Stack overflow
jkridner@slotcar:~/workspace/bcf-sensortest$ tio /dev/ttyACM0 [16:51:29.483] tio v2.7 [16:51:29.483] Press ctrl-t q to quit [16:51:29.484] Connected
*** Booting Zephyr OS build zephyr-v3.2.0-26490-g4ba83ec2a543 *** [00:00:00.019,958] shell_telnet: Telnet shell backend initialized [00:00:00.065,673] net_config: Initializing network uart:~$
*** Booting Zephyr OS build zephyr-v3.2.0-26490-g4ba83ec2a543 *** [00:00:00.020,477] shell_telnet: Telnet shell backend initialized [00:00:00.073,455] net_config: Initializing network [00:00:00.192,565] os: ***** MPU FAULT ***** [00:00:00.201,507] os: Stacki
*** Booting Zephyr OS build zephyr-v3.2.0-26490-g4ba83ec2a543 *** [00:00:00.020,599] shell_telnet: Telnet shell backend initialized [00:00:00.066,589] net_config: Initializing network [00:00:00.189,178] os: ***** MPU FAULT ***** [00:00:00.198,120] os: Stacking error (context area might be not valid) [00:00:00.209,838] os: Data Access Violation [00:00:00.218,933] os: MMFAR Address: 0x20008300 [00:00:00.228,515] os: r0/a1: 0x00000000 r1/a2: 0x00000000 r2/a3: 0x00000000 [00:00:00.241,119] os: r3/a4: 0x00000000 r12/ip: 0x00000000 r14/lr: 0x00000000 [00:00:00.253,692] os: xpsr: 0x00000000 [00:00:00.262,359] os: Faulting instruction address (r15/pc): 0x00000000 [00:00:00.274,017] os: >>> ZEPHYR FATAL ERROR 2: Stack overflow on CPU 0 [00:00:00.285,736] os: Current thread: 0x20004300 (net_mgmt) [00:00:00.296,264] os: Halting system uart:~$