diff --git a/projects/2010.rst b/projects/2010.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 36efb87f7422d96f1580363ab02b37230fe3cc11..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/projects/2010.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
-.. _2010:
-Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)
-.. grid:: 2
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 9
-         .. youtube:: d_vYMTuSGrM
-            :width: 100%
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 3
-         .. button-link:: https://www.google-melange.com/archive/gsoc/2010/orgs/beagleboard/projects/varun_jewalikar.html
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            GSoc Registry
-         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/2010_Projects/Pulse_Width_Modulation
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            proposal
-| GSoC Contributor                    | Mentor                                                         | 
-| Varun Jewalikar                     | Søren Steen Christensen, Cristina Murillo                      |
-OpenCV DSP Acceleration
-.. grid:: 2
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 9
-         .. youtube:: TSgAzdaJ1Xo
-            :width: 100%
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 3
-         .. button-link:: https://www.google-melange.com/archive/gsoc/2010/orgs/beagleboard/projects/ppoudel.html
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            GSoc Registry
-         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/2010_Projects/OpenCV#Documentation
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            proposal
-| GSoC Contributor                    | Mentor                                                         | 
-| Pramod Poudel                       | David Anders, Andrew Bradford, Matt Porter, Luis Gustavo Lira  |
-XBMC Rendering Optimizations
-.. grid:: 2
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 9
-         .. youtube:: gvJ32T-W3Gw
-            :width: 100%
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 3
-         .. button-link:: https://www.google-melange.com/archive/gsoc/2010/orgs/beagleboard/projects/topfs2_tobias_arrskog.html
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            GSoc Registry
-         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/2010_Projects/XBMC#Documentation
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            proposal
-| GSoC Contributor                    | Mentor                                                         | 
-| Tobias Arrskog                      | Mike Zucchi, Mans Rullgard, Søren Steen Christensen            |
-USB Sniffer
-.. grid:: 2
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 9
-         The goal of this project is to use the BeagleBoard as an USB sniffer. The host computer would be connected 
-         to the slave USB port of the BeagleBoard, and the device to be sniffed on the host USB port. The BeagleBoard 
-         would then forward USB data, while logging it. This presents the following advantages over a software-based solution: 
-         - No software modification is required; 
-         - support of proprietary OSes; 
-         - allows debugging of new USB stacks; 
-         - possibly lower-level debugging of USB frames.
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 3
-         .. button-link:: https://www.google-melange.com/archive/gsoc/2010/orgs/beagleboard/projects/drinkcat.html
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            GSoc Registry
-         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/2010_Projects/USBSniffer
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            proposal
-| GSoC Contributor                    | Mentor                                                         | 
-| Nicolas Boichat                     | Hunyue Yau, Laine Walker-Avina, Frans Meulenbroeks             |
-NEON Support for FFTW
-.. grid:: 2
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 9
-         This work presents advancements in the FFTW library, incorporating NEON instruction set support for ARM architectures 
-         within an extended SIMD interface. Further enhancements include the integration of a performance counter into the FFTW 
-         planner, enabling precise measurement of execution times for algorithmic selection. Optimized code for accelerated Fourier 
-         transforms contributes to demonstrable speedups, illustrated through visual presentations using GNU Octave. The amalgamation 
-         of these improvements establishes a more efficient and performance-driven FFTW library, showcasing the tangible benefits of SIMD 
-         extensions, performance counters, and code optimization.
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 3
-         .. button-link:: https://www.google-melange.com/archive/gsoc/2010/orgs/beagleboard/projects/chrisfriedt.html
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            GSoc Registry
-         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/2010_Projects/FFTW#Documentation
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            proposal
-| GSoC Contributor                    | Mentor                                                         | 
-| Christopher Friedt                  | Mans Rullgard, Philip Balister                                 |
-RPC layer and POSIX wrappers for C6Run
-.. grid:: 2
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 9
-         .. vimeo:: 12796429
-            :width: 100%
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 3
-         .. button-link:: https://www.google-melange.com/archive/gsoc/2010/orgs/beagleboard/projects/maltanar.html
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            GSoc Registry
-         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/2010_Projects/C6Run#Documentation
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            proposal
-.. vimeo:: 
-   :align: center
-| GSoC Contributor                    | Mentor                                                         | 
-| Yaman Umuroglu                      | Katie Roberts-Hoffman, Laine Walker-Avina, Frank Walzer        |
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/projects/2013.rst b/projects/2013.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d1401e1286ade0cad5a84024a55acf4064683e3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/projects/2013.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-.. _gsoc-2013:
-Minix I2C Project for BeagleBoard.org
-.. grid:: 2
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 9
-         .. youtube:: dxjaFsWYkAM
-            :width: 100%
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 3
-         .. button-link:: https://www.google-melange.com/archive/gsoc/2013/orgs/beagle/projects/tcort.html
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            GSoc Registry
-         .. button-link:: https://github.com/tcort/minix-i2c
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            proposal
-| GSoC Contributor       | Mentor                                          |
-| Thomas Cort            | Kees Jongenburger, Frans Meulenbroeks, Ben Gras |
-beagle ROS
-.. grid:: 2
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 9
-         .. youtube:: JTsZL-puy-E
-            :width: 100%
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 3
-         .. button-link:: https://www.google-melange.com/archive/gsoc/2013/orgs/beagle/projects/vmayoral.html
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            GSoc Registry
-         .. button-link:: https://vmayoral.github.io/beagle-ros/
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            proposal
-| GSoC Contributor       | Mentor                                          |
-| Victor Mayoral Vilches | Koen Kooi                                       |
-BeagleBone Black : Using Userspace-Arduino libraries
-.. grid:: 2
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 9
-         .. youtube:: 1F0S5ajq-Ls
-            :width: 100%
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 3
-         .. button-link:: https://www.google-melange.com/archive/gsoc/2013/orgs/beagle/projects/anujdeshpande92.html
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            GSoc Registry
-         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/Userspace_Arduino
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            proposal
-| GSoC Contributor                    | Mentor                                                         | 
-| Anuj Deshpande, Pranav Nagersheth   | David Anders, Andrew Bradford, Matt Porter, Luis Gustavo Lira  |
-Booting BeagleBone Black/White via Android
-.. grid:: 2
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 9
-         .. youtube:: hxzoz6f4Q5w
-            :width: 100%
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 3
-         .. button-link:: https://www.google-melange.com/archive/gsoc/2013/orgs/beagle/projects/ungureanuvladvictor.html
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            GSoc Registry
-| GSoC Contributor                    | Mentor                                         |
-| Vlad Victor Ungureanu               | Vladimir Pantelic, Tom King, Kees Jongenburger |
-Linux ADC IIO Support
-.. grid:: 2
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 9
-         This project addresses issues in the Beaglebone's IIO ADC driver, rectifying the absence of /sysfs entries 
-         and minor discrepancies in /dev/iio:deviceX entries through patchwork. A new hwmon driver for power measurement 
-         utilizing the 7th ADC channel is in development. Reports of touch screen driver conflicts with free ADC channels 
-         are being investigated and resolved. The resulting improvements will significantly enhance ADC accessibility for newcomers 
-         and userspace application programmers on the Beaglebone platform. Additionally, the PWM driver's sysfs entry additions will 
-         be addressed through a cleaner implementation of sysfs support for the PWM driver API.
