#!/bin/bash -ex # # Copyright (c) 2012-2016 Robert Nelson <robertcnelson@gmail.com> # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. DIR=$PWD host_arch="$(uname -m)" time=$(date +%Y-%m-%d) OIB_DIR="$(dirname "$( cd "$(dirname "$0")" ; pwd -P )" )" chroot_completed="false" abi=aa . "${DIR}/.project" check_defines () { if [ ! "${tempdir}" ] ; then echo "scripts/deboostrap_first_stage.sh: Error: tempdir undefined" exit 1 fi cd "${tempdir}/" || true test_tempdir=$(pwd -P) cd "${DIR}/" || true if [ ! "x${tempdir}" = "x${test_tempdir}" ] ; then tempdir="${test_tempdir}" echo "Log: tempdir is really: [${test_tempdir}]" fi if [ ! "${export_filename}" ] ; then echo "scripts/deboostrap_first_stage.sh: Error: export_filename undefined" exit 1 fi if [ ! "${deb_distribution}" ] ; then echo "scripts/deboostrap_first_stage.sh: Error: deb_distribution undefined" exit 1 fi if [ ! "${deb_codename}" ] ; then echo "scripts/deboostrap_first_stage.sh: Error: deb_codename undefined" exit 1 fi if [ ! "${deb_arch}" ] ; then echo "scripts/deboostrap_first_stage.sh: Error: deb_arch undefined" exit 1 fi if [ ! "${apt_proxy}" ] ; then apt_proxy="" fi case "${deb_distribution}" in debian) deb_components=${deb_components:-"main contrib non-free"} deb_mirror=${deb_mirror:-"deb.debian.org/debian"} ;; ubuntu) deb_components=${deb_components:-"main universe multiverse"} deb_mirror=${deb_mirror:-"ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports"} ;; esac if [ ! "${rfs_username}" ] ; then ##Backwards compat pre variables.txt doc if [ "${user_name}" ] ; then rfs_username="${user_name}" else rfs_username="${deb_distribution}" echo "rfs_username: undefined using: [${rfs_username}]" fi fi if [ ! "${rfs_fullname}" ] ; then ##Backwards compat pre variables.txt doc if [ "${full_name}" ] ; then rfs_fullname="${full_name}" else rfs_fullname="Demo User" echo "rfs_fullname: undefined using: [${rfs_fullname}]" fi fi if [ ! "${rfs_password}" ] ; then ##Backwards compat pre variables.txt doc if [ "${password}" ] ; then rfs_password="${password}" else rfs_password="temppwd" echo "rfs_password: undefined using: [${rfs_password}]" fi fi if [ ! "${rfs_hostname}" ] ; then ##Backwards compat pre variables.txt doc if [ "${image_hostname}" ] ; then rfs_hostname="${image_hostname}" else rfs_hostname="arm" echo "rfs_hostname: undefined using: [${rfs_hostname}]" fi fi if [ "x${deb_additional_pkgs}" = "x" ] ; then ##Backwards compat pre configs if [ ! "x${base_pkg_list}" = "x" ] ; then deb_additional_pkgs="$(echo ${base_pkg_list} | sed 's/,/ /g' | sed 's/\t/,/g')" fi else deb_additional_pkgs="$(echo ${deb_additional_pkgs} | sed 's/,/ /g' | sed 's/\t/,/g')" fi if [ ! "x${deb_include}" = "x" ] ; then include=$(echo ${deb_include} | sed 's/,/ /g' | sed 's/\t/,/g') deb_additional_pkgs="${deb_additional_pkgs} ${include}" fi if [ "x${repo_rcnee}" = "xenable" ] ; then if [ ! "x${repo_rcnee_pkg_list}" = "x" ] ; then deb_additional_pkgs="${deb_additional_pkgs} ${repo_rcnee_pkg_list}" fi fi } report_size () { echo "Log: Size of: [${tempdir}]: $(du -sh ${tempdir} 2>/dev/null | awk '{print $1}')" } chroot_mount_run () { if [ ! -d "${tempdir}/run" ] ; then sudo mkdir -p ${tempdir}/run || true sudo chmod -R 755 ${tempdir}/run fi if [ "$(mount | grep ${tempdir}/run | awk '{print $3}')" != "${tempdir}/run" ] ; then sudo mount -t tmpfs run "${tempdir}/run" fi } chroot_mount () { if [ "$(mount | grep ${tempdir}/sys | awk '{print $3}')" != "${tempdir}/sys" ] ; then sudo mount -t sysfs sysfs "${tempdir}/sys" fi if [ "$(mount | grep ${tempdir}/proc | awk '{print $3}')" != "${tempdir}/proc" ] ; then sudo mount -t proc proc "${tempdir}/proc" fi if [ ! -d "${tempdir}/dev/pts" ] ; then sudo mkdir -p ${tempdir}/dev/pts || true fi if [ "$(mount | grep ${tempdir}/dev/pts | awk '{print $3}')" != "${tempdir}/dev/pts" ] ; then sudo mount -t devpts devpts "${tempdir}/dev/pts" fi } chroot_umount () { if [ "$(mount | grep ${tempdir}/dev/pts | awk '{print $3}')" = "${tempdir}/dev/pts" ] ; then echo "Log: umount: [${tempdir}/dev/pts]" sync sudo umount -fl "${tempdir}/dev/pts" if [ "$(mount | grep ${tempdir}/dev/pts | awk '{print $3}')" = "${tempdir}/dev/pts" ] ; then echo "Log: ERROR: umount [${tempdir}/dev/pts] failed..." exit 1 fi fi if [ "$(mount | grep ${tempdir}/proc | awk '{print $3}')" = "${tempdir}/proc" ] ; then echo "Log: umount: [${tempdir}/proc]" sync sudo umount -fl "${tempdir}/proc" if [ "$(mount | grep ${tempdir}/proc | awk '{print $3}')" = "${tempdir}/proc" ] ; then echo "Log: ERROR: umount [${tempdir}/proc] failed..." exit 1 fi fi if [ "$(mount | grep ${tempdir}/sys | awk '{print $3}')" = "${tempdir}/sys" ] ; then echo "Log: umount: [${tempdir}/sys]" sync sudo umount -fl "${tempdir}/sys" if [ "$(mount | grep ${tempdir}/sys | awk '{print $3}')" = "${tempdir}/sys" ] ; then echo "Log: ERROR: umount [${tempdir}/sys] failed..." exit 1 fi fi if [ "$(mount | grep ${tempdir}/run | awk '{print $3}')" = "${tempdir}/run" ] ; then echo "Log: umount: [${tempdir}/run]" sync sudo umount -fl "${tempdir}/run" if [ "$(mount | grep ${tempdir}/run | awk '{print $3}')" = "${tempdir}/run" ] ; then echo "Log: ERROR: umount [${tempdir}/run] failed..." exit 1 fi fi } chroot_stopped () { chroot_umount if [ ! "x${chroot_completed}" = "xtrue" ] ; then exit 1 fi } trap chroot_stopped EXIT check_defines if [ "x${host_arch}" != "xarmv7l" ] && [ "x${host_arch}" != "xaarch64" ] ; then if [ "x${deb_arch}" = "xarmel" ] || [ "x${deb_arch}" = "xarmhf" ] ; then sudo cp $(which qemu-arm-static) "${tempdir}/usr/bin/" fi if [ "x${deb_arch}" = "xarm64" ] ; then sudo cp $(which qemu-aarch64-static) "${tempdir}/usr/bin/" fi fi chroot_mount_run echo "Log: Running: debootstrap second-stage in [${tempdir}]" sudo chroot "${tempdir}" debootstrap/debootstrap --second-stage echo "Log: Complete: [sudo chroot ${tempdir} debootstrap/debootstrap --second-stage]" report_size if [ "x${chroot_very_small_image}" = "xenable" ] ; then #so debootstrap just extracts the *.deb's, so lets clean this up hackish now, #but then allow dpkg to delete these extra files when installed later.. sudo rm -rf "${tempdir}"/usr/share/locale/* || true sudo rm -rf "${tempdir}"/usr/share/man/* || true sudo rm -rf "${tempdir}"/usr/share/doc/* || true #dpkg 1.15.8++, No Docs... sudo mkdir -p "${tempdir}/etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/" || true echo "# Delete locales" > /tmp/01_nodoc echo "path-exclude=/usr/share/locale/*" >> /tmp/01_nodoc echo "" >> /tmp/01_nodoc echo "# Delete man pages" >> /tmp/01_nodoc echo "path-exclude=/usr/share/man/*" >> /tmp/01_nodoc echo "" >> /tmp/01_nodoc echo "# Delete docs" >> /tmp/01_nodoc echo "path-exclude=/usr/share/doc/*" >> /tmp/01_nodoc echo "path-include=/usr/share/doc/*/copyright" >> /tmp/01_nodoc echo "" >> /tmp/01_nodoc sudo mv /tmp/01_nodoc "${tempdir}/etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/01_nodoc" sudo mkdir -p "${tempdir}/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/" || true #apt: no local cache echo "Dir::Cache {" > /tmp/02nocache echo " srcpkgcache \"\";" >> /tmp/02nocache echo " pkgcache \"\";" >> /tmp/02nocache echo "}" >> /tmp/02nocache sudo mv /tmp/02nocache "${tempdir}/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/02nocache" #apt: drop translations... echo "Acquire::Languages \"none\";" > /tmp/02translations sudo mv /tmp/02translations "${tempdir}/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/02translations" echo "Log: after locale/man purge" report_size fi sudo mkdir -p "${tempdir}/etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/" || true echo "# neuter flash-kernel" > /tmp/01_noflash_kernel echo "path-exclude=/usr/share/flash-kernel/db/all.db" >> /tmp/01_noflash_kernel echo "path-exclude=/etc/initramfs/post-update.d/flash-kernel" >> /tmp/01_noflash_kernel echo "path-exclude=/etc/kernel/postinst.d/zz-flash-kernel" >> /tmp/01_noflash_kernel echo "path-exclude=/etc/kernel/postrm.d/zz-flash-kernel" >> /tmp/01_noflash_kernel echo "" >> /tmp/01_noflash_kernel sudo mv /tmp/01_noflash_kernel "${tempdir}/etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/01_noflash_kernel" sudo mkdir -p "${tempdir}/usr/share/flash-kernel/db/" || true sudo cp -v "${OIB_DIR}/target/other/rcn-ee.db" "${tempdir}/usr/share/flash-kernel/db/" if [ "x${deb_distribution}" = "xdebian" ] ; then #generic apt.conf tweaks for flash/mmc devices to save on wasted space... sudo mkdir -p "${tempdir}/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/" || true #apt: emulate apt-get clean: echo '#Custom apt-get clean' > /tmp/02apt-get-clean echo 'DPkg::Post-Invoke { "rm -f /var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb /var/cache/apt/archives/partial/*.deb || true"; };' >> /tmp/02apt-get-clean echo 'APT::Update::Post-Invoke { "rm -f /var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb /var/cache/apt/archives/partial/*.deb || true"; };' >> /tmp/02apt-get-clean sudo mv /tmp/02apt-get-clean "${tempdir}/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/02apt-get-clean" #apt: drop translations echo 'Acquire::Languages "none";' > /tmp/02-no-languages sudo mv /tmp/02-no-languages "${tempdir}/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/02-no-languages" #apt: /var/lib/apt/lists/, store compressed only echo 'Acquire::GzipIndexes "true"; Acquire::CompressionTypes::Order:: "gz";' > /tmp/02compress-indexes sudo mv /tmp/02compress-indexes "${tempdir}/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/02compress-indexes" #apt: make sure apt-cacher-ng doesn't break oracle-java8-installer echo 'Acquire::http::Proxy::download.oracle.com "DIRECT";' > /tmp/03-proxy-oracle sudo mv /tmp/03-proxy-oracle "${tempdir}/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/03-proxy-oracle" #apt: make sure apt-cacher-ng doesn't break https repos echo 'Acquire::http::Proxy::deb.nodesource.com "DIRECT";' > /tmp/03-proxy-https sudo mv /tmp/03-proxy-https "${tempdir}/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/03-proxy-https" fi #set initial 'seed' time... sudo sh -c "date --utc \"+%4Y%2m%2d%2H%2M\" > ${tempdir}/etc/timestamp" wfile="/tmp/sources.list" echo "deb http://${deb_mirror} ${deb_codename} ${deb_components}" > ${wfile} echo "#deb-src http://${deb_mirror} ${deb_codename} ${deb_components}" >> ${wfile} echo "" >> ${wfile} case "${deb_codename}" in buster|sid) echo "#deb http://${deb_mirror} ${deb_codename}-updates ${deb_components}" >> ${wfile} echo "##deb-src http://${deb_mirror} ${deb_codename}-updates ${deb_components}" >> ${wfile} ;; *) echo "deb http://${deb_mirror} ${deb_codename}-updates ${deb_components}" >> ${wfile} echo "#deb-src http://${deb_mirror} ${deb_codename}-updates ${deb_components}" >> ${wfile} ;; esac case "${deb_codename}" in wheezy) echo "" >> ${wfile} echo "deb http://security.debian.org/ ${deb_codename}/updates ${deb_components}" >> ${wfile} echo "#deb-src http://security.debian.org/ ${deb_codename}/updates ${deb_components}" >> ${wfile} echo "" >> ${wfile} if [ "x${chroot_enable_debian_backports}" = "xenable" ] ; then echo "deb