diff --git a/guides/contributor.rst b/guides/contributor.rst
index 05b18dd1c0b2b0dba2ebd6c5c8616ff53abf8ecf..7f6dcb7271880a48db8060e717069eb12cdb2089 100644
--- a/guides/contributor.rst
+++ b/guides/contributor.rst
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ All projects have the following basic requirements:
     For example, `Weekly Progress Report Thread: 
     Cape Compatibility <https://forum.beagleboard.org/t/weekly-progress-report-thread-cape-compatibility/28709/9>`_
-Student proposals can encompass projects based on the :ref:`ideas page <gsoc-project-ideas>`  or can include personal project ideas, 
+Contributor proposals can encompass projects based on the :ref:`ideas page <gsoc-project-ideas>`  or can include personal project ideas, 
 but should be focused on generating a sustainable and reusable open source software component. Previous Google Summer of Code projects show 
 that the key to success is being passionate about your project, so propose something that is extremely interesting to you, even 
 if it is not on this list. We will be glad to help contributors develop ideas into projects via our `Discord <https://bbb.io/gsocchat>`_ 
diff --git a/guides/mentor.rst b/guides/mentor.rst
index 92d32fd8031474df32a394b9ab5cff14079cd5ee..2ab0acefdf041cf43965b86371221adc1deeb883 100644
--- a/guides/mentor.rst
+++ b/guides/mentor.rst
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Idea Submission Process
 Mentors should:
 1. Submit projects ideas to our `Forum <https://bbb.io/gsocml>`_ and then
-2. Contribute an update to our :ref:`gsoc-project-ideas` page using our :ref:`gsoc-site-editing-guide` to promote their idea to students.
+2. Contribute an update to our :ref:`gsoc-project-ideas` page using our :ref:`gsoc-site-editing-guide` to promote their idea to contributors.
 Only ideas deemed by administrators as being sufficiently supported by qualified mentors will be merged.
diff --git a/guides/proposal.rst b/guides/proposal.rst
index 481f0abcf45aa11e658bddeba54e2b3308478f7d..3aff3238713ea454fb1c85bb96d9bacfadce777f 100644
--- a/guides/proposal.rst
+++ b/guides/proposal.rst
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Proposal Guide
 How to write a successful proposal
-`BeagleBoard.org <https://www.beagleboard.org/>`_ has received a large number of GSoC student proposals over the years 
+`BeagleBoard.org <https://www.beagleboard.org/>`_ has received a large number of GSoC contributor proposals over the years 
 that we have participated. Some of these proposals are quite good, but many are poor proposals that would 
 not be accepted by any organization participating in GSoC.
diff --git a/ideas/index.rst b/ideas/index.rst
index e5bc7a45a0f7e50b4749ac17805495b86045b43a..85c46e09beb53dfcc1a1012dbaa243266ec52925 100644
--- a/ideas/index.rst
+++ b/ideas/index.rst
@@ -41,10 +41,12 @@ and to automate things in the physical world.
 .. important::
-    BeagleBoard.org is a community centric organization and we keep all of our discussion open for our
-    community on our `forum <https://bbb.io/gsocml>`_. Discussion for all the project ideas, proposals or development will
-    be done via our `forum <https://bbb.io/gsocml>`_ as well and must be open for everyone to access. **No
-    direct messages should be sent to mentors or community members until unless there is a private matter.**
+   **This page doesn't include all of the proposed project ideas, please visit our forum to see more ideas!**
+   BeagleBoard.org is a community centric organization and we keep all of our discussion open for our
+   community on our `forum <https://bbb.io/gsocml>`_. Discussion for all the project ideas, proposals or development will
+   be done via our `forum <https://bbb.io/gsocml>`_ as well and must be open for everyone to access. **No
+   direct messages should be sent to mentors or community members until unless there is a private matter.**
 .. grid:: 1 1 1 2
    :margin: 4 4 0 0 
diff --git a/ideas/old/beaglebone-audio-applications.rst b/ideas/old/beaglebone-audio-applications.rst
index 49ede9cfdf706d9dc023c367260fc8ac545607b7..30d1cd5342758f2568e95a1d87a7259b927bb148 100644
--- a/ideas/old/beaglebone-audio-applications.rst
+++ b/ideas/old/beaglebone-audio-applications.rst
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ Beagle Bone Audio Applications
     patch on the host computer and then copying it over to Bela where it gets executed.