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 3
-         .. button-link:: https://www.google-melange.com/archive/gsoc/2013/orgs/beagle/projects/zubairlk.html
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            GSoc Registry
-         .. button-link:: https://github.com/ZubairLK/kernel
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            proposal
-| GSoC Contributor                    | Mentor                                                                         |
-| Zubair Lutfullah Kakakhel           | Greg Kroah-Hartman, Koen Kooi, Vladimir Pantelic, Tom Rini, Laine Walker-Avina |
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/projects/2014.rst b/projects/2014.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index e87ec4e428fc9bf17cbd7c8c438a2448c1a50930..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/projects/2014.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-.. _gsoc-2014:
-BotSpeak PRU Firmware
-.. grid:: 2
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 9
-         .. youtube:: 8g8e4AgDqNo
-            :width: 100%
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 3
-         .. button-link:: https://www.google-melange.com/archive/gsoc/2014/orgs/beagle/projects/deepak_karki.html
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            GSoc Registry
-         .. button-link:: https://github.com/deepakkarki/pruspeak
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            proposal
-| GSoC Contributor        | Mentor                                                     |
-| Deepak Karki            | Pantelis Antoniou, Hunyue Yau, Jason Kridner, Alex Hiam    |
-PyBBIO Library Development
-.. grid:: 2
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 9
-         .. youtube:: JChsenGXI68
-            :width: 100%
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 3
-         .. button-link:: https://www.google-melange.com/archive/gsoc/2014/orgs/beagle/projects/rseetham.html
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            GSoc Registry
-         .. button-link:: https://github.com/deepakkarki/pruspeak
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            proposal
-| GSoC Contributor        | Mentor                                        |
-| Rekha Seethamraju       | Alexander Hiam, Steve French                  |
-.. grid:: 2
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 9
-         .. youtube:: -giV6Xr8RtY
-            :width: 100%
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 3
-         .. button-link:: https://www.google-melange.com/archive/gsoc/2014/orgs/beagle/projects/vmayoral.html
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            GSoc Registry
-         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/BeaglePilot
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            proposal
-| GSoC Contributor        | Mentor                                         |
-| Victor Mayoral Vilches  | Andrew tridgell,Hunyue Yau, Luis Gustavo Lira  |
-.. grid:: 2
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 9
-         .. youtube:: CDbEAq33vdA
-            :width: 100%
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 3
-         .. button-link:: https://www.google-melange.com/archive/gsoc/2014/orgs/beagle/projects/abhishek_kakkar.html
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            GSoc Registry
-         .. button-link:: https://github.com/deepakkarki/pruspeak
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            proposal
-| GSoC Contributor        | Mentor                                         |
-| Abhishek Kumar          | Matt Ranostay, Hunyue Yau, Charles Steinkehler |
-.. grid:: 2
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 9
-         .. youtube:: CIugTSnqcf4
-            :width: 100%
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 3
-         .. button-link:: https://www.google-melange.com/archive/gsoc/2014/orgs/beagle/projects/diegoturcios.html
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            GSoc Registry
-         .. button-link:: https://github.com/DiegoTc/bone101
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            proposal
-| GSoC Contributor        | Mentor                                                         |
-| Diego Turcios Lara      | Jason Krinder, Steve French, David Scheltema and Jongseuk Lee  |
-Beagle Andriod Remote Display (BARD)
-.. grid:: 2
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 9
-         .. youtube:: gWzg2dJ0tfA
-            :width: 100%
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 3
-         .. button-link:: https://www.google-melange.com/archive/gsoc/2014/orgs/beagle/projects/praveendath92.html
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            GSoc Registry
-         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/BARD
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            proposal
-| GSoC Contributor        | Mentor                                        |
-| Praveen Kumar Pendyala  | Vladimir Pantelic                             |
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/projects/2015.rst b/projects/2015.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 2864ab0b1a99eb1614b6f2637a375c3acb28752a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/projects/2015.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,271 +0,0 @@
-.. _gsoc-2015:
-Demo Android app using BBBAndroid
-.. grid:: 2
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 9
-         .. youtube:: 3A9nzUyZhK0
-            :width: 100%
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 3
-         .. button-link:: https://www.google-melange.com/archive/gsoc/2015/orgs/beagleboard/projects/ankur_a_yadav.html
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            GSoc Registry
-         .. button-link:: https://github.com/ankurayadav/bbbandroidHAL/wiki
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            proposal
-| GSoC Contributor       | Mentor                                                                |
-| Ankur Kumar Yadav      | Andrew Henderson, Anuj Deshpande                                      |
-BeaglePilot 2.0: Making Underwater Drones
-.. grid:: 2
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 9
-         .. youtube:: GvIZOCGMYiA
-            :width: 100%
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 3
-         .. button-link:: https://beaglepilot2.wordpress.com/
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            proposal
-| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                                                  |
-| Rohith Madhavan      | Víctor Mayoral Vilches, Iñigo Muguruza, Alejandro Hernández             |
-Android-based Remote Display
-.. grid:: 2
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 9
-         .. youtube:: gJABSa_SLFs
-            :width: 100%
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 3
-         .. button-link:: https://www.google-melange.com/archive/gsoc/2015/orgs/beagleboard/projects/azizulhakim.html
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            GSoc Registry
-         .. button-link:: https://github.com/azizulhakim/beagleusb/wiki
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            proposal
-| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                                                  |
-| Azizul Hakim         | Praveen Kumar Pendyala, Vlad Ungureanu, Vladimir Pantelic               |
-.. grid:: 2
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 9
-         The primary objective of this project is to maximize the utilization of BoneScript, enhancing the user-friendliness 
-         of Bone101, particularly for beginners. The focus is on streamlining processes such as uploading, downloading, and 
-         sharing tutorials to ensure a seamless and accessible experience. The overarching goal is to simplify these operations, 
-         catering to newcomers and making the platform more user-friendly for a broader audience.
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 3
-         .. button-link:: https://www.google-melange.com/archive/gsoc/2015/orgs/beagleboard/projects/ehabb.html 
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            GSoc Registry
-         .. button-link:: https://github.com/ebadawy/bone101
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            proposal
-| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                                                  |
-| ehab albadawy        | Jason Kridner, Diego Turcios                                            |
-NW.js (a.k.a node-webkit) based cross-platform getting-started app
-.. grid:: 2
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 9
-         .. youtube:: XVZS8kLhhwY
-            :width: 100%
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 3
-         .. button-link:: https://www.google-melange.com/archive/gsoc/2015/orgs/beagleboard/projects/apgomes.html 
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            GSoc Registry
-         .. button-link:: https://github.com/ankurayadav/bbbandroidHAL/wiki
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            proposal
-| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                                                  |
-| Ariane Paola Gomes   | Jason Kridner, Tim Orling                                               |
-PRUSS support for newer kernels
-.. grid:: 2
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 9
-         .. youtube:: 5YgbVmFl65Y
-            :width: 100%
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 3
-         .. button-link:: https://www.google-melange.com/archive/gsoc/2015/orgs/beagleboard/projects/shubhi1407.html
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            GSoc Registry
-         .. button-link:: https://github.com/shubhi1407/PRU-framework/wiki
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            proposal
-| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                                                  |
-| Shubhangi Gupta      | Pantelis Antoniou, Kumar Abhishek, Hunyue Yau                           |
-.. grid:: 2
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 9
-         .. youtube:: KyChK_NQLvA
-            :width: 100%
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 3
-         .. button-link:: https://www.google-melange.com/archive/gsoc/2015/orgs/beagleboard/projects/apaar.html
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            GSoc Registry
-         .. button-link:: https://github.com/Apaar/PRU-Bridge
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            proposal
-| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                                                  |
-| Apaar Gupta          | Alexander Hiam, Deepak Karki, Hunyue Yau                                |
-BeagleSat - Enabling accurate magnetic field measurements on CubeSats
-.. grid:: 2
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 9
-         .. youtube:: ojDqtxv9oGY
-            :width: 100%
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 3
-         .. button-link:: https://www.google-melange.com/archive/gsoc/2015/orgs/beagleboard/projects/niko_visnjic.html
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            GSoc Registry
-         .. button-link:: https://github.com/nvisnjic/BeagleSat/wiki
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            proposal
-| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                                                  |
-| Niko Visnjic         | Steve Arnold, Alexander Hiam, Kumar Abhishek                            |
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/projects/2016.rst b/projects/2016.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a6dae033d3a70d54e77046edc1b10df47f230fe..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/projects/2016.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
-.. _gsoc-2016:
-Exposing the PRU as an I2C and SPI master Controller
-.. grid:: 2
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 9
-         .. youtube:: fyaebfssmyE
-            :width: 100%
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 3
-         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/archive/2016/projects/5936772366204928
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            GSoc Registry
-         .. button-link:: https://github.com/chanakya-vc/PRU-I2C_SPI_master/wiki
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            proposal
-| GSoC Contributor       | Mentor                                                                |
-| Vaibhav Choudhary      | Andrew Bradford, Matt Porter                                          |
-SPI slave driver implementation
-.. grid:: 2
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 9
-         .. youtube:: yBgMwMcvcKg
-            :width: 100%
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 3
-         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/archive/2016/projects/6567958478323712
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            GSoc Registry
-         .. button-link:: https://github.com/pmezydlo/SPI_slave_driver_implementation/wiki
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            proposal
-| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                                                  |
-| Patryk Mężydło       | Michael Welling, Andrew Bradford, Matt Porter                           |
-.. grid:: 2
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 9
-         .. youtube:: tdanTRSmq4E
-            :width: 100%
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 3
-         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/archive/2016/projects/4885400476712960
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            GSoc Registry
-         .. button-link:: https://github.com/ZeekHuge/BeagleScope/wiki
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            proposal
-| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                                                  |
-| Zubeen Tolani        | SJLC, Abhishek Kumar, Michael Welling, Hunyue Yau                       |
-Create library to make use of AM5728 DSPs
-.. grid:: 2
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 9
-         .. youtube:: u3A9x9bpbdo
-            :width: 100%
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 3
-         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/archive/2016/projects/5351212496977920
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            GSoc Registry
-         .. button-link:: https://github.com/henrix/libdsp-x15/wiki
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            proposal
-| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                                                  |
-| Henrik Langer        | Robert Manzke, Vladimir Pantelic                                        |
-Sonic Anemometer
-.. grid:: 2
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 9
-         .. youtube:: 1EHpIu2IRQA
-            :width: 100%
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 3
-         .. button-link:: https://github.com/Visaoni/beagle-sonic-anemometer/wiki
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            proposal
-| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                                                  |
-| Visaoni              | Alex Hiam, Micheal Welling, Kumar Abhishek, Deepak Karki                |
-API support for Beaglebone Blue
-.. grid:: 2
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 9
-         The aim of the project is to create easy-to-use APIs for the hardware on the BB Blue. This would consist of 
-         developing/improving kernel drivers for the on-board devices and then re-implementing the Strawson APIs to 
-         use these kernel drivers. These APIs will then be used by real-time applications which can be run on BB Blue. 
