diff --git a/accessories/cables.rst b/accessories/cables.rst
index c6f910d6b989b42eb98fe5c585e0a99fff254833..6a816d5a417cfeced976eab5e4e27d40652c5e6d 100644
--- a/accessories/cables.rst
+++ b/accessories/cables.rst
@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ BeagleBone AI-64 you'll have to procure your own USB cable.
     | Board                      | USB type     |
+    | BeagleBone Play            | USB-C        |
+    +----------------------------+--------------+
     | BeagleBone Black           | miniUSB      |
     | PocketBeagle               | microUSB     |
@@ -57,9 +59,9 @@ The default serial port settings for the board are:
 TagConnect (JTAG)
-Boards like :ref:`beagleconnect_freedom_home` and :ref:`beagleplay-home` use TagConnect 
-interface which allows you to do firmware update and JTAG hardware debugging. To use the 
-interface, you'll require the parts below from `tag-connect <https://www.tag-connect.com>`_
+Boards like :ref:`beagleconnect_freedom_home` and :ref:`beagleplay-home` use the TagConnect 
+interface which allows you to perform firmware updates and JTAG hardware debugging. To use the 
+interface, the the parts below from `tag-connect <https://www.tag-connect.com>`_  are required.
 1. `10pin TagConnect (no legs) ribbon cable. <https://www.tag-connect.com/product/tc2050-idc-nl-10-pin-no-legs-cable-with-ribbon-connector>`_
 2. `TagConnect retaining clip. <https://www.tag-connect.com/product/tc2050-clip-3pack-retaining-clip>`_
@@ -68,7 +70,7 @@ Standard FTDI Cable
 The debug cable is a standard FTDI to TTL cable. Make sure you get the 3.3V version. 
-You can purchase this from several different sources including but not limited to:
+It can purchased from several different sources including but not limited to:
 - `DigiKey <http://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/TTL-232R-3V3/768-1015-ND/1836393>`_
 - `Newark <http://www.newark.com/jsp/search/productdetail.jsp?SKU=34M8872&CMP=KNC-GPLA&mckv=%7Cpcrid%7C19038771501%7Cplid%7C>`_
@@ -80,14 +82,14 @@ You can purchase this from several different sources including but not limited t
     :align: center
     :alt: FTDI Cable
-Pin 1 on the cable is the black wire and connects to pin 1 on the board, the pin with the white dot next to it. 
+Pin 1 on the cable is the black wire and connects to pin 1 on the board. (the pin with the white dot next to it)
 Adafruit 4 Pin Cable (PL2303)
-One is from `Adafruit <http://www.adafruit.com/products/954>`_. This is a Prolific chipset based cable. 
-Some people have reported issues with the cable causing some issues with data corruption. You experience 
-may vary. You will need to install the Prolific drivers. Those can be downloaded from Adafruit.
+This is a Prolific chipset based cable sold by `Adafruit <http://www.adafruit.com/products/954>`_.
+Some people have reported issues with the cable causing some issues with data corruption. Your experience 
+may vary. You will need to install the Prolific drivers, downloadable from Adafruit.
 .. image:: images/RPI_Serial.png
     :align: center
@@ -110,47 +112,7 @@ may vary. You will need to install the Prolific drivers. Those can be downloaded
     The naming of the signals reflect those of the cable. 
     The swapping of TX and RX takes place on the board.
-You will also find an extra RED wire on this cable. Just leave it unconnected.
-FTDI 3 Pin Cable
-You can purchase the another version direct from **FTDI This cable only has three wires for connection. 
-You can find the datasheet and a picture at** Cable
-.. table:: 3 pin FTDI cable connection to BeagleBone Black
-    +--------------+--------------+--------------+
-    | Board        | Wire         | Function     |
-    +==============+==============+==============+
-    | Pin 1        | Black        | Ground       |
-    +--------------+--------------+--------------+
-    | Pin 4        | Yellow       | Receive      |
-    +--------------+--------------+--------------+
-    | Pin 5        | Orange       | Transmit     |
-    +--------------+--------------+--------------+
-.. note:: 
-    The naming of the signals reflect those of the cable. 
-    The swapping of TX and RX takes place on the board. 
