Explore projects
Charles Steinkuehler / Gateware
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Linux kernel device trees and device tree overlays for BeagleBoard.org open hardware single board computers and add-on boards.
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Jason Kridner / ti-linux-kernel-dev
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Ahmed FATHALLAH / My Lovely Gateware
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Nishanth Menon / BeagleY-AI
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalBringing open source hardware to an industry standard form-factor - https://beagley-ai.org
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BeagleBoard.org website for Google Summer of Code for on-boarding contributors and summarizing output. Please feel free to create issues for updates that need to be created. https://gsoc.beagleboard.io
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BeagleBoard.org / bbai64_cortex-r5_example
Apache License 2.0Fork of: https://github.com/kaofishy/bbai64_cortex-r5_example extended for BeagleBoard.org CI testing of R5/u-boot/kernel interactions.
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BeagleConnect / manifesto
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseProject Ara Module Manifest generator
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Looking for a place to give examples on how to communicate your progress through git.beagleboard.org. Please feel free to create issues for examples that need to be created.
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Ukanwa Maria / Exampleware
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Peter Trott / Camera-Display-Gateware
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Peter Trott / Led-Gateware
MIT LicenseUpdated -
BeagleBoard.org website for Google Summer of Code for on-boarding contributors and summarizing output. Please feel free to create issues for updates that need to be created. https://gsoc.beagleboard.io
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Title: Diff Logic Based Intelligent Sound Installation with Voice-Driven Color Visualization
This is a fork of the gsoc beagleboard repo for submitting my project proposal.
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BeagleBoard.org website for Google Summer of Code for on-boarding contributors and summarizing output. Please feel free to create issues for updates that need to be created. https://gsoc.beagleboard.io
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BeagleBoard.org website for Google Summer of Code for on-boarding contributors and summarizing output. Please feel free to create issues for updates that need to be created. https://gsoc.beagleboard.io
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BeagleBoard.org website for Google Summer of Code for on-boarding contributors and summarizing output. Please feel free to create issues for updates that need to be created. https://gsoc.beagleboard.io