 1280 x 720 @60Hz    
+     - YES 
+   * - 1920x1080 @24Hz    
+     - YES 
+.. note ::
+   The updated software image used on the Rev A5B and later boards added support for 1920x1080@24HZ.
+Audio is limited to CEA supported resolutions. LCD panels only activate
+the audio in CEA modes. This is a function of the specification and is
+not something that can be fixed on the board via a hardware change or a
+software change.
+.. _hdmi-framer:
+Display Port Framer
+insert processor  Display Port framer doc here
+.. _hdmi-video-processor-interface:
+Display Port Video Processor Interface
+insert processor  Display Port V-interface doc here
+.. _hdmi-control-processor-interface:
+Display Port Control Processor Interface
+insert processor  Display Port C-interface doc here
+.. _interrupt-signal:
+Interrupt Signal
+insert processor  Display Port interrupt doc here
+.. _audio-interface:
+Audio Interface
+insert processor  Display Port audio doc here
+.. _power-connections:
+Power Connections
+guesing this doesn’t exist on this device
+.. _hdmi-connector-interface:
+miniDP Connector Interface
+insert processor  Mini Display Port connector  doc here
+.. _usb-host:
+USB Host
+The board is equipped with a single USB host interface accessible from a
+single USB Type A female connector. :ref:`figure-48` is the design of the USB
+Host circuitry.
+.. _figure-48,Figure 48:
+.. figure:: media/image66.png
+   :width: 400px
+   :align: center 
+   :alt: Figure 48. USB Host circuit
+   Fig-48: USB Host circuit
+.. _power-switch:
+Power Switch
+*U8* is a switch that allows the power to the connector to be turned on
+or off by the processor. It also has an over current detection that can
+alert the processor if the current gets too high via the**USB1_OC**
+signal. The power is controlled by the *USB1_DRVBUS* signal from the
+.. _esd-protection:
+ESD Protection
+*U9* is the ESD protection for the signals that go to the connector.
+.. _filter-options:
+Filter Options
+*FB7* and **FB8** were added to assist in passing the FCC emissions test.
+The *USB1_VBUS* signal is used by the processor to detect that the 5V is
+present on the connector. *FB7* is populated and *FB8* is replaced with
+a .1 ohm resistor.
+.. _pru-icss:
+The PRU-ICSS module is located inside the TDA4VM processor. Access to
+these pins is provided by the expansion headers and is multiplexed with
+other functions on the board. Access is not provided to all of the
+available pins.
+All documentation is located at http://git.beagleboard.org/beagleboard/am335x_pru_package
+This feature is not supported by Texas Instruments.
+.. _pru-icss-features:
+PRU-ICSS Features
+The features of the PRU-ICSS include:
+Two independent programmable real-time (PRU) cores:
+* 32-Bit Load/Store RISC architecture
+* 8K Byte instruction RAM (2K instructions) per core
+* 8K Bytes data RAM per core
+* 12K Bytes shared RAM
+* Operating frequency of 200 MHz
+* PRU operation is little endian similar to ARM processor
+* All memories within PRU-ICSS support parity
+* Includes Interrupt Controller for system event handling
+* Fast I/O interface
+*16 input pins and 16 output pins per PRU core. (Not all of these are
+accessible on BeagleBone AI-64).*
+.. _pru-icss-block-diagram:
+PRU-ICSS Block Diagram
+:ref:`figure-49` is a high level block diagram of the PRU-ICSS.
+.. _figure-49,Figure 49:
+.. figure:: media/image67.png
+   :width: 400px
+   :align: center 
+   :alt: PRU-ICSS Block Diagram
+   PRU-ICSS Block Diagram
+.. _pru-icss-pin-access:
+PRU-ICSS Pin Access
+Both PRU 0 and PRU1 are accessible from the expansion headers. Some may
+not be useable without first disabling functions on the board like LCD
+for example. Listed below is what ports can be accessed on each PRU.
+* 8 outputs or 9 inputs PRU1
+* 13 outputs or 14 inputs
+:ref:`table-11` below shows which PRU-ICSS signals can be accessed on the
+BeagleBone AI-64 and on which connector and pins they are accessible
+from. Some signals are accessible on the same pins.
+.. _table-11,Table 11:
+.. list-table:: Table 11: PRU0 and PRU1 Access
+   :header-rows: 1
+   * - 
+     - PIN 
+     - PROC 
+     - NAME 
+     - 
+     -
+     -
+   * - P8 
+     - 11 
+     - R12 
+     - GPIO1_13 
+     - 
+     - pr1_pru0_pru_r30_15 (Output)  
+     - 
+   * - 
+     - 12 
+     - T12 
+     - GPIO1_12 
+     - 
+     - pr1_pru0_pru_r30_14 (Output) 
+     - 
+   * - 
+     - 15 
+     - U13 
+     - GPIO1_15 
+     - 
+     - pr1_pru0_pru_r31_15 (Input) 
+     - 
+   * - 
+     - 16 
+     - V13 
+     - GPIO1_14 
+     - 
+     - pr1_pru0_pru_r31_14 (Input) 
+     - 
+   * - 
+     - 20 
+     - V9 
+     - GPIO1_31 
+     - pr1_pru1_pru_r30_13 (Output) 
+     - pr1_pru1_pru_r31_13 (INPUT) 
+     - 
+   * -
+     - 21 
+     - U9 
+     - GPIO1_30 
+     - pr1_pru1_pru_r30_12 (Output) 
+     - pr1_pru1_pru_r31_12 (INPUT) 
+     - 
+   * - 
+     - 27 
+     - U5 
+     - GPIO2_22 
+     - pr1_pru1_pru_r30_8 (Output) 
+     - pr1_pru1_pru_r31_8 (INPUT) 
+     - 
+   * - 
+     - 28 
+     - V5 
+     - GPIO2_24 
+     - pr1_pru1_pru_r30_10 (Output) 
+     - pr1_pru1_pru_r31_10 (INPUT) 
+     - 
+   * -
+     - 29 
+     - R5 
+     - GPIO2_23 
+     - pr1_pru1_pru_r30_9 (Output) 
+     - pr1_pru1_pru_r31_9 (INPUT) 
+     - 
+   * - 
+     - 39 
+     - T3 
+     - GPIO2_12 
+     - pr1_pru1_pru_r30_6 (Output) 
+     - pr1_pru1_pru_r31_6 (INPUT) 
+     - 
+   * -
+     - 40 
+     - T4 
+     - GPIO2_13 
+     - pr1_pru1_pru_r30_7 (Output) 
+     - pr1_pru1_pru_r31_7 (INPUT) 
+     -
+   * - 
+     - 41 
+     - T1 
+     - GPIO2_10 
+     - pr1_pru1_pru_r30_4 (Output) 
+     - pr1_pru1_pru_r31_4 (INPUT) 
+     - 
+   * -
+     - 42 
+     - T2 
+     - GPIO2_11 
+     - pr1_pru1_pru_r30_5 (Output) 
+     - pr1_pru1_pru_r31_5 (INPUT) 
+     - 
+   * - 
+     - 43 
+     - R3 
+     - GPIO2_8 
+     - pr1_pru1_pru_r30_2 (Output) 
+     - pr1_pru1_pru_r31_2 (INPUT) 
+     - 
+   * -
+     - 44 
+     - R4 
+     - GPIO2_9 
+     - pr1_pru1_pru_r30_3 (Output) 
+     - pr1_pru1_pru_r31_3 (INPUT) 
+     - 
+   * -
+     - 45 
+     - R1 
+     - GPIO2_6 
+     - pr1_pru1_pru_r30_0 (Output) 
+     - pr1_pru1_pru_r31_0 (INPUT) 
+     - 
+   * -
+     - 46 
+     - R2 
+     - GPIO2_7 
+     - pr1_pru1_pru_r30_1 (Output) 
+     - pr1_pru1_pru_r31_1 (INPUT) 
+     - 
+   * -
+     -
+     -
+     -
+     -
+     -
+     -
+   * - P9 
+     - 17 
+     - A16 
+     - I2C1_SCL 
+     - pr1_uart0_txd 
+     - 
+     -
+   * -
+     - 18 
+     - B16 
+     - I2C1_SDA 
+     - pr1_uart0_rxd 
+     - 
+     -
+   * -
+     - 19 
+     - D17 
+     - I2C2_SCL 
+     - pr1_uart0_rts_n 
+     - 
+     -
+   * -
+     - 20 
+     - D18 
+     - I2C2_SDA 
+     - pr1_uart0_cts_n 
+     - 
+     - 
+   * -
+     - 21 
+     - B17 
+     - UART2_TXD 
+     - pr1_uart0_rts_n 
+     - 
+     -
+   * -
+     - 22 
+     - A17 
+     - UART2_RXD 
+     - pr1_uart0_cts_n 
+     - 
+     -
+   * -
+     - 24 
+     - D15 
+     - UART1_TXD 
+     - pr1_uart0_txd 
+     - pr1_pru0_pru_r31_16 (Input) 
+     - 
+   * -
+     - 25 
+     - A14 
+     - GPIO3_21footnote:[GPIO3_21 is also the 24.576MHZ clock input to the processor to enable HDMI audio. To use this pin the oscillator must be disabled.] 