-Olimex 3 Pin Cable (PL2303)
-A third version is sold by `Olimex <https://www.olimex.com/Products/Components/Cables/USB-Serial-Cable/USB-Serial-Cable-F/>`_
-.. table:: 3 pin FTDI cable connection to BeagleBone Black
-    +--------------+--------------+--------------+
-    | Board        | Wire         | Function     |
-    +==============+==============+==============+
-    | Pin 1        | Black        | Ground       |
-    +--------------+--------------+--------------+
-    | Pin 4        | Green        | Receive      |
-    +--------------+--------------+--------------+
-    | Pin 5        | Red          | Transmit     |
-    +--------------+--------------+--------------+
+You will also find an extra RED wire on this cable, this can be left unconnected.
 HDMI Cables
@@ -159,38 +121,17 @@ HDMI Cables
 Working HDMI Cables
-The board uses a microHDMI cable. Sources include but are not limited to:
-- `Amazon <http://www.amazon.com/Amzer-Micro-HDMI-Speed-Cable/dp/B003OBZSHC>`_
-- `Staples <http://www.staples.com/Staples-HDMI-To-Micro-D-HDMI-Cable/product_926993>`_
-- `Mediabridge <http://www.mediabridgeproducts.com/store/pc/6FT-FLEX-Series-High-Speed-Micro-HDMI-to-HDMI-Cable-with-Ethernet-p246.htm>`_
-- `Monoprice <http://www.monoprice.com/products/product.asp?c_id=102&cp_id=10253&cs_id=1025301&p_id=7557&seq=1&format=2>`_ [#]_
+The BeagleBone Black uses a microHDMI cable. 
 .. image:: images/MicroHDMI.jpg
     :align: center
     :alt: MicroHDMI to HDMI cable
-Bad HDMI Cables
-`High Speed HDMI Cable with Ethernet ,Type D Micro M/M Cable <http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16882241049>`_: Didn't work, not grounded. 
 microHDMI to VGA
 `Cable Matters Micro HDMI to VGA Adapter <https://www.amazon.com/Cable-Matters-Active-Female-Adapter/dp/B00879EZJI/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1381610066&sr=8-2&keywords=micro-hdmi+to+vga>`_
-HDMI to Composite/CVBS/RCA AV Video Converter
-- `Sounce HDMI to RCA,HDMI to AV <https://www.amazon.in/Sounce-Composite-Converter-Supports-DVD-Black/dp/B098DMMS3Z>`_
-HDMI-Female to Micro HDMI-Male Adapter
-- `Lapster Micro HDMI Male to HDMI Female <https://www.amazon.in/Lapster-Micro-Female-Converter-Adapter/dp/B08PP924DK>`_
 miniDP to HDMI 
@@ -198,19 +139,15 @@ Working miniDP to HDMI
 .. note::
-    BeagleBone-AI64 requires **ACTIVE** miniDP to HDMI cable or adaptor to work, 
-    your passive miniDP to HDMI setup will not work at all.
+    BeagleBone-AI64 requires an **ACTIVE** Mini DisplayPort to HDMI cable or adaptor to work, 
+    a passive miniDP to HDMI setup will not work at all.
 - `IVANKY 4K Active Mini DisplayPort to HDMI Adapter <https://www.amazon.com/dp/B089GF8M87/>`_
 - `CableCreation Mini DP (Thunderbolt 2 Compatible) to HDMI <https://www.amazon.in/CD0257-Mini-DP-to-HDMI/dp/B01FM51O0W/>`_
-Bad MiniDP to HDMI
+Examples of "Bad" MiniDP to HDMI
 - `UGREEN Mini DP Male to HDMI <https://www.amazon.in/Mini-Male-Female-Converter-Cable/dp/B01CL1P6TA/>`_
 - `AGARO Mini Displayport (Mini Dp) To Hdmi <https://www.amazon.in/AGARO-Meters-Laptop-Computers-Mobile/dp/B09GW1NMNZ/>`_
-- `AmazonBasics Mini Display Port to HDMI <https://www.amazon.in/AmazonBasics-Mini-DisplayPort-HDMI-Adapter/dp/B0134V3KIA/>`_
-.. [#] Reports are that this cable does not work with the `Adafruit Clear Top Case <http://www.adafruit.com/products/1555>`_
+- `AmazonBasics Mini Display Port to HDMI <https://www.amazon.in/AmazonBasics-Mini-DisplayPort-HDMI-Adapter/dp/B0134V3KIA/>`_
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/boards/beagleplay/01-introduction.rst b/boards/beagleplay/01-introduction.rst
index 641c8c1ee45ca0afcc377893c0a87c6591c4efd5..d3cce184b80eee0e63ed559ce3eb8ad0655d15e7 100644
--- a/boards/beagleplay/01-introduction.rst
+++ b/boards/beagleplay/01-introduction.rst
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ Detailed overview
 BeaglePlay is built around Texas Instruments AM62x Sitaraâ„¢ Processors which is a 
-Human-machine-interaction SoC with Arm® Cortex®-A53. It comes with 2GB DDR4 RAM, 16GB eMMC storage,
+Quad-Core Arm® Cortex®-A53 Human-machine-interaction SoC. It comes with 2GB DDR4 RAM, 16GB eMMC storage,
 Full size HDMI, USB-A host port, USB-C power & connectivity port, serial debug interface, and much more. 
