diff --git a/guides/mentor.rst b/guides/mentor.rst
index 0e74cf70096abf88490d6499fa17366bad7c9a8b..87dc10326945e37823809e518ba75ec6361a28cd 100644
--- a/guides/mentor.rst
+++ b/guides/mentor.rst
@@ -1,32 +1,32 @@
 .. _gsoc-mentor-guide:
-Mentor Guide 
+Mentor Guide
 .. youtube:: 3J_eBuYxcyg
     :width: 100%
     :align: center
-.. important:: 
+.. important::
-    As a mentor you have to guide contributors through the entire process of GSoC, from learning 
-    about `BeagleBoard.org <https://www.beagleboard.org/>`_ community, to helping GSoC Contributors 
-    become familiar with the code base and testing practices, to finally releasing their code on 
+    As a mentor you have to guide contributors through the entire process of GSoC, from learning
+    about `BeagleBoard.org <https://www.beagleboard.org/>`_ community, to helping GSoC Contributors
+    become familiar with the code base and testing practices, to finally releasing their code on
     `OpenBeagle <https://openbeagle.org/>`_ for the world to use!
-    You will also need be invited by an administrator to register on the GSoC site and request 
+    You will also need be invited by an administrator to register on the GSoC site and request
     to be a mentor for `BeagleBoard.org <https://www.beagleboard.org/>`_.
 Who Are Mentors?
-`Mentors <https://google.github.io/gsocguides/mentor/>`_ are people from the community who volunteer to work 
-with a GSoC contributor. Mentors provide guidance such as pointers to useful documentation, code reviews, etc. 
-In addition to providing GSoC contributors with feedback and pointers, a mentor acts as an ambassador to help 
-GSoC contributors integrate into their project’s community. `BeagleBoard.org <https://www.beagleboard.org/>`_ 
+`Mentors <https://google.github.io/gsocguides/mentor/>`_ are people from the community who volunteer to work
+with a GSoC contributor. Mentors provide guidance such as pointers to useful documentation, code reviews, etc.
+In addition to providing GSoC contributors with feedback and pointers, a mentor acts as an ambassador to help
+GSoC contributors integrate into their project’s community. `BeagleBoard.org <https://www.beagleboard.org/>`_
 always assigns more than one mentor to each of GSoC contributor. Many members of `BeagleBoard.org <https://www.
-beagleboard.org/>`_ community also provide guidance to GSoC contributors without mentoring in an “official” 
-capacity, as much as they would answer anyone’s questions on our `Discord <https://bbb.io/gsocchat>`_ and our 
+beagleboard.org/>`_ community also provide guidance to GSoC contributors without mentoring in an “official”
+capacity, as much as they would answer anyone’s questions on our `Discord <https://bbb.io/gsocchat>`_ and our
 `Forum <https://bbb.io/gsocml>`_.
 Idea Submission Process
@@ -41,16 +41,16 @@ Only ideas deemed by administrators as being sufficiently supported by qualified
 .. admonishment:: Remember
-    BeagleBoard.org mentored GSoC projects are supposed to be for software projects that service the Beagle and general open source 
+    BeagleBoard.org mentored GSoC projects are supposed to be for software projects that service the Beagle and general open source
     embedded systems community, not theses, how-to guides or what I did over my summer vacation ideas.
-Prospective mentors, sudents will use our `Discord <https://bbb.io/gsocchat>`_ and `Forum <https://bbb.io/gsocml>`_ 
-to make contact with you, so be sure to provide up-to-date information. Please feel free to add yourself on mentors page and we will monitor 
-and police that list. Acceptance as an official mentor with the ability to rate proposals and grade contributors will come via the Google system. 
-We will only approve official mentors who have a proven track record with Beagle, but welcome all community members to provide guidance to both 
+Prospective mentors, sudents will use our `Discord <https://bbb.io/gsocchat>`_ and `Forum <https://bbb.io/gsocml>`_
+to make contact with you, so be sure to provide up-to-date information. Please feel free to add yourself on mentors page and we will monitor
+and police that list. Acceptance as an official mentor with the ability to rate proposals and grade contributors will come via the Google system.
+We will only approve official mentors who have a proven track record with Beagle, but welcome all community members to provide guidance to both
 mentors and contributors to best service the community as a whole. Don’t be shy and don’t be offended when we edit. We are thrilled to have you on-board!
-.. tip:: 
+.. tip::
     Check out the `official GSoC mentor guide <https://google.github.io/gsocguides/mentor/>`_ from Google.