+     - pr1_pru0_pru_r30_5 (Output) 
+     - pr1_pru0_pru_r31_5 (Input) 
+     - 
+   * -
+     - 26 
+     - D16 
+     - UART1_RXD 
+     - pr1_uart0_rxd 
+     - pr1_pru1_pru_r31_16 
+     -
+   * -
+     - 27 
+     - C13 
+     - GPIO3_19 
+     - pr1_pru0_pru_r30_7 (Output) 
+     - pr1_pru0_pru_r31_7 (Input) 
+     - 
+   * - 
+     - 28 
+     - C12 
+     - SPI1_CS0 
+     - eCAP2_in_PWM2_out 
+     - pr1_pru0_pru_r30_3 (Output) 
+     - pr1_pru0_pru_r31_3 (Input)
+   * -
+     - 29 
+     - B13 
+     - SPI1_D0 
+     - pr1_pru0_pru_r30_1 (Output) 
+     - pr1_pru0_pru_r31_1 (Input) 
+     - 
+   * -
+     - 30 
+     - D12 
+     - SPI1_D1 
+     - pr1_pru0_pru_r30_2 (Output) 
+     - pr1_pru0_pru_r31_2 (Input) 
+     -
+   * -
+     - 31 
+     - A13 
+     - SPI1_SCLK 
+     - pr1_pru0_pru_r30_0 (Output) 
+     - pr1_pru0_pru_r31_0 (Input) 
+     - 
diff --git a/boards/beaglebone/ai-64/ch10.rst b/boards/beaglebone/ai-64/ch10.rst
index 97d15c3b0f749f5e5862fe178452220270c7e3ce..fb21a8d4f2e4ba1ef25c8e0519625775228cf9a3 100644
--- a/boards/beaglebone/ai-64/ch10.rst
+++ b/boards/beaglebone/ai-64/ch10.rst
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ Pictures
    Fig: BeagleBone AI-64 back with heatsink
-.. figure:: images/ch10/45-front.jpg
+.. figure:: images/bbai64-45-front.jpg
    :width: 400px
    :align: center 
    :alt: Fig: BeagleBone AI-64 front at 45° angle
diff --git a/boards/beaglebone/ai-64/images/ch10/45-front.jpg b/boards/beaglebone/ai-64/images/bbai64-45-front.jpg
similarity index 100%
rename from boards/beaglebone/ai-64/images/ch10/45-front.jpg
rename to boards/beaglebone/ai-64/images/bbai64-45-front.jpg
diff --git a/boards/beaglebone/ai-64/index.rst b/boards/beaglebone/ai-64/index.rst
index 2ada5d10add415612bd67765ec2189287e6689af..2d99ca7e318ba80ec3f22ed60e62552165267435 100644
--- a/boards/beaglebone/ai-64/index.rst
+++ b/boards/beaglebone/ai-64/index.rst
@@ -3,12 +3,12 @@
 BeagleBone AI-64
-BeagleBone® AI-64 brings a complete system for developing artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning 
-solutions with the convenience and expandability of the BeagleBone® platform and the peripherals on board to 
-get started right away learning and building applications. With locally hosted, ready-to-use, open-source 
-focused tool chains and development environment, a simple web browser, power source and network connection 
-are all that need to be added to start building performance-optimized embedded applications. Industry-leading 
-expansion possibilities are enabled through familiar BeagleBone® cape headers, with hundreds of open-source 
+BeagleBone® AI-64 brings a complete system for developing artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning
+solutions with the convenience and expandability of the BeagleBone® platform and the peripherals on board to
+get started right away learning and building applications. With locally hosted, ready-to-use, open-source
+focused tool chains and development environment, a simple web browser, power source and network connection
+are all that need to be added to start building performance-optimized embedded applications. Industry-leading
+expansion possibilities are enabled through familiar BeagleBone® cape headers, with hundreds of open-source
 hardware examples and dozens of readily available embedded expansion options available off-the-shelf.
 .. grid:: 2
@@ -32,17 +32,22 @@ hardware examples and dozens of readily available embedded expansion options ava
             * Software images and purchase links available on the `board page <https://www.beagleboard.org/boards/beaglebone-ai-64>`__
             * For export, emissions and other compliance, see :ref:`beaglebone-ai-64-support-information`
+.. image:: images/bbai64-45-front.jpg
+   :width: 400px
+   :align: center
+   :alt: Fig: BeagleBone AI-64 front at 45° angle
 .. toctree::
    :maxdepth: 1
-   /boards/beaglebone/ai-64/ch01.rst
-   /boards/beaglebone/ai-64/ch02.rst
-   /boards/beaglebone/ai-64/ch03.rst
-   /boards/beaglebone/ai-64/ch04.rst
-   /boards/beaglebone/ai-64/ch05.rst
-   /boards/beaglebone/ai-64/ch07.rst
-   /boards/beaglebone/ai-64/ch09.rst
-   /boards/beaglebone/ai-64/ch10.rst
-   /boards/beaglebone/ai-64/ch11.rst
-   /boards/beaglebone/ai-64/update.rst
-   /boards/beaglebone/ai-64/edge_ai_apps/index.rst
+   ch01
+   ch02
+   ch03
+   ch04
+   ch05
+   ch07
+   ch09
+   ch10
+   ch11
+   update
+   edge_ai_apps/index
diff --git a/boards/beaglebone/ai/index.rst b/boards/beaglebone/ai/index.rst
index 95e4b5d15cf99937991c7a8be87db66539881bfa..6588c1086ce23167a5d6e4661afa2962be2290c5 100644
--- a/boards/beaglebone/ai/index.rst
+++ b/boards/beaglebone/ai/index.rst
@@ -27,20 +27,20 @@ BeagleBone AI is based on the Texas Instruments AM5729 dual-core Cortex-A15 SoC
                 * For export, emissions and other compliance, see :ref:`beaglebone-ai-support`
 .. image:: images/BB_AI_handheld_500px.jpg
-   :width: 500
-   :align: center
-   :height: 333
-   :alt: BeagleBone AI
+    :width: 500
+    :align: center
+    :height: 333
+    :alt: BeagleBone AI
 .. toctree::
     :maxdepth: 1
-    ch01.rst
-    ch03.rst
-    ch04.rst
-    ch05.rst
-    ch06.rst
-    ch07.rst
-    ch08.rst
-    ch11.rst
+    ch01
+    ch03
+    ch04
+    ch05
+    ch06
+    ch07
+    ch08
+    ch11
diff --git a/boards/beaglebone/black/index.rst b/boards/beaglebone/black/index.rst
index 49c58856d675ae0eed10c048a9f9b3e79bca23ad..a34b23ffe154fbdea58945f89a223f62ffe08b7b 100644
--- a/boards/beaglebone/black/index.rst
+++ b/boards/beaglebone/black/index.rst
@@ -36,15 +36,15 @@ Boot Linux in under 10 seconds and get started on development in less than 5 min
 .. toctree::
    :maxdepth: 1
-   /boards/beaglebone/black/ch01.rst
-   /boards/beaglebone/black/ch02.rst
-   /boards/beaglebone/black/ch03.rst
-   /boards/beaglebone/black/ch04.rst
-   /boards/beaglebone/black/ch05.rst
-   /boards/beaglebone/black/ch06.rst
-   /boards/beaglebone/black/ch07.rst
-   /boards/beaglebone/black/ch08.rst
-   /boards/beaglebone/black/ch09.rst
-   /boards/beaglebone/black/ch10.rst
-   /boards/beaglebone/black/ch11.rst
+   ch01
+   ch02
+   ch03
+   ch04
+   ch05
+   ch06
+   ch07
+   ch08
+   ch09
+   ch10
+   ch11
diff --git a/boards/beaglebone/index.rst b/boards/beaglebone/index.rst
index 780dc00a5bb05990b82619951e2702b250052296..c261f0ef56681ba3d27dcff6288da5c05dd7c00b 100644
--- a/boards/beaglebone/index.rst
+++ b/boards/beaglebone/index.rst
@@ -22,17 +22,6 @@ with links to their latest PDF-formatted System Reference Manual and the latest
 included both here and in the downloadable beagleboard-docs.pdf linked on the bottom-left
 of your screen.
