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+.. _beaglebone-blue-accessories:
+.. _chassis_and_kits:
+Chassis and kits
+-  `EduMIP <https://www.renaissancerobotics.com/edumip.html>`__
+-  `Pololu Romi Chassis with geared
+   motors <https://www.pololu.com/category/202/romi-chassis-and-accessories>`__
+   -  `Wheel encoders <https://www.pololu.com/product/3542>`__
+   -  `Chassis - Black <https://www.pololu.com/product/3500>`__
+-  `Sprout Runt Rover <https://www.servocity.com/sprout>`__
+.. _cable_assemblies_and_sub_assemblies:
+Cable assemblies and sub-assemblies
+Beware; purchased pre-made connector assembly wire colors may not
+reflect true pin designations. These assemblies are readily available
+from `Digi-Key <https://www.digikey.com>`__,
+`SparkFun <https://sparkfun.com>`__, `Hobby
+King <https://hobbyking.com>`__, `Pololu <https://www.pololu.com>`__ and
+`Cables and Connectors <http://cablesandconnectors.com>`__.
+.. _jst_connector_bundle:
+JST Connector Bundle
+.. _renaissance_robotics_jst_jumper_bundle:
+Renaissance Robotics JST Jumper Bundle
+| Four of the 2-pin JST ZH (1.5mm pitch) connectors, with 150mm 28AWG
+  wires, for motors,
+| Eight of the 4-pin JST SH (1mm pitch) connectors, with 150mm 28AWG
+  wires, for encoders, UART, I2C, CAN, PWR, and
+| Four of the 6-pin JST SH (1mm pitch) connectors, with 150mm 28AWG
+  wires, for SPI, GPS, GPIO, ADC.
+| `Renaissance Robotics JST Jumper
+  Bundle <https://www.renaissancerobotics.com/JST_Jumper_Bundle.html>`__
+.. _conrad_beagleboard_kabel_bb_blue_kabelset:
+Conrad BeagleBoard Kabel BB-Blue-Kabelset
+| 10x 4-Pin JST-SH
+| 6x 6-Pin JST-SH
+| 4x 2-Pin JST-ZH
+| 1x 3-Pin JST-ZH
+| `BeagleBoard Kabel BB-Blue-Kabelset
+  (Conrad.de) <https://www.conrad.de/de/beagleboard-kabel-bb-blue-kabelset-1606596.html>`__
+.. _uart_i2c_can_quadrature_encoders_pwr:
+UART, I2C, CAN, Quadrature encoders, PWR
+4-wire JST-SH (1mm pitch)
+-  `4-wire Grove
+   cable <https://www.seeedstudio.com/Grove-Universal-4-Pin-to-Beaglebone-Blue-4-Pin-Female-JST-SH-Convertion-Cable-(10-pcs-pack)-p-3026.html>`__
+   (`Digi-Key <https://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/seeed-technology-co-ltd/114991495/1597-1622-ND/8558386>`__)
+-  `Hobby King SKU
+   258000190-0 <https://hobbyking.com/en_us/jst-sh-4pin-male-with-pig-tail.html>`__
+-  `SparkFun PN 10359 <https://www.sparkfun.com/products/10359>`__
+-  `Cables and Connectors 4" ribbon PN
+   #4904 <http://www.cablesandconnectors.com/search/search.php?k=49404>`__
+-  `Digi-Key
+   wires <https://www.digikey.com/products/en?keywords=ASSHSSH28K305>`__
+-  `Digi-Key
+   housings <https://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/jst-sales-america-inc/SHR-04V-S-B/455-1379-ND/759868>`__
+.. _spi_gpio_adc:
+6-wire JST-SH (1mm pitch)
+-  `Hobby King SKU
+   258000192-0 <https://hobbyking.com/en_us/jst-sh-6pin-male-with-pig-tail.html>`__
+-  `SparkFun PN 10361 <https://www.sparkfun.com/products/10361>`__
+-  `Cables and Connectors 50cm length PN
+   #49406 <http://www.cablesandconnectors.com/search/search.php?k=49406>`__
+-  `Digi-Key
+   wires <https://www.digikey.com/products/en?keywords=ASSHSSH28K305>`__
+-  `Digi-Key
+   housings <https://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/jst-sales-america-inc/SHR-06V-S-B/455-1381-ND/759870>`__
+-  `6-wire Grove cable (4
+   populated) <https://www.seeedstudio.com/Grove-Universal-4-Pin-to-Beaglebone-Blue-6-Pin-Female-JST-SH-Convertion-Cable-(10-pcs-pack)-p-3027.html>`__
+   (`Digi-Key <https://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/seeed-technology-co-ltd/114991496/1597-1623-ND/8558387>`__)
+2-wire JST-ZH (1.5mm pitch)
+-  `Digi-Key
+   wires <http://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/jst-sales-america-inc/ASZHSZH28K152/455-3079-ND/6009455>`__
+-  `Digi-Key
+   receptacle <http://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/jst-sales-america-inc/ZHR-2/455-1366-ND/566476>`__
+3-wire JST-ZH (1.5mm pitch)
+-  `Pololu PN# 2411 <https://www.pololu.com/product/2411>`__
+2S1P LiPo with 3-wire JST-XH (2.5mm pitch) charge connection
+-  `Hobby King 1000mAh 2S 20C
+   LiPo <https://hobbyking.com/en_us/turnigy-1000mah-2s-20c-lipo-pack.html>`__