http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian ${deb_codename}-backports ${deb_components}" >> ${wfile} echo "#deb-src http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian ${deb_codename}-backports ${deb_components}" >> ${wfile} else echo "#deb http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian ${deb_codename}-backports ${deb_components}" >> ${wfile} echo "##deb-src http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian ${deb_codename}-backports ${deb_components}" >> ${wfile} fi ;; jessie|stretch) echo "" >> ${wfile} echo "deb http://deb.debian.org/debian-security ${deb_codename}/updates ${deb_components}" >> ${wfile} echo "#deb-src http://deb.debian.org/debian-security ${deb_codename}/updates ${deb_components}" >> ${wfile} echo "" >> ${wfile} if [ "x${chroot_enable_debian_backports}" = "xenable" ] ; then echo "deb http://deb.debian.org/debian ${deb_codename}-backports ${deb_components}" >> ${wfile} echo "#deb-src http://deb.debian.org/debian ${deb_codename}-backports ${deb_components}" >> ${wfile} else echo "#deb http://deb.debian.org/debian ${deb_codename}-backports ${deb_components}" >> ${wfile} echo "##deb-src http://deb.debian.org/debian ${deb_codename}-backports ${deb_components}" >> ${wfile} fi ;; buster|sid) echo "" >> ${wfile} echo "#deb http://deb.debian.org/debian-security ${deb_codename}/updates ${deb_components}" >> ${wfile} echo "##deb-src http://deb.debian.org/debian-security ${deb_codename}/updates ${deb_components}" >> ${wfile} echo "" >> ${wfile} ;; esac if [ "x${repo_external}" = "xenable" ] ; then echo "" >> ${wfile} echo "deb [arch=${repo_external_arch}] ${repo_external_server} ${repo_external_dist} ${repo_external_components}" >> ${wfile} echo "#deb-src [arch=${repo_external_arch}] ${repo_external_server} ${repo_external_dist} ${repo_external_components}" >> ${wfile} fi if [ "x${repo_flat}" = "xenable" ] ; then echo "" >> ${wfile} for component in "${repo_flat_components[@]}" ; do echo "deb ${repo_flat_server} ${component}" >> ${wfile} echo "#deb-src ${repo_flat_server} ${component}" >> ${wfile} done fi if [ ! "x${repo_nodesource}" = "x" ] ; then echo "" >> ${wfile} echo "deb https://deb.nodesource.com/${repo_nodesource} ${repo_nodesource_dist} main" >> ${wfile} echo "#deb-src https://deb.nodesource.com/${repo_nodesource} ${repo_nodesource_dist} main" >> ${wfile} echo "" >> ${wfile} sudo cp -v "${OIB_DIR}/target/keyring/nodesource.gpg.key" "${tempdir}/tmp/nodesource.gpg.key" fi if [ "x${repo_rcnee}" = "xenable" ] ; then #no: precise echo "" >> ${wfile} echo "#Kernel source (repos.rcn-ee.com) : https://github.com/RobertCNelson/linux-stable-rcn-ee" >> ${wfile} echo "#" >> ${wfile} echo "#git clone https://github.com/RobertCNelson/linux-stable-rcn-ee" >> ${wfile} echo "#cd ./linux-stable-rcn-ee" >> ${wfile} echo "#git checkout \`uname -r\` -b tmp" >> ${wfile} echo "#" >> ${wfile} echo "deb [arch=armhf] http://repos.rcn-ee.com/${deb_distribution}/ ${deb_codename} main" >> ${wfile} echo "#deb-src [arch=armhf] http://repos.rcn-ee.com/${deb_distribution}/ ${deb_codename} main" >> ${wfile} sudo cp -v "${OIB_DIR}/target/keyring/repos.rcn-ee.net-archive-keyring.asc" "${tempdir}/tmp/repos.rcn-ee.net-archive-keyring.asc" fi if [ -f /tmp/sources.list ] ; then sudo mv /tmp/sources.list "${tempdir}/etc/apt/sources.list" fi if [ "x${repo_external}" = "xenable" ] ; then if [ ! "x${repo_external_key}" = "x" ] ; then sudo cp -v "${OIB_DIR}/target/keyring/${repo_external_key}" "${tempdir}/tmp/${repo_external_key}" fi fi if [ "x${repo_flat}" = "xenable" ] ; then if [ ! "x${repo_flat_key}" = "x" ] ; then sudo cp -v "${OIB_DIR}/target/keyring/${repo_flat_key}" "${tempdir}/tmp/${repo_flat_key}" fi fi if [ "${apt_proxy}" ] ; then echo "Acquire::http::Proxy \"http://${apt_proxy}\";" > /tmp/apt.conf sudo mv /tmp/apt.conf "${tempdir}/etc/apt/apt.conf" fi echo " localhost" > /tmp/hosts echo " ${rfs_hostname}.localdomain ${rfs_hostname}" >> /tmp/hosts echo "" >> /tmp/hosts echo "# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts" >> /tmp/hosts echo "::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback" >> /tmp/hosts echo "ff02::1 ip6-allnodes" >> /tmp/hosts echo "ff02::2 ip6-allrouters" >> /tmp/hosts sudo mv /tmp/hosts "${tempdir}/etc/hosts" sudo chown root:root "${tempdir}/etc/hosts" echo "${rfs_hostname}" > /tmp/hostname sudo mv /tmp/hostname "${tempdir}/etc/hostname" sudo chown root:root "${tempdir}/etc/hostname" if [ "x${deb_arch}" = "xarmhf" ] ; then case "${deb_distribution}" in debian) case "${deb_codename}" in wheezy) sudo cp "${OIB_DIR}/target/init_scripts/generic-${deb_distribution}.sh" "${tempdir}/etc/init.d/generic-boot-script.sh" sudo chown root:root "${tempdir}/etc/init.d/generic-boot-script.sh" sudo cp "${OIB_DIR}/target/init_scripts/capemgr-${deb_distribution}.sh" "${tempdir}/etc/init.d/capemgr.sh" sudo chown root:root "${tempdir}/etc/init.d/capemgr.sh" sudo cp "${OIB_DIR}/target/init_scripts/capemgr" "${tempdir}/etc/default/" sudo chown root:root "${tempdir}/etc/default/capemgr" distro="Debian" ;; jessie|stretch) #while bb-customizations installes "generic-board-startup.service" other boards/configs could use this default. sudo cp "${OIB_DIR}/target/init_scripts/systemd-generic-board-startup.service" "${tempdir}/lib/systemd/system/generic-board-startup.service" sudo chown root:root "${tempdir}/lib/systemd/system/generic-board-startup.service" sudo cp "${OIB_DIR}/target/init_scripts/systemd-capemgr.service" "${tempdir}/lib/systemd/system/capemgr.service" sudo chown root:root "${tempdir}/lib/systemd/system/capemgr.service" sudo cp "${OIB_DIR}/target/init_scripts/capemgr" "${tempdir}/etc/default/" sudo chown root:root "${tempdir}/etc/default/capemgr" distro="Debian" ;; esac ;; ubuntu) case "${deb_codename}" in trusty) sudo cp "${OIB_DIR}/target/init_scripts/generic-${deb_distribution}.conf" "${tempdir}/etc/init/generic-boot-script.conf" sudo chown root:root "${tempdir}/etc/init/generic-boot-script.conf" sudo cp "${OIB_DIR}/target/init_scripts/capemgr-${deb_distribution}.sh" "${tempdir}/etc/init/capemgr.sh" sudo chown root:root "${tempdir}/etc/init/capemgr.sh" sudo cp "${OIB_DIR}/target/init_scripts/capemgr" "${tempdir}/etc/default/" sudo chown root:root "${tempdir}/etc/default/capemgr" distro="Ubuntu" if [ -f "${tempdir}/etc/init/failsafe.conf" ] ; then #Ubuntu: with no ethernet cable connected it can take up to 2 mins to login, removing upstart sleep calls..." sudo sed -i -e 's:sleep 20:#sleep 20:g' "${tempdir}/etc/init/failsafe.conf" sudo sed -i -e 's:sleep 40:#sleep 40:g' "${tempdir}/etc/init/failsafe.conf" sudo sed -i -e 's:sleep 59:#sleep 59:g' "${tempdir}/etc/init/failsafe.conf" fi ;; vivid|wily|xenial) #while bb-customizations installes "generic-board-startup.service" other boards/configs could use this default. sudo cp "${OIB_DIR}/target/init_scripts/systemd-generic-board-startup.service" "${tempdir}/lib/systemd/system/generic-board-startup.service" sudo chown root:root "${tempdir}/lib/systemd/system/generic-board-startup.service" sudo cp "${OIB_DIR}/target/init_scripts/systemd-capemgr.service" "${tempdir}/lib/systemd/system/capemgr.service" sudo chown root:root "${tempdir}/lib/systemd/system/generic-board-startup.service" sudo cp "${OIB_DIR}/target/init_scripts/capemgr" "${tempdir}/etc/default/" sudo chown root:root "${tempdir}/etc/default/capemgr" distro="Ubuntu" ;; esac ;; esac fi if [ -d "${tempdir}/usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/" ] ; then if [ ! -f "${tempdir}/usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/dtbo" ] ; then echo "log: adding: [initramfs-tools hook: dtbo]" sudo cp "${OIB_DIR}/target/other/dtbo" "${tempdir}/usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/" sudo chmod +x "${tempdir}/usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/dtbo" sudo chown root:root "${tempdir}/usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/dtbo" fi fi #Backward compatibility, as setup_sdcard.sh expects [lsb_release -si > /etc/rcn-ee.conf] echo "distro=${distro}" > /tmp/rcn-ee.conf echo "deb_codename=${deb_codename}" >> /tmp/rcn-ee.conf echo "rfs_username=${rfs_username}" >> /tmp/rcn-ee.conf echo "release_date=${time}" >> /tmp/rcn-ee.conf echo "third_party_modules=${third_party_modules}" >> /tmp/rcn-ee.conf echo "abi=${abi}" >> /tmp/rcn-ee.conf echo "image_type=${image_type}" >> /tmp/rcn-ee.conf sudo mv /tmp/rcn-ee.conf "${tempdir}/etc/rcn-ee.conf" sudo chown root:root "${tempdir}/etc/rcn-ee.conf" #use /etc/dogtag for all: if [ ! "x${rfs_etc_dogtag}" = "x" ] ; then sudo sh -c "echo '${rfs_etc_dogtag} ${time}' > '${tempdir}/etc/dogtag'" fi cat > "${DIR}/chroot_script.sh" <<-__EOF__ #!/bin/sh -e export LC_ALL=C export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive dpkg_check () { unset pkg_is_not_installed LC_ALL=C dpkg --list | awk '{print \$2}' | grep "^\${pkg}$" >/dev/null || pkg_is_not_installed="true" } dpkg_package_missing () { echo "Log: (chroot) package [\${pkg}] was not installed... (add to deb_include if functionality is really needed)" } is_this_qemu () { unset warn_qemu_will_fail if [ -f /usr/bin/qemu-arm-static ] ; then warn_qemu_will_fail=1 fi if [ -f /usr/bin/qemu-aarch64-static ] ; then warn_qemu_will_fail=1 fi } qemu_warning () { if [ "\${warn_qemu_will_fail}" ] ; then echo "Log: (chroot) Warning, qemu can fail here... (run on real armv7l hardware for production images)" echo "Log: (chroot): [\${qemu_command}]" fi } stop_init () { echo "Log: (chroot): setting up: /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d" cat > /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d <<EOF #!/bin/sh exit 101 EOF chmod +x /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d #set distro: . /etc/rcn-ee.conf if [ "x\${distro}" = "xUbuntu" ] ; then dpkg-divert --local --rename --add /sbin/initctl ln -s /bin/true /sbin/initctl fi apt_options="--force-yes" if [ "x\${deb_codename}" = "xstretch" ] ; then apt_options="" fi if [ "x\${deb_codename}" = "xxenial" ] ; then apt_options="--allow-downgrades --allow-remove-essential --allow-change-held-packages" fi echo "Log: (chroot): apt using extra: [\${apt_options}]" } install_pkg_updates () { if [ -f /tmp/nodesource.gpg.key ] ; then apt-key add /tmp/nodesource.gpg.key rm -f /tmp/nodesource.gpg.key || true fi if [ "x${repo_rcnee}" = "xenable" ] ; then apt-key add /tmp/repos.rcn-ee.net-archive-keyring.asc rm -f /tmp/repos.rcn-ee.net-archive-keyring.asc || true fi if [ "x${repo_external}" = "xenable" ] ; then apt-key add /tmp/${repo_external_key} rm -f /tmp/${repo_external_key} || true fi if [ "x${repo_flat}" = "xenable" ] ; then apt-key add /tmp/${repo_flat_key} rm -f /tmp/${repo_flat_key} || true fi apt-get update apt-get upgrade -y \${apt_options} apt-get dist-upgrade -y \${apt_options} if [ "x${chroot_very_small_image}" = "xenable" ] ; then if [ -f /bin/busybox ] ; then echo "Log: (chroot): Setting up BusyBox" busybox --install -s /usr/local/bin/ #conflicts with systemd reboot... if [ -f /usr/local/bin/reboot ] ; then rm -f /usr/local/bin/reboot fi #df: unrecognized option '--portability' #BusyBox