-.. note::
-    This work is licensed under a `Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
-    4.0 International License <http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/>`__
-.. tip::
-    Make sure to read and accept all the terms & condition provided in the :ref:`boards-terms-and-conditions` page. 
-    Use of either the boards or the design materials constitutes agreement to the T&C including any 
-    modifications done to the hardware or software solutions provided by beagleboard.org foundation.
 All boards received without RMA approval will not be worked on.
 * `BeagleBone (original) <https://git.beagleboard.org/beagleboard/beaglebone/-/blob/master/BeagleBone_SRM_A6_0_1.pdf>`__
diff --git a/boards/beagleconnect/index.rst b/boards/beagleconnect/index.rst
index 137bd541805cf17f9cf9b801f237a61739d84032..8f08420c67cec5fc8647ee3a3119cf3fba408493 100644
--- a/boards/beagleconnect/index.rst
+++ b/boards/beagleconnect/index.rst
@@ -7,18 +7,6 @@ BeagleConnect
    Currently under development
-.. note::
-    This work is licensed under a `Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
-    4.0 International License <http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/>`__
-.. tip::
-    Make sure to read and accept all the terms & condition provided in the :ref:`boards-terms-and-conditions` page. 
-    Use of either the boards or the design materials constitutes agreement to the T&C including any 
-    modifications done to the hardware or software solutions provided by beagleboard.org foundation.
 BeagleConnectâ„¢ is a revolutionary technology virtually eliminating low-level 
 software development for `IoT <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_of_things>`_ 
 and `IIoT <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Industrial_internet_of_things>`_ 
@@ -45,11 +33,10 @@ BeagleConnectâ„¢ technology solves:
 * The need to connect to devices using long-range, low-power wireless, and
 * The need to produce high-volume custom hardware cost-optimized for your requirements.
-.. toctree::
-   :maxdepth: 2
-   /boards/beagleconnect/technology/index.rst
-   /boards/beagleconnect/technology/story.rst
+* :ref:`beagleconnect-overview`
+* :ref:`beagleconnect-story`
 BeagleConnect Experience
diff --git a/boards/beagleplay/index.rst b/boards/beagleplay/index.rst
index 99d490e345193e13ee7bf0e8868629bc667ad3d6..868bc38ded5a392d9255a7bab2a6ddcfe5ead39d 100644
--- a/boards/beagleplay/index.rst
+++ b/boards/beagleplay/index.rst
@@ -7,6 +7,9 @@ BeaglePlay
     This is a work in progress, for latest documentation please 
     visit https://docs.beagleboard.org/latest/
+BeaglePlay is an open-source single board computer based on the Texas Instruments AM6254 quad-core Cortex-A53 Arm SoC designed to simplify the process of adding
+sensors, actuators, indicators, human interfaces, and connectivity to a reliable embedded system.
 .. grid:: 2
     .. grid-item::
diff --git a/boards/beaglev/ahead/01-introduction.rst b/boards/beaglev/ahead/01-introduction.rst
index 1e15df1cdeb069b6c5dc3933438b4456a8edc1da..fe4d203ef8784a70f7c13c9fa2c19bfac8458cc6 100644
--- a/boards/beaglev/ahead/01-introduction.rst
+++ b/boards/beaglev/ahead/01-introduction.rst
@@ -3,10 +3,9 @@
-BeagleV Ahead is an open-source RISC-V Single Board Computer (SBC) in the form 
-factor of BeagleBone Black. It has the same P8 & P9 cape header pins as BeagleBone Black 
-allowing you to stack your favourite BeagleBone cape on top to expand it's capability. 
-Featuring a powerful quad-core RISC-V processor BeagleV Ahead is designed as an affordable 
+BeagleV-Ahead is a high-performance open-source RISC-V single board computer (SBC) built around the Alibaba TH1520 SoC. It has the same P8 & P9 cape header pins as
+BeagleBone Black allowing you to stack your favourite BeagleBone cape on top to expand it's capability.
+Featuring a powerful quad-core RISC-V processor BeagleV Ahead is designed as an affordable
 RISC-V enabled pocket-size computer for anybody who want's to dive deep into the new RISC-V ISA.
 .. table::
@@ -53,6 +52,10 @@ BeagleV Ahead is build around T-Head TH1520 RISC-V SoC with quad-core
 Xuantie C910 processor clocked at 1.85GHz with a 4 TOPS NPU, support for 
 64-bit DDR, and audio processing using a single core C906.
+.. todo::
+    remove "<To-Do>" items in the table below.
 .. table:: BeagleV Ahead features
diff --git a/boards/beaglev/ahead/index.rst b/boards/beaglev/ahead/index.rst
index d63db69fab8d2d5cc9ba405a9af08a48ed53e5dc..037102191a59eb3297e4902c81e683e1065a6b40 100644
--- a/boards/beaglev/ahead/index.rst
+++ b/boards/beaglev/ahead/index.rst
@@ -3,13 +3,10 @@
-.. image:: media/BeagleV-Ahead-with-hand.*
-    :align: center
-    :alt: BeagleV Ahead with hand
-.. important::
-    This is a work in progress, for latest documentation please 
-    visit https://docs.beagleboard.org/latest/
+BeagleV-Ahead is a high-performance open-source RISC-V single board computer (SBC) built around the Alibaba TH1520 SoC. It has the same P8 & P9 cape header pins as
+BeagleBone Black allowing you to stack your favourite BeagleBone cape on top to expand it's capability.
+Featuring a powerful quad-core RISC-V processor BeagleV Ahead is designed as an affordable
+RISC-V enabled pocket-size computer for anybody who want's to dive deep into the new RISC-V ISA.
 .. grid:: 2
@@ -32,20 +29,13 @@ BeagleV-Ahead
             * Software images and purchase links available on the `board page <https://www.beagleboard.org/boards/beaglev-ahead>`__
             * For export, emissions and other compliance, see :ref:`beaglev-ahead-support`
+.. image:: media/BeagleV-Ahead-with-hand.*
+    :align: center
+    :alt: BeagleV Ahead with hand
-.. note:: 
-    This work is licensed under a `Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
-    4.0 International License <http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/>`__
-    Hardware design files can be found at 
-.. tip::
-    Make sure to read and accept all the terms & condition provided in the :ref:`boards-terms-and-conditions` page. 
-    Use of either the boards or the design materials constitutes agreement to the T&C including any 
-    modifications done to the hardware or software solutions provided by beagleboard.org foundation.
+.. important::
+    This is a work in progress, for latest documentation please
+    visit https://docs.beagleboard.org/latest/
 .. only:: html
@@ -63,13 +53,13 @@ BeagleV-Ahead
         .. image:: media/chapter-thumbnails/01-introduction.*
             :align: center
             :alt: BeagleV Ahead Chapter01 thumbnail
-        Introduction to BeagleV Ahead board with information on each component 
+        Introduction to BeagleV Ahead board with information on each component
         location on both front and back of the board.
