diff --git a/_templates/mission.html b/_templates/mission.html
index 7aa2940f65592a95cf3dce07569e140250be0d6c..2bc47218b08b44ba9410db7c6323880675ed7f7a 100644
--- a/_templates/mission.html
+++ b/_templates/mission.html
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
     <div class="card-body">
     <p class="card-text text-dark">
-        We don’t want to just make more things. We want to enable individuals to make the things that dominate their lives, rather than leaving it up to someone else. Google Summer of a Code with BeagleBoard.org is a great way to learn skills highly in demand while making a difference in the world.
+        We don’t want to just make more things. We want to enable individuals to make the things that dominate their lives, rather than leaving it up to someone else. Google Summer of Code with BeagleBoard.org is a great way to learn skills highly in demand while making a difference in the world.
diff --git a/guides/contributor.rst b/guides/contributor.rst
index e6df80bb493093a857f0b95167b36fead1ca8ca0..ad332bf2a070e2062d56b998b72c07669100a49c 100644
--- a/guides/contributor.rst
+++ b/guides/contributor.rst
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ All projects have the following basic requirements:
 1. Contributors must create accounts on our `OpenBeagle <https://openbeagle.org/>`_, `Discord <https://bbb.io/gsocchat>`_ and `Beagle Forum <http://bbb.io/gsocml>`_ prior to creating their application.
 2. All newly generated materials must be released under an `open source license <http://www.opensource.org/licenses>`_. Individual contributors shall retain copyright on their works.
 3. Contributors will demonstrate their ability to cross-compile and utilize version control software by creating a “Hello World” application and generating a pull request to `jadonk/gsoc-application <https://github.com/jadonk/gsoc-application/tree/master/ExampleEntryJasonKridner>`_. For assistance, please visit our `Discord <https://bbb.io/gsocchat>`_ or utilize the `Beagle Forum <http://bbb.io/gsocml>`_. The “Hello World” application must print your name and the date out in an ARM Linux environment. Freely available emulators may be used to test your application or you can ask anyone on the chat or mailing list to help you test.
-4. All projects will produce reusable software components and will not be “what–I-built-over-my-summer-vacation” projects. Including a hardware component is welcome, but the project deliverable will be software that may be utilized by a wide audience of the `BeagleBoard.org <https://www.beagleboard.org/>`_ community.
+4. All projects will produce reusable software components and will not be “what-I-built-over-my-summer-vacation” projects. Including a hardware component is welcome, but the project deliverable will be software that may be utilized by a wide audience of the `BeagleBoard.org <https://www.beagleboard.org/>`_ community.
 5. Contributors will demonstrate their ability to collaborate by creating a project proposal on this site using our :ref:`proposal template <gsoc-proposal-template>` and utilizing our `Discord <https://bbb.io/gsocchat>`_ to collect quotes regarding the usefulness of their proposal to the `BeagleBoard.org <https://www.beagleboard.org/>`_ community. **Use of Google Docs for proposal development is discouraged due to insufficient revision control and extensive use of computing resources having numerous documents open simultaneously**.
 6. Source code generated during the project must be released on `OpenBeagle <https://openbeagle.org/>`_ (and we’ll setup a mirror on `Github.com <http://github.com/>`_).
 7. Contributors will provide two recorded audio/video presentations uploaded to Youtube or Vimeo (screencasts are appropriate), one near the beginning of the project summarizing their project goals and another in the wrap-up phase to summarize their accomplishments. Examples can be found in :ref:`Past_Projects`. There is no requirement to show your faces or use English.
diff --git a/guides/proposal.rst b/guides/proposal.rst
index 418819ab3f6530604863a7576addbddb87d0c83b..9ab99f9ef600ffce0fad680651e6830eca06e237 100644
--- a/guides/proposal.rst
+++ b/guides/proposal.rst
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ How to write an *unsuccessful* proposal
 Unsuccessful proposals often:
-1. Try to pass off previous school projects as something to do for GSoC. The work has already done, and the project often has very little to do with `BeagleBoard.org hardware <https://www.beagleboard.org/boards>`_,
+1. Try to pass off previous school projects as something to do for GSoC. The work is already done, and the project often has very little to do with `BeagleBoard.org hardware <https://www.beagleboard.org/boards>`_,
 2. Show up shortly before the submission deadline with only a half page of “proposal”, being little more than a name, contact information, and a statement of “I will work hard”,
 3. Are generic and sent to every other GSoC org with very few details on deliverables or schedule, or
 4. Introduce an idea that was never talked about to the `BeagleBoard.org <https://www.beagleboard.org/>`_ mentors in our `Forum <https://bbb.io/gsocml>`_ and submitted without ever engaging the Beagle community.
