diff --git a/boards/beagleplay/zephyr-cc1352-development.rst b/boards/beagleplay/zephyr-cc1352-development.rst
index 240a36be1492b6e6a416ea0d44576cb2c73a7f56..698365b74450d15354c98e83840ff63e76024afd 100644
--- a/boards/beagleplay/zephyr-cc1352-development.rst
+++ b/boards/beagleplay/zephyr-cc1352-development.rst
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ Install the latest software image for BeaglePlay
 Download and install the Debian Linux operating system image for BeaglePlay.
-#. These instructions were validated with the BeagleBoard.org Debian image `am625x-emmc-flasher-debian-11.5-xfce-arm64-2022-12-14-10gb.img.xz** <https://rcn-ee.net/rootfs/debian-arm64-xfce/2022-12-14/am625x-emmc-flasher-debian-11.5-xfce-arm64-2022-12-14-10gb.img.xz>`_.
+#. These instructions were validated with the BeagleBoard.org Debian image `am625x-emmc-flasher-debian-11.5-xfce-arm64-2022-12-14-10gb.img.xz<https://rcn-ee.net/rootfs/debian-arm64-xfce/2022-12-14/am625x-emmc-flasher-debian-11.5-xfce-arm64-2022-12-14-10gb.img.xz>`_.
 #. Load this image to a microSD card using a tool like Etcher.
diff --git a/intro/contribution/rst-cheat-sheet.rst b/intro/contribution/rst-cheat-sheet.rst
index 4f4722700f322833c06679a9dfe3cf5dd2f563fa..8775e156efc23bb387cd9f87ed3b7dbe770866c0 100644
--- a/intro/contribution/rst-cheat-sheet.rst
+++ b/intro/contribution/rst-cheat-sheet.rst
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Text formatting
 With asterisk you can fomat the text as italic & bold,
-1. Sinlge asterisk (``*``) like ``*emphasis*`` gives you *italic text*
+1. Single asterisk (``*``) like ``*emphasis*`` gives you *italic text*
 2. Double asterisk (``**``) like ``**strong emphasis**`` gives you **blod text**
 With backquote character (`) you can format the text as link & inline literal.
@@ -39,9 +39,9 @@ matching overline and underline to indicate a heading.
 1. Document heading (H1) use ``#``.
 2. First heading (H2) use ``*``.
-3. First heading (H2) use ``=``.
-4. First heading (H2) use ``-``.
-5. First heading (H2) use ``~``.
+3. Second heading (H3) use ``=``.
+4. Third heading (H4) use ``-``.
+5. Fourth heading (H5) use ``~``.
 .. note::
     You can include only one (H1) ``#`` in a single documentation page.
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ We have three types of links to use in sphinx,
 3. Explicit links (labels that can be used anywhere in the project).
 External links
 For a simple link to a site the format is
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ You can also include a label to the link as shown below.
 this will be rendered as `BeagleBoard.org <www.beagleboard.org>`_. 
 Implicit Links
 These are basically the headings inside the rst page which can 
 be used as a link to that section within document. 
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ be used as a link to that section within document.
 when rendered it becomes `Links`_
 Explicit link
 These are special links you can assign to a specific part of the document and reference anywhere 
 in the project unlike implicit links which can be used only within the document they are defined. 
@@ -238,6 +238,42 @@ label for this chapter. These are called the explicit links amd you can referenc
 Both can be used inside/outside of the document and the rendered link will take you directly to that specific segment.
+.. code-block:: ReStructuredText
+    .. callout:: <1>
+        .. code-block:: python <2>
+            import numpy as np # &lt;1&gt; <3>
+            import math # &lt;&gt;
+        .. annotations:: <4>
+            &lt;1&gt; Comment #1 <5>
+            &lt;2&gt; Comment #2
+    .. annotations::
+        <1> Indent everything under a `callout`
+        <2> Create a normal block for what you want to annotate
+        <3> Add &lt;number&gt; everywhere you want to annotate. Put it under a comment block if you want the code to run when copied directly.
+        <4> Create an `annotations` block to hold your callout comments
+        <5> Create an entry, separating each with a blank line and prefixing them with &lt;number&gt;
 .. rubric:: footnotes
 .. [#] `reStructuredText wiki page <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ReStructuredText>`_
@@ -246,4 +282,5 @@ Both can be used inside/outside of the document and the rendered link will take
 .. [#] `Quick reStructuredText (sourceforge) <https://docutils.sourceforge.io/docs/user/rst/quickref.html#hyperlink-targets>`_
-.. [#] `A two-page cheatsheet for restructured text <https://github.com/ralsina/rst-cheatsheet>`_
\ No newline at end of file
+.. [#] `A two-page cheatsheet for restructured text <https://github.com/ralsina/rst-cheatsheet>`_