-         In the later phase of the project, support for BB Blue will be added in Ardupilot and ROS will be ported to BB 
-         Blue using these APIs.
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 3
-         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/archive/2016/projects/6295262146330624
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            GSoc Registry
-         .. button-link:: https://github.com/kiran4399/bb_blue_api/wiki
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            proposal
-| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                                                  |
-| Kiran Kumar Lekkala  | Alex Hiam, Micheal Welling, Kumar Abhishek, Deepak Karki                |
-Improving Bone101 Experience
-.. grid:: 2
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 9
-         .. youtube:: AdhE9wmNZww
-            :width: 100%
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 3
-         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/archive/2016/projects/4505918104403968
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            GSoc Registry
-         .. button-link:: https://github.com/amragaey/bone101/wiki/BeagleBoard-GSoC'16:-Improving-Bone101-Experience
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            proposal
-| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                                                  |
-| Amr Ragaey           | Jason Kridner, Alex Hiam                                                |
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/projects/2017.rst b/projects/2017.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index f75fc9ce0d59571525f1683e2fa32b16c512ca38..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/projects/2017.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
-.. _gsoc-2017:
-BeagleBone AVB Stack
-.. grid:: 2
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 9
-         .. youtube:: 8FDrBt0OAdk
-            :width: 100%
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 3
-         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/archive/2017/projects/4596929535148032
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            GSoc Registry
-         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/BeagleBoneAVB
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            proposal
-| GSoC Contributor       | Mentor                                                                |
-| Indumathi Duraipandian | Robert Manzke,Henrik Langer                                           |
-BeagleWire software support
-.. grid:: 2
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 9
-         .. youtube:: Fsj81PMSOC8
-            :width: 100%
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 3
-         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/archive/2017/projects/5314472004550656
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            GSoc Registry
-         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/BeagleWire_software_support
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            proposal
-| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                                                  |
-| Patryk Mężydło       | Michael Welling, Jonathan Cameron                                       |
-.. grid:: 2
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 9
-         .. youtube:: svTSmAsZD2I
-            :width: 100%
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 3
-         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/archive/2017/projects/4815942534037504
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            GSoc Registry
-         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/BeagleLibs
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            proposal
-| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                                                  |
-| ee                   | Trevor Woerner                                                          |
-.. grid:: 2
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 9
-         .. youtube:: 5JYfh2_0x8s
-            :width: 100%
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 3
-         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/archive/2017/projects/5066113104740352
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            GSoc Registry
-         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/etcher-beagleboot
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            proposal
-| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                                                  |
-| Ravi Kumar Prasad    | Jason Kridner                                                           |
-Sonic Anemometer
-.. grid:: 2
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 9
-         .. youtube:: uj8lO8G9QYU
-            :width: 100%
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 3
-         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/archive/2017/projects/6450379722063872
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            GSoc Registry
-         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/GSoC2017_sonic_anemometer_proposal
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            proposal
-| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                                                  |
-| Naveen Saini         | Stephen Arnold, Hunyue Yau, Zubeen Tolani                               |
-BeagleBone PRU DMA
-.. grid:: 2
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 9
-         .. youtube:: H4Bywj-rr74
-            :width: 100%
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 3
-         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/archive/2017/projects/6614225476648960
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            GSoc Registry
-         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/BeagleBone_PRU_DMA
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            proposal
-| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                                                  |
-| Maciej Sobkowski     | Kumar Abhishek , Zubeen Tolani                                          |
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/projects/2018.rst b/projects/2018.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ca6ab6ce98fab9be7198854e90aaca85a45cca4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/projects/2018.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-.. _gsoc-2018:
-Beagleboard.org GSoC 2018 Playlist
-.. youtube:: Dk0KhYNS1CU
-   :align: center
-| Speaker              | Drew Fustini                                                            |
-.. grid:: 2
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 9
-         .. youtube:: rlj-k4zyPN0
-            :width: 100%
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 3
-         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/archive/2019/projects/4610302519803904
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            GSoc Registry
-         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/etcher-beagleboot
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            proposal
-| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                                                  |
-| Ravi Kumar Prasad    | Jason Kridner, Abhishek Kumar                                           |
-Fixing Bugs in BoneScript and Improve BeagleBone UI
-.. grid:: 2
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 9
-         .. youtube:: ZKOccMBiL5s
-            :width: 100%
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 3
-         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/archive/2019/projects/4871854686732288
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            GSoc Registry
-         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/fix-bugs-bonescript
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            proposal
-| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                                                  |
-| Vaishnav M.A.        | Jason Kridner, Anuj Deshpande, Micheal Welling                          |
-Modern Speak and Spell using PocketBeagle
-.. grid:: 2
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 9
-         .. youtube:: EiBgch4M_RI
-            :width: 100%
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 3
-         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/archive/2019/projects/5031706255949824
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            GSoc Registry
-         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/Modern_Speak_and_Spell
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            proposal
-| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                                                  |
-| Anirban Banik        | Eric Weish, Anuj Deshpande, Zubeen Tolani, Hunyue Yau, Andrew Henderson |
-Update to PyPRUSS - Python API for the PRUs
-.. grid:: 2
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 9
-         .. youtube:: vHxpa6JwqqI
-            :width: 100%
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 3
-         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/etcher-beagleboot
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            proposal
-| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                                                  |
-| Mohammed Muneeb      | Kumar Abhishek, Patryk Mężydło, ZeekHuge, S. Lockwood-Childs            |
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index b5e69be4019f531905a7f693fe39e7ac633eba6a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/projects/2019.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-.. _gsoc-2019:
-Clickboard Support Under Greybus
-.. grid:: 2
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 9
-         .. youtube:: RWBzyHNetOE
-            :width: 100%
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 3
-         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/projects/#5996499987595264
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            GSoc Registry
-         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/2019Proposal/clickboard-support-under-greybus
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            proposal
-| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                        |
-| Vaishnav Maithani    | Jason Kridner, Ravi Kumar Prasad              |
-PRU User Space API
-.. grid:: 2
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 9
-         .. youtube:: 9G-IIQX89J4
-            :width: 100%
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 3
-         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/archive/2019/projects/5988515748249600
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            GSoc Registry
-         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/2019Proposal/PRUUserSpaceAPI-PratimUgale
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            proposal
-| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                        |
-| Pratim Ugale         | Patryk Mężydło, ZeekHuge, Abhishek Kumar      |
-Xen on Beagleboard-x15
-.. grid:: 2
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 9
-         .. youtube:: etbBezZK8-8
-            :width: 100%
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 3
-         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/archive/2019/projects/5107782238339072/
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            GSoc Registry
-         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/2019Proposal/Xen_on_BeagleBoard-x15
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            proposal
-| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                                    |
-| Denis Obrezkov       | Julien Grall, Iain Hunter, Hunyue Yau, Stefano Stabellini |
-Reference Design For A GPIO-based Parallel Bi-Directional Bus
-.. grid:: 2
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 9
-         .. youtube:: ZZDT6jNslqw
-            :width: 100%
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 3
-         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/2019Proposal/GPIOParallelBidirComm
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            proposal
-| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                        |
-| Pranav Kumar         | Andrew Henderson, Hunyue Yau, Abhishek Kumar  |
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/projects/2020.rst b/projects/2020.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index a3f5aae1a95a481f21d5195752bb354de1e8f2f6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/projects/2020.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-.. _gsoc-2020:
-PRU Improvements
-.. grid:: 2
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 9
-         .. youtube:: AXacKDdxSdY
-            :width: 100%
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 3
-         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/programs/2020/projects/6551712266977280
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            GSoc Registry
-         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/2020_Projects/PRU_Improvements
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            proposal
-| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                         |
-| Vedant Paranjape     | Abhishek Kumar, Pratim Ugale, Andrew Henderson |
-Cape Compatibility layer for BeagleBone Black and BeagleBone AI
-.. grid:: 2
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 9
-         .. youtube:: jP9fwOxp4Bc
-            :width: 100%
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 3
-         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/programs/202/projects/6248850903269376
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            GSoc Registry
-         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/2020_Projects/Cape_Compatibility
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            proposal
-| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                                  |
-| Deepak Khatri        | Jason Kridner, Drew Fustini, Hunyue Yau, Abhishek Kumar |
-Parallel Bidirectional Bus for Beaglebone PRU
-.. grid:: 2
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 9
-         .. youtube:: cKxx8r4FRqY
-            :width: 100%
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 3
-         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/programs/202/projects/6635395644653568
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            GSoc Registry
-         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/2020_Projects/PRU_Bi-dir_bus
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            proposal
-| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                                               |
-| Deepankar Maithani   | Saketh, Abhishek Kumar, Jason Kridner, Hunyue Yau, Drew Fustini, rma |
-Media IP Streaming
-.. grid:: 2
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 9
-         This project will equip the Beagleboard AI with Media IP Streaming capabilities, by porting the 
-         sound card drivers for CTAG face2|4 Audio Card and the AVB protocol stack from BeagleBone AVB to 
-         the BeagleBone AI.