-    .. grid-item-card:: 
+    .. grid-item-card::
         :link: beaglev-ahead-quick-start
         :link-type: ref
@@ -82,10 +72,10 @@ BeagleV-Ahead
-        Getting started guide to enable you to start building your projects 
+        Getting started guide to enable you to start building your projects
         in no time.
-    .. grid-item-card:: 
+    .. grid-item-card::
         :link: beaglev-ahead-design
         :link-type: ref
@@ -98,10 +88,10 @@ BeagleV-Ahead
-        Hardware and mechanical design and specifications of BeagleV Ahead board 
+        Hardware and mechanical design and specifications of BeagleV Ahead board
         for those who want to know their board inside and out.
-    .. grid-item-card:: 
+    .. grid-item-card::
         :link: beaglev-ahead-expansion
         :link-type: ref
@@ -114,10 +104,10 @@ BeagleV-Ahead
-        Connector pinout diagrams with expansion details so that you can 
+        Connector pinout diagrams with expansion details so that you can
         easily debug your connections and create custom expansion hardware.
-    .. grid-item-card:: 
+    .. grid-item-card::
         :link: beaglev-ahead-demos
         :link-type: ref
@@ -132,7 +122,7 @@ BeagleV-Ahead
         Demos and tutorials to quickly learn about BeagleV Ahead capabilities.
-    .. grid-item-card:: 
+    .. grid-item-card::
         :link: beaglev-ahead-support
         :link-type: ref
diff --git a/boards/beaglev/fire/06-support.rst b/boards/beaglev/fire/06-support.rst
index 5c6ab3f93211f3c5c309363d7871cd2122c07761..f6af5144a602629a895fdbdc95ed3f079c46473e 100644
--- a/boards/beaglev/fire/06-support.rst
+++ b/boards/beaglev/fire/06-support.rst
@@ -13,19 +13,19 @@ Export designations
 .. todo:: update details
-* HS: 
-* US HS: 
-* EU HS: 
+* HS: 8471504090
+* US HS: 8543708800
+* EU HS: 8471707000
 Size and weight
 .. todo:: update details
-* Bare board dimensions: 
-* Bare board weight: 
-* Full package dimensions: 
-* Full package weight: 
+* Bare board dimensions: 86.38*54.61*18.8mm
+* Bare board weight: 45.8g
+* Full package dimensions: 140 x 100 x 40 mm
+* Full package weight: 106g
 .. _beaglev-fire-support-documentation:
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ Support forum
 For any additional support you can submit your queries on our forum,
@@ -93,6 +93,6 @@ are noted below.
     | Rev     |   Changes                                                  | Date                 |    By |
-    |         |                                                            | 2023-03-08           |       |
+    | A       |  Initial production version                                | 2023-11-02           | JK    |
diff --git a/boards/beaglev/fire/index.rst b/boards/beaglev/fire/index.rst
index ec1b1d69953e9dc4cb58160884aecd9633b6a6f5..73c1c75cae762e6b1a382f3900eaaf6ddf7f2f17 100644
--- a/boards/beaglev/fire/index.rst
+++ b/boards/beaglev/fire/index.rst
@@ -14,10 +14,10 @@ BeagleV®-Fire SBC offers unparalleled opportunities for developers, hobbyists,
     .. grid-item::
         :columns: 12 12 12 4
-        .. figure:: media/OSHW_mark_US002120.*
+        .. figure:: media/certification-mark-US002572-stacked.*
             :width: 200
-            :target: https://certification.oshwa.org/us002120.html
-            :alt: BeagleBone AI OSHW Mark
+            :target: https://certification.oshwa.org/us002572.html
+            :alt: BeagleV-Fire OSHW Mark
     .. grid-item::
         :columns: 12 12 12 8
diff --git a/boards/beaglev/fire/media/OSHW_mark_US002120.png b/boards/beaglev/fire/media/certification-mark-US002572-stacked.png
similarity index 63%
rename from boards/beaglev/fire/media/OSHW_mark_US002120.png
rename to boards/beaglev/fire/media/certification-mark-US002572-stacked.png
index bbb83993d21819c5e394704b2dbe36d3822e2e85..6395288ea2674e6ba983232bdcc9289a09ef5ba2 100644
Binary files a/boards/beaglev/fire/media/OSHW_mark_US002120.png and b/boards/beaglev/fire/media/certification-mark-US002572-stacked.png differ
diff --git a/boards/beaglev/fire/media/OSHW_mark_US002120.svg b/boards/beaglev/fire/media/certification-mark-US002572-stacked.svg
similarity index 99%
rename from boards/beaglev/fire/media/OSHW_mark_US002120.svg
rename to boards/beaglev/fire/media/certification-mark-US002572-stacked.svg
index 24b03bd6961ef01142c5d3951b20314b73802ad5..9be65650e5070c29627f9f74eb1a978efa07d466 100644
--- a/boards/beaglev/fire/media/OSHW_mark_US002120.svg
+++ b/boards/beaglev/fire/media/certification-mark-US002572-stacked.svg
@@ -30,6 +30,6 @@
             <path d="M355.453,138.607l14.238,0l10.336,87.601l12.288,-57.968l15.25,0l12.432,58.113l35.008,-167.926l14.239,-0l-40.79,188.091l-13.805,0l-14.673,-64.11l-14.6,64.11l-13.806,0l-16.118,-107.911" style="fill:rgb(255,68,68);fill-rule:nonzero;"/>
-        <text id="project-uid" x="56.375px" y="381.312px" style="font-family: 'DejaVu Sans Mono', 'DejaVuSansMono', 'DejaVu Sans Mono Subset';font-size:90.49px;fill:rgb(51,51,51);">US002120</text>
+        <text id="project-uid" x="56.375px" y="381.312px" style="font-family: 'DejaVu Sans Mono', 'DejaVuSansMono', 'DejaVu Sans Mono Subset';font-size:90.49px;fill:rgb(51,51,51);">US002572</text>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/boards/capes/index.rst b/boards/capes/index.rst
index d5110cbbbf6d0b69ed77eaa0fca406c607927d60..556ab227fd1508a5a0af1abd0e165b111afa1903 100644
--- a/boards/capes/index.rst
+++ b/boards/capes/index.rst
@@ -6,6 +6,10 @@ Capes
 .. note::
    This page is under development.
+.. todo::
+   Get OSHWA certification for all of our capes and update the documentation to reflect that
 .. admonition:: Contributors
     This work is licensed under a `Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
diff --git a/boards/pocketbeagle/original/index.rst b/boards/pocketbeagle/original/index.rst
index 0af30f2f603d9945342d1a5aa89c4bc76045bf11..6c0b268c69973ec5029089c156247bf26b38bd2a 100644
--- a/boards/pocketbeagle/original/index.rst
+++ b/boards/pocketbeagle/original/index.rst
@@ -3,6 +3,10 @@
+PocketBeagle is an ultra-tiny-yet-complete open-source USB-key-fob computer. 
+PocketBeagle features an incredible low cost, slick design and simple usage, 
+making PocketBeagle the ideal development board for beginners and professionals alike. 
 .. grid:: 2
     .. grid-item::
@@ -24,11 +28,6 @@ PocketBeagle
             * Software images and purchase links available on the `board page <https://www.beagleboard.org/boards/pocketbeagle-original>`__
             * For export, emissions and other compliance, see :ref:`pocketbeagle_support_information`
-PocketBeagle is an ultra-tiny-yet-complete open-source USB-key-fob computer. 
-PocketBeagle features an incredible low cost, slick design and simple usage, 
-making PocketBeagle the ideal development board for beginners and professionals alike. 
