diff --git a/boards/pocketbeagle2/06-support.rst b/boards/pocketbeagle2/06-support.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..289d229e546e08269ea6cd037db573ba8cf2b621
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boards/pocketbeagle2/06-support.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+.. _pocketbeagle2-support:
+Additional Support Information
+All support for this design is through BeagleBoard.org community 
+at `BeagleBoard.org forum <https://forum.beagleboard.org/tag/pocketbeagle2>`_.
+.. _pocketbeagle2-certifications:
+Certifications and export control
+Export designations
+* HS:
+* US HS:
+* EU HS:
+.. _hardware-design:
+Hardware Design
+You can find all PocketBeagle2 hardware files 
+`here <https://openbeagle.org/pocketbeagle/pocketbeagle-2>`_ under the `design` folder.
+Production board boot media
+.. todo:: Add production image link with board revision information.
+.. _software-updates:
+Software Updates
+Follow instructions below to download the latest image for your PocketBeagle2:
+1. Go to `BeagleBoard.org distro <https://www.beagleboard.org/distros>`_ page.