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 3
-         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/programs/2020/projects/6143660611076096
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            GSoc Registry
-         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/2020_Projects/Media_IP_Streaming
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            proposal
-| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                                               |
-| Niklas Wantrupp      | Robert Manzke, Henrik Langer, Drew Fustini, Indumathi Duraipandian   |
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/projects/2021.rst b/projects/2021.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index ac31cfa4f6c7334ea6094ae95e023bf630baa179..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/projects/2021.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-.. _gsoc-2021:
-Improvements to simpPRU
-.. grid:: 2
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 9
-         .. youtube:: -zZ57sqQPSY
-            :width: 100%
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 3
-         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/programs/2021/projects/6216005071667200 
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            GSoc Registry
-         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/2021_Proposal/simpPRU_Improvements
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            proposal
-| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                         |
-| Archisman Dey        | Pratim Ugale, Andrew Henderson, Abhishek Kumar |
-MicroPython for BeagleConnect Freedom
-.. grid:: 2
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 9
-         .. youtube:: x1hBazDr2Bk
-            :width: 100%
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 3
-         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/programs/2021/projects/6255768214437888 
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            GSoc Registry
-         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC_2021/Micropython_for_BeagleConnect_Freedom
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            proposal
-| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                         |
-| Yadnik Bendale       | Deepak Khatri, Jason Kridner                   |
-.. grid:: 2
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 9
-         .. youtube:: vFUWCzqE6xI
-            :width: 100%
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 3
-         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/programs/2021/projects/6276044352389120 
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            GSoc Registry
-         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/2021_Proposal/beagle_config
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            proposal
-| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                         |
-| Shreyas Atre         | Deepak Khatri, Arthur Sonzogni, Abhishek Kumar |
-BeagleWire Software
-.. grid:: 2
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 9
-         .. youtube:: X3gu4sAZo0I
-            :width: 100%
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 3
-         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/programs/2021/projects/6597728544489472 
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            GSoc Registry
-         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/2021_Proposal/OmkarBhilare
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            proposal
-| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                         |
-| Omkar Bhilare        | Michael Welling, Shephen Arnold                |
-.. grid:: 2
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 9
-         .. youtube:: I5FnOTc8OP8
-            :width: 100%
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 3
-         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/programs/2021/projects/5248746325016576 
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            GSoc Registry
-         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/2021_Proposal/GPGPU_with_GLES
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            proposal
-| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                         |
-| Jakub Duchniewicz    | Iain Hunter, Hunyue Yau                        |
-Bela Support for the BeagleBone AI
-.. grid:: 2
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 9
-         .. youtube:: kLXCrlQwXeI
-            :width: 100%
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 3
-         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/programs/2021/projects/5188984237457408 
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            GSoc Registry
-         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/2021_Proposal/bela_on_bbai
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            proposal
-| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                         |
-| Dhruva Gole          | Giulio Moro, Stephen Arnold, Robert Manske     |
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/projects/2022.rst b/projects/2022.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 9fda2e2ee49cd44c0e56f3f1cc653f534f8be6ee..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/projects/2022.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-.. _gsoc-2022:
-Adding features to simpPRU
-.. grid:: 2
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 9
-         .. youtube:: a_C_wTEzJJo
-            :width: 100%
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 3
-         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/programs/2022/projects/atWuie8j 
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            GSoc Registry
-         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/2022_Proposal/Adding_features_to_simpPRU
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            proposal
-| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                        |
-| Krishna Narayanan    | Vedant Paranjape, Archisman Dey, Pratim Ugale |
-Introduction to Greybus for Zephyr
-.. grid:: 2
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 9
-         .. youtube:: GN82Yiq_kRg
-            :width: 100%
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 3
-         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/programs/2022/projects/gf9eB3q9 
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            GSoc Registry
-         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/2022_Proposal/GreybusforZephyrUpdates
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            proposal
-| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                                    |
-| Hashil Bhatt         | Jason Krinder, Vaishnav Achath, Tim Orlong, Deepak Khatri |
-Deep Learning for Bela
-.. grid:: 2
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 9
-         .. youtube:: AHaTD0bTIpU
-            :width: 100%
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 3
-         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/programs/2022/projects/ky4Dpka9 
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            GSoc Registry
-         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/2022_Proposal/Running_Machine_Learning_Models_on_Bela
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            proposal
-| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                        |
-| Ezra Pierce          | Giulio Moro, Jack Armitage, Victor Shepardson |
-BeagleBoard Cape Compability Layer
-.. grid:: 2
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 9
-         .. youtube:: kVL0rDWA-sY
-            :width: 100%
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 3
-         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/programs/2022/projects/gf9eB3q9 
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            GSoc Registry
-         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/2022_Proposal/BeagleBone_Cape_add-on_board_compatibility_layer
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            proposal
-| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                          |
-| Kai Yamada           | Jason Kridner, Tim Orling, Deepak Khatri        |
-Bb-Config Improvements and GPIO Benchmark
-.. grid:: 2
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 9
-         .. youtube:: V_Euk5uWY1o
-            :width: 100%
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 3
-         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/programs/2022/projects/2DbiYPlY 
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            GSoc Registry
-         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/2022_Proposal/bb-config_improvements_%26_GPIO_Benchmarking
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            proposal
-| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                          |
-| Seak Jian De         | Vedant Paranjape, Shreyas Atre, Vaishnav Achath |
-Building Bela Images Project
-.. grid:: 2
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 9
-         .. youtube:: JESc32I59TQ
-            :width: 100%
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 3
-         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/programs/2022/projects/ykkMkxcR 
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            GSoc Registry
-         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/2022_Proposal/Building_Bela_Images
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            proposal
-| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                         |
-| Kurva Prashanth      | Vedant Paranjape, Vaishnav Achath, Giulio Moro |
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/projects/2023.rst b/projects/2023.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 912a5ed3be013e93b28e1ba10a05898e613726de..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/projects/2023.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-.. _gsoc-2023:
-Replace Gbridge   
-.. grid:: 2
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 9
-         .. youtube:: tCtehnXODW8
-            :width: 100%
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 3
-         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/programs/2023/projects/iTfGBkDk 
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            GSoc Registry
-         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/2023_Proposal/AyushSingh
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            proposal
-| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                         |
-| Ayush Singh          | Jason Krinder, Vaishnav Achath |
-Building an LLVM Backend for PRU
-.. grid:: 2
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 9
-         .. youtube:: f4LVIW9VlrM
-            :width: 100%
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 3
-         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/programs/2023/projects/nfmrQ9LL  
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            GSoc Registry
-         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/2023_Proposal/Khushi-Balia
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            proposal
-| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                         |
-| Khushi Balia         | Vedant Paranjape, Shreyas Atre, Abhishek Kumar |
-Zephyr on R5/M4F
-.. grid:: 2
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 9
-         .. youtube:: zGILLbQjVRI
-            :width: 100%
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 3
-         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/programs/2023/projects/MyuaawJq  
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            GSoc Registry
-         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/2023_Proposal/PrashanthS
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            proposal
-| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                                                      |
-| Prashanth S          | Nishanth Menon, Dhruva Gole, Abhishek Kumar, Vaishnav Achath, Deepak Khatri |
-OpenGLES Acceleration for DL
-.. grid:: 2
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 9
-         .. youtube:: jSTgFrK3ZOw
-            :width: 100%
-      .. grid-item::
-         :columns: 3
-         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/programs/2023/projects/gf9eB3q9  
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            GSoc Registry
-         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/2023_Proposal/OpenGLES_acceleration_for_DL
-            :color: info
-            :shadow:
-            :expand:
-            proposal
-| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                        |
-| Pratham Deskmukh     | Shreyas Atre, Deepak Khatri                   |
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/projects/index.rst b/projects/index.rst
index 31518f0ab7fb63a182319726f01f260419bb0201..5048f28c83a51a6f8330d514788fdb9609b0c05c 100644
--- a/projects/index.rst
+++ b/projects/index.rst
@@ -6,18 +6,2317 @@ Past Projects
 An overview of the significant contributions made to BeagleBoard.org through 
 GSoC over the previous years is given in the section that follows. 