+-  `Hobby King 1600mAh 2S 20C
+   LiPo <https://hobbyking.com/en_us/turnigy-1600mah-2s-20c-losi-mini-sct-pack-part-losb1212.html>`__
+.. _power_supplies:
+Power supplies
+12V with 5.5mm/2.1mm center positive
+-  Jameco:
+   `supply <http://www.jameco.com/z/TR9CE4100LCP-A-Globtek-50W-12V-4-16A-AC-to-DC-Regulated-Switching-Wall-Adapter_2229247.html?CID=GOOG&gclid=CL-2js2-n9ICFQQdaQodMgsLMA>`__
+   and `power
+   cord <http://www.jameco.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?search_type=jamecoall&catalogId=10001&freeText=38050&langId=-1&productId=38050&storeId=10001&ddkey=http:StoreCatalogDrillDownView>`__
+-  `Hobby King 12V 3A
+   supply <https://hobbyking.com/en_us/12v-3a-interchangeable-plug-adapter.html>`__
+.. _motors_1:
+.. _servo_motors:
+Servo motors
+6V DC
+-  `Parallax Inc. 900-00005 Standard
+   Servo <http://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/900-00005/900-00005-ND/361277?WT.mc_id=IQ_7595_G_pla361277&wt.srch=1&wt.medium=cpc&WT.srch=1&gclid=CJz-qdC9n9ICFRO4wAodOjYLuQ>`__
+-  `Hobby King SKU
+   HD-1900A <https://hobbyking.com/en_us/power-hd-1900a-servo-1-7kg-0-08sec-9g.html>`__
+-  `TowerPro SG92R-7 <http://www.towerpro.com.tw/product/sg92r-7/>`__
+.. _dc_motors:
+DC motors
+6V, typically geared
+-  `SparkFun Hobby Gearmotor - 200 RPM
+   (Pair) <https://www.sparkfun.com/products/13302>`__
+-  `SparkFun Hobby Motor -
+   Gear <https://www.sparkfun.com/products/11696>`__
+.. _radio_remotes:
+Radio remotes
+-  `Hobby King OrangeRX satellite
+   receiver <https://hobbyking.com/en_us/orangerx-r110x-dsmx-dsm2-compatible-satellite-receiver.html>`__
+-  `Spektrum DSM2 Remote
+   Receiver <https://www.spektrumrc.com/Products/Default.aspx?ProdID=SPM9545>`__
+-  `Sparkfun GPS Receiver - EM-506 (48
+   Channel) <https://www.sparkfun.com/products/12751>`__
+-  `Adafruit Ultimate GPS
+   breakout <https://www.adafruit.com/product/746>`__
+-  `Ublox Neo-M8N GPS with
+   Compass <https://hobbyking.com/en_us/ublox-neo-m8n-gps-with-compass.html>`__
+-  `SeeedStudio Grove -
+   GPS <https://www.seeedstudio.com/Grove-GPS-p-959.html>`__
+.. _replacement_antennas:
+Replacement antennas
+-  `LSR
+   PIFA <https://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/laird-wireless-thermal-systems/001-0014/001-0014-ND/4732758>`__
+-  LSR Dipole:
+   `antenna <https://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/laird-wireless-thermal-systems/001-0001/001-0001-ND/2696493>`__
+   and
+   `cable <https://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/lsr/080-0001/080-0001-ND/2696495>`__
+-  `Anaren U.FL 2.4GHz 6MM
+   Antenna <http://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/anaren/66089-2406/1173-1024-ND/3069146>`__
+-  `TI approved
+   antennas <http://www.ti.com/lit/ug/swru437/swru437.pdf>`__
+.. _usb_devices:
+USB devices
+.. _usb_cameras:
+USB cameras
+-  `Logitech
+   C270 <https://www.amazon.com/Logitech-Desktop-Widescreen-Calling-Recording/dp/B004FHO5Y6>`__
+-  `Logitech
+   C920 <https://www.amazon.com/Logitech-Widescreen-Calling-Recording-Desktop/dp/B006JH8T3S>`__
+.. _spi_devices:
+SPI devices
+.. _spi_tft_displays:
+SPI TFT displays
+-  `Adafruit 2.4" LCD
+   breakout <https://www.adafruit.com/products/2478>`__
+.. _i2c_devices:
+I2C devices
+-  See
+   `One-Liner-Module-Tests#Grove_I2C_modules <One-Liner-Module-Tests#Grove_I2C_modules>`__
+.. _uart_devices:
+UART devices
+.. _computer_serial_adapters:
+Computer serial adapters
+-  `Sparkfun FTDI Cable 5V VCC-3.3V
+   I/O <https://www.sparkfun.com/products/9717>`__
+-  `Adafruit FTDI Serial TTL-232 USB
+   Cable <https://www.adafruit.com/product/70>`__
+.. _bluetooth_devices:
+Bluetooth devices
+-  `WowWee Groove Cube
+   Speaker <https://github.com/beagleboard/beaglebone-blue/wiki/One-Liner-Module-Tests#Grove_I2C_modules>`__
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+.. _beaglebone-blue-code:
+Play with the code
+The board has some code built in to the system that can allow you to try
+out the various options. They all start with rc
+.. code:: bash
+   rc_balance            rc_dsm_passthrough    rc_test_encoders
+   rc_battery_monitor    rc_kill               rc_test_filters