v1.22.1 (Debian 1:1.22.0-9+deb8u1) multi-call binary. if [ -f /usr/local/bin/df ] ; then rm -f /usr/local/bin/df fi #tar: unrecognized option '--warning=no-timestamp' #BusyBox v1.22.1 (Debian 1:1.22.0-9+deb8u1) multi-call binary. if [ -f /usr/local/bin/tar ] ; then rm -f /usr/local/bin/tar fi #run-parts: unrecognized option '--list' #BusyBox v1.22.1 (Debian 1:1.22.0-9+deb8u1) multi-call binary. if [ -f /usr/local/bin/run-parts ] ; then rm -f /usr/local/bin/run-parts fi fi fi } install_pkgs () { if [ ! "x${deb_additional_pkgs}" = "x" ] ; then #Install the user choosen list. echo "Log: (chroot) Installing: ${deb_additional_pkgs}" apt-get update apt-get -y \${apt_options} install ${deb_additional_pkgs} fi if [ ! "x${repo_rcnee_pkg_version}" = "x" ] ; then echo "Log: (chroot) Installing modules for: ${repo_rcnee_pkg_version}" apt-get -y \${apt_options} install mt7601u-modules-${repo_rcnee_pkg_version} || true apt-get -y \${apt_options} install rtl8723bu-modules-${repo_rcnee_pkg_version} || true apt-get -y \${apt_options} install ti-cmem-modules-${repo_rcnee_pkg_version} || true apt-get -y \${apt_options} install ti-debugss-modules-${repo_rcnee_pkg_version} || true apt-get -y \${apt_options} install ti-temperature-modules-${repo_rcnee_pkg_version} || true depmod -a ${repo_rcnee_pkg_version} update-initramfs -u -k ${repo_rcnee_pkg_version} fi if [ "x${chroot_enable_debian_backports}" = "xenable" ] ; then if [ ! "x${chroot_debian_backports_pkg_list}" = "x" ] ; then echo "Log: (chroot) Installing (from backports): ${chroot_debian_backports_pkg_list}" sudo apt-get -y \${apt_options} -t ${deb_codename}-backports install ${chroot_debian_backports_pkg_list} fi fi if [ ! "x${repo_external_pkg_list}" = "x" ] ; then echo "Log: (chroot) Installing (from external repo): ${repo_external_pkg_list}" apt-get -y \${apt_options} install ${repo_external_pkg_list} fi } system_tweaks () { echo "Log: (chroot): system_tweaks" echo "[options]" > /etc/e2fsck.conf echo "broken_system_clock = 1" >> /etc/e2fsck.conf if [ ! "x${rfs_ssh_banner}" = "x" ] || [ ! "x${rfs_ssh_user_pass}" = "x" ] ; then if [ -f /etc/ssh/sshd_config ] ; then sed -i -e 's:#Banner:Banner:g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config fi fi } set_locale () { echo "Log: (chroot): set_locale" pkg="locales" dpkg_check if [ "x\${pkg_is_not_installed}" = "x" ] ; then if [ ! "x${rfs_default_locale}" = "x" ] ; then case "\${distro}" in Debian) echo "Log: (chroot) Debian: setting up locales: [${rfs_default_locale}]" sed -i -e 's:# ${rfs_default_locale} UTF-8:${rfs_default_locale} UTF-8:g' /etc/locale.gen locale-gen ;; Ubuntu) echo "Log: (chroot) Ubuntu: setting up locales: [${rfs_default_locale}]" locale-gen ${rfs_default_locale} ;; esac echo "LANG=${rfs_default_locale}" > /etc/default/locale fi else dpkg_package_missing fi } run_deborphan () { echo "Log: (chroot): deborphan is not reliable, run manual and add pkg list to: [chroot_manual_deborphan_list]" apt-get -y \${apt_options} install deborphan # Prevent deborphan from removing explicitly required packages deborphan -A ${deb_additional_pkgs} ${repo_external_pkg_list} ${deb_include} deborphan | xargs apt-get -y remove --purge # Purge keep file deborphan -Z #FIXME, only tested on wheezy/jessie... apt-get -y remove deborphan dialog gettext-base libasprintf0c2 --purge apt-get clean } manual_deborphan () { echo "Log: (chroot): manual_deborphan" if [ ! "x${chroot_manual_deborphan_list}" = "x" ] ; then echo "Log: (chroot): cleanup: [${chroot_manual_deborphan_list}]" apt-get -y remove ${chroot_manual_deborphan_list} --purge apt-get clean fi } dl_kernel () { echo "Log: (chroot): dl_kernel" wget --no-verbose --directory-prefix=/tmp/ \${kernel_url} #This should create a list of files on the server #<a href="file"></a> cat /tmp/index.html | grep "<a href=" > /tmp/temp.html #Note: cat drops one \... #sed -i -e "s/<a href/\\n<a href/g" /tmp/temp.html sed -i -e "s/<a href/\\\n<a href/g" /tmp/temp.html sed -i -e 's/\"/\"><\/a>\n/2' /tmp/temp.html cat /tmp/temp.html | grep href > /tmp/index.html deb_file=\$(cat /tmp/index.html | grep linux-image) deb_file=\$(echo \${deb_file} | awk -F ".deb" '{print \$1}') deb_file=\${deb_file##*linux-image-} kernel_version=\$(echo \${deb_file} | awk -F "_" '{print \$1}') echo "Log: Using: \${kernel_version}" deb_file="linux-image-\${deb_file}.deb" wget --directory-prefix=/tmp/ \${kernel_url}\${deb_file} dpkg -x /tmp/\${deb_file} / pkg="initramfs-tools" dpkg_check if [ "x\${pkg_is_not_installed}" = "x" ] ; then depmod \${kernel_version} -a update-initramfs -c -k \${kernel_version} else dpkg_package_missing fi unset source_file source_file=\$(cat /tmp/index.html | grep .diff.gz | head -n 1) source_file=\$(echo \${source_file} | awk -F "\"" '{print \$2}') if [ "\${source_file}" ] ; then wget --directory-prefix=/opt/source/ \${kernel_url}\${source_file} fi rm -f /tmp/index.html || true rm -f /tmp/temp.html || true rm -f /tmp/\${deb_file} || true rm -f /boot/System.map-\${kernel_version} || true mv /boot/config-\${kernel_version} /opt/source || true rm -rf /usr/src/linux-headers* || true } add_user () { echo "Log: (chroot): add_user" groupadd -r admin || true groupadd -r spi || true cat /etc/group | grep ^i2c || groupadd -r i2c || true cat /etc/group | grep ^kmem || groupadd -r kmem || true cat /etc/group | grep ^netdev || groupadd -r netdev || true cat /etc/group | grep ^systemd-journal || groupadd -r systemd-journal || true cat /etc/group | grep ^tisdk || groupadd -r tisdk || true cat /etc/group | grep ^weston-launch || groupadd -r weston-launch || true cat /etc/group | grep ^xenomai || groupadd -r xenomai || true cat /etc/group | grep ^bluetooth || groupadd -r bluetooth || true echo "KERNEL==\"hidraw*\", GROUP=\"plugdev\", MODE=\"0660\"" > /etc/udev/rules.d/50-hidraw.rules echo "KERNEL==\"spidev*\", GROUP=\"spi\", MODE=\"0660\"" > /etc/udev/rules.d/50-spi.rules echo "#SUBSYSTEM==\"uio\", SYMLINK+=\"uio/%s{device/of_node/uio-alias}\"" > /etc/udev/rules.d/uio.rules echo "SUBSYSTEM==\"uio\", GROUP=\"users\", MODE=\"0660\"" >> /etc/udev/rules.d/uio.rules echo "SUBSYSTEM==\"cmem\", GROUP=\"tisdk\", MODE=\"0660\"" > /etc/udev/rules.d/tisdk.rules echo "SUBSYSTEM==\"rpmsg_rpc\", GROUP=\"tisdk\", MODE=\"0660\"" >> /etc/udev/rules.d/tisdk.rules default_groups="admin,adm,dialout,i2c,kmem,spi,cdrom,floppy,audio,dip,video,netdev,plugdev,bluetooth,users,systemd-journal,tisdk,weston-launch,xenomai" pkg="sudo" dpkg_check if [ "x\${pkg_is_not_installed}" = "x" ] ; then if [ -f /etc/sudoers.d/README ] ; then echo "Log: (chroot) adding admin group to /etc/sudoers.d/admin" echo "Defaults env_keep += \"NODE_PATH\"" >/etc/sudoers.d/admin echo "%admin ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL" >>/etc/sudoers.d/admin chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers.d/admin else echo "Log: (chroot) adding admin group to /etc/sudoers" echo "Defaults env_keep += \"NODE_PATH\"" >>/etc/sudoers echo "%admin ALL=(ALL) ALL" >>/etc/sudoers fi else dpkg_package_missing if [ "x${rfs_disable_root}" = "xenable" ] ; then echo "Log: (Chroot) WARNING: sudo not installed and no root user" fi fi pass_crypt=\$(perl -e 'print crypt(\$ARGV[0], "rcn-ee-salt")' ${rfs_password}) useradd -G "\${default_groups}" -s /bin/bash -m -p \${pass_crypt} -c "${rfs_fullname}" ${rfs_username} grep ${rfs_username} /etc/passwd mkdir -p /home/${rfs_username}/bin chown ${rfs_username}:${rfs_username} /home/${rfs_username}/bin case "\${distro}" in Debian) if [ "x${rfs_disable_root}" = "xenable" ] ; then passwd -l root || true else passwd <<-EOF root root EOF fi sed -i -e 's:#EXTRA_GROUPS:EXTRA_GROUPS:g' /etc/adduser.conf sed -i -e 's:dialout:dialout i2c spi:g' /etc/adduser.conf sed -i -e 's:#ADD_EXTRA_GROUPS:ADD_EXTRA_GROUPS:g' /etc/adduser.conf ;; Ubuntu) passwd -l root || true ;; esac } debian_startup_script () { echo "Log: (chroot): debian_startup_script" if [ "x${rfs_startup_scripts}" = "xenable" ] ; then if [ -f /etc/init.d/generic-boot-script.sh ] ; then chown root:root /etc/init.d/generic-boot-script.sh chmod +x /etc/init.d/generic-boot-script.sh insserv generic-boot-script.sh || true fi if [ -f /etc/init.d/capemgr.sh ] ; then chown root:root /etc/init.d/capemgr.sh chown root:root /etc/default/capemgr chmod +x /etc/init.d/capemgr.sh insserv capemgr.sh || true fi fi } ubuntu_startup_script () { echo "Log: (chroot): ubuntu_startup_script" if [ "x${rfs_startup_scripts}" = "xenable" ] ; then if [ -f /etc/init/generic-boot-script.conf ] ; then chown root:root /etc/init/generic-boot-script.conf fi fi #Not Optional... #(protects your kernel, from Ubuntu repo which may try to take over your system on an upgrade)... if [ -f /etc/flash-kernel.conf ] ; then chown root:root /etc/flash-kernel.conf fi } startup_script () { echo "Log: (chroot): startup_script" case "\${distro}" in Debian) debian_startup_script ;; Ubuntu) ubuntu_startup_script ;; esac if [ -f /lib/systemd/system/generic-board-startup.service ] ; then systemctl enable generic-board-startup.service || true fi if [ -f /lib/systemd/system/capemgr.service ] ; then systemctl enable capemgr.service || true fi if [ ! "x${rfs_opt_scripts}" = "x" ] ; then mkdir -p /opt/scripts/ || true if [ -f /usr/bin/git ] ; then qemu_command="git clone ${rfs_opt_scripts} /opt/scripts/ --depth 1" qemu_warning git clone -v ${rfs_opt_scripts} /opt/scripts/ --depth 1 sync if [ -f /opt/scripts/.git/config ] ; then echo "/opt/scripts/ : ${rfs_opt_scripts}" >> /opt/source/list.txt chown -R ${rfs_username}:${rfs_username} /opt/scripts/ fi fi fi } systemd_tweaks () { echo "Log: (chroot): systemd_tweaks" #We have systemd, so lets use it.. if [ -f /etc/systemd/systemd-journald.conf ] ; then sed -i -e 's:#SystemMaxUse=:SystemMaxUse=8M:g' /etc/systemd/systemd-journald.conf fi #systemd v215: systemd-timesyncd.service replaces ntpdate #enabled by default in v216 (not in jessie) if [ -f /lib/systemd/system/systemd-timesyncd.service ] ; then echo "Log: (chroot): enabling: systemd-timesyncd.service" systemctl enable systemd-timesyncd.service || true #set our own initial date stamp, otherwise we get July 2014 touch /var/lib/systemd/clock chown systemd-timesync:systemd-timesync /var/lib/systemd/clock #Remove ntpdate if [ -f /usr/sbin/ntpdate ] ; then apt-get remove -y \${apt_options} ntpdate --purge || true fi fi #kill systemd/connman-wait-online.service, as it delays serial console upto 2 minutes... if [ -f /etc/systemd/system/network-online.target.wants/connman-wait-online.service ] ; then systemctl disable connman-wait-online.service || true fi #We manually start dnsmasq, usb0/SoftAp0 are not available till late in boot... if [ -f /lib/systemd/system/dnsmasq.service ] ; then systemctl disable dnsmasq.service || true fi #Our kernels do not have ubuntu's ureadahead patches... if [ -f /lib/systemd/system/ureadahead.service ] ; then systemctl disable ureadahead.service || true fi } #cat /chroot_script.sh is_this_qemu stop_init install_pkg_updates install_pkgs system_tweaks set_locale if [ "x${chroot_not_reliable_deborphan}" = "xenable" ] ; then run_deborphan