-.. toctree:: 
-    :maxdepth: 2
-    2023
-    2022
-    2021
-    2020
-    2019
-    2018
-    2017
-    2016
-    2015
-    2014
-    2013
-    2010
+.. _gsoc-2023:
+Replace Gbridge   
+.. grid:: 2
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 9
+         .. youtube:: tCtehnXODW8
+            :width: 100%
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 3
+         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/programs/2023/projects/iTfGBkDk 
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            GSoc Registry
+         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/2023_Proposal/AyushSingh
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            proposal
+| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                         |
+| Ayush Singh          | Jason Krinder, Vaishnav Achath |
+Building an LLVM Backend for PRU
+.. grid:: 2
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 9
+         .. youtube:: f4LVIW9VlrM
+            :width: 100%
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 3
+         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/programs/2023/projects/nfmrQ9LL  
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            GSoc Registry
+         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/2023_Proposal/Khushi-Balia
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            proposal
+| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                         |
+| Khushi Balia         | Vedant Paranjape, Shreyas Atre, Abhishek Kumar |
+Zephyr on R5/M4F
+.. grid:: 2
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 9
+         .. youtube:: zGILLbQjVRI
+            :width: 100%
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 3
+         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/programs/2023/projects/MyuaawJq  
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            GSoc Registry
+         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/2023_Proposal/PrashanthS
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            proposal
+| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                                                      |
+| Prashanth S          | Nishanth Menon, Dhruva Gole, Abhishek Kumar, Vaishnav Achath, Deepak Khatri |
+OpenGLES Acceleration for DL
+.. grid:: 2
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 9
+         .. youtube:: jSTgFrK3ZOw
+            :width: 100%
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 3
+         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/programs/2023/projects/gf9eB3q9  
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            GSoc Registry
+         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/2023_Proposal/OpenGLES_acceleration_for_DL
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            proposal
+| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                        |
+| Pratham Deskmukh     | Shreyas Atre, Deepak Khatri                   |
+.. _gsoc-2022:
+Adding features to simpPRU
+.. grid:: 2
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 9
+         .. youtube:: a_C_wTEzJJo
+            :width: 100%
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 3
+         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/programs/2022/projects/atWuie8j 
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            GSoc Registry
+         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/2022_Proposal/Adding_features_to_simpPRU
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            proposal
+| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                        |
+| Krishna Narayanan    | Vedant Paranjape, Archisman Dey, Pratim Ugale |
+Introduction to Greybus for Zephyr
+.. grid:: 2
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 9
+         .. youtube:: GN82Yiq_kRg
+            :width: 100%
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 3
+         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/programs/2022/projects/gf9eB3q9 
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            GSoc Registry
+         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/2022_Proposal/GreybusforZephyrUpdates
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            proposal
+| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                                    |
+| Hashil Bhatt         | Jason Krinder, Vaishnav Achath, Tim Orlong, Deepak Khatri |
+Deep Learning for Bela
+.. grid:: 2
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 9
+         .. youtube:: AHaTD0bTIpU
+            :width: 100%
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 3
+         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/programs/2022/projects/ky4Dpka9 
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            GSoc Registry
+         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/2022_Proposal/Running_Machine_Learning_Models_on_Bela
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            proposal
+| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                        |
+| Ezra Pierce          | Giulio Moro, Jack Armitage, Victor Shepardson |
+BeagleBoard Cape Compability Layer
+.. grid:: 2
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 9
+         .. youtube:: kVL0rDWA-sY
+            :width: 100%
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 3
+         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/programs/2022/projects/gf9eB3q9 
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            GSoc Registry
+         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/2022_Proposal/BeagleBone_Cape_add-on_board_compatibility_layer
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            proposal
+| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                          |
+| Kai Yamada           | Jason Kridner, Tim Orling, Deepak Khatri        |
+Bb-Config Improvements and GPIO Benchmark
+.. grid:: 2
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 9
+         .. youtube:: V_Euk5uWY1o
+            :width: 100%
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 3
+         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/programs/2022/projects/2DbiYPlY 
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            GSoc Registry
+         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/2022_Proposal/bb-config_improvements_%26_GPIO_Benchmarking
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            proposal
+| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                          |
+| Seak Jian De         | Vedant Paranjape, Shreyas Atre, Vaishnav Achath |
+Building Bela Images Project
+.. grid:: 2
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 9
+         .. youtube:: JESc32I59TQ
+            :width: 100%
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 3
+         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/programs/2022/projects/ykkMkxcR 
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            GSoc Registry
+         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/2022_Proposal/Building_Bela_Images
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            proposal
+| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                         |
+| Kurva Prashanth      | Vedant Paranjape, Vaishnav Achath, Giulio Moro |
+.. _gsoc-2021:
+Improvements to simpPRU
+.. grid:: 2
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 9
+         .. youtube:: -zZ57sqQPSY
+            :width: 100%
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 3
+         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/programs/2021/projects/6216005071667200 
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            GSoc Registry
+         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/2021_Proposal/simpPRU_Improvements
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            proposal
+| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                         |
+| Archisman Dey        | Pratim Ugale, Andrew Henderson, Abhishek Kumar |
+MicroPython for BeagleConnect Freedom
+.. grid:: 2
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 9
+         .. youtube:: x1hBazDr2Bk
+            :width: 100%
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 3
+         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/programs/2021/projects/6255768214437888 
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            GSoc Registry
+         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC_2021/Micropython_for_BeagleConnect_Freedom
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            proposal
+| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                         |
+| Yadnik Bendale       | Deepak Khatri, Jason Kridner                   |
+.. grid:: 2
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 9
+         .. youtube:: vFUWCzqE6xI
+            :width: 100%
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 3
+         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/programs/2021/projects/6276044352389120 
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            GSoc Registry
+         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/2021_Proposal/beagle_config
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            proposal
+| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                         |
+| Shreyas Atre         | Deepak Khatri, Arthur Sonzogni, Abhishek Kumar |
+BeagleWire Software
+.. grid:: 2
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 9
+         .. youtube:: X3gu4sAZo0I
+            :width: 100%
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 3
+         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/programs/2021/projects/6597728544489472 
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            GSoc Registry
+         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/2021_Proposal/OmkarBhilare
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            proposal
+| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                         |
+| Omkar Bhilare        | Michael Welling, Shephen Arnold                |
+.. grid:: 2
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 9
+         .. youtube:: I5FnOTc8OP8
+            :width: 100%
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 3
+         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/programs/2021/projects/5248746325016576 
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            GSoc Registry
+         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/2021_Proposal/GPGPU_with_GLES
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            proposal
+| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                         |
+| Jakub Duchniewicz    | Iain Hunter, Hunyue Yau                        |
+Bela Support for the BeagleBone AI
+.. grid:: 2
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 9
+         .. youtube:: kLXCrlQwXeI
+            :width: 100%
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 3
+         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/programs/2021/projects/5188984237457408 
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            GSoc Registry
+         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/2021_Proposal/bela_on_bbai
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            proposal
+| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                         |
+| Dhruva Gole          | Giulio Moro, Stephen Arnold, Robert Manske     |
+.. _gsoc-2020:
+PRU Improvements
+.. grid:: 2
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 9
+         .. youtube:: AXacKDdxSdY
+            :width: 100%
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 3
+         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/programs/2020/projects/6551712266977280
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            GSoc Registry
+         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/2020_Projects/PRU_Improvements
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            proposal
+| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                         |
+| Vedant Paranjape     | Abhishek Kumar, Pratim Ugale, Andrew Henderson |
+Cape Compatibility layer for BeagleBone Black and BeagleBone AI
+.. grid:: 2
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 9
+         .. youtube:: jP9fwOxp4Bc
+            :width: 100%
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 3
+         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/programs/202/projects/6248850903269376
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            GSoc Registry
+         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/2020_Projects/Cape_Compatibility
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            proposal
+| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                                  |
+| Deepak Khatri        | Jason Kridner, Drew Fustini, Hunyue Yau, Abhishek Kumar |
+Parallel Bidirectional Bus for Beaglebone PRU
+.. grid:: 2
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 9
+         .. youtube:: cKxx8r4FRqY
+            :width: 100%
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 3
+         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/programs/202/projects/6635395644653568
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            GSoc Registry
+         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/2020_Projects/PRU_Bi-dir_bus
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            proposal
+| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                                               |
+| Deepankar Maithani   | Saketh, Abhishek Kumar, Jason Kridner, Hunyue Yau, Drew Fustini, rma |
+Media IP Streaming
+.. grid:: 2
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 9
+         This project will equip the Beagleboard AI with Media IP Streaming capabilities, by porting the 
+         sound card drivers for CTAG face2|4 Audio Card and the AVB protocol stack from BeagleBone AVB to 
+         the BeagleBone AI.