+   rc_benchmark_algebra  rc_spi_loopback       rc_test_imu
+   rc_bind_dsm           rc_startup_routine    rc_test_motors
+   rc_blink              rc_test_adc           rc_test_polynomial
+   rc_calibrate_dsm      rc_test_algebra       rc_test_servos
+   rc_calibrate_escs     rc_test_barometer     rc_test_time
+   rc_calibrate_gyro     rc_test_buttons       rc_test_vector
+   rc_calibrate_mag      rc_test_cape          rc_uart_loopback
+   rc_check_battery      rc_test_dmp           rc_version
+   rc_check_model        rc_test_drivers       
+   rc_cpu_freq           rc_test_dsm         
+Try them out to try out the various functions of the board. The source
+code for these tests and demos is at `Robotics cape installer at
+github <https://github.com/StrawsonDesign/Robotics_Cape_Installer>`__
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+.. _beaglebone-blue-faq:
+Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
+.. _are_there_any_books_to_help_me_get_started:
+Are there any books to help me get started?
+The book `BeagleBone Robotic Projects, Second
+Edition <https://github.com/jadonk/BeagleBone-Robotic-Projects-Second-Edition>`__
+specifically covers how to get started building robots with BeagleBone
+For more general books on BeagleBone, Linux and other related topics,
+see https://beagleboard.org/books.
+.. _what_system_firmware_should_i_use_for_starting_to_explore_my_beaglebone_blue:
+What system firmware should I use for starting to explore my BeagleBone Blue?
+Download the latest 'IoT' image from
+https://beagleboard.org/latest-images. As of this writing, that image is
+Use http://etcher.io for writing that image to a 4GB or larger microSD
+Power-up your BeagleBone Blue with the newly created microSD card to run
+this firmware image.
+.. _what_is_the_name_of_the_access_point_ssid_and_password_default_on_beaglebone_blue:
+What is the name of the access point SSID and password default on BeagleBone Blue?
+| SSID: BeagleBone-XXXX where XXXX is based upon the board's assigned
+  unique hardware address
+| Password: BeagleBone
+.. _ive_connected_to_beaglebone_blues_access_point._how_do_i_get_logged_into_the_board:
+I've connected to BeagleBone Blue's access point. How do I get logged into the board?
+Browse to to open the Cloud9 IDE and get access
+to the Linux command prompt.
+If you've connected via USB instead, the address will be either
+ or, depending on the USB
+networking drivers provided by your operating system.
+.. _how_do_i_connect_beaglebone_blue_to_my_own_wifi_network:
+How do I connect BeagleBone Blue to my own WiFi network?
+From the bash command prompt in Linux:
+.. code:: bash
+   sudo -s (become superuser/root)
+   connmanctl
+      connmanctl> tether wifi off (not really necessary on latest images)
+      connmanctl> enable wifi (not really necessary)
+      connmanctl> scan wifi
+      connmanctl> services (at this point you should see your network
+      appear along with other stuff, in my case it was "AR Crystal wifi_f45eab2f1ee1_6372797774616c_managed_psk")
+      connmanctl> agent on
+      connmanctl> connect wifi_f45eab2f1ee1_6372797774616c_managed_psk
+      connmanctl> quit
+.. _where_can_i_find_examples_and_apis_for_programming_beaglebone_blue:
+Where can I find examples and APIs for programming BeagleBone Blue?
+Programming in C: http://www.strawsondesign.com/#!manual-install
+Programming in Python: https://github.com/mcdeoliveira/rcpy
+Programming in Simulink:
+.. _my_beaglebone_blue_fails_to_run_successful_tests:
+My Beaglebone Blue fails to run successful tests
+You've tried to run rc_test_drivers to ensure your board is working for
+DOA warranty tests, but it errors. You should first look to fixing your
+bootloader as described
+.. _im_running_an_image_off_of_a_microsd_card._how_do_i_write_it_to_the_on_board_emmc_flash:
+I'm running an image off of a microSD card. How do I write it to the on-board eMMC flash?
+Refer to the "Flashing Firmware" page:
+Meanwhile, as root, run the
+/opt/scripts/tools/eMMC/bbb-eMMC-flasher-eewiki-ext4.sh script which
+will create a copy of the system in your microSD to a new single ext4
+partition on the on-board eMMC.