 .. image:: images/PocketBeagle-size-compare-small.*
    :width: 598                                     
    :align: center                                   
diff --git a/conf.py b/conf.py
index 720d19e086f7d84c9d328c077bb690b9a5115079..7fea3b885788fd7b1e0ec8a56d7bb6fff6e7ceb2 100644
--- a/conf.py
+++ b/conf.py
@@ -32,12 +32,16 @@ extensions = [
+    "sphinx.ext.graphviz",
-    "exhale"
+#    "exhale"
+#graphviz_output_format = 'svg'
 breathe_projects = {"librobotcontrol": "projects/librobotcontrol/docs/xml"}
 breathe_default_project = "librobotcontrol"
@@ -67,7 +71,7 @@ LaTeXBuilder.supported_image_types = ['application/pdf', 'image/jpg', 'image/jpe
 templates_path = ['_templates']
-source_suffix = '.rst'
+source_suffix = ['.rst', '.md']
 numfig = True
 navigation_with_keys = True
diff --git a/gitlab-build.sh b/gitlab-build.sh
index fef77dba1358cd47524e2246a2c1e38646d718a1..b6f7abfbab84fa0a5168de9a8d27f8e8506c1fb1 100755
--- a/gitlab-build.sh
+++ b/gitlab-build.sh
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+#!/bin/bash -xe
 export VER_LATEST_EXTRA=wip
diff --git a/index-tex.rst b/index-tex.rst
index 7758cfdade7c0a4b3630407169a82974f0816e02..68b6f76923425f1c25aa19d9c08ab6c05a30b9e1 100644
--- a/index-tex.rst
+++ b/index-tex.rst
@@ -10,8 +10,7 @@ BeagleBoard Docs
 .. toctree::
-   intro/blinkLED
-   intro/index.rst
+   intro/index
diff --git a/index.rst b/index.rst
index 070ebd0009836af47cab7087c247226d49bc3ac2..7574595f35fa32ed0a6ac0b2228f1b79ea2f880f 100644
--- a/index.rst
+++ b/index.rst
@@ -7,9 +7,7 @@ BeagleBoard Documentation
 Welcome to the `BeagleBoard project documentation <https://git.beagleboard.org/docs/docs.beagleboard.io>`__.
-Official documentation releases are provided at https://docs.beagle.cc (cached with local proxies) and
-https://docs.beagleboard.org (non-cached, without proxies).
+If you are looking for help with your Beagle open-hardware development platform, you've found the right place!
 .. note:: 
    The BeagleBoard.org Foundation is a US-based 501(c)3 non-profit organization providing open hardware
@@ -20,21 +18,26 @@ https://docs.beagleboard.org (non-cached, without proxies).
-Get started engaging the BeagleBoard.org developer community by reading our :ref:`introduction` page.
+Get started quickly on our Linux-enabled boards with :ref:`blinkLED`, follow-up with articles in :ref:`intro_beagle-101`, and reach out
+via resources on our :ref:`support` page as needed to resolve issues
+and engage with the developer community. Don't forget that this is an open-source project! Your contributions are welcome. 
+Learn about how to contribute to the BeagleBoard documentation project and any of the many open-source Beagle
+projects ongoing on our :ref:`contribution` page.
-* Read about how to get started and get help on our :ref:`support` page.
-* Learn how to contribute to the project on our :ref:`contribution` page.
+* Get started quickly at :ref:`blinkLED`.
+* Go a bit deaper at :ref:`intro_beagle-101`.
+* Read the book at :ref:`bone-cook-book-home`.
+* Get help from the community at :ref:`support`.
+* Learn how to contribute to the project at :ref:`contribution`.
 .. toctree::
    :maxdepth: 2
    :caption: Introduction
-   /intro/blinkLED
-   /intro/support/index
+   /intro/support/index
@@ -47,10 +50,10 @@ design, including the
 `materials <https://git.beagleboard.org/explore/projects/topics/boards>`__ to modify the designs
 from source using appropriate design tools.
-* Check out our latest board at: :ref:`beagleplay-home`
-* Check out our most popular board at: :ref:`beagleboneblack-home`
-* Check out our highest performance board at: :ref:`bbai64-home`
-* Find all of our on: :ref:`boards`
+* Check out our easy-to-use Linux-based board at: :ref:`beagleplay-home`
+* Check out our highest performance (8 TOPs) board at: :ref:`bbai64-home`
+* Check out our first Zephyr-based board at: :ref:`beagleconnect_freedom_home`
+* Find all of our boards at: :ref:`boards`
 .. grid:: 1 1 2 3
    :margin: 4 4 0 0
@@ -381,10 +384,10 @@ Capes
-   /boards/capes/index
+   /boards/capes/index
@@ -401,8 +404,8 @@ developers. Some developers choose to host documentation for their :ref:`project
-   /projects/librobotcontrol/index
-   /boards/beagleconnect/index
+   /projects/librobotcontrol/docs/index
+   /projects/beagleconnect/index
@@ -432,7 +435,6 @@ page for more information.
    :caption: Accessories
-   /boards/capes/index
 Indices and tables
diff --git a/intro/blinkLED.rst b/intro/beagle101/blinkLED.rst
similarity index 100%
rename from intro/blinkLED.rst
rename to intro/beagle101/blinkLED.rst
diff --git a/intro/buttonEvent.sh b/intro/beagle101/buttonEvent.sh
similarity index 100%
rename from intro/buttonEvent.sh
rename to intro/beagle101/buttonEvent.sh
diff --git a/intro/buttonLED.sh b/intro/beagle101/buttonLED.sh
similarity index 100%
rename from intro/buttonLED.sh
rename to intro/beagle101/buttonLED.sh
diff --git a/intro/figures/11fig-PB-microUSBattach1.jpg b/intro/beagle101/figures/11fig-PB-microUSBattach1.jpg
similarity index 100%
rename from intro/figures/11fig-PB-microUSBattach1.jpg
rename to intro/beagle101/figures/11fig-PB-microUSBattach1.jpg
diff --git a/intro/figures/blueconnect.jpg b/intro/beagle101/figures/blueconnect.jpg
similarity index 100%
rename from intro/figures/blueconnect.jpg
rename to intro/beagle101/figures/blueconnect.jpg
diff --git a/intro/figures/image8.jpg b/intro/beagle101/figures/image8.jpg
similarity index 100%
rename from intro/figures/image8.jpg
rename to intro/beagle101/figures/image8.jpg
diff --git a/intro/figures/image9.jpg b/intro/beagle101/figures/image9.jpg
similarity index 100%
rename from intro/figures/image9.jpg
rename to intro/beagle101/figures/image9.jpg
diff --git a/intro/figures/power-led.jpg b/intro/beagle101/figures/power-led.jpg
similarity index 100%
rename from intro/figures/power-led.jpg
rename to intro/beagle101/figures/power-led.jpg
diff --git a/intro/figures/putty.png b/intro/beagle101/figures/putty.png
similarity index 100%
rename from intro/figures/putty.png
rename to intro/beagle101/figures/putty.png
diff --git a/intro/figures/tethered-connection.jpg b/intro/beagle101/figures/tethered-connection.jpg
similarity index 100%
rename from intro/figures/tethered-connection.jpg
rename to intro/beagle101/figures/tethered-connection.jpg
diff --git a/intro/figures/usb-a-connection.jpg b/intro/beagle101/figures/usb-a-connection.jpg
similarity index 100%
rename from intro/figures/usb-a-connection.jpg
rename to intro/beagle101/figures/usb-a-connection.jpg
diff --git a/intro/figures/usb-c-connection.jpg b/intro/beagle101/figures/usb-c-connection.jpg
similarity index 100%
rename from intro/figures/usb-c-connection.jpg
rename to intro/beagle101/figures/usb-c-connection.jpg
diff --git a/intro/figures/usb-tethering.jpg b/intro/beagle101/figures/usb-tethering.jpg
similarity index 100%
rename from intro/figures/usb-tethering.jpg
rename to intro/beagle101/figures/usb-tethering.jpg
diff --git a/intro/figures/vscode1.png b/intro/beagle101/figures/vscode1.png
similarity index 100%
rename from intro/figures/vscode1.png
rename to intro/beagle101/figures/vscode1.png
diff --git a/intro/figures/vscode2.png b/intro/beagle101/figures/vscode2.png
similarity index 100%
rename from intro/figures/vscode2.png
rename to intro/beagle101/figures/vscode2.png
diff --git a/intro/figures/vscode3.png b/intro/beagle101/figures/vscode3.png
similarity index 100%
rename from intro/figures/vscode3.png
rename to intro/beagle101/figures/vscode3.png
diff --git a/intro/figures/vscode4.png b/intro/beagle101/figures/vscode4.png
similarity index 100%
rename from intro/figures/vscode4.png
rename to intro/beagle101/figures/vscode4.png
diff --git a/intro/beagle101/index.rst b/intro/beagle101/index.rst
index f210f506f1d7e3738a7cb4caa26a1ee0e27603de..d3a57d6606aa1ce89aff08699adbf55051447856 100644
--- a/intro/beagle101/index.rst
+++ b/intro/beagle101/index.rst
@@ -1,23 +1,43 @@
 .. _intro_beagle-101:
-Beagle 101
+An Introduction to Beagles
-.. note::
-   This page is under construction. Most of the information here is drastically out of date.