     One of the limitations of this two-step workflow is that the immediateness of the live-patching behaviour of Pd is lost. In this project, 
-    the student will leverage the fact that Pd communicates with its GUI via a socket to run the GUI on the host computer while running the 
+    the contributor will leverage the fact that Pd communicates with its GUI via a socket to run the GUI on the host computer while running the 
     audio backend on Bela. This requires a number of adaptations to Pd, including:
     - managing the GUI startup process to allow GUI and audio backend to be started separately and connect to each other
diff --git a/ideas/old/fpga-projects.rst b/ideas/old/fpga-projects.rst
index b163eeed63d7da99fa585347ce63064a017f5464..9f226e548714d85d14dc0d12834441d85c535151 100644
--- a/ideas/old/fpga-projects.rst
+++ b/ideas/old/fpga-projects.rst
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ FPGA based projects
     Beaglewire is an FPGA cape for the Beaglebone black that was developed to support a project for 
     the 2017 season of GSoC. This first year of Beaglewire support was very intensive and there some 
     issues were left to be resolved. The most notable known issue is with the SDRAM interface working 
-    sporadically. A student interested in Verilog, kernel coding and hardware would be an ideal candidate. 
+    sporadically. A contributor interested in Verilog, kernel coding and hardware would be an ideal candidate. 
     Each of the subsystems (SPI, PWM, UART, SDRAM, etc) can be tested, corrected if necessary and improved 
     if desired. Furthermore, it may be interesting to implement nMigen support for flexible python 
     based gateware support as a stretch goal.
diff --git a/ideas/old/soft-peripherals-using-co-processors.rst b/ideas/old/soft-peripherals-using-co-processors.rst
index 7749386a9d4b40cf6ae40b575c4c3a32780939f4..c4d183d299d6beba474fd5085985bfc945227a27 100644
--- a/ideas/old/soft-peripherals-using-co-processors.rst
+++ b/ideas/old/soft-peripherals-using-co-processors.rst
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ peripherals. This can be based on the open source verilog toolchains.
         - Improve the features of simpPRU, namely:
             - add test.py to GitHub actions
             - indicator for PRU on/off state in simppru-console - Issue issue `#24 <https://github.com/VedantParanjape/simpPRU/issues/24>`_
-            - quality of life improvements, such as improving error handling. Suggestions for more features by students are welcome.
+            - quality of life improvements, such as improving error handling. Suggestions for more features by contributors are welcome.
             - add support for calling C code directly into simpPRU
             - BONUS: support for using PWM using eCAP module: analog_write() and analog_read() functions
         - Benchmark the effects of adding various compiler flags (-O2, -O3) to gcc-pru during compilation of the generated C code
diff --git a/index.rst b/index.rst
index 2938d488873fd581a26ccbad05d6dc74f8822c5c..f832256f1ba30e275bfa3a7386673a83aeaa7ccc 100644
--- a/index.rst
+++ b/index.rst
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ GSoC @ BeagleBoard.org
    Spend your summer break writing code and learning about open source development while earning money!
    Accepted contributors work with a mentor and become a part of the open source community. Many become lifetime
-   open source developers! The 2024 student application window will be open from
+   open source developers! The 2024 contributor application window will be open from
    `March 18th 2024 <https://developers.google.com/open-source/gsoc/timeline#march_18_-_1800_utc>`_ to
    `April 2nd 2024 <https://developers.google.com/open-source/gsoc/timeline#april_2_-_1800_utc>`_!
    But don't wait for then to engage! Come to our `Discord <https://bbb.io/gsocchat>`_ and
diff --git a/proposals/template.rst b/proposals/template.rst
index b6c016de0024ab1c3865119c98e79d200989b1f1..0efad42b587fc8fe10d87d29c6e3096d06249fec 100644
--- a/proposals/template.rst
+++ b/proposals/template.rst
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Introduction
 Summary links
-- **Student:** ``@ayush1325``
+- **Contributor:** ``@ayush1325``
 - **Mentors:** ``@jkridner``, ``@vaishnav``
 - **Code:** `Google Summer of Code / greybus / cc1352-firmware · GitLab <https://openbeagle.org/gsoc/greybus/cc1352-firmware>`_
 - **Documentation:** `Ayush Singh / docs.beagleboard.io · GitLab <https://openbeagle.org/ayush1325/docs.beagleboard.io>`_