+.. _ive_written_the_latest_image_to_a_usd_card_but_some_features_arent_working._how_do_i_make_it_run_properly:
+I’ve written the latest image to a uSD card, but some features aren’t working. How do I make it run properly?
+It is possible you are running an old bootloader off of the eMMC. While
+power is completely off, hold the SD button (near the servo headers)
+while applying power. You can release the button as soon the power LED
+comes on. This will make sure the bootloader is loaded from microSD and
+not eMMC.
+Verify the running image using
+`version.sh <https://github.com/RobertCNelson/boot-scripts/blob/master/tools/version.sh>`__
+.. code:: bash
+   sudo /opt/scripts/tools/version.sh
+The version.sh output will tell you which version of bootloader is on
+the eMMC or microSD. Future versions of version.sh might further inform
+you `if the SD button was properly asserted on
+power-up <https://github.com/RobertCNelson/boot-scripts/issues/93>`__.
+One you’ve booted the latest image, you can update the bootloader on the
+eMMC using
+`/opt/scripts/tools/developers/update_bootloader.sh <https://github.com/RobertCNelson/boot-scripts/blob/master/tools/developers/update_bootloader.sh>`__.
+Better yet, read the `above
+FAQ <https://github.com/beagleboard/beaglebone-blue/wiki/Frequently-Asked-Questions-%28FAQ%29#Im_running_an_image_off_of_a_microSD_card_How_do_I_write_it_to_the_onboard_eMMC_flash>`__
+on flashing firmware.
+.. _ive_got_my_on_board_emmc_flash_configured_in_a_nice_way._how_do_i_copy_that_to_other_beaglebone_blue_boards:
+I've got my on-board eMMC flash configured in a nice way. How do I copy that to other BeagleBone Blue boards?
+As root, run the
+`/opt/scripts/tools/eMMC/beaglebone-black-make-microSD-flasher-from-eMMC.sh <https://github.com/RobertCNelson/boot-scripts/blob/master/tools/eMMC/beaglebone-black-make-microSD-flasher-from-eMMC.sh>`__
+script with a blank 4GB or larger microSD card installed and wait for
+the script to complete execution.
+Remove the microSD card.
+Boot your other BeagleBone Blue boards off of this newly updated microSD
+card and wait for the flashing process to complete. You'll know it
+successfully started when you see the "larson scanner" running on the
+LEDs. You'll know it successfully completed when it shuts off the board.
+Remove the microSD card.
+Reboot your newly flashed board.
+.. _i_have_some_low_latency_io_tasks._how_do_i_get_started_programming_the_beaglebone_prus:
+I have some low-latency I/O tasks. How do I get started programming the BeagleBone PRUs?
+There is a "Hello, World" app at
+https://gist.github.com/jadonk/2ecf864e1b3f250bad82c0eae12b7b64 that
+will get you blinking the USRx LEDS.
+The `libroboticscape
+software <https://github.com/StrawsonDesign/Robotics_Cape_Installer>`__
+provides examples that are pre-built and included in the BeagleBone Blue
+software images for running the servo/ESC outputs and fourth quadrature
+encoder input. You can use those firmware images as a basis for building
+your own:
+You can find some more at https://beagleboard.org/pru
+.. _are_there_available_mechanical_models:
+Are there available mechanical models?
+A community contributed model is available at
+.. _what_is_the_operating_temperature_range:
+What is the operating temperature range?
+\`0..70\` due to processor, else \`-20..70\`
+.. _what_is_the_dc_motor_drive_strength:
+What is the DC motor drive strength?
+This is dictated by the 2 cell LiPo battery input, the `TB6612FNG motor
+drivers <http://www.pololu.com/file/0J86/TB6612FNG.pdf>`__ and the
+`JST-ZH connectors <http://www.jst-mfg.com/product/detail_e.php?series=287>`__
+-  Voltage: 6V-8.4V (typical)
+-  Current: 1A (maximum for connectors) / 1.2A (maximum average from
+   drivers) / 3.2A (peak from drivers) per channel
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+.. _beaglebone-blue-flashing-firmware:
+Flashing Firmware
+Most Beaglebones have a built in 4 GB SD card known as a eMMC (embedded
+MMC). When the boards are made the eMMC is “flashed” with some version
+of the Beaglebone OS that is usually outdated. Therefore, whenever
+receiving the Beaglebone it is recommend that you update the eMMC with
+the last version of the Beaglebone OS or a specific version of it if
+someone tells you otherwise.
+Required Items
+1. Micro sd card. 4 GB minimum
+2. Micro sd card reader or a built in sd card reader for your PC
+3. Beaglebone image you want to flash.
+4. `Etcher utility <https://etcher.io/>`__ for your PC’s OS.
+Steps Overview
+1. Burn the image you want to flash onto a micro sd card using the
+   Etcher utility.
+2. Boot the Beaglebone like normal and place the micro sd card into the
+   board once booted.
+3. Update the micro sd card image so its in “flashing” mode.