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 3
+         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/programs/2020/projects/6143660611076096
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            GSoc Registry
+         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/2020_Projects/Media_IP_Streaming
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            proposal
+| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                                               |
+| Niklas Wantrupp      | Robert Manzke, Henrik Langer, Drew Fustini, Indumathi Duraipandian   |
+.. _gsoc-2019:
+Clickboard Support Under Greybus
+.. grid:: 2
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 9
+         .. youtube:: RWBzyHNetOE
+            :width: 100%
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 3
+         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/projects/#5996499987595264
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            GSoc Registry
+         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/2019Proposal/clickboard-support-under-greybus
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            proposal
+| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                        |
+| Vaishnav Maithani    | Jason Kridner, Ravi Kumar Prasad              |
+PRU User Space API
+.. grid:: 2
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 9
+         .. youtube:: 9G-IIQX89J4
+            :width: 100%
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 3
+         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/archive/2019/projects/5988515748249600
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            GSoc Registry
+         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/2019Proposal/PRUUserSpaceAPI-PratimUgale
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            proposal
+| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                        |
+| Pratim Ugale         | Patryk Mężydło, ZeekHuge, Abhishek Kumar      |
+Xen on Beagleboard-x15
+.. grid:: 2
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 9
+         .. youtube:: etbBezZK8-8
+            :width: 100%
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 3
+         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/archive/2019/projects/5107782238339072/
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            GSoc Registry
+         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/2019Proposal/Xen_on_BeagleBoard-x15
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            proposal
+| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                                    |
+| Denis Obrezkov       | Julien Grall, Iain Hunter, Hunyue Yau, Stefano Stabellini |
+Reference Design For A GPIO-based Parallel Bi-Directional Bus
+.. grid:: 2
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 9
+         .. youtube:: ZZDT6jNslqw
+            :width: 100%
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 3
+         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/2019Proposal/GPIOParallelBidirComm
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            proposal
+| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                        |
+| Pranav Kumar         | Andrew Henderson, Hunyue Yau, Abhishek Kumar  |
+.. _gsoc-2018:
+Beagleboard.org GSoC 2018 Playlist
+.. youtube:: Dk0KhYNS1CU
+   :align: center
+| Speaker              | Drew Fustini                                                            |
+.. grid:: 2
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 9
+         .. youtube:: rlj-k4zyPN0
+            :width: 100%
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 3
+         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/archive/2019/projects/4610302519803904
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            GSoc Registry
+         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/etcher-beagleboot
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            proposal
+| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                                                  |
+| Ravi Kumar Prasad    | Jason Kridner, Abhishek Kumar                                           |
+Fixing Bugs in BoneScript and Improve BeagleBone UI
+.. grid:: 2
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 9
+         .. youtube:: ZKOccMBiL5s
+            :width: 100%
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 3
+         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/archive/2019/projects/4871854686732288
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            GSoc Registry
+         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/fix-bugs-bonescript
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            proposal
+| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                                                  |
+| Vaishnav M.A.        | Jason Kridner, Anuj Deshpande, Micheal Welling                          |
+Modern Speak and Spell using PocketBeagle
+.. grid:: 2
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 9
+         .. youtube:: EiBgch4M_RI
+            :width: 100%
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 3
+         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/archive/2019/projects/5031706255949824
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            GSoc Registry
+         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/Modern_Speak_and_Spell
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            proposal
+| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                                                  |
+| Anirban Banik        | Eric Weish, Anuj Deshpande, Zubeen Tolani, Hunyue Yau, Andrew Henderson |
+Update to PyPRUSS - Python API for the PRUs
+.. grid:: 2
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 9
+         .. youtube:: vHxpa6JwqqI
+            :width: 100%
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 3
+         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/etcher-beagleboot
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            proposal
+| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                                                  |
+| Mohammed Muneeb      | Kumar Abhishek, Patryk Mężydło, ZeekHuge, S. Lockwood-Childs            |
+.. _gsoc-2017:
+BeagleBone AVB Stack
+.. grid:: 2
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 9
+         .. youtube:: 8FDrBt0OAdk
+            :width: 100%
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 3
+         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/archive/2017/projects/4596929535148032
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            GSoc Registry
+         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/BeagleBoneAVB
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            proposal
+| GSoC Contributor       | Mentor                                                                |
+| Indumathi Duraipandian | Robert Manzke,Henrik Langer                                           |
+BeagleWire software support
+.. grid:: 2
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 9
+         .. youtube:: Fsj81PMSOC8
+            :width: 100%
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 3
+         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/archive/2017/projects/5314472004550656
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            GSoc Registry
+         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/BeagleWire_software_support
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            proposal
+| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                                                  |
+| Patryk Mężydło       | Michael Welling, Jonathan Cameron                                       |
+.. grid:: 2
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 9
+         .. youtube:: svTSmAsZD2I
+            :width: 100%
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 3
+         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/archive/2017/projects/4815942534037504
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            GSoc Registry
+         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/BeagleLibs
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            proposal
+| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                                                  |
+| ee                   | Trevor Woerner                                                          |
+.. grid:: 2
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 9
+         .. youtube:: 5JYfh2_0x8s
+            :width: 100%
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 3
+         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/archive/2017/projects/5066113104740352
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            GSoc Registry
+         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/etcher-beagleboot
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            proposal
+| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                                                  |
+| Ravi Kumar Prasad    | Jason Kridner                                                           |
+Sonic Anemometer
+.. grid:: 2
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 9
+         .. youtube:: uj8lO8G9QYU
+            :width: 100%
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 3
+         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/archive/2017/projects/6450379722063872
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            GSoc Registry
+         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/GSoC2017_sonic_anemometer_proposal
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            proposal
+| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                                                  |
+| Naveen Saini         | Stephen Arnold, Hunyue Yau, Zubeen Tolani                               |
+BeagleBone PRU DMA
+.. grid:: 2
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 9
+         .. youtube:: H4Bywj-rr74
+            :width: 100%
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 3
+         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/archive/2017/projects/6614225476648960
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            GSoc Registry
+         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/BeagleBone_PRU_DMA
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            proposal
+| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                                                  |
+| Maciej Sobkowski     | Kumar Abhishek , Zubeen Tolani                                          |
+.. _gsoc-2016:
+Exposing the PRU as an I2C and SPI master Controller
+.. grid:: 2
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 9
+         .. youtube:: fyaebfssmyE
+            :width: 100%
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 3
+         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/archive/2016/projects/5936772366204928
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            GSoc Registry
+         .. button-link:: https://github.com/chanakya-vc/PRU-I2C_SPI_master/wiki
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            proposal
+| GSoC Contributor       | Mentor                                                                |
+| Vaibhav Choudhary      | Andrew Bradford, Matt Porter                                          |
+SPI slave driver implementation
+.. grid:: 2
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 9
+         .. youtube:: yBgMwMcvcKg
+            :width: 100%
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 3
+         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/archive/2016/projects/6567958478323712
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            GSoc Registry
+         .. button-link:: https://github.com/pmezydlo/SPI_slave_driver_implementation/wiki
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            proposal
+| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                                                  |
+| Patryk Mężydło       | Michael Welling, Andrew Bradford, Matt Porter                           |
+.. grid:: 2
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 9
+         .. youtube:: tdanTRSmq4E
+            :width: 100%
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 3
+         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/archive/2016/projects/4885400476712960
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            GSoc Registry
+         .. button-link:: https://github.com/ZeekHuge/BeagleScope/wiki
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            proposal
+| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                                                  |
+| Zubeen Tolani        | SJLC, Abhishek Kumar, Michael Welling, Hunyue Yau                       |
+Create library to make use of AM5728 DSPs
+.. grid:: 2
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 9
+         .. youtube:: u3A9x9bpbdo
+            :width: 100%
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 3
+         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/archive/2016/projects/5351212496977920
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            GSoc Registry
+         .. button-link:: https://github.com/henrix/libdsp-x15/wiki
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            proposal
+| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                                                  |
+| Henrik Langer        | Robert Manzke, Vladimir Pantelic                                        |
+Sonic Anemometer
+.. grid:: 2
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 9
+         .. youtube:: 1EHpIu2IRQA
+            :width: 100%
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 3
+         .. button-link:: https://github.com/Visaoni/beagle-sonic-anemometer/wiki
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            proposal
+| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                                                  |
+| Visaoni              | Alex Hiam, Micheal Welling, Kumar Abhishek, Deepak Karki                |
+API support for Beaglebone Blue
+.. grid:: 2
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 9
+         The aim of the project is to create easy-to-use APIs for the hardware on the BB Blue. This would consist of 
+         developing/improving kernel drivers for the on-board devices and then re-implementing the Strawson APIs to 
+         use these kernel drivers. These APIs will then be used by real-time applications which can be run on BB Blue. 
