require "../../spec_helper" CodeGenStructString = "lib LibFoo; struct Bar; x : Int32; y : Float32; end; end" describe "Code gen: struct" do it "codegens struct property default value" do run("#{CodeGenStructString}; bar = Pointer(LibFoo::Bar).malloc(1_u64); bar.value.x").to_i.should eq(0) end it "codegens struct property setter" do run("#{CodeGenStructString}; bar =; bar.y = 2.5_f32; bar.y").to_f32.should eq(2.5) end it "codegens struct property setter via pointer" do run("#{CodeGenStructString}; bar = Pointer(LibFoo::Bar).malloc(1_u64); bar.value.y = 2.5_f32; bar.value.y").to_f32.should eq(2.5) end it "codegens struct property setter via pointer" do run("#{CodeGenStructString}; bar = Pointer(LibFoo::Bar).malloc(1_u64); bar.value.y = 2.5_f32; bar.value.y").to_f32.should eq(2.5) end it "codegens set struct value with constant" do run("#{CodeGenStructString}; CONST = 1; bar =; bar.x = CONST; bar.x").to_i.should eq(1) end it "codegens union inside struct" do run(" lib LibFoo union Bar x : Int32 y : Int64 end struct Baz lala : Bar end end a = Pointer(LibFoo::Baz).malloc(1_u64) a.value.lala.x = 10 a.value.lala.x ").to_i.should eq(10) end it "codegens struct get inside struct" do run(" lib LibC struct Bar y : Int32 end struct Foo x : Int32 bar : Bar end end foo = Pointer(LibC::Foo).malloc(1_u64) ((foo as Int32*) + 1_i64).value = 2 ").to_i.should eq(2) end it "codegens struct set inside struct" do run(" lib LibC struct Bar y : Int32 end struct Foo x : Int32 bar : Bar end end foo = Pointer(LibC::Foo).malloc(1_u64) bar = bar.y = 2 = bar ").to_i.should eq(2) end it "codegens pointer malloc of struct" do run(" lib LibC struct Foo x : Int32 end end p = Pointer(LibC::Foo).malloc(1_u64) p.value.x = 1 p.value.x ").to_i.should eq(1) end it "passes struct to method (1)" do run(" lib LibC struct Foo x : Int32 end end def foo(f) f.x = 2 f end f1 = f1.x = 1 f2 = foo(f1) f1.x ").to_i.should eq(1) end it "passes struct to method (2)" do run(" lib LibC struct Foo x : Int32 end end def foo(f) f.x = 2 f end f1 = f1.x = 1 f2 = foo(f1) f2.x ").to_i.should eq(2) end it "codegens struct access with -> and then ." do run(" lib LibC struct ScalarEvent x : Int32 end union EventData scalar : ScalarEvent end struct Event data : EventData end end e = Pointer(LibC::Event).malloc(1_u64) ").to_i.should eq(0) end it "yields struct via ->" do run(" lib LibC struct ScalarEvent x : Int32 end union EventData scalar : ScalarEvent end struct Event data : EventData end end def foo e = Pointer(LibC::Event).malloc(1_u64) yield end foo do |data| data.scalar.x end ").to_i.should eq(0) end it "codegens assign struct to union" do run(" lib LibFoo struct Coco x : Int32 end end x = c = x || 0 c.is_a?(LibFoo::Coco) ").to_b.should be_true end it "codegens passing pointerof(struct) to fun" do run(" lib LibC struct Foo a : Int32 end end fun foo(x : LibC::Foo*) : Int32 x.value.a end f = f.a = 1 foo pointerof(f) ").to_i.should eq(1) end it "builds struct setter with fun type (1)" do build(%( require "prelude" lib LibC struct Foo x : -> end end foo = foo.x = -> { } )) end it "builds struct setter with fun type (2)" do build(%( require "prelude" lib LibC struct Foo x : -> end end foo = Pointer(LibC::Foo).malloc(1) foo.value.x = -> { } )) end it "allows forward declarations" do run(%( lib LibC struct A; end struct B; end struct A x : B* y : Int32 end struct B x : A* y : Int32 end end a = a.y = 1 b = Pointer(LibC::B).malloc(1_u64) b.value.y = 2 a.x = b a.y + a.x.value.y )).to_i.should eq(3) end it "allows using named arguments for new" do run(%( lib LibC struct Point x, y : Int32 end end point = x: 1, y: 2 point.x + point.y )).to_i.should eq(3) end it "returns big struct" do build(%( lib LibC struct Big x : Int64 y : Int64 z : Int32 end fun foo(y : Int32) : Big end s = )) end it "does to_s" do run(%( require "prelude" lib LibFoo struct Point x, y : Int32 end end point = x: 1, y: 2 point.to_s )).to_string.should eq("LibFoo::Point(@x=1, @y=2)") end end