 .. table:: BeaglePlay features
@@ -70,27 +70,26 @@ Full size HDMI, USB-A host port, USB-C power & connectivity port, serial debug i
     |                            | - BeagleConnect Wireless enabled                                          |
     |                            | - Antennas: 2.4GHz & SubG IEEE802.15.4 software defined radio (SDR)       |
-    | Ethernet                   | - PHY: Realtek RTL8211F-VD-CG gigabit Ethernet phy                        |
+    | Ethernet                   | - PHY: Realtek RTL8211F-VD-CG Gigabit Ethernet phy                        |
     |                            | - Connector: integrated magnetics RJ-45                                   |
     | Single-pair Ethernet       | - BeagleConnect Wired enabled                                             |
-    |                            | - PHY: DP83TD510E 10Mbit single-pair Ethernet phy                         |
+    |                            | - PHY: DP83TD510E 10Mbit 10BASE-T1L single-pair Ethernet phy              |
     |                            | - Connector: RJ-11 jack                                                   |
     |                            | - Power (PoDL): Input: N/A (protection to 12V), Output: 5V @ 250mA        |
     | USB type-C                 | - PD/CC: None, HS shorted to both sides                                   |
-    |                            | - Power: Input: 5V @ 3A, Output: N/A                                      |
+    |                            | - Power: Input: 5V @ 3A, Output: N/A (USB-C DRP Not supported)            |
-    | HDMI                       | - PHY: IT66121                                                            |
+    | HDMI                       | - Transmitter: IT66121                                                    |
     |                            | - Connector: full-size                                                    |
     | Other connectors           | - microSD                                                                 |
-    |                            | - USB type-A (480Mbit)                                                    |
+    |                            | - USB 2.0 type-A (480Mbit)                                                    |
     |                            | - mikroBUS connector (I2C/UART/SPI/MCAN/MCASP/PWM/GPIO)                   |
     |                            | - Grove connector (I2C/UART/ADC/PWM/GPIO)                                 |
     |                            | - QWIIC connector (I2C)                                                   |
-    |                            | - CSI connector compatible with BeagleBone AI-64, Raspberry Pi Zero W,    |
-    |                            |   or Raspberry Pi Compute Module IO Board (22-pin)                        |
+    |                            | - CSI connector compatible with BeagleBone AI-64, Raspberry Pi Zero / CM4 (22-pin)                        |
     |                            | - OLDI connector (40-pin)                                                 |
@@ -112,7 +111,7 @@ Some of these applications include:
 AM625 processors are industrial-grade in the 13 x 13 mm package (ALW) and can meet the AEC-Q100 
 automotive standard in the 17.2 x 17.2 mm package (AMC). Industrial and Automotive functional safety 
-requirements can be addressed using the integrated Cortex-M4F cores and dedicated peripherals, which 
+requirements can be addressed using the integrated Cortex-M4F core and dedicated peripherals, which 
 can all be isolated from the rest of the AM62x processor.
 .. tip:: 
@@ -121,10 +120,9 @@ can all be isolated from the rest of the AM62x processor.
 The 3-port Gigabit Ethernet switch has one internal port and two external ports with Time-Sensitive 
 Networking (TSN) support. An additional PRU module on the device enables real-time I/O capability 
 for customer’s own use cases. In addition, the extensive set of peripherals included in AM62x 
-enables system-level connectivity, such as: USB, MMC/SD, Camera interface, OSPI, CAN-FD and GPMC 
-for parallel host interface to an external ASIC/FPGA. The AM62x device also supports secure boot 
-for IP protection with the built-in Hardware Security Module (HSM) and employs advanced power management 
-support for portable and power-sensitive applications
+enables system-level connectivity, such as: USB, MMC/SD, CSI Camera interface, OSPI, CAN-FD and GPMC 
+for parallel host interface to an external ASIC/FPGA. The AM62x device also employs advanced power management 
+support for portable and power-sensitive applications.
