diff --git a/proposals/suraj-sonawane.rst b/proposals/suraj-sonawane.rst
index 3b19fb297cfb5849f4f095c703a9358d391d4edf..0dbcfef1bc37fdcdbba9459b88699ad0d3ecad57 100644
--- a/proposals/suraj-sonawane.rst
+++ b/proposals/suraj-sonawane.rst
@@ -130,6 +130,40 @@ main features:
  • Support of start-bit write command
  • Support of start-bit pause and break sequence
+Implementation Details
+2. Initial configuration:
+    **1. Write board YAML:**
+    The board YAML file describes the board at a high level. This includes the SoC, board variants, and board revisions.
+    **2. Write device tree:**
+    The devicetree file describes your board hardware in the Devicetree Source (DTS) format
+    **3. Write Kconfig files:**
+    Zephyr uses the Kconfig language to configure software features. Your board needs to provide some Kconfig settings before you can compile a Zephyr application for it.
+    **4. Add Flash and debug support:**
+    Zephyr supports Building, Flashing and Debugging via west extension commands.
+    To add west flash and west debug support, we need to create a board.cmake file in board directory. This file’s job is to configure a “runner” for your board. (There’s nothing special you need to do to get west build support for board.)
+2. Driver developement:
+    **1. Board Files:**
+    Board files are the primary descriptor of the hardware in Zephyr.
+    **2. Device tree overlays:**
+    DeviceTree Overlays can be used by the Zephyr application to specify new hardware or re-assign existing hardware described elsewhere in the board files.
+    **3. Devicetree bindings:**
+    A devicetree binding declares requirements on the contents of nodes, and provides semantic information about the contents of valid nodes. Zephyr devicetree bindings are YAML files in a custom format (Zephyr does not use the dt-schema tools used by the Linux kernel).
+    **4. API Definations:**
+    Available under "include/drivers/". Provides a general way of unteracting with driver instances.