+.. toctree::
+   :maxdepth: 1
+   :hidden:
-This is a collection of articles to aide in quickly understanding how to make use of Beagles running Linux.
-Most of the useful information has moved to :ref:`bone-cook-book-home`, but some articles
-are being built here from a different perspective.
+   blinkLED
+   linux
+   qwiic-stemma-grove-addons
-Articles under construction or to be imported and updated:
+Linux-enabled boards
-* :ref:`qwiic_stemma_grove_addons`
-* https://beagleboard.github.io/bone101/Support/bone101/
+Most Beagles have on-board flash preconfigured to run Linux. These resources will get you started quickly.
-.. toctree::
-   :maxdepth: 1
-   :hidden:
+* Get started at :ref:`blinkLED`.
+* Learn to reset a board back to factory defaults and dive a bit deeper into the IDE at :ref:`beagleboard-getting-started`.
+* Learn a bit about Linux at :ref:`intro-linux`.
+* Learn about accessories at :ref:`accessories-home`
+* Learn about using 3rd party I2C add-on boards at :ref:`qwiic_stemma_grove_addons`.
+* Learn about using mikroBUS add-on boards at :ref:`beagleplay-mikrobus`.
+* Learn about using Cape add-on boards at :ref:`capes`.
+* Read :ref:`bone-cook-book-home`.
+* Read :ref:`pru-cookbook-home`.
+* Find more books at https://www.beagleboard.org/books.
+Zephyr-enabled boards
+Our Zephyr-enabled boards ship with a build of Micropython and, in the future, will also
+ship with a BeagleConnect Greybus node service for quick, transparent access from any BeagleConnect
+Greybus host enabled system.
+* See :ref:`beagleconnect-freedom-using-micropython` to get started quickly.
+* See :ref:`beagleconnect-freedom-using-zephyr` to learn to setup the Zephyr SDK.
+* See :ref:`beagleconnect-overview` to learn about BeagleConnect Greybus.
-   /intro/beagle101/qwiic-stemma-grove-addons.rst
+.. todo::
+   Make sure we have everything critical from https://beagleboard.github.io/bone101/Support/bone101/
diff --git a/intro/beagle101/linux.rst b/intro/beagle101/linux.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0063d7993afb501e5d0a917d0c1b68ef4bfa63e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/intro/beagle101/linux.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+.. _intro-linux:
+An Introduction to Linux
+This article seeks to give you some quick exploration of Linux. For a deeper training,
+scroll down to :ref:`embedded-linux-training`.
+Linux is designed to make the details of the hardware it is running on not matter so much
+to users. It gives you a *somewhat* common experience on any hardware.
+It also goes a bit further, providing some description of the harware as part of the running
+"file system".
+Typical Command-line Utilities
+Most of what a new user experiences with Linux is the command-line.
+.. table:: Typical Linux commands
+    +---------+--------------------------------+---------+------------------------------------+
+    | command | function                       | command | function                           |
+    +=========+================================+=========+====================================+
+    | pwd     | *show current directory*       | echo    | *print/dump value*                 |
+    +---------+--------------------------------+---------+------------------------------------+
+    | cd      | *change current directory*     | env     | *dump environment variables*       |
+    +---------+--------------------------------+---------+------------------------------------+
+    | ls      | *list directory contents*      | export  | *set environment variable*         |
+    +---------+--------------------------------+---------+------------------------------------+
+    | chmod   | *change file permissions*      | history | *dump command history*             |
+    +---------+--------------------------------+---------+------------------------------------+
+    | cp      | *copy files*                   | man     | *get help on command*              |
+    +---------+--------------------------------+---------+------------------------------------+
+    | mv      | *move files*                   | apropos | *show list of man pages*           |
+    +---------+--------------------------------+---------+------------------------------------+
+    | rm      | *remove files*                 | find    | *search for files*                 |
+    +---------+--------------------------------+---------+------------------------------------+
+    | mkdir   | *make directory*               | tar     | *create/extract file archives*     |
+    +---------+--------------------------------+---------+------------------------------------+
+    | rmdir   | *remove directory*             | gzip    | *compress a file*                  |
+    +---------+--------------------------------+---------+------------------------------------+
+    | cat     | *dump file contents*           | gunzip  | *decompress a file*                |
+    +---------+--------------------------------+---------+------------------------------------+
+    | less    | *progressively dump file*      | du      | *show disk usage*                  |
+    +---------+--------------------------------+---------+------------------------------------+
+    | vi      | *edit file (complex)*          | df      | *show disk free space*             |
+    +---------+--------------------------------+---------+------------------------------------+
+    | nano    | *edit file (simple)*           | mount   | *mount disks*                      |
+    +---------+--------------------------------+---------+------------------------------------+
+    | head    | *trim dump to top*             | tee     | *write dump to file in parallel*   |
+    +---------+--------------------------------+---------+------------------------------------+
+    | tail    | *trim dump to bottom*          | hexdump | *readable binary dumps*            |
+    +---------+--------------------------------+---------+------------------------------------+
+Kernel.org Documentation
+See https://www.kernel.org/doc.
+Linux Standard Base
+See https://refspecs.linuxfoundation.org/lsb.shtml.
+.. shell-session::
+   $ lsb_release -a
+Filesystem Hierarchy Standard
+See https://www.pathname.com/fhs/
+Kernel Application Binary Interface
+See https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/ABI/.
+Even though large distros like Debian and Ubuntu do not make extensive use of `busybox`, it is still very useful to
+See http://www.busybox.net/.
+.. _embedded-linux-training:
+To continue learning more about Linux, we highly recommend https://bootlin.com/training/embedded-linux/.
diff --git a/intro/contribution/index.rst b/intro/contribution/index.rst
index 6f915c8c309cf6cb7d5857329c52ec79356b71f4..ea15b8f9e26fe856ecd0022aab6c418b81cd7280 100644
--- a/intro/contribution/index.rst
+++ b/intro/contribution/index.rst
@@ -53,12 +53,6 @@ the skills required for Linux contributions in the :ref:`beagleboard-linux-upstr
 The most useful thing to know is how to ask smart questions. Read about this in the :ref:`intro-getting-support` section. If you ask
 smart questions on the issue trackers and forum, you'll be doing a lot to help us improve the designs and documentation.
-.. toctree::
-   :maxdepth: 1
-   :hidden:
-   /intro/contribution/linux-upstream
 How can I contribute?
@@ -66,6 +60,8 @@ The most obvious way to contribute is using the `git.beagleboard.org Gitlab serv
 bugs, suggest enhancements and providing merge requests, also called pull requests, the provide fixes to software, hardware
 designs and documentation.
+Reading the `help guide <https://git.beagleboard.org/help/>`_ is a great way to get started using our Gitlab server.
 This documentation has a number of ``todo`` items where help is needed that can be searched in the source.
 .. todolist::
@@ -73,32 +69,47 @@ This documentation has a number of ``todo`` items where help is needed that can
 Reporting bugs
-.. todo::
-   Describe where and how to report issues on git.beagleboard.org
+Start by reading the `Gitlab Issues help page <https://git.beagleboard.org/help/user/project/issues/index.md>`_.
+Please request an account and report any issues on the appropriate project issue tracker at https://git.beagleboard.org.
+Report issues on the software images at https://git.beagleboard.org/explore/topics/distros.
+Report issues on the hardware at https://git.beagleboard.org/explore/projects/topics/boards.
 Suggesting enhancements
-.. todo::
-   Describe how to introduct ideas on forum.beagleboard.org and git.beagleboard.org
+An issue doesn't have to be something wrong, it can just be about making something better. If in doubt how to make
+a productive suggestion, hop on the forum and live chat groups to see what other people say. Check the current
+ideas that are already out there and give us your idea. Try to be constructive in your suggestion. We are a primarily
+a volunteer community looking to make your experience better, as those that follow you, and your suggestion could be
+key in that endeavor.