 Board components location
@@ -152,42 +150,42 @@ Front components location
     | RTC Battery                | BQ32002 Real Time Clock (RTC) Battery holder takes CR1220 3V battery      |
     | User LEDs                  | Five user LEDs, :ref:`board-power-and-boot` section provides more details.|
-    |                            | These LEDs are connect to the AM6254 SoC.                                 |
+    |                            | These LEDs are connect to the AM6254 SoC                                  |
-    | JTAG (AM62)                | AM6254 SoC JTAG debug port.                                               |
+    | JTAG (AM62)                | AM6254 SoC JTAG debug port                                                |
-    | mikroBUS                   | mikroBUS for MikroE Click boards or any compliant add-on.                 |
+    | mikroBUS                   | mikroBUS for MikroE Click boards or any compliant add-on                  |
-    | OLDI                       | AM6254 OpenLDI(OLDI) display port.                                        |
+    | OLDI                       | AM6254 OpenLDI(OLDI) display port                                         |
-    | CSI                        | AM6254 Camera Serial Interface (MIPI CSI-2).                              |
+    | CSI                        | AM6254 Camera Serial Interface (MIPI CSI-2)                               |
-    | Grove                      | SeeedStudio Grove modules connection port.                                |
+    | Grove                      | SeeedStudio Grove modules connection port                                 |
-    | QWIIC                      | SparkFun QWIIC / Adafruit STEMMA-QT port for I2C modules connectivity.    |
+    | QWIIC                      | SparkFun QWIIC / Adafruit STEMMA-QT port for I2C modules connectivity     |
     | User Button                | Programmable user button, also servers as boot mode slect button          |
-    |                            | (SDCard/eMMC). Press down to select SD Card as boot medium.               |
+    |                            | (SD Card/eMMC). Press down to select SD Card as boot medium                |
-    | SDCard                     | Use to expand storage, boot linux image or flash latest image on eMMC.    |
+    | SD Card                    | Use to expand storage, boot linux image or flash latest image on eMMC     |
-    | Reset button               | Press to reset BeaglePlay board (AM6254 SoC).                             |
+    | Reset button               | Press to reset BeaglePlay board (AM6254 SoC)                              |
-    | JTAG (CC1352)              | JTAG debug port for CC1352P7.                                             |
+    | JTAG (CC1352)              | JTAG debug port for CC1352P7                                              |
-    | Power button               | Press to shut-down (OFF), hold down to boot (ON).                         |
+    | Power button               | Press to shut-down (OFF), hold down to boot (ON)                          |
-    | Power & Connectivity LEDs  | Indicator LEDs for Power ON, CC1352 RF, and Single-pair connectivity.     |
+    | Power & Connectivity LEDs  | Indicator LEDs for Power ON, CC1352 RF, and Single-pair connectivity      |
-    | Single-pair Ethernet       | Single-pair Ethernet connectivity port with power over data line.         |
+    | Single-pair Ethernet       | Single-pair Ethernet connectivity port with power over data line          |
-    | GigaBit Ethernet           | 1Gb/s Wired internet connectivity.                                        |
+    | GigaBit Ethernet           | 1Gb/s Wired internet connectivity                                         |
-    | HDMI Output                | Full size HDMI port for connecting to external display monitors.          |
+    | HDMI Output                | Full size HDMI port for connecting to external display monitors           |
-    | USB-A host port            | Port to connect USB devices like cameras, keyboard & mouse combos, etc.   |
+    | USB-A host port            | Port to connect USB devices like cameras, keyboard & mouse combos, etc    |
-    | USB-C port                 | Power and tethered connection port.                                       |
+    | USB-C port                 | Power and Device data role port                                           |
 Back components location
@@ -207,24 +205,24 @@ Back components location
     | Feature                    | Description                                                               |
-    | CC1352P7                   | 2.4GHz BLE + SubG IEEE802.15.4 with 1 x 2.4GHz + 1 x SubG uFL antenna.    |
