diff --git a/boards/beaglev/fire/demos-and-tutorials/gateware/customize-cape-gateware-verilog.rst b/boards/beaglev/fire/demos-and-tutorials/gateware/customize-cape-gateware-verilog.rst
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a607ff097738e5415f625321f33ee343d9d78670
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boards/beaglev/fire/demos-and-tutorials/gateware/customize-cape-gateware-verilog.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+Customize BeagleV-Fire Cape Gateware Using Verilog
+This document describes how to customize gateware attached to BeagleV-Fire's cape interface using
+Verilog as primary language. The methodolgy described can also be applied when using other HDL
+It will describe:
+- How to generate programming bitstreams without requiring the installation of the Libero FPGA toolchain on your development machine.
+- How to use the cape Verilog template
+- How to use the git.beagleboard.org CI infrastruture to generate programming bitstreams for your custom gateware
+1. Fork BeagleV-Fire gateware repository on git.beagleboard.org
+2. Create a custom gateware build option
+3. Rename a copy of the cape gateware Verilog template
+4. Customize the cape's Verilog source code
+5. Commit and push changes to your forked repository
+6. Retrieve the forked repositories artifacts
+7. Program BeagleV-Fire with your custom bitstream 
+Fork BeagleV-Fire Gateware Repository
+Navigate to BeagleV-Fire's `gateware source code repository <https://git.beagleboard.org/beaglev-fire/gateware>`_.
+Click on the **Forks** button on the top-right corner.
+.. figure:: media/gateware-beaglev-fire-fork.png
+    :align: center
+On the Fork Project page, select your namespace
+and adjust the project name to help you manage multiple custom gateware (e.g. my-lovely-gateware).
+Click the **Fork project** button.
+.. figure:: media/verilog-gateware-fork.png
+    :align: center
+Clone the forked repository::
+    git clone git@git.beagleboard.org:<MY-NAMESPACE>>/my-lovely-gateware.git
+Where <MY-NAMESPACE> is your Gitlab user space/user name.
+Create A Custom Gateware Build Option
+BeagleV-Fire's gateware build system uses "build configuration" YAML files to describe the combination
+of gateware components options that will be used to build the gateware programming bitstream. You need 
+to create one such file to describe to the gateware build system that you want your own custom gateware
+to be built. You need to have one such file describing your gateware in directory **custom-fpga-design**.
+Let's modify the **./custom-fpga-design/my_custom_fpga_design.yaml** build configuration file to 
+specify that your custom cape gateware should be included in the gateware bitstream. In this instance will 
+call our custom cape gateware MY_LOVELY_CAPE.
+    .. code-block::
+        HSS:
+            type: git
+            link: https://git.beagleboard.org/beaglev-fire/hart-software-services.git
+            branch: develop-beaglev-fire
+            board: bvf
+        gateware:
+            type: sources
+            build-args: "M2_OPTION:NONE CAPE_OPTION:MY_LOVELY_CAPE" # <1>
+            unique-design-version: 9.0.2
+    .. annotations::
+        <1> On the gateware build-args line, replace VERILOG_TUTORIAL with MY_LOVELY_CAPE.
+Note: The **custom-fpga-design** directory has a special meaning for the Beagleboard Gitlab CI system.
+Any build configuration found in this directory will be built by the CI system. This allows generating
+FPGA programming bitstreams without the requirement for having the Microchip FPGA toolchain installed
+on your computer.
+Rename A Copy Of The Cape Gateware Verilog Template
+Move to the cape gateware source code::
+    cd my-lovely-gateware/sources/FPGA-design/script_support/components/CAPE
+Create a directory that will contain your custom cape gateware source code::
+    mkdir MY_LOVELY_CAPE
+Copy the cape Verilog template::
+Customize The Cape's Verilog Source Code
+Move to your custom gateware source directory:
+You will need to first edit the ADD_CAPE.tcl TCL script to use your source code within your custom
+gateware directory and not the Verilog template source code. In this example this means using source
+code within the MY_LOVELY_CAPE directory rather the VERILOG_TEMPLATE directory.