+4. Insert micro sd card, remove power from the Beaglebone, hold sd card
+   select button, power up board
+5. Let the board flash
+Windows PCs
+1.  Download the `Beaglebone
+    OS <https://beagleboard.org/latest-images>`__ image you want to use.
+2.  Use the `Etcher utility <https://etcher.io/>`__ to burn the
+    Beaglebone image you want to use on the micro sd card you plan on
+    using.
+3.  Make sure you don’t have the micro sd card plugged into your board.
+4.  Boot the board
+5.  Connect to the board via serial or ssh so that your on the command
+    prompt.
+6.  Plug the micro sd card into the board.
+7.  Type dmesg in the terminal window
+8.  The last line from the output should say something like (the
+    numbering may differ slightly):
+    -  ``"[ 2805.442940]  mmcblk0: p1"``
+9.  You want to take the above and combine it together by removing the :
+    and space. For the above example it will change to “mmcblk0p1”
+10. In the terminal window enter the following commands:
+.. code:: bash
+   mkdir sd_tmp
+   sudo mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 sd_tmp
+   sudo su
+   echo "cmdline=init=/opt/scripts/tools/eMMC/init-eMMC-flasher-v3.sh" >> sd_tmp/boot/uEnv.txt
+   exit
+   sudo umount sd_tmp
+11. Now power off your board
+12. Hold the update button labeled ``SD`` (the one by itself) to boot
+    off the sdcard.
+13. Restart (RST button) or power up (while still pushing SD button).
+Flashing can take some minutes. ## Linux/Mac PCs 1. Download the
+`Beaglebone OS <https://beagleboard.org/latest-images>`__ image you want
+to use. 1. Use the `Etcher utility <https://etcher.io/>`__ to burn the
+Beaglebone image you want to use on the micro sd card you plan on using.
+1. On the SD card edit the file ``/boot/uEnv.txt`` in order for the SD
+card contents to be flashed onto the firmware eMMC. (Otherwise the BBBL
+will do no more than boot the SD image.) Uncomment the line containing
+``init-eMMC-flasher-v<number>.sh`` either manually or using these
+commands substituting ``X`` with what your SD card shows in ``/dev/``:
+\* ``sudo mount /dev/emmcblkXp1 /mnt`` \* ``cd /mnt`` \*
+``sed -i 's_#[ ]*\(cmdline=init=/opt/scripts/tools/eMMC/init-eMMC-flasher-v[0-9]\+.*\.sh\)_\1_' boot/uEnv.txt``
+1. Eject the sdcard from your computer.
+2. Put it into your BeagleBoneBlue.
+3. If your board was already powered on then power it off
+4. Hold the update button labeled ``SD`` (the one by itself) to boot off
+   the sdcard.
+5. Restart (RST button) or power up (while still pushing SD button).
+Flashing can take some minutes.
+How to tell if it is flashing?
+At first a blue heartbeat is shown indicating the image is booted. On
+flash procedure start, the blue user LEDs light up in a “larson scanner”
+or “cylon” pattern (back and forth).
+When finished, either all blue LEDs are on or the board is already
+switched off.
+If the LEDs are on for a long time then it may indicate failure
+e.g. wrong image. Can be verified if boot fails, i.e. board turns off
+again shortly after power up.
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+.. _beaglebone-blue-home:
+BeagleBone Blue
+To optimize BeagleBone for education, BeagleBone Blue was created that integrates many components 
+for robotics and machine control, including connectors for off-the-shelf robotic components. 
+For education, this means you can quickly start talking about topics such as programming and 
+control theory, without needing to spend so much time on electronics. The goal is to still be 
+very hackable for learning electronics as well, including being fully open hardware.
+BeagleBone Blue's legacy is primarily from contributions to BeagleBone Black 
+robotics by `UCSD Flow Control and Coordinated Robotics Lab <http://robotics.ucsd.edu/>`_, 
+`Strawson Design <http://www.strawsondesign.com/>`_, `Octavo Systems <http://octavosystems.com/>`_, 
+`WowWee <http://www.wowwee.com/mip/>`_, `National Instruments LabVIEW <http://www.ni.com/labview/>`_ 
+and of course the `BeagleBoard.org Foundation <https://beagleboard.org/about>`_.
+.. toctree::
+   :maxdepth: 1
+   pinouts.rst
+   ssh.rst
+   wifi.rst
+   ip-settings.rst
+   flashing-firmware.rst
+   code.rst
+   tests.rst
+   accessories.rst
+   faq.rst
+   rev-c-priorities.rst
diff --git a/beaglebone-blue/ip-settings.rst b/beaglebone-blue/ip-settings.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..97b21a41d3b0739b0d1aeae090e723c3f7c42d17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/beaglebone-blue/ip-settings.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+.. _beaglebone-blue-ip-settings
+IP settings
+You will usually want to have a fixed ip if you are doing robotics, so
+you have a standard ip to connect to. If you are already connected in
+dhcp you can borrow some of the settings from that to use in your new
+.. code:: bash
+   route  
+make a note of the default one, (in the example below
+.. code:: bash
+   cat /etc/resolv.conf
+make a note of the nameserver, (in the example below
+In my case I wanted to do this,
+.. code:: bash
+   sudo -s
+   connmanctl config wifi_f45eab2f1ee1_6372797774616c_managed_psk --ipv4 manual --nameservers
+   exit
+the –ipv4 says to use ipv4 settings (as opposed to ipv6), the manual
+means we are setting the values. is the ip address we want.
