require "../../spec_helper" describe "Code gen: block" do it "generate inline" do run(" def foo yield end foo do 1 end ").to_i.should eq(1) end it "passes yield arguments" do run(" def foo yield 1 end foo do |x| x + 1 end ").to_i.should eq(2) end it "pass arguments to yielder function" do run(" def foo(a) yield a end foo(3) do |x| x + 1 end ").to_i.should eq(4) end it "pass self to yielder function" do run(" struct Int def foo yield self end end do |x| x + 1 end ").to_i.should eq(4) end it "pass self and arguments to yielder function" do run(" struct Int def foo(i) yield self, i end end do |x, i| x + i end ").to_i.should eq(5) end it "allows access to local variables" do run(" def foo yield end x = 1 foo do x + 1 end ").to_i.should eq(2) end it "can access instance vars from yielder function" do run(" class Foo def initialize @x = 1 end def foo yield @x end end do |x| x + 1 end ").to_i.should eq(2) end it "can set instance vars from yielder function" do run(" class Foo def initialize @x = 1 end def foo @x = yield end def value @x end end a = { 2 } a.value ").to_i.should eq(2) end it "can use instance methods from yielder function" do run(" class Foo def foo yield value end def value 1 end end { |x| x + 1 } ").to_i.should eq(2) end it "can call methods from block when yielder is an instance method" do run(" class Foo def foo yield end end def bar 1 end { bar } ").to_i.should eq(1) end it "nested yields" do run(" def bar yield end def foo bar { yield } end a = foo { 1 } ").to_i.should eq(1) end it "assigns yield to argument" do run(" def foo(x) yield x = 1 end foo(1) { 1 } ").to_i.should eq(1) end it "can use global constant" do run(" FOO = 1 def foo yield FOO end foo { } ").to_i.should eq(1) end it "return from yielder function" do run(" def foo yield return 1 end foo { } 2 ").to_i.should eq(2) end it "return from block" do run(" def foo yield end def bar foo { return 1 } 2 end bar ").to_i.should eq(1) end it "return from yielder function (2)" do run(" def foo yield return 1 if true return 2 end def bar foo {} end bar ").to_i.should eq(1) end it "union value of yielder function" do run(" def foo yield a = 1.1 a = 1 a end foo {}.to_i ").to_i.should eq(1) end it "allow return from function called from yielder function" do run(" def foo return 2 end def bar yield foo 1 end bar {} ").to_i.should eq(1) end it "" do run(" def foo yield true ? return 1 : return 1.1 end foo {}.to_i ").to_i.should eq(1) end it "return from block that always returns from function that always yields inside if block" do run(" def bar yield 2 end def foo if true bar { return 1 } else 0 end end foo ").to_i.should eq(1) end it "return from block that always returns from function that conditionally yields" do run(" def bar if true yield end end def foo bar { return 1 } 2 end foo ").to_i.should eq(1) end it "call block from dispatch" do run(" def bar(y) yield y end def foo x = 1.1 x = 1 bar(x) { |z| z } end foo.to_i ").to_i.should eq(1) end it "call block from dispatch and use local vars" do run(" def bar(y) yield y end def foo total = 0 x = 1.5 bar(x) { |z| total += z } x = 1 bar(x) { |z| total += z } x = 1.5 bar(x) { |z| total += z } total end foo.to_i ").to_i.should eq(4) end it "break without value returns nil" do run(" require \"nil\" require \"value\" def foo yield 1 end x = foo do break if 1 == 1 end x.nil? ").to_b.should be_true end it "break block with yielder inside while" do run(" require \"prelude\" a = 0 10.times do a += 1 break if a > 5 end a ").to_i.should eq(6) end it "break from block returns from yielder" do run(" def foo yield yield end a = 0 foo { a += 1; break } a ").to_i.should eq(1) end it "break from block with value" do run(" def foo while true yield a = 3 end end foo do break 1 end ").to_i.should eq(1) end it "returns from block with value" do run(" require \"prelude\" def foo while true yield a = 3 end end def bar foo do return 1 end end bar.to_i ").to_i.should eq(1) end it "doesn't codegen after while that always yields and breaks" do run(" def foo while true yield end 1 end foo do break 2 end ").to_i.should eq(2) end it "break from block with value" do run(" require \"prelude\" 10.times { break 20 } ").to_i.should eq(20) end it "doesn't codegen call if arg yields and always breaks" do run(" require \"nil\" def foo 1 + yield end foo { break 2 }.to_i ").to_i.should eq(2) end it "codegens nested return" do run(" def bar yield a = 1 end def foo bar { yield } end def z foo { return 2 } end z ").to_i.should eq(2) end it "codegens nested break" do run(" def bar yield a = 1 end def foo bar { yield } end foo { break 2 } ").to_i.should eq(2) end it "codegens call with block with call with arg that yields" do run(" def bar yield a = 2 end def foo bar { 1 + yield } end foo { break 3 } ").to_i.should eq(3) end it "can break without value from yielder that returns nilable (1)" do run(" require \"nil\" require \"reference\" def foo yield \"\" end a = foo do break end a.nil? ").to_b.should be_true end it "can break without value from yielder that returns nilable (2)" do run(" require \"nil\" require \"reference\" def foo yield \"\" end a = foo do break nil end a.nil? ").to_b.should be_true end it "break with value from yielder that returns a nilable" do run(" require \"nil\" require \"reference\" def foo yield \"\" end a = foo do break if false break \"\" end a.nil? ").to_b.should be_false end it "can use self inside a block called from dispatch" do run(" require \"nil\" class Foo def do; yield; end end class Bar < Foo end struct Int def foo x = x = { $x = self } end end $x.to_i ").to_i.should eq(123) end it "return from block called from dispatch" do run(" class Foo def do; yield; end end class Bar < Foo end def foo x = x = { return 1 } 0 end foo ").to_i.should eq(1) end it "breaks from while in function called from block" do run(" def foo yield end def bar while true break 1 end 2 end foo do bar end ").to_i.should eq(2) end it "allows modifying yielded value (with literal)" do run(" def foo yield 1 end foo { |x| x = 2; x } ").to_i.should eq(2) end it "allows modifying yielded value (with variable)" do run(" def foo a = 1 yield a a end foo { |x| x = 2; x } ").to_i.should eq(1) end it "it yields nil from another call" do run(" require \"bool\" def foo(key, default) foo(key) { default } end def foo(key) if !