diff --git a/proposals/himanshuk.rst b/proposals/himanshuk.rst
index 1093c794302db7455a7548e12ee6737847e2cd88..fff8f002bd7bcd9aa4acb96960728a94b189f9b5 100644
--- a/proposals/himanshuk.rst
+++ b/proposals/himanshuk.rst
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ Previous work:-
 Previously Deepak khatri who worked upon the cape compatibility for beagleboards. use the robotic cape for various tasks. 
 using pre-work upon robotic cape, i can take a deep dive to robotic cape compatibility with BeaglBboneBlack (BBB) and how its works.
-In previous gsocted with one of Bea-2022 participation kai yamada work upon same project which was about robotic-cape support with BeagleBone-AI (BB-AI).
+In previous gsoc-application 2022 participation kai yamada work upon same project which was about robotic-cape support with BeagleBone-AI (BB-AI).
 In both projects implementation was about the device tree overlayes for BBB and AI for specific pheripherals to enabling functionality of PWM, I2C and SPI and UART for robotic-cape.  
@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ Milestone #5 (July 1st)
 - Test .dts file with robotic cape with AI-64.
 - Test example of librobotcontrol with AI-64.
 - get feedback from mentor.
-- Creat merge request for RoboticsCape.dts.
+- Create merge request for RoboticsCape.dts.
 Submit midterm evaluations (July 8th)