+(use your own of course). is the network mask
+is the route to the internet. (You’re might be different, but this is
+common). –nameservers says where to find the ip address for a
+given domain name. the says use’s googles
diff --git a/beaglebone-blue/media/BeagleBone_Blue_pinouts.png b/beaglebone-blue/media/BeagleBone_Blue_pinouts.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1449f9f4127d2b33a0f7fdcd7c190628a6fa5e45
Binary files /dev/null and b/beaglebone-blue/media/BeagleBone_Blue_pinouts.png differ
diff --git a/beaglebone-blue/media/pinout.jpg b/beaglebone-blue/media/pinout.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b000d3e666d5edf6250605e14b65059550ddba30
Binary files /dev/null and b/beaglebone-blue/media/pinout.jpg differ
diff --git a/beaglebone-blue/pinouts.rst b/beaglebone-blue/pinouts.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..92fc416d45517b8c2f800e206773c8a041ff1088
--- /dev/null
+++ b/beaglebone-blue/pinouts.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+.. _beaglebone-blue-pinouts:
+BeagleBone Blue Pinouts 
+.. image:: media/BeagleBone_Blue_pinouts.png 
+   :align: center
+.. image:: media/pinout.jpg
+   :align: center
+-  Connector pinout
+   `details <https://github.com/beagleboard/beaglebone-blue/blob/master/BeagleBone_Blue_sch.pdf>`__
+   from schematic(s)
+-  `Pin
+   Table <https://github.com/beagleboard/beaglebone-blue/blob/master/BeagleBone_Blue_Pin_Table.csv>`__
+   with some Blue : Black corelation.
+UART (/dev/ttyS1)
+.. code:: bash
+   config-pin P9.24 uart
+   config-pin P9.26 uart
+UART (/dev/ttyS2)
+.. code:: bash
+   config-pin P9.21 uart
+   config-pin P9.22 uart
diff --git a/beaglebone-blue/rev-c-priorities.rst b/beaglebone-blue/rev-c-priorities.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e7f50eb23ee4de7da20c5024fb8a1a5e8a9defa6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/beaglebone-blue/rev-c-priorities.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+.. _beaglebone-blue-rev-c-updates:
+Rev-C updates:
+-  Update to dual-A53 processor
+-  Protect serial ports, QEP and others that could drive inputs while
+   power is off (at least 5V tolerance)
+-  Switch USB type-microB to USB type-C
+-  Add 5Gbps (SS) to USB type-C
+-  Add mux to support USB type-C host mode (cable flip support)
+-  Perform PD on USB type-C to enable charging when 20V is available,
+   drop barrel jack
+-  `Move MPU9250 to
+   SPI <https://github.com/beagleboard/beaglebone-blue/issues/43>`__
+-  Swap out motor connectors
+-  Move up to 3S LiPo battery and 12V motors
+-  Add support for quad 3-phase motors
+-  Add BeagleConnect-compatible subG wireless
+-  Add +/- 12V support on ADC
+-  Add Pi-compatible CSI connector for camera
+-  Add 5GHz WiFi
+-  Add PCIe as alt-mode to USB type-C
+-  Add RS-485
+-  Switch to push-pull microSD card cage
+-  Use gold plated pins
+-  Power motors when running on USB type-C
+-  TODO: Consider 28V 3-phase motors
+-  Switch some connectors to Click Shuttle ribbon header
+-  Support I3C
+-  Support FD-CAN
+-  ~Switch to Atheros9K for WiFi~ Consider going with WiLink8 discrete
+   and 5GHz
+-  On-board audio codec
+-  PoE expansion
+-  MIDI expansion
+-  Multi-channel audio expansion
+Features suitable to remove
+-  Bluetooth (not commonly used, whereas BLE and SubG can be more
+   useful)
+-  2.4GHz WiFi (too much interference)
+Example motors to drive
+Brushed DC
+-  `DFRobot
+   FIT0441 <https://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/dfrobot/FIT0441/1738-1157-ND/6588579?utm_adgroup=Motors%20-%20AC,%20DC&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Shopping_Product_Motors,%20Solenoids,%20Driver%20Boards/Modules&utm_term=&utm_content=Motors%20-%20AC,%20DC&gclid=CjwKCAjw26H3BRB2EiwAy32zhVs5Yf-JZ6fIOZlI79NlxhSv1wkXs-ZDEyYi8ZD7XIP9H9fyWHnxQxoCAmEQAvD_BwE>`__
+-  `Geartisan 12V
+   DC <https://smile.amazon.com/Greartisan-Electric-Reduction-Eccentric-Diameter/dp/B072R5QSRG>`__
+3 phase (BLDC, 3 phase stepper, etc.)