+         In the later phase of the project, support for BB Blue will be added in Ardupilot and ROS will be ported to BB 
+         Blue using these APIs.
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 3
+         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/archive/2016/projects/6295262146330624
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            GSoc Registry
+         .. button-link:: https://github.com/kiran4399/bb_blue_api/wiki
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            proposal
+| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                                                  |
+| Kiran Kumar Lekkala  | Alex Hiam, Micheal Welling, Kumar Abhishek, Deepak Karki                |
+Improving Bone101 Experience
+.. grid:: 2
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 9
+         .. youtube:: AdhE9wmNZww
+            :width: 100%
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 3
+         .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/archive/2016/projects/4505918104403968
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            GSoc Registry
+         .. button-link:: https://github.com/amragaey/bone101/wiki/BeagleBoard-GSoC'16:-Improving-Bone101-Experience
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            proposal
+| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                                                  |
+| Amr Ragaey           | Jason Kridner, Alex Hiam                                                |
+.. _gsoc-2015:
+Demo Android app using BBBAndroid
+.. grid:: 2
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 9
+         .. youtube:: 3A9nzUyZhK0
+            :width: 100%
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 3
+         .. button-link:: https://www.google-melange.com/archive/gsoc/2015/orgs/beagleboard/projects/ankur_a_yadav.html
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            GSoc Registry
+         .. button-link:: https://github.com/ankurayadav/bbbandroidHAL/wiki
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            proposal
+| GSoC Contributor       | Mentor                                                                |
+| Ankur Kumar Yadav      | Andrew Henderson, Anuj Deshpande                                      |
+BeaglePilot 2.0: Making Underwater Drones
+.. grid:: 2
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 9
+         .. youtube:: GvIZOCGMYiA
+            :width: 100%
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 3
+         .. button-link:: https://beaglepilot2.wordpress.com/
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            proposal
+| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                                                  |
+| Rohith Madhavan      | Víctor Mayoral Vilches, Iñigo Muguruza, Alejandro Hernández             |
+Android-based Remote Display
+.. grid:: 2
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 9
+         .. youtube:: gJABSa_SLFs
+            :width: 100%
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 3
+         .. button-link:: https://www.google-melange.com/archive/gsoc/2015/orgs/beagleboard/projects/azizulhakim.html
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            GSoc Registry
+         .. button-link:: https://github.com/azizulhakim/beagleusb/wiki
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            proposal
+| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                                                  |
+| Azizul Hakim         | Praveen Kumar Pendyala, Vlad Ungureanu, Vladimir Pantelic               |
+.. grid:: 2
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 9
+         The primary objective of this project is to maximize the utilization of BoneScript, enhancing the user-friendliness 
+         of Bone101, particularly for beginners. The focus is on streamlining processes such as uploading, downloading, and 
+         sharing tutorials to ensure a seamless and accessible experience. The overarching goal is to simplify these operations, 
+         catering to newcomers and making the platform more user-friendly for a broader audience.
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 3
+         .. button-link:: https://www.google-melange.com/archive/gsoc/2015/orgs/beagleboard/projects/ehabb.html 
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            GSoc Registry
+         .. button-link:: https://github.com/ebadawy/bone101
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            proposal
+| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                                                  |
+| ehab albadawy        | Jason Kridner, Diego Turcios                                            |
+NW.js (a.k.a node-webkit) based cross-platform getting-started app
+.. grid:: 2
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 9
+         .. youtube:: XVZS8kLhhwY
+            :width: 100%
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 3
+         .. button-link:: https://www.google-melange.com/archive/gsoc/2015/orgs/beagleboard/projects/apgomes.html 
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            GSoc Registry
+         .. button-link:: https://github.com/ankurayadav/bbbandroidHAL/wiki
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            proposal
+| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                                                  |
+| Ariane Paola Gomes   | Jason Kridner, Tim Orling                                               |
+PRUSS support for newer kernels
+.. grid:: 2
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 9
+         .. youtube:: 5YgbVmFl65Y
+            :width: 100%
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 3
+         .. button-link:: https://www.google-melange.com/archive/gsoc/2015/orgs/beagleboard/projects/shubhi1407.html
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            GSoc Registry
+         .. button-link:: https://github.com/shubhi1407/PRU-framework/wiki
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            proposal
+| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                                                  |
+| Shubhangi Gupta      | Pantelis Antoniou, Kumar Abhishek, Hunyue Yau                           |
+.. grid:: 2
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 9
+         .. youtube:: KyChK_NQLvA
+            :width: 100%
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 3
+         .. button-link:: https://www.google-melange.com/archive/gsoc/2015/orgs/beagleboard/projects/apaar.html
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            GSoc Registry
+         .. button-link:: https://github.com/Apaar/PRU-Bridge
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            proposal
+| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                                                  |
+| Apaar Gupta          | Alexander Hiam, Deepak Karki, Hunyue Yau                                |
+BeagleSat - Enabling accurate magnetic field measurements on CubeSats
+.. grid:: 2
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 9
+         .. youtube:: ojDqtxv9oGY
+            :width: 100%
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 3
+         .. button-link:: https://www.google-melange.com/archive/gsoc/2015/orgs/beagleboard/projects/niko_visnjic.html
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            GSoc Registry
+         .. button-link:: https://github.com/nvisnjic/BeagleSat/wiki
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            proposal
+| GSoC Contributor     | Mentor                                                                  |
+| Niko Visnjic         | Steve Arnold, Alexander Hiam, Kumar Abhishek                            |
+.. _gsoc-2014:
+BotSpeak PRU Firmware
+.. grid:: 2
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 9
+         .. youtube:: 8g8e4AgDqNo
+            :width: 100%
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 3
+         .. button-link:: https://www.google-melange.com/archive/gsoc/2014/orgs/beagle/projects/deepak_karki.html
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            GSoc Registry
+         .. button-link:: https://github.com/deepakkarki/pruspeak
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            proposal
+| GSoC Contributor        | Mentor                                                     |
+| Deepak Karki            | Pantelis Antoniou, Hunyue Yau, Jason Kridner, Alex Hiam    |
+PyBBIO Library Development
+.. grid:: 2
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 9
+         .. youtube:: JChsenGXI68
+            :width: 100%
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 3
+         .. button-link:: https://www.google-melange.com/archive/gsoc/2014/orgs/beagle/projects/rseetham.html
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            GSoc Registry
+         .. button-link:: https://github.com/deepakkarki/pruspeak
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            proposal
+| GSoC Contributor        | Mentor                                        |
+| Rekha Seethamraju       | Alexander Hiam, Steve French                  |
+.. grid:: 2
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 9
+         .. youtube:: -giV6Xr8RtY
+            :width: 100%
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 3
+         .. button-link:: https://www.google-melange.com/archive/gsoc/2014/orgs/beagle/projects/vmayoral.html
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            GSoc Registry
+         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/BeaglePilot
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            proposal
+| GSoC Contributor        | Mentor                                         |
+| Victor Mayoral Vilches  | Andrew tridgell,Hunyue Yau, Luis Gustavo Lira  |
+.. grid:: 2
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 9
+         .. youtube:: CDbEAq33vdA
+            :width: 100%
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 3
+         .. button-link:: https://www.google-melange.com/archive/gsoc/2014/orgs/beagle/projects/abhishek_kakkar.html
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            GSoc Registry
+         .. button-link:: https://github.com/deepakkarki/pruspeak
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            proposal
+| GSoC Contributor        | Mentor                                         |
+| Abhishek Kumar          | Matt Ranostay, Hunyue Yau, Charles Steinkehler |
+.. grid:: 2
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 9
+         .. youtube:: CIugTSnqcf4
+            :width: 100%
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 3
+         .. button-link:: https://www.google-melange.com/archive/gsoc/2014/orgs/beagle/projects/diegoturcios.html
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            GSoc Registry
+         .. button-link:: https://github.com/DiegoTc/bone101
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            proposal