fi manual_deborphan add_user mkdir -p /opt/source || true touch /opt/source/list.txt startup_script pkg="wget" dpkg_check if [ "x\${pkg_is_not_installed}" = "x" ] ; then if [ "${rfs_kernel}" ] ; then for kernel_url in ${rfs_kernel} ; do dl_kernel ; done fi else dpkg_package_missing fi if [ -f /lib/systemd/systemd ] ; then systemd_tweaks fi rm -f /chroot_script.sh || true __EOF__ sudo mv "${DIR}/chroot_script.sh" "${tempdir}/chroot_script.sh" if [ "x${include_firmware}" = "xenable" ] ; then if [ ! -d "${tempdir}/lib/firmware/" ] ; then sudo mkdir -p "${tempdir}/lib/firmware/" || true fi if [ -d "${DIR}/git/linux-firmware/brcm/" ] ; then sudo mkdir -p "${tempdir}/lib/firmware/brcm" sudo cp -v "${DIR}/git/linux-firmware/LICENCE.broadcom_bcm43xx" "${tempdir}/lib/firmware/" sudo cp -v "${DIR}"/git/linux-firmware/brcm/* "${tempdir}/lib/firmware/brcm" fi if [ -f "${DIR}/git/linux-firmware/carl9170-1.fw" ] ; then sudo cp -v "${DIR}/git/linux-firmware/carl9170-1.fw" "${tempdir}/lib/firmware/" fi if [ -f "${DIR}/git/linux-firmware/htc_9271.fw" ] ; then sudo cp -v "${DIR}/git/linux-firmware/LICENCE.atheros_firmware" "${tempdir}/lib/firmware/" sudo cp -v "${DIR}/git/linux-firmware/htc_9271.fw" "${tempdir}/lib/firmware/" fi if [ -d "${DIR}/git/linux-firmware/rtlwifi/" ] ; then sudo mkdir -p "${tempdir}/lib/firmware/rtlwifi" sudo cp -v "${DIR}/git/linux-firmware/LICENCE.rtlwifi_firmware.txt" "${tempdir}/lib/firmware/" sudo cp -v "${DIR}"/git/linux-firmware/rtlwifi/* "${tempdir}/lib/firmware/rtlwifi" fi if [ -d "${DIR}/git/linux-firmware/ti-connectivity/" ] ; then sudo mkdir -p "${tempdir}/lib/firmware/ti-connectivity" sudo cp -v "${DIR}/git/linux-firmware/LICENCE.ti-connectivity" "${tempdir}/lib/firmware/" sudo cp -v "${DIR}"/git/linux-firmware/ti-connectivity/* "${tempdir}/lib/firmware/ti-connectivity" fi if [ -f "${DIR}/git/linux-firmware/mt7601u.bin" ] ; then sudo cp -v "${DIR}/git/linux-firmware/mt7601u.bin" "${tempdir}/lib/firmware/mt7601u.bin" fi fi if [ -n "${early_chroot_script}" -a -r "${DIR}/target/chroot/${early_chroot_script}" ] ; then report_size echo "Calling early_chroot_script script: ${early_chroot_script}" sudo cp -v "${DIR}/.project" "${tempdir}/etc/oib.project" sudo /bin/bash -e "${DIR}/target/chroot/${early_chroot_script}" "${tempdir}" early_chroot_script="" sudo rm -f "${tempdir}/etc/oib.project" || true fi chroot_mount sudo chroot "${tempdir}" /bin/bash -e chroot_script.sh echo "Log: Complete: [sudo chroot ${tempdir} /bin/bash -e chroot_script.sh]" #Do /etc/issue & /etc/issue.net after chroot_script: # #Unpacking base-files (7.2ubuntu5.1) over (7.2ubuntu5) ... #Setting up base-files (7.2ubuntu5.1) ... # #Configuration file '/etc/issue' # ==> Modified (by you or by a script) since installation. # ==> Package distributor has shipped an updated version. # What would you like to do about it ? Your options are: # Y or I : install the package maintainer's version # N or O : keep your currently-installed version # D : show the differences between the versions # Z : start a shell to examine the situation # The default action is to keep your current version. #*** issue (Y/I/N/O/D/Z) [default=N] ? n if [ ! "x${rfs_console_banner}" = "x" ] || [ ! "x${rfs_console_user_pass}" = "x" ] ; then echo "Log: setting up: /etc/issue" wfile="${tempdir}/etc/issue" if [ ! "x${rfs_etc_dogtag}" = "x" ] ; then sudo sh -c "cat '${tempdir}/etc/dogtag' >> ${wfile}" sudo sh -c "echo '' >> ${wfile}" fi if [ ! "x${rfs_console_banner}" = "x" ] ; then sudo sh -c "echo '${rfs_console_banner}' >> ${wfile}" sudo sh -c "echo '' >> ${wfile}" fi if [ ! "x${rfs_console_user_pass}" = "x" ] ; then sudo sh -c "echo 'default username:password is [${rfs_username}:${rfs_password}]' >> ${wfile}" sudo sh -c "echo '' >> ${wfile}" fi fi if [ ! "x${rfs_ssh_banner}" = "x" ] || [ ! "x${rfs_ssh_user_pass}" = "x" ] ; then echo "Log: setting up: /etc/issue.net" wfile="${tempdir}/etc/issue.net" sudo sh -c "echo '' >> ${wfile}" if [ ! "x${rfs_etc_dogtag}" = "x" ] ; then sudo sh -c "cat '${tempdir}/etc/dogtag' >> ${wfile}" sudo sh -c "echo '' >> ${wfile}" fi if [ ! "x${rfs_ssh_banner}" = "x" ] ; then sudo sh -c "echo '${rfs_ssh_banner}' >> ${wfile}" sudo sh -c "echo '' >> ${wfile}" fi if [ ! "x${rfs_ssh_user_pass}" = "x" ] ; then sudo sh -c "echo 'default username:password is [${rfs_username}:${rfs_password}]' >> ${wfile}" sudo sh -c "echo '' >> ${wfile}" fi fi #usually a qemu failure... if [ ! "x${rfs_opt_scripts}" = "x" ] ; then #we might not have read permissions: if [ -r "${tempdir}/opt/scripts/" ] ; then if [ ! -f "${tempdir}/opt/scripts/.git/config" ] ; then echo "Log: ERROR: git clone of ${rfs_opt_scripts} failed.." exit 1 fi else echo "Log: unable to test /opt/scripts/.git/config no read permissions, assuming git clone success" fi fi if [ -n "${chroot_before_hook}" -a -r "${DIR}/${chroot_before_hook}" ] ; then report_size echo "Calling chroot_before_hook script: ${chroot_before_hook}" . "${DIR}/${chroot_before_hook}" chroot_before_hook="" fi if [ -n "${chroot_script}" -a -r "${DIR}/target/chroot/${chroot_script}" ] ; then report_size echo "Calling chroot_script script: ${chroot_script}" sudo cp -v "${DIR}/.project" "${tempdir}/etc/oib.project" sudo cp -v "${DIR}/target/chroot/${chroot_script}" "${tempdir}/final.sh" sudo chroot "${tempdir}" /bin/bash -e final.sh sudo rm -f "${tempdir}/final.sh" || true sudo rm -f "${tempdir}/etc/oib.project" || true chroot_script="" if [ -f "${tempdir}/npm-debug.log" ] ; then echo "Log: ERROR: npm error in script, review log [cat ${tempdir}/npm-debug.log]..." exit 1 fi fi ##Building final tar file... if [ -d "${DIR}/deploy/${export_filename}/" ] ; then rm -rf "${DIR}/deploy/${export_filename}/" || true fi mkdir -p "${DIR}/deploy/${export_filename}/" || true cp -v "${DIR}/.project" "${DIR}/deploy/${export_filename}/image-builder.project" if [ -n "${chroot_after_hook}" -a -r "${DIR}/${chroot_after_hook}" ] ; then report_size echo "Calling chroot_after_hook script: ${DIR}/${chroot_after_hook}" . "${DIR}/${chroot_after_hook}" chroot_after_hook="" fi cat > "${DIR}/cleanup_script.sh" <<-__EOF__ #!