Explore projects
Example plain HTML site using GitLab Pages: https://gsoc.beagleboard.io/test
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Starting point of all GSoC projects documentation. To start using just fork, rename, clone, write documentation, commit, push back your changes and share your awesome project documentation link with everyone.
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Source for https://beagleboard.beagleboard.io
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https://edge-ai.beagleboard.io - Landing page for the project group
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Looking for a place to give examples on how to communicate your progress through git.beagleboard.org. Please feel free to create issues for examples that need to be created.
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Looking for a place to give examples on how to communicate your progress through git.beagleboard.org. Please feel free to create issues for examples that need to be created.
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Mirror of https://git.ti.com/gitweb?p=edgeai/edge_ai_apps.git;a=summary with local patches
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