+-  `Moon NEMA 17 3 phase
+   stepper <https://www.moonsindustries.com/series/nema-17-smooth-hybrid-stepper-motors-b020302>`__
+-  `Primopal NEMA 17 3 phase
+   stepper <http://www.primopal.com/web/Product4_GoodsID_25.html>`__ [
+   `$6 on
+   Alibaba <https://primopal.en.alibaba.com/product/60637037880-811771415/1_2_degree_3_phase_dc_hybrid_china_bipolar_control_step_valve_flat_nema_17_stepper_motor_for_3d_printer_robot_arm_cnc_kit.html>`__
+   ]
+-  `XXD A2212 KV1000
+   BLDC <https://usa.banggood.com/Wholesale-XXD-A2212-KV1000-Brushless-Motor-H363-For-RC-Airplane-Quadcopter-p-57432.html?cur_warehouse=CN>`__
+-  `OMC NEMA 23 3 phase
+   stepper <https://www.omc-stepperonline.com/3-phase-stepper-motor/p-series-nema-23-1-2deg-3-phase-stepper-motor-5-5a-1nm-141-64oz-in.html>`__
+Proposed motor drive circuit
+-  Driver: https://www.ti.com/product/DRV8316
+-  [STRIKEOUT:Reference design: https://www.ti.com/tool/TIDA-01516]
+-  [STRIKEOUT:Gate driver, shunt amp:
+   https://www.ti.com/product/DRV8323]
+-  [STRIKEOUT:FET pairs (1/2 H-bridge):
+   https://www.ti.com/product/CSD87353Q5D]
+-  Temperature sensor: https://www.ti.com/product/LM95071
+Issues to review
+-  https://github.com/beagleboard/beaglebone-blue/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3Afix-in-rev-b
+-  https://github.com/beagleboard/beaglebone-blue/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3Afix-in-rev-c
+Integrate feedback from
+-  TAMU - https://mxet.github.io/SCUTTLE/ -
+   https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LxO_4hpFQ1i4Vw9NmBai6ByAXrzt0i4g4wozqWoz0x4/edit?usp=sharing
+-  GT - https://fis.gatech.edu/multisensor-kit-mechanical-assembly/
+Blue GT feedback
+- 24V DC input option in cabinets
+- 24V/12V/5V DC output helpful for sensors
+- 4-20mA loop (definitely!)
+- ADC (big bottleneck) (brings to NI DAQ level)
+- -12V to 12V
+- Current measurement (currently rectifying)
+   - 12/14-bit is good enough as is SAR max
+   - 7/8 channels is good enough
+   - Flexible software configuration ideal
+   - How much tolerance? (not seen as much more than 12V)
+- Enclosure is important
+- Look at Automation Direct Productivity Open
+- Look at ncd.io
+   - Nice to have a block without doing extra jump
+   - Wired version would be more determinisitc
+      - OPC-UA, etc. when is time 0?
+- 5GHz WiFi
+   - Better stock WiFi antennas
+      - Pi has better?
+      - USB dongle did better
+   - Better WiFi config
+- Better PRU support
+   - High-school/undergrad-level
+   - Example code and interpreters
+- Better support on image management
+   - eMMC to microSD
+   - Need to advertise it!
+- Better community on-boarding
+- Build on PRU and ADC advantages over Pi
+IoT workshop in November
+Review the GT cape
+Linear position sensor cape just done
+Thoughts on ribbon cables?
diff --git a/beaglebone-blue/ssh.rst b/beaglebone-blue/ssh.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..42e5ea7dab589e042ead904cebc89b115180368d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/beaglebone-blue/ssh.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+.. _beaglebone-blue-passowrd:
+If you don’t have ssh installed, install it. (google is your friend)
+Then `ssh debian@` The board will tell you what the password
+is, on my it was `temppwd`.
+To change your password use the command passwd it will ask you what your
+current password is, then ask for the replacement. Then it will say it
+was too simple and you have to do it again. Normal stuff.
+If you want to insist on using your simple password, try this.