+Edit ADD_CAPE.tcl
+.. code-block:: 
+    #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # Import HDL source files
+    #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    import_files -hdl_source {script_support/components/CAPE/MY_LOVELY_CAPE/HDL/apb_ctrl_status.v}
+    import_files -hdl_source {script_support/components/CAPE/MY_LOVELY_CAPE/HDL/P8_IOPADS.v}
+    import_files -hdl_source {script_support/components/CAPE/MY_LOVELY_CAPE/HDL/P9_11_18_IOPADS.v}
+    import_files -hdl_source {script_support/components/CAPE/MY_LOVELY_CAPE/HDL/P9_21_31_IOPADS.v}
+    import_files -hdl_source {script_support/components/CAPE/MY_LOVELY_CAPE/HDL/P9_41_42_IOPADS.v}
+    import_files -hdl_source {script_support/components/CAPE/MY_LOVELY_CAPE/HDL/CAPE.v}
+Add the path to your additional Verilog source code files.
+    .. code-block:: 
+        #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        # Import HDL source files
+        #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        import_files -hdl_source {script_support/components/CAPE/MY_LOVELY_CAPE/HDL/blinky.v} # <1>
+        import_files -hdl_source {script_support/components/CAPE/MY_LOVELY_CAPE/HDL/apb_ctrl_status.v}
+        import_files -hdl_source {script_support/components/CAPE/MY_LOVELY_CAPE/HDL/P8_IOPADS.v}
+        import_files -hdl_source {script_support/components/CAPE/MY_LOVELY_CAPE/HDL/P9_11_18_IOPADS.v}
+        import_files -hdl_source {script_support/components/CAPE/MY_LOVELY_CAPE/HDL/P9_21_31_IOPADS.v}
+        import_files -hdl_source {script_support/components/CAPE/MY_LOVELY_CAPE/HDL/P9_41_42_IOPADS.v}
+        import_files -hdl_source {script_support/components/CAPE/MY_LOVELY_CAPE/HDL/CAPE.v}
+    .. annotations::
+        <1> In our case we will be adding a new Verilog source file called blinky.v.
+You will only need to revisit the content of ADD_CAPE.tcl if you want to add more Verilog source files
+or want to modify how the cape interfaces with the rest of the gateware (RISC-V processor subsystem,
+clock and reset blocks).
+Customize The Cape's Verilog source code
+We will add a simple Verilog source file, blinky.v, in the MY_LOVELY_CAPE directory. Code below:
+.. code-block::
+    `timescale 1ns/100ps
+    module blinky(
+    input    clk,
+    input    resetn,
+    output   blink
+    );
+    reg [22:0] counter;
+    assign blink = counter[22];
+    always@(posedge clk or negedge resetn)
+    begin
+        if(~resetn)
+            begin
+                counter <= 16'h0000;
+            end
+        else
+            begin
+                counter <= counter + 1;
+            end
+    end
+    endmodule
+Let's connect the blinky Verilog module within the cape by editing the CAPE.v file.
+Add the instantiation of the blinky module:
+    .. code-block::
+        //--------P9_41_42_IOPADS
+        P9_41_42_IOPADS P9_41_42_IOPADS_0(
+                // Inputs
+                .GPIO_OE  ( GPIO_OE_const_net_3 ),
+                .GPIO_OUT ( GPIO_OUT_const_net_3 ),
+                // Outputs
+                .GPIO_IN  (  ),
+                // Inouts
+                .P9_41    ( P9_41 ),
+                .P9_42    ( P9_42 ) 
+                );
+        //--------blinky
+        blinky blinky_0(                # <1>
+                .clk     ( PCLK ),      # <2>
+                .resetn  ( PRESETN ),   # <3>
+                .blink   ( BLINK )      # <4>
+                );
+        endmodule
+    .. annotations::
+        <1> Create a blinky module instance called blinky_0.
+        <2> Connect the clock using the existing PCLK wire.
+        <3> Connect the reset using the exisitng PRESETS wire.
+        <4> Connect the blinky's blink output using the BLINK wire. This BLINK wire needs to be declared.
+Add the BLINK wire:
+    .. code-block::
+        wire           PCLK;
+        wire           PRESETN;
+        wire           BLINK;                   # <1>
+        wire   [31:0]  APB_SLAVE_PRDATA_net_0;
+        wire   [27:0]  GPIO_IN_net_1;
+    .. annotations::
+        <1> Create a wire called BLINK.
+The BLINK wire will be used to connect the blinky module's output to a top level output connected
+to an LED. Do you see where this is going?
+Now for the complicated part. We are going to change the wiring of the bi-directional buffers
+controlling the cape I/Os including the user LEDs. 
