diff --git a/guides/contributor.rst b/guides/contributor.rst
index 95adb458ace21e8f69f95b314fba12f735667f99..3fc45cd469976fbf34956bee964745cead3e6d08 100644
--- a/guides/contributor.rst
+++ b/guides/contributor.rst
@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ All projects have the following basic requirements:
 3. Contributors will demonstrate their ability to cross-compile and utilize version control software by creating a “Hello World” application and generating a pull request to `jadonk/gsoc-application <https://github.com/jadonk/gsoc-application/tree/master/ExampleEntryJasonKridner>`_. For assistance, please visit our `Discord <https://bbb.io/gsocchat>`_ or utilize the `Beagle Forum <http://bbb.io/gsocml>`_. The “Hello World” application must print your name and the date out in an ARM Linux environment. Freely available emulators may be used to test your application or you can ask anyone on the chat or mailing list to help you test.
 4. All projects will produce reusable software components and will not be “what–I-built-over-my-summer-vacation” projects. Including a hardware component is welcome, but the project deliverable will be software that may be utilized by a wide audience of the `BeagleBoard.org <https://www.beagleboard.org/>`_ community.
 5. Contributors will demonstrate their ability to collaborate by creating a project proposal on this site using our :ref:`proposal template <gsoc-proposal-template>` and utilizing our `Discord <https://bbb.io/gsocchat>`_ to collect quotes regarding the usefulness of their proposal to the `BeagleBoard.org <https://www.beagleboard.org/>`_ community. **Use of Google Docs for proposal development is discouraged due to insufficient revision control and extensive use of computing resources having numerous documents open simultaneously**.
-6. Source code generated during the project must be released on OpenBeagle (and we’ll setup a mirror on `Github.com <http://github.com/>`_).
-7. Contributors will provide two recorded audio/video presentations uploaded to Youtube or Vimeo (screencasts are appropriate), one near the beginning of the project summarizing their project goals and another in the wrap-up phase to summarize their accomplishments. Examples can be found on `http://beagleboard.org/gsoc <http://beagleboard.org/gsoc>`_. There is no requirement to show your faces or use English.
+6. Source code generated during the project must be released on `OpenBeagle <https://openbeagle.org>`_ (and we’ll setup a mirror on `Github.com <http://github.com/>`_).
+7. Contributors will provide two recorded audio/video presentations uploaded to Youtube or Vimeo (screencasts are appropriate), one near the beginning of the project summarizing their project goals and another in the wrap-up phase to summarize their accomplishments. Examples can be found in :ref:`Past_Projects`. There is no requirement to show your faces or use English.
 .. important:: 
diff --git a/guides/mentor.rst b/guides/mentor.rst
index 1813a6f3c0f676295e94652497d679a7ec398bc0..0e74cf70096abf88490d6499fa17366bad7c9a8b 100644
--- a/guides/mentor.rst
+++ b/guides/mentor.rst
@@ -17,18 +17,31 @@ Mentor Guide
     You will also need be invited by an administrator to register on the GSoC site and request 
     to be a mentor for `BeagleBoard.org <https://www.beagleboard.org/>`_.
+Who Are Mentors?
 `Mentors <https://google.github.io/gsocguides/mentor/>`_ are people from the community who volunteer to work 
 with a GSoC contributor. Mentors provide guidance such as pointers to useful documentation, code reviews, etc. 
 In addition to providing GSoC contributors with feedback and pointers, a mentor acts as an ambassador to help 
 GSoC contributors integrate into their project’s community. `BeagleBoard.org <https://www.beagleboard.org/>`_ 
-assign more than one mentor to each of their GSoC contributors. Many members of `BeagleBoard.org <https://www.
+always assigns more than one mentor to each of GSoC contributor. Many members of `BeagleBoard.org <https://www.
 beagleboard.org/>`_ community also provide guidance to GSoC contributors without mentoring in an “official” 
-capacity, as much as they would answer anyone’s questions on our `Discord <https://bbb.io/gsocchat>`_ and 
+capacity, as much as they would answer anyone’s questions on our `Discord <https://bbb.io/gsocchat>`_ and our 
 `Forum <https://bbb.io/gsocml>`_.
-.. note:: 
-    Official mentors can use :ref:`gsoc-project-ideas` page as template for providing their own project ideas. 
-    Remember these are supposed to be for software projects that service the Beagle and general open source 
+Idea Submission Process
+Mentors should:
+1. Submit projects ideas to our `Forum <https://bbb.io/gsocml>`_ and then
+2. Contribute an update to our :ref:`gsoc-project-ideas` page using our :ref:`gsoc-site-editing-guide` to promote their idea to students.
+Only ideas deemed by administrators as being sufficiently supported by qualified mentors will be merged.
+.. admonishment:: Remember
+    BeagleBoard.org mentored GSoC projects are supposed to be for software projects that service the Beagle and general open source 
     embedded systems community, not theses, how-to guides or what I did over my summer vacation ideas.
 Prospective mentors, sudents will use our `Discord <https://bbb.io/gsocchat>`_ and `Forum <https://bbb.io/gsocml>`_