+.. code:: bash
+   sudo -s
+   (become superuser/root)
+   enter your password
+   passwd debian
+    (put your simple password in)
+   exit
+   (exit from superuser/root) 
+When you are running as root, passwd is more compliant and will accept
+simple password
diff --git a/beaglebone-blue/tests.rst b/beaglebone-blue/tests.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6b89d828948efe2b300654e39a192ef340070730
--- /dev/null
+++ b/beaglebone-blue/tests.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+.. _beaglebone-blue-one-liner-tests:
+BeagleBone Blue tests
+-  `Grove Rotary Angle
+   Sensor <http://wiki.seeed.cc/Grove-Rotary_Angle_Sensor/>`__
+   See output on adc_1
+   `source <https://github.com/StrawsonDesign/Robotics_Cape_Installer/blob/master/examples/rc_test_adc/rc_test_adc.c>`__
+.. code:: bash
+      rc_test_adc
+-  Grove single GPIO output modules like `LED Socket
+   Kit <http://wiki.seeed.cc/Grove-LED_Socket_Kit/>`__
+.. code:: bash
+      cd /sys/class/gpio;echo 49 >export;cd gpio49;echo out >direction;while sleep 1;do echo 0 >value;sleep 1;echo 1 >value;done
+-  Grove single GPIO input modules like `IR Distance
+   Interrupter <http://wiki.seeed.cc/Grove-IR_Distance_Interrupter_v1.2/>`__
+   or `Touch Sensor <http://wiki.seeed.cc/Grove-Touch_Sensor/>`__
+.. code:: bash
+      cd /sys/class/gpio;echo 49 >export;cd gpio49;echo in >direction;watch -n0 cat value
+-  Grove single GPIO output modules like `LED Socket
+   Kit <http://wiki.seeed.cc/Grove-LED_Socket_Kit/>`__
+.. code:: bash
+      cd /sys/class/gpio;echo 97 >export;cd gpio97;echo out >direction;while sleep 1;do echo 0 >value;sleep 1;echo 1 >value;done
+-  Grove single GPIO input modules like `IR Distance
+   Interrupter <http://wiki.seeed.cc/Grove-IR_Distance_Interrupter_v1.2/>`__
+   or `Touch Sensor <http://wiki.seeed.cc/Grove-Touch_Sensor/>`__
+.. code:: bash
+      cd /sys/class/gpio;echo 97 >export;cd gpio97;echo in >direction;watch -n0 cat value
+-  `Grove GPS <http://wiki.seeed.cc/Grove-GPS/>`__
+.. code:: bash
+      tio /dev/ttyO1 -b 9600
+-  `GPS Receiver - EM-506 <https://www.sparkfun.com/products/12751>`__
+.. code:: bash
+      tio /dev/ttyO2 -b 4800
+.. _grove_i2c_modules:
+Grove I2C modules
+The Linux kernel source has some `basic IIO SYSFS interface
+documentation <https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/ABI/testing/sysfs-bus-iio>`__
+which might provide a little help for understanding reading these
+entries. The ELC2017 conference also had `an IIO
+presentation <http://elinux.org/images/b/ba/ELC_2017_-_Industrial_IO_and_You-_Nonsense_Hacks%21.pdf>`__.
+-  `Digital Light Sensor <http://wiki.seeed.cc/Grove-Digital_Light_Sensor/>`__
+.. code:: bash
+      cd /sys/bus/i2c/devices/i2c-1;echo tsl2561 0x29 >new_device;watch -n0 cat 1-0029/iio\:device0/in_illuminance0_input
+-  `Temperature & Humidity
+   Sensor <http://wiki.seeed.cc/Grove-TemptureAndHumidity_Sensor-High-Accuracy_AndMini-v1.0/>`__
+.. code:: bash
+      cd /sys/bus/i2c/devices/i2c-1;echo th02 0x40 >new_device;watch -n0 cat 1-0040/iio\:device0/in_temp_raw
+.. code:: bash
+   rc_test_motors
diff --git a/beaglebone-blue/wifi.rst b/beaglebone-blue/wifi.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8744892df6e30e2e0194a02334a6ac034b0a24ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/beaglebone-blue/wifi.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+.. _beaglebone-blue-wifi:
+WiFi Setup
+On my network, I’m set up as ip 192.168.1.*. To turn your wifi on, do the following.
+.. code:: bash
+   sudo -s
+   (become superuser/root)
+   cd /etc/network/
+   ifconfig
+   (Note the wifi inet address, if it is already set, you are done!)
+   connmanctl
+   tether wifi off
+   enable wifi
+   scan wifi
+   services
+   (at this point you should see your network appear along with other stuff, in my case it was "AR Crystal wifi_f45eab2f1ee1_6372797774616c_managed_psk")
+   nano interfaces
+   (or whatever editor you like)
+   remove the comment # from the wifi lines so it now appears like
+   ##connman: WiFi
+   #
+   connmanctl
+   connmanctl> tether wifi off
+   connmanctl> enable wifi
+   connmanctl> scan wifi
+   connmanctl> services
+   connmanctl> agent on
+   connmanctl> connect wifi_f45eab2f1ee1_6372797774616c_managed_psk
+   connmanctl> quit
+   exit
+   note that you will need to fill in your own network data
diff --git a/index-tex.rst b/index-tex.rst
index f7de0d008c30e48d36262aa70cf21480f303db87..774f7f1714a270ad0767658ab974b6c58e166fa9 100644
--- a/index-tex.rst
+++ b/index-tex.rst
@@ -13,4 +13,5 @@ BeagleBoard Docs
-   pocketbeagle/index.rst
\ No newline at end of file
+   pocketbeagle/index.rst
+   beaglebone-blue/index.rst
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/index.rst b/index.rst
index 5a79cef60281823d51df5935fb9ee4fb49babf0d..a7b488d467cda07c8ba58f8fed2e0b0cdb8dd486 100644
--- a/index.rst
+++ b/index.rst
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ Sections
+   beaglebone-blue/index.rst
 Indices and tables