+| GSoC Contributor        | Mentor                                                         |
+| Diego Turcios Lara      | Jason Krinder, Steve French, David Scheltema and Jongseuk Lee  |
+Beagle Andriod Remote Display (BARD)
+.. grid:: 2
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 9
+         .. youtube:: gWzg2dJ0tfA
+            :width: 100%
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 3
+         .. button-link:: https://www.google-melange.com/archive/gsoc/2014/orgs/beagle/projects/praveendath92.html
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            GSoc Registry
+         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/BARD
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            proposal
+| GSoC Contributor        | Mentor                                        |
+| Praveen Kumar Pendyala  | Vladimir Pantelic                             |
+.. _gsoc-2013:
+Minix I2C Project for BeagleBoard.org
+.. grid:: 2
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 9
+         .. youtube:: dxjaFsWYkAM
+            :width: 100%
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 3
+         .. button-link:: https://www.google-melange.com/archive/gsoc/2013/orgs/beagle/projects/tcort.html
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            GSoc Registry
+         .. button-link:: https://github.com/tcort/minix-i2c
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            proposal
+| GSoC Contributor       | Mentor                                          |
+| Thomas Cort            | Kees Jongenburger, Frans Meulenbroeks, Ben Gras |
+beagle ROS
+.. grid:: 2
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 9
+         .. youtube:: JTsZL-puy-E
+            :width: 100%
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 3
+         .. button-link:: https://www.google-melange.com/archive/gsoc/2013/orgs/beagle/projects/vmayoral.html
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            GSoc Registry
+         .. button-link:: https://vmayoral.github.io/beagle-ros/
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            proposal
+| GSoC Contributor       | Mentor                                          |
+| Victor Mayoral Vilches | Koen Kooi                                       |
+BeagleBone Black : Using Userspace-Arduino libraries
+.. grid:: 2
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 9
+         .. youtube:: 1F0S5ajq-Ls
+            :width: 100%
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 3
+         .. button-link:: https://www.google-melange.com/archive/gsoc/2013/orgs/beagle/projects/anujdeshpande92.html
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            GSoc Registry
+         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/Userspace_Arduino
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            proposal
+| GSoC Contributor                    | Mentor                                                         | 
+| Anuj Deshpande, Pranav Nagersheth   | David Anders, Andrew Bradford, Matt Porter, Luis Gustavo Lira  |
+Booting BeagleBone Black/White via Android
+.. grid:: 2
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 9
+         .. youtube:: hxzoz6f4Q5w
+            :width: 100%
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 3
+         .. button-link:: https://www.google-melange.com/archive/gsoc/2013/orgs/beagle/projects/ungureanuvladvictor.html
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            GSoc Registry
+| GSoC Contributor                    | Mentor                                         |
+| Vlad Victor Ungureanu               | Vladimir Pantelic, Tom King, Kees Jongenburger |
+Linux ADC IIO Support
+.. grid:: 2
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 9
+         This project addresses issues in the Beaglebone's IIO ADC driver, rectifying the absence of /sysfs entries 
+         and minor discrepancies in /dev/iio:deviceX entries through patchwork. A new hwmon driver for power measurement 
+         utilizing the 7th ADC channel is in development. Reports of touch screen driver conflicts with free ADC channels 
+         are being investigated and resolved. The resulting improvements will significantly enhance ADC accessibility for newcomers 
+         and userspace application programmers on the Beaglebone platform. Additionally, the PWM driver's sysfs entry additions will 
+         be addressed through a cleaner implementation of sysfs support for the PWM driver API.
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 3
+         .. button-link:: https://www.google-melange.com/archive/gsoc/2013/orgs/beagle/projects/zubairlk.html
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            GSoc Registry
+         .. button-link:: https://github.com/ZubairLK/kernel
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            proposal
+| GSoC Contributor                    | Mentor                                                                         |
+| Zubair Lutfullah Kakakhel           | Greg Kroah-Hartman, Koen Kooi, Vladimir Pantelic, Tom Rini, Laine Walker-Avina |
+.. _2010:
+Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)
+.. grid:: 2
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 9
+         .. youtube:: d_vYMTuSGrM
+            :width: 100%
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 3
+         .. button-link:: https://www.google-melange.com/archive/gsoc/2010/orgs/beagleboard/projects/varun_jewalikar.html
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            GSoc Registry
+         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/2010_Projects/Pulse_Width_Modulation
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            proposal
+| GSoC Contributor                    | Mentor                                                         | 
+| Varun Jewalikar                     | Søren Steen Christensen, Cristina Murillo                      |
+OpenCV DSP Acceleration
+.. grid:: 2
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 9
+         .. youtube:: TSgAzdaJ1Xo
+            :width: 100%
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 3
+         .. button-link:: https://www.google-melange.com/archive/gsoc/2010/orgs/beagleboard/projects/ppoudel.html
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            GSoc Registry
+         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/2010_Projects/OpenCV#Documentation
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            proposal
+| GSoC Contributor                    | Mentor                                                         | 
+| Pramod Poudel                       | David Anders, Andrew Bradford, Matt Porter, Luis Gustavo Lira  |
+XBMC Rendering Optimizations
+.. grid:: 2
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 9
+         .. youtube:: gvJ32T-W3Gw
+            :width: 100%
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 3
+         .. button-link:: https://www.google-melange.com/archive/gsoc/2010/orgs/beagleboard/projects/topfs2_tobias_arrskog.html
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            GSoc Registry
+         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/2010_Projects/XBMC#Documentation
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            proposal
+| GSoC Contributor                    | Mentor                                                         | 
+| Tobias Arrskog                      | Mike Zucchi, Mans Rullgard, Søren Steen Christensen            |
+USB Sniffer
+.. grid:: 2
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 9
+         The goal of this project is to use the BeagleBoard as an USB sniffer. The host computer would be connected 
+         to the slave USB port of the BeagleBoard, and the device to be sniffed on the host USB port. The BeagleBoard 
+         would then forward USB data, while logging it. This presents the following advantages over a software-based solution: 
+         - No software modification is required; 
+         - support of proprietary OSes; 
+         - allows debugging of new USB stacks; 
+         - possibly lower-level debugging of USB frames.
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 3
+         .. button-link:: https://www.google-melange.com/archive/gsoc/2010/orgs/beagleboard/projects/drinkcat.html
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            GSoc Registry
+         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/2010_Projects/USBSniffer
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            proposal
+| GSoC Contributor                    | Mentor                                                         | 
+| Nicolas Boichat                     | Hunyue Yau, Laine Walker-Avina, Frans Meulenbroeks             |
+NEON Support for FFTW
+.. grid:: 2
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 9
+         This work presents advancements in the FFTW library, incorporating NEON instruction set support for ARM architectures 
+         within an extended SIMD interface. Further enhancements include the integration of a performance counter into the FFTW 
+         planner, enabling precise measurement of execution times for algorithmic selection. Optimized code for accelerated Fourier 
+         transforms contributes to demonstrable speedups, illustrated through visual presentations using GNU Octave. The amalgamation 
+         of these improvements establishes a more efficient and performance-driven FFTW library, showcasing the tangible benefits of SIMD 
+         extensions, performance counters, and code optimization.
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 3
+         .. button-link:: https://www.google-melange.com/archive/gsoc/2010/orgs/beagleboard/projects/chrisfriedt.html
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            GSoc Registry
+         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/2010_Projects/FFTW#Documentation
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            proposal
+| GSoC Contributor                    | Mentor                                                         | 
+| Christopher Friedt                  | Mans Rullgard, Philip Balister                                 |
+RPC layer and POSIX wrappers for C6Run
+.. grid:: 2
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 9
+         .. vimeo:: 12796429
+            :width: 100%
+      .. grid-item::
+         :columns: 3
+         .. button-link:: https://www.google-melange.com/archive/gsoc/2010/orgs/beagleboard/projects/maltanar.html
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            GSoc Registry
+         .. button-link:: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/2010_Projects/C6Run#Documentation
+            :color: info
+            :shadow:
+            :expand:
+            proposal
+.. vimeo:: 
+   :align: center
+| GSoC Contributor                    | Mentor                                                         | 
+| Yaman Umuroglu                      | Katie Roberts-Hoffman, Laine Walker-Avina, Frank Walzer        |