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ To make the project proposal writing process easier for all the GSoC contributor
 .. tip:: 
     Start with :ref:`gsoc-site-editing-guide` to simplify the proposal writing process using OpenBeagle CI. It's always recommended to create a fork 
     of `gsoc.beagleboard.io repo on OpenBeagle <https://openbeagle.org/gsoc/gsoc.beagleboard.io>`_ and clone on your local machine. Instructions for 
-    setting up Sphinx on local machine are also provided on :ref:`gsoc-site-editing-guide`. For any query you, can reach out on 
+    setting up Sphinx on local machine are also provided on :ref:`gsoc-site-editing-guide`. For any query, you can reach out on 
     our `Discord <https://bbb.io/gsocchat>`_ or `Forum <https://bbb.io/gsocml>`_.
 You can either open your cloned `gsoc.beagleboard.io repo <https://openbeagle.org/gsoc/gsoc.beagleboard.io>`_ using Visual Studio Code on your local machine or use OpenBeagle Web IDE. Now, follow steps below to write your proposal,
diff --git a/guides/site-editing.rst b/guides/site-editing.rst
index 8faaa10e9423995eda0074a8c9154d66bcce0471..d7b2e00c9d158c41b8f8b322fee39c2d6c0b4e65 100644
--- a/guides/site-editing.rst
+++ b/guides/site-editing.rst
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ After selecting the file you have to click on ``edit button`` and then choose ei
 .. note:: 
     Choosing ``Web IDE`` will load a `Visual Studio Code Server <https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/remote/vscode-server>`_
-    instance which is a feature rich source code editor. Depending on the internent connection your machine will take some to 
+    instance which is a feature rich source code editor. Depending on the internent connection, your machine will take some time to 
     load the editor and it can be a bit heavy for some machines to handle. Once fully loaded it should run smoothly but, if that is 
     not the case then please consider using single file editor option. Considering majority of the users will be using ``Web IDE`` option,
     we are using the ``Web IDE`` for the rest of this guide.
@@ -107,11 +107,11 @@ Now you have to select a file and start editing. Below image shows some,
     :align: center
 .. tip:: Just like you do on your normal Visual Studio Code desktop application, to commit your changes you can either 
-    click on Source control ( :fa:`code-branch;pst-color-secondary` ) button or press ``CTRL + SHIFT + G`` to see all the edited fils.
+    click on Source control ( :fa:`code-branch;pst-color-secondary` ) button or press ``CTRL + SHIFT + G`` to see all the edited files.
-After swithing to source control you have to,
+After switching to source control you have to,
-1. Add a commit message in the input feild.
+1. Add a commit message in the input field.
 2. Click on ``Commit to main`` button or click on drop down button to choose ``Commit to new branch``.
 .. image:: media/commit-changes.png
@@ -132,17 +132,17 @@ ee/user/project/protected_branches.html>`_ by default.
 .. image:: media/commit-branch.png
     :align: center
-When all done right, the lower right side of the ``Web IDE`` you'll a prompt showing ``Success! Your changes have been committed`` message with 
-two button,
+When all done right, at the lower right side of the ``Web IDE`` you'll see a prompt showing ``Success! Your changes have been committed`` message with 
+two buttons,
-1. ``Got to Project``
+1. ``Go to Project``
 2. ``Continue working``
 .. image:: media/commit-success.png
     :align: center
 If you click on ``Go to Project`` button, you'll see the commit successfully applied as shown in the red box in the image below and the 
-green tick shows on the right side indicates that the CI build was also successful.
+green tick shown on the right side indicates that the CI build was also successful.
 .. image:: media/commit.png
     :align: center
@@ -156,15 +156,15 @@ Create a pull request
 After making your changes and commiting them to your forked repo, you are set to create a new `pull request / merge request 
 <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distributed_version_control#Pull_requests>`_ so that those changes can be merged to upstream 
-repo. To start your new PR click on the dedicated button to create a new merge request and fill out all the details. The image 
-below shows all the feilds you have to update,
+repo. To start your new PR, click on the dedicated button to create a new merge request and fill out all the details. The image 
+below shows all the fields you have to update,
-1. Provided a good title that reflects your work.