+    | CC1352P7                   | 2.4GHz BLE + SubG IEEE 802.15.4 with 1 x 2.4GHz + 1 x SubG uFL antenna     |
-    | WL1807MOD                  | Dual band (2.4GHz & 5GHz) WiFi module with 2 x uFL antennas.              |
+    | WL1807MOD                  | Dual band (2.4GHz & 5GHz) WiFi module with 2 x uFL antennas               |
-    | DP83TD510E                 | Single-pair ethernet PHY.                                                 |
+    | DP83TD510E                 | Single-pair IEEE 802.3cg 10BASE-T1L Ethernet PHY                          |
-    | RTL8211F                   | Ethernet PHY.                                                             |
+    | RTL8211F                   | Gigabit IEEE 802.11 Ethernet PHY                                          |
-    | AM6254                     | Main SoC.                                                                 |
+    | AM6254                     | Main SoC                                                                  |
-    | 16GB eMMC                  | Flash storage.                                                            |
+    | 16GB eMMC                  | Flash storage                                                             |
-    | 2GB DDR$                   | RAM / Memory.                                                             |
+    | 2GB DDR4                   | RAM / Memory                                                              |
-    | BQ32002                    | Real Time Clock (RTC).                                                    |
+    | BQ32002                    | Real Time Clock (RTC)                                                     |
-    | TPS6521901                 | Power management IC.                                                      |
+    | TPS6521901                 | Power Management IC                                                       |
-    | IT66121                    | HDMI PHY.                                                                 |
+    | IT66121                    | HDMI Transmitter                                                          |
diff --git a/boards/beagleplay/02-quick-start.rst b/boards/beagleplay/02-quick-start.rst
index fb9ff6e5a12b2e3739d0d4cb5b73a937963768e4..5d5afc2b6a9ca343657a9b9a905319bb88c50b85 100644
--- a/boards/beagleplay/02-quick-start.rst
+++ b/boards/beagleplay/02-quick-start.rst
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ What's included in the box?
 When you purchase a brand new BeaglePlay, In the box you'll get:
 1. BeaglePlay board
-2. A sub-GHz antenna
-3. Three (3) 2.5GHz/5GHz antennas
+2. One (1) sub-GHz antenna
+3. Three (3) 2.4GHz/5GHz antennas
 4. Plastic standoff hardware
 5. Quick-start card
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ Tethering to PC
     4. Browsing to your Beagle.
     5. Troubleshooting.
-For tethering to your PC you'll need a USB-C to USB-A data cable.
+For tethering to your PC you'll need a USB-C data cable.
 .. figure:: images/tethered-connection.jpg
     :width: 1400
diff --git a/boards/beagleplay/demos-and-tutorials/zephyr-cc1352-development.rst b/boards/beagleplay/demos-and-tutorials/zephyr-cc1352-development.rst
index f65623c50d7c1f57fb93ae55c59192e0e170e9b4..4f9a938014997e38395b7d3f7d9a3b9a89b11b9c 100644
--- a/boards/beagleplay/demos-and-tutorials/zephyr-cc1352-development.rst
+++ b/boards/beagleplay/demos-and-tutorials/zephyr-cc1352-development.rst
@@ -88,14 +88,18 @@ Steps
         echo "    fdtoverlays /overlays/k3-am625-beagleplay-bcfserial-no-firmware.dtbo" | sudo tee -a /boot/firmware/extlinux/extlinux.conf
         sudo shutdown -r now
+    .. note::
+        The default password is `temppwd`.
 #. Download and flash the `WPANUSB` Zephyr application firmware onto the CC1352P7 on BeaglePlay from the `releases on git.beagleboard.org <https://git.beagleboard.org/beagleplay/cc1352/wpanusb/-/releases>`_.
     .. code-block:: bash
-        wget https://debian.beagle.cc/images/cc1352-wpanusb-0.0.2.zip
-        unzip cc1352-wpanusb-0.0.2.zip
-        ./build/play/cc2538-bsl.py build/play
+        wget https://files.beagle.cc/file/beagleboard-public-2021/images/download
+        unzip download
+        build/play/cc2538-bsl.py build/play/wpanusb
 #. Ensure the `bcfserial` driver is set to load.
@@ -280,12 +284,6 @@ Build applications for BeaglePlay CC1352
 Now you can build various Zephyr applications
-.. note::
-    Currently, https://git.beagleboard.org/beagleplay/micropython isn't public, so you'll need
-    to replace that with git@git.beagleboard.org:beagleplay/micropython
 #. Build and flash Blinky example
     .. code-block:: bash