+The original code populates two 43 bits wide wires for controlling the output-enable and output
+values of the P8 cape connector I/Os. The bottom 28 bits being controlled by the microprocessor
+subsystem's GPIO block.
+    .. code-block::
+        //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+        // Concatenation assignments
+        //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+        assign GPIO_OE_net_0  = { 16'h0000 , GPIO_OE };
+        assign GPIO_OUT_net_0 = { 16'h0000 , GPIO_OUT };
+We are going to hijack the 6th I/O with our blinky's output:
+    .. code-block::
+        //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+        // Concatenation assignments
+        //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+        assign GPIO_OE_net_0 = { 16'h0000, GPIO_OE[27:6], 1'b1, GPIO_OE[4:0] };         # <1>
+        assign GPIO_OUT_net_0 = { 16'h0000 , GPIO_OUT[27:6], BLINK, GPIO_OUT[4:0] };    # <2>
+    .. annotations::
+        <1> Tie high the output-enable of the 6th bit to constantly enable that output.
+        <2> Control the 6th output from the blink module through the WIRE wire.
+Edit The Cape's Device Tree Overlay
+You should always have a device tree overlay associated with your gateware even if there is limited
+control from Linux. The device tree overlay is very useful to identify which gateware is currently
+programmed on your BeagleV-Fire.
+    .. code-block::
+        /dts-v1/;
+        /plugin/;
+        &{/chosen} {
+            overlays {
+            };
+        };
+    .. annotations::
+This change will result in MY-LOVELY-CAPE-GATEWARE being visible in /proc/device-tree/chosen/overlays
+at run-time, allowing to check that my lovely gateware is successfully programmed on BeagleV-Fire.
+Commit And Push Changes To Your Forked Repository
+Move back up to the root directory of your gateware project. This is the my-lovely-gateware directory in our current example.
+Add the my-lovely-gateware/sources/FPGA-design/script_support/components/CAPE/MY_LOVELY_CAPE directory content to your git repository.
+    git add sources/FPGA-design/script_support/components/CAPE/MY_LOVELY_CAPE/
+Commit changes to my-lovely-gateware/custom-fpga-design/my_custom_fpga_design.yaml
+    git commit -m "Add my lovely gateware."
+Push changes to your beagleboard Gitlab repository:
+    git push
+Retrieve The Forked Repositories Artifacts
+Navigate to your forked repository. Click Pipelines in the left pane then the Download Artifacts
+button on the right handside. Select build-job:archive. This will result in an artifacts.zip file
+being downloaded.
+.. figure:: media/gateware-pipeline.png
+    :align: center
+Program BeagleV-Fire With Your Custom Bitstream 
+Unzip the downloaded artifacts.zip file. Go to the gateware-builds-tester/artifacts/bitstreams directory:
+    cd gateware-builds-tester/artifacts/bitstreams
+On your Linux host development computer, use the scp command to copy the bitstream to BeagleV-Fire
+home directory, replacing <IP_ADDRESS> with the IP address of your BeagleV-Fire.
+    scp -r  ./my_custom_fpga_design beagle@<IP_ADDRESS>:/home/beagle/
+On BeagleV-Fire, initiate the reprogramming of the FPGA with your gateware bitstream:
+    sudo su
+    /usr/share/beagleboard/gateware/changes-gateware.sh ./my_custom_fpga_design
+Wait for a couple of minutes for the BeagleV-Fire to reprogram itself.
+You will see the 6th user LED flash once the board is reprogrammed. That's the Verilog you added
+blinking the LED.
+On BeagleV-Fire, You can check that your gateware was loaded using the following command to see the
+device tree overlays:
+    tree /proc/device-tree/chosen/overlays/
+.. figure:: media/gateware-lovely-overlay.png
+    :align: center
diff --git a/boards/beaglev/fire/demos-and-tutorials/gateware/media/gateware-beaglev-fire-fork.png b/boards/beaglev/fire/demos-and-tutorials/gateware/media/gateware-beaglev-fire-fork.png
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..db841f5484d5de15f63621708d38a0dbde1e835c
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diff --git a/boards/beaglev/fire/demos-and-tutorials/gateware/media/gateware-pipeline.png b/boards/beaglev/fire/demos-and-tutorials/gateware/media/gateware-pipeline.png
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