+1. Provide a good title that reflects your work.
 2. Add a detailed description of the work you have done. Add pictures whenever seems useful.
 3. (Optional) you can assign it to yourself if you'll be working on further updates or assign it to someone else who might want to work on the comments we may provide on your work.
 4. Add ``lorforlinux`` or ``jkridner`` as reviewer for PRs with site content update or add your mentor as reviewer if it's related to project work / proposal.
-5. If you want your commits to be shows as a single commit then you can choose the ``sqash commits ...`` check box.
-6. Check if all your commits are shown in the bottom of the screen and if everything looks okay then click on ``Create merge request`` button.
+5. If you want your commits to be shown as a single commit, then you can choose the ``sqash commits ...`` check box.
+6. Check if all your commits are shown in the bottom of the screen and if everything looks okay, then click on ``Create merge request`` button.
 .. tip:: If you are still working on some updates, you may also choose ``Mark as draft`` checkbox (below title) 
     which indicates that you are seeking feedback before making your commits suitable to merge.
diff --git a/ideas/index.rst b/ideas/index.rst
index f3ee03d09685e22a0dac90bae0a3e18bf7fc7262..9350c250268e44f0c5ee20f83ddc9ff86cb01752 100644
--- a/ideas/index.rst
+++ b/ideas/index.rst
@@ -120,6 +120,50 @@ Ideas
       :fab:`discourse;pst-color-light` Discuss on forum
+.. card:: Upstream Zephyr Support on BBAI-64 R5
+   :fas:`timeline;pst-color-secondary` RTOS/microkernel imporvements :bdg-success:`Medium complexity` :bdg-success-line:`350 hours`
+   ^^^^
+   Incorporating Zephyr RTOS support onto the Cortex-R5 cores of the TDA4VM SoC along with Linux operation on the A72 core. The objective is to harness the combined capabilities of both systems
+   to support BeagleBone AI-64.
+   | **Goal:** submit upstream patches to support BeagleBone AI-64 and respond to feedback
+   | **Hardware Skills:** Familiarity with ARM Cortex R5
+   | **Software Skills:** `C`_, `RTOS  <https://docs.zephyrproject.org/latest/develop/getting_started/index.html>`_
+   | **Possible Mentors:** `Dhruva Gole <https://forum.beagleboard.org/u/dhruvag2000>`_, `Nishanth Menon <https://forum.beagleboard.org/u/nishanth_menon>`_
+   | **Upstream Repository:** `The primary repository for Zephyr Project <https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/zephyr>`_
+   ++++
+   .. button-link:: https://forum.beagleboard.org/t/upstream-zephyr-support-on-bbai-64-r5/37294/1
+      :color: danger
+      :expand:
+      :fab:`discourse;pst-color-light` Discuss on forum
+.. card:: Enhanced Media Experience with AI-Powered Commercial Detection and Replacement
+   :fas:`brain;pst-color-secondary` Deep Learning :bdg-success:`Medium complexity` :bdg-success-line:`350 hours`
+   ^^^^
+   Leveraging the capabilities of BeagleBoard’s powerful processing units, the project will focus on creating a real-time, efficient solution that enhances media consumption experiences by seamlessly integrating custom audio streams during commercial breaks.
+   | **Goal:** Build a deep learning model, training data set, training scripts, and a runtime for detection and modification of the video stream.
+   | **Hardware Skills:** Ability to capture and display video streams using `Beagleboard ai-64 <https://www.beagleboard.org/boards/beaglebone-ai-64>`_
+   | **Software Skills:** `Python <https://www.python.org/>`_, `TensorFlow <https://www.tensorflow.org/>`_, `TFlite <https://www.tensorflow.org/lite>`_, `Keras <https://www.tensorflow.org/guide/keras>`_, `GStreamer <https://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/>`_, `OpenCV <https://opencv.org/>`_
+   | **Possible Mentors:** `Jason Kridner <https://forum.beagleboard.org/u/jkridner>`_, `Deepak Khatri <https://forum.beagleboard.org/u/lorforlinux>`_
+   ++++
+   .. button-link:: https://forum.beagleboard.org/t/enhanced-media-experience-with-ai-powered-commercial-detection-and-replacement/37358
+      :color: danger
+      :expand:
+      :fab:`discourse;pst-color-light` Discuss on forum
 .. button-link:: https://forum.beagleboard.org/tag/gsoc-ideas
    :color: danger