/bin/sh -e export LC_ALL=C export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive #set distro: . /etc/rcn-ee.conf cleanup () { echo "Log: (chroot): cleanup" mkdir -p /boot/uboot/ if [ -f /etc/apt/apt.conf ] ; then rm -rf /etc/apt/apt.conf || true fi apt-get clean rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* if [ -d /var/cache/bb-node-red-installer ] ; then rm -rf /var/cache/bb-node-red-installer|| true fi if [ -d /var/cache/c9-core-installer/ ] ; then rm -rf /var/cache/c9-core-installer/ || true fi if [ -d /var/cache/ti-c6000-cgt-v8.0.x-installer/ ] ; then rm -rf /var/cache/ti-c6000-cgt-v8.0.x-installer/ || true fi if [ -d /var/cache/ti-c6000-cgt-v8.1.x-installer/ ] ; then rm -rf /var/cache/ti-c6000-cgt-v8.1.x-installer/ || true fi if [ -d /var/cache/ti-pru-cgt-installer/ ] ; then rm -rf /var/cache/ti-pru-cgt-installer/ || true fi rm -f /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d if [ "x\${distro}" = "xUbuntu" ] ; then rm -f /sbin/initctl || true dpkg-divert --local --rename --remove /sbin/initctl fi # #This is tmpfs, clear out any left overs... # if [ -d /run/ ] ; then # rm -rf /run/* || true # fi # Clear out the /tmp directory rm -rf /tmp/* || true } cleanup rm -f /cleanup_script.sh || true __EOF__ ###MUST BE LAST... sudo mv "${DIR}/cleanup_script.sh" "${tempdir}/cleanup_script.sh" sudo chroot "${tempdir}" /bin/bash -e cleanup_script.sh echo "Log: Complete: [sudo chroot ${tempdir} /bin/bash -e cleanup_script.sh]" #add /boot/uEnv.txt update script if [ -d "${tempdir}/etc/kernel/postinst.d/" ] ; then if [ ! -f "${tempdir}/etc/kernel/postinst.d/zz-uenv_txt" ] ; then sudo cp -v "${OIB_DIR}/target/other/zz-uenv_txt" "${tempdir}/etc/kernel/postinst.d/" sudo chmod +x "${tempdir}/etc/kernel/postinst.d/zz-uenv_txt" sudo chown root:root "${tempdir}/etc/kernel/postinst.d/zz-uenv_txt" fi fi if [ -f "${tempdir}/usr/bin/qemu-arm-static" ] ; then sudo rm -f "${tempdir}/usr/bin/qemu-arm-static" || true fi if [ -f "${tempdir}/usr/bin/qemu-aarch64-static" ] ; then sudo rm -f "${tempdir}/usr/bin/qemu-aarch64-static" || true fi echo "${rfs_username}:${rfs_password}" > /tmp/user_password.list sudo mv /tmp/user_password.list "${DIR}/deploy/${export_filename}/user_password.list" #Fixes: if [ -d "${tempdir}/etc/ssh/" -a "x${keep_ssh_keys}" = "x" ] ; then #Remove pre-generated ssh keys, these will be regenerated on first bootup... sudo rm -rf "${tempdir}"/etc/ssh/ssh_host_* || true sudo touch "${tempdir}/etc/ssh/ssh.regenerate" || true fi #ID.txt: if [ -f "${tempdir}/etc/dogtag" ] ; then sudo cp "${tempdir}/etc/dogtag" "${DIR}/deploy/${export_filename}/ID.txt" sudo chown root:root "${DIR}/deploy/${export_filename}/ID.txt" fi #Add Google IPv4 nameservers if [ -f "${tempdir}/etc/resolv.conf" ] ; then wfile="${tempdir}/etc/resolv.conf" sudo sh -c "echo 'nameserver' > ${wfile}" sudo sh -c "echo 'nameserver' >> ${wfile}" fi report_size chroot_umount if [ "x${chroot_COPY_SETUP_SDCARD}" = "xenable" ] ; then echo "Log: copying setup_sdcard.sh related files" sudo cp "${DIR}/tools/setup_sdcard.sh" "${DIR}/deploy/${export_filename}/" sudo mkdir -p "${DIR}/deploy/${export_filename}/hwpack/" sudo cp "${DIR}"/tools/hwpack/*.conf "${DIR}/deploy/${export_filename}/hwpack/" if [ -n "${chroot_uenv_txt}" -a -r "${OIB_DIR}/target/boot/${chroot_uenv_txt}" ] ; then sudo cp "${OIB_DIR}/target/boot/${chroot_uenv_txt}" "${DIR}/deploy/${export_filename}/uEnv.txt" fi if [ -n "${chroot_flasher_uenv_txt}" -a -r "${OIB_DIR}/target/boot/${chroot_flasher_uenv_txt}" ] ; then sudo cp "${OIB_DIR}/target/boot/${chroot_flasher_uenv_txt}" "${DIR}/deploy/${export_filename}/eMMC-flasher.txt" fi if [ -n "${chroot_post_uenv_txt}" -a -r "${OIB_DIR}/target/boot/${chroot_post_uenv_txt}" ] ; then sudo cp "${OIB_DIR}/target/boot/${chroot_post_uenv_txt}" "${DIR}/deploy/${export_filename}/post-uEnv.txt" fi fi if [ "x${chroot_directory}" = "xenable" ]; then echo "Log: moving rootfs to directory: [${deb_arch}-rootfs-${deb_distribution}-${deb_codename}]" sudo mv -v "${tempdir}" "${DIR}/deploy/${export_filename}/${deb_arch}-rootfs-${deb_distribution}-${deb_codename}" du -h --max-depth=0 "${DIR}/deploy/${export_filename}/${deb_arch}-rootfs-${deb_distribution}-${deb_codename}" else cd "${tempdir}" || true echo "Log: packaging rootfs: [${deb_arch}-rootfs-${deb_distribution}-${deb_codename}.tar]" sudo LANG=C tar --numeric-owner -cf "${DIR}/deploy/${export_filename}/${deb_arch}-rootfs-${deb_distribution}-${deb_codename}.tar" . cd "${DIR}/" || true ls -lh "${DIR}/deploy/${export_filename}/${deb_arch}-rootfs-${deb_distribution}-${deb_codename}.tar" sudo chown -R ${USER}:${USER} "${DIR}/deploy/${export_filename}/" fi echo "Log: USER:${USER}" if [ "x${chroot_tarball}" = "xenable" ] ; then echo "Creating: ${export_filename}.tar" cd "${DIR}/deploy/" || true sudo tar cvf ${export_filename}.tar ./${export_filename} sudo chown -R ${USER}:${USER} "${export_filename}.tar" cd "${DIR}/" || true fi chroot_completed="true" # #