+Where available, use the "enhancement" `label <https://git.beagleboard.org/help/user/project/labels.md>`_ on your issue
+to make sure we know you are looking for a future improvement, not reporting something critically wrong.
 Submitting merge requests
-.. todo::
-   Describe how to introduct ideas on forum.beagleboard.org and git.beagleboard.org
+If you want to contribute to a project, the most practical way is with a
+`merge request <https://git.beagleboard.org/help/user/project/merge_requests/index.html>`_. Start
+by `creating a fork <https://git.beagleboard.org/help/user/project/repository/forking_workflow.html>`_, which
+is your own copy of the project you can feel free to edit how you see fit. When ready,
+`create a merge request <https://git.beagleboard.org/help/user/project/merge_requests/creating_merge_requests.html>`_ and
+we'll review your work and give comments back to you. If suitable, we'll update the code to include your contribution!
-Style and usage guidelines
+A bit more detailed suggestions can be found in the articles linked below.
-* :ref:`beagleboard-git-usage`
-* Git commit messages
-* :ref:`beagleboard-doc-style`
+Articles on contribution
 .. toctree::
    :maxdepth: 1
-   :hidden:
-   /intro/contribution/git-usage
-   /intro/contribution/style
-   /intro/contribution/rst-cheat-sheet
+   git-usage
+   style
+   rst-cheat-sheet
+   linux-upstream
diff --git a/intro/index.rst b/intro/index.rst
index e5e65cdda68db57302898e36ead8c201fa9aaa43..3777ea42d79e58ece8afe3ae7ea464cb0d06375e 100644
--- a/intro/index.rst
+++ b/intro/index.rst
@@ -1,10 +1,14 @@
+   This adds content to the print version that is in /index.rst, but skipped in /index-tex.rst
 .. _introduction:
-Welcome to the BeagleBoard documentation project. If you are looking for help with your Beagle
-open-hardware development platform, you've found the right place!
+Welcome to the `BeagleBoard project documentation <https://git.beagleboard.org/docs/docs.beagleboard.io>`__.
+If you are looking for help with your Beagle open-hardware development platform, you've found the right place!
 .. important::
@@ -18,7 +22,8 @@ open-hardware development platform, you've found the right place!
    * https://docs.beagleboard.io (straight from `docs repo <https://git.beagleboard.org/docs/docs.beagleboard.io>`_)
-Please check out our :ref:`support` page to find out how to get started, resolve issues,
+Get started quickly on our Linux-enabled boards with :ref:`blinkLED`, follow-up with articles in :ref:`intro_beagle-101`, and reach out
+via resources on our :ref:`support` page as needed to resolve issues
 and engage with the developer community. Don't forget that this is an open-source project! Your contributions are welcome. 
 Learn about how to contribute to the BeagleBoard documentation project and any of the many open-source Beagle
 projects ongoing on our :ref:`contribution` page.
@@ -27,12 +32,12 @@ projects ongoing on our :ref:`contribution` page.
    Make sure you thoroughly read and agree with our :ref:`boards-terms-and-conditions` which covers 
    warnings, restrictions, disclaimers, and warranty for all of our boards. Use of either the boards or 
    the design materials constitutes agreement to the T&C including any modifications done to 
-   the hardware or software solutions provided by beagleboard.org foundation.
+   the hardware or software solutions provided by the BeagleBoard.org Foundation.
 .. toctree::
    :maxdepth: 2
-   /intro/support/index
+   /intro/support/index
diff --git a/intro/support/index.rst b/intro/support/index.rst
index f9935a81d4e0aa4a213e73563d82bbee4b3ebdda..65e771220d55baf4e2c064b21edae1c6905e70cf 100644
--- a/intro/support/index.rst
+++ b/intro/support/index.rst
@@ -3,30 +3,32 @@
-Getting started
+.. toctree::
+   :maxdepth: 1
+   :hidden:
-The starting experience for all Beagles has been made to be as
-consistent as is possible. For any of the Beagle Linux-based open
-hardware computers, visit :ref:`beagleboard-getting-started`.
+   getting-started
-.. toctree::
-   :maxdepth: 2
+First, read the manual
-   /intro/support/getting-started
+Before reaching out for support, make sure you've gone through the process of resetting your
+board back to factory conditions.
+For any of the Beagle Linux-based open hardware computers, visit :ref:`beagleboard-getting-started`.
 .. _intro-getting-support:
 Getting support
-BeagleBoard.org products and `open
-hardware <https://www.oshwa.org/definition/>`_ designs are supported
+BeagleBoard.org products are `open
+hardware <https://www.oshwa.org/definition/>`_ designs supported
 via the on-line community resources. We are very confident in our
 community’s ability to provide useful answers in a timely manner. If you
 don’t get a productive response within 24 hours, please escalate issues
 to Jason Kridner (contact info available on the `About
-Page <https://beagleboard.org/about>`_). In case it is needed, Jason
+Page <https://www.beagleboard.org/about>`_). In case it is needed, Jason
 will help escalate issues to suppliers, manufacturers or others. Be sure
 to provide a link to your questions on the `community
 forums <https://forum.beagleboard.org>`_ as answers will be provided
@@ -71,14 +73,17 @@ Community resources
 Please execute the board diagnostics, review the hardware documentation,
-and consult the mailing list and IRC channel for support.
+and consult the form and live chat for support.
 BeagleBoard.org is a “community” project with free support only given to
-those who are willing to discussing their issues openly for the benefit
+those who are willing to discuss their issues openly for the benefit
 of the entire community.
 -  `Frequently Asked Questions <https://forum.beagleboard.org/c/faq>`_
--  `Mailing List <https://forum.beagleboard.org>`_
--  `Live Chat <https://beagleboard.org/chat>`_
+-  `Forum <https://forum.beagleboard.org>`_
+-  `Live Chat <https://www.beagleboard.org/discord>`_
+If you need to escalate an issue already reported over 24 hours ago on the `forum <https://forum.beagleboard.org>`_, please
+schedule a meeting to discuss it with Jason via contact information near the bottom of the `about page <https://www.beagleboard.org/about>`_.
 .. _consulting-resources:
@@ -103,21 +108,4 @@ form:
 Understanding Your Beagle
--  :ref:`intro_beagle-101`
--  `Hardware <https://beagleboard.org/Support/Hardware+Support>`_
--  `Software <https://beagleboard.org/Support/Software+Support>`_
--  :ref:`books-home`
-   - :ref:`pru-cookbook-home`
-   - :ref:`bone-cook-book-home`
-   - `Exploring BeagleBone <https://beagleboard.org/ebb>`_
-   - `Bad to the Bone <https://beagleboard.org/bad-to-the-bone>`_
-Working with Cape Add-on Boards
-- :ref:`capes`
-- :ref:`beaglebone-cape-interface-spec`
-- :ref:`accessories-home`
+Spend some time getting to know your Beagle via :ref:`intro_beagle-101`
diff --git a/boards/beagleconnect/technology/index.rst b/projects/beagleconnect/index.rst
similarity index 94%
rename from boards/beagleconnect/technology/index.rst
rename to projects/beagleconnect/index.rst
index 6aede886e48403d2b31f6b77456e8888ba941614..3e1f5b2dbcddb989d8cf547b5ac7c1ba5e952520 100644
--- a/boards/beagleconnect/technology/index.rst
+++ b/projects/beagleconnect/index.rst
@@ -12,10 +12,9 @@ architecture.
 .. note:: 
     This documentation and the associated software are each a work-in-progress.
-.. image:: ../freedom/media/BeagleConnect-Freedom-Front.*
+.. image:: media/BeagleConnect-Freedom-Front.*
    :width: 598
    :align: center
-   :height: 400
    :alt: BeagleConnect Freedom
 BeagleConnectâ„¢ is built using `Greybus <https://kernel-recipes.org/en/2015/talks/an-introduction-to-greybus/>`__
@@ -25,7 +24,7 @@ built, this section helps describe the development currently in progress and
 the principles of operation.
 .. image:: media/SoftwareProp.jpg
    :width: 600
    :align: center
@@ -37,7 +36,7 @@ eliminate the need to add and manually configure devices added onto the Linux
 * For Linux nerds: Think of BeagleConnectâ„¢ as 6LoWPAN over 802.15.4-based 
   Greybus (instead of Unipro as used by Project Ara), where every 
   BeagleConnectâ„¢ board shows up as new SPI, I2C, UART, PWM, ADC, and GPIO 
@@ -53,16 +52,78 @@ High-level
   driver. Further, the Greybus protocol is spoken over 6LoWPAN on 802.15.4.
 Software architecture
+.. graphviz:: BeagleConnect Software Architecture
+    	// Software architecture
+    	digraph S {
+    		node [color=white shape=box]
+    		subgraph cluster_0 {
+    			color=black label="Linux PC"
+    			subgraph cluster_1 {
+    				node [color=green style=filled]
+    				color=lightgrey label="Linux userspace" style=filled
+    				A [label="User Application" tooltip="Primary developer entry point"]
+    				g [label="gbridge**" tooltip="Bridge Greybus to networked devices"]
+    			}
+    			subgraph cluster_2 {
+    				node [color=green style=filled]
+    				color=lightgrey label="Linux kernel" style=filled
+    				I [label="IIO Drivers" tooltip="Hundreds of drivers for sensors and acutators"]
+    				r [label=greybus tooltip="Dynamic RPC-like bus interface for I2C, SPI, UART, etc."]
+    				n [label="gb-netlink**" tooltip="Extend Greybus over netlink to userspace"]
+    				m [label="mikrobus**" tooltip="Board-level abstraction to identify sensor connections"]
+    				w [label="wpanusb**" tooltip="USB-interface to IEEE802.15.4 radio"]
+    				i [label=ieee802154 tooltip="Standards-based radio interface"]
+    				6 [label=lowpan tooltip="IPv6 for low-power wireless networks"]
+    			}
+    		}
+    		subgraph cluster_3 {
+    			color=black label="BCF gateway"
+    			subgraph cluster_4 {
+    				node [color=green style=filled]
+    				color=lightgrey label=CC1352 style=filled
+    				z [label="gateway**" tooltip="Zephyr-based IEEE802.15.4 radio accepting HDLC over UART transactions"]
+    			}
+    			subgraph cluster_5 {
+    				node [color=green style=filled]
+    				color=lightgrey label=MSP430 style=filled
+    				b [label="usb_uart_bridge**" tooltip="USB interace to access CC1352 UART that encapulates WPANUSB in HDLC"]
+    			}
+    		}
+    		subgraph cluster_6 {
+    			color=black label="BCF node"
+    			subgraph cluster_7 {
+    				node [color=green style=filled]
+    				color=lightgrey label=CC1352 style=filled
+    				k [label="greybus-mikrobus**" tooltip="Zephyr-based applies Greybus transactions from IPv6/IEEE802154 to physical I2C, SPI, UART, etc."]
+    			}
+    			subgraph cluster_8 {
+    				node [color=green style=filled]
+    				color=lightgrey label="mikroBUS add-on board" style=filled
+    				e [label="manifest 1-wire EEPROM**" tooltip="Manifest for mikroBUS driver"]
+    				s [label=sensor tooltip="Over 1,000 different sensor, actuator and indicator options"]
+    			}
+    		}
+    		A -> I
+    		I -> m
+    		m -> r
+    		r -> n
+    		n -> g
+    		g -> 6
+    		6 -> i
+    		i -> w
+    		w -> b
+    		b -> z
+    		z -> k
+    		k -> s
+    		k -> e
+    	}
-.. image:: media/bcf_block_diagram.png
-   :width: 600
-   :align: center
-   :height: 400
-   :alt: BeagleConnect Block Diagram
 TODO items
 * :strike:`Linux kernel driver` (wpanusb and bcfserial still need to be upstreamed)
@@ -83,7 +144,7 @@ TODO items
 Associated pre-work
 * Click Board support for Node-RED can be executed with native connections on 
   PocketBeagle+TechLab and BeagleBone Black with mikroBUS Cape
@@ -98,7 +159,7 @@ Associated pre-work
   eliminate any need to edit /boot/uEnv.txt.
 User experience concerns
 * Make sure no reboots are required
@@ -111,7 +172,7 @@ User experience concerns
   provisioning is completed
 BeagleConnectâ„¢ Greybus demo using BeagleConnectâ„¢ Freedom
 BeagleConnectâ„¢ Freedom runs a subGHz IEEE 802.15.4 network. This BeagleConnectâ„¢
 Greybus demo shows how to interact with GPIO, I2C and mikroBUS add-on boards 
 remotely connected over a BeagleConnectâ„¢ Freedom.
diff --git a/projects/beagleconnect/media/BeagleConnect-Freedom-Front.png b/projects/beagleconnect/media/BeagleConnect-Freedom-Front.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dd63cdb58a98ae55d9f4d2bfa0ac99085a2d966d
Binary files /dev/null and b/projects/beagleconnect/media/BeagleConnect-Freedom-Front.png differ
diff --git a/boards/beagleconnect/technology/media/SoftwareProp.jpg b/projects/beagleconnect/media/SoftwareProp.jpg
similarity index 100%
rename from boards/beagleconnect/technology/media/SoftwareProp.jpg
rename to projects/beagleconnect/media/SoftwareProp.jpg
diff --git a/boards/beagleconnect/technology/media/bcf_block_diagram.png b/projects/beagleconnect/media/bcf_block_diagram.png
similarity index 100%
rename from boards/beagleconnect/technology/media/bcf_block_diagram.png
rename to projects/beagleconnect/media/bcf_block_diagram.png
diff --git a/boards/beagleconnect/technology/media/bcf_block_diagram.svg b/projects/beagleconnect/media/bcf_block_diagram.svg
similarity index 100%
rename from boards/beagleconnect/technology/media/bcf_block_diagram.svg
rename to projects/beagleconnect/media/bcf_block_diagram.svg
diff --git a/boards/beagleconnect/technology/story.rst b/projects/beagleconnect/story.rst
similarity index 100%
rename from boards/beagleconnect/technology/story.rst
rename to projects/beagleconnect/story.rst
diff --git a/projects/index.rst b/projects/index.rst
index 4e6376466a62d78264f560e2ea0f780851ce539e..1bb3de7abdbbf0a1163286eb2d6ae570864e13e1 100644
--- a/projects/index.rst
+++ b/projects/index.rst
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ This is a collection of reasonably well-supported projects useful to Beagle deve
 .. toctree::
    :maxdepth: 1
-   /projects/simppru/index.rst
-   /projects/bb-config/index.rst
-   /boards/beagleconnect/index.rst
+   /projects/simppru/index
+   /projects/bb-config/index
+   /projects/librobotcontrol/docs/index
+   /projects/beagleconnect/index
diff --git a/projects/librobotcontrol b/projects/librobotcontrol
index f6596e7c75ee974da0cc52b6eb94401b97445609..1974b76fd578ff9f5d1481ebd34f6801b9edeb6a 160000
--- a/projects/librobotcontrol
+++ b/projects/librobotcontrol
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit f6596e7c75ee974da0cc52b6eb94401b97445609
+Subproject commit 1974b76fd578ff9f5d1481ebd34f6801b9edeb6a
diff --git a/venv-build-env.sh b/venv-build-env.sh
index 393b20450819fff6dcfe94c752330c7a38ee38af..bea1e929a8805564d7de5f0297bda2a884a92520 100755
--- a/venv-build-env.sh
+++ b/venv-build-env.sh
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Source this script
+# Source this script like `. ./venv-build-env.sh`
 if [ ! -e ./sphinx-env ]; then
    python3 -m venv sphinx-env
@@ -8,3 +8,4 @@ python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
 python3 -m pip install sphinx==5.3.0 sphinx-rtd-theme sphinx_design sphinx-tabs sphinxcontrib.svg2pdfconverter sphinx-reredirects
 python3 -m pip install sphinxcontrib-images
 python3 -m pip install breathe exhale
+python3 -m pip install graphviz