(true) return yield key end yield key end foo(1, nil) ") end it "allows yield from dispatch call" do run(" def foo(x : Value) yield 1 end def foo(x : Int) yield 2 end def bar a = 1; a = 1.1 foo(a) do |i| yield i end end x = 0 bar { |i| x = i } x ").to_i.should eq(1) end it "block with nilable type" do run(" class Foo def foo yield 1 end end class Bar def foo yield 2 end end a = || {} ") end it "block with nilable type 2" do run(" class Foo def foo yield 1 nil end end class Bar def foo yield 2 end end a = || {} ") end it "allows yields with less arguments than in block" do run(" struct Nil def to_i 0 end end def foo yield 1 end a = 0 foo do |x, y| a += x + y.to_i end a ").to_i.should eq(1) end it "codegens block with nilable type with return (1)" do run(" struct Nil; def nil?; true; end; end class Reference; def nil?; false; end; end def foo if yield return end nil end foo { false }.nil? ").to_b.should be_true end it "codegens block with nilable type with return (2)" do run(" struct Nil; def nil?; true; end; end class Reference; def nil?; false; end; end def foo if yield return nil end end foo { false }.nil? ").to_b.should be_false end it "codegens block with union with return" do run(" def foo yield return 1 if 1 == 2 nil end x = foo { } 1 ") end it "codegens if with call with block (ssa issue)" do run(" def bar yield end def foo if 1 == 2 bar do x = 1 end else 3 end end foo ").to_i.should eq(3) end it "codegens block with return and yield and no return" do run(" lib LibC fun exit : NoReturn end def foo(key) foo(key) { LibC.exit } end def foo(key) if 1 == 1 return 2 end yield end foo 1 ").to_i.should eq(2) end it "codegens while/break inside block" do run(" def foo yield end foo do while true break end 1 end ").to_i.should eq(1) end it "codegens block with union arg (1)" do run(" def foo yield 1 || 1.5 end foo { |x| x }.to_i ").to_i.should eq(1) end it "codegens block with union arg (2)" do run(" struct Number def abs self end end class Foo(T) def initialize(x : T) @x = x end def each yield @x end end a = || a.each do |x| x.abs end.to_i ").to_i.should eq(1) end it "codegens block with virtual type arg" do run(" class Var(T) def initialize(x : T) @x = x end def each yield @x end end class Foo def bar 1 end end class Bar < Foo def bar 2 end end a = || a.each do |x| end ").to_i.should eq(1) end it "codegens call with blocks of different type without args" do run(" def foo yield end foo { 1.1 } foo { 1 } ").to_i.should eq(1) end it "codegens dispatch with block and break (1)" do run(" class Foo(T) def initialize(@x : T) end def each yield @x end end n = 0 f = || f.each do |x| break if x > 2 n += x end n.to_i ").to_i.should eq(1) end it "codegens dispatch with block and break (2)" do run(" require \"prelude\" a = [1, 2, 3] || [1.5] n = 0 a.each do |x| break if x > 2 n += x end n.to_i ").to_i.should eq(3) end it "codegens block call when argument type changes" do run(" def foo(x) while 1 == 2 x = 1.5 yield end end foo(1) do end ") end it "returns void when called with block" do run(" fun foo : Void end def bar yield foo end bar {} ") end it "executes yield expression if no arg is given for block" do run(" def foo a = 1 yield (a = 2) a end foo { } ").to_i.should eq(2) end it "codegens bug with block and arg and var" do run(" def foo yield 1 end foo { |a| x = a } foo do a = 'A' a.ord end ").to_i.should eq(65) end it "allows using var as block arg with outer var" do run(" def foo yield 'a' end a = foo do |a| 1 end ").to_i.should eq(1) end it "allows initialize with yield (#224)" do run(%( class Foo def initialize @x = yield 1 end def x @x end end foo = do |a| a + 1 end foo.x )).to_i.should eq(2) end it "uses block inside array literal (bug)" do run(%( require "prelude" def foo yield 1 end ary = [foo { |x| x.abs }] ary[0] )).to_i.should eq(1) end it "codegens method invocation on a object of a captured block with a type that was never instantiated" do build(%( require "prelude" class Bar def initialize(@bar) end def bar @bar end def baz(x) end end def foo(&block : Bar ->) block end def method(bar) end foo do |bar| bar.baz method(bar).baz end )) end it "codegens method invocation on a object of a captured block with a type that was never instantiated (2)" do build(%( require "prelude" class Bar def initialize(@bar) end def bar @bar end end def foo(&block : Bar ->) block end def method(bar) end def baz(x) end foo do |bar| baz method(bar).baz end )) end it "codegens bug with yield not_nil! that is never not nil" do run(%( lib LibC fun exit(Int32) : NoReturn end class Object def not_nil! self end end struct Nil def not_nil! LibC.exit(1) end def to_i 0 end end def foo key = nil if 1 == 2 yield key.not_nil! end yield 1 end extra = nil foo do |key| if 1 == 1 extra = 1 extra + key end end extra.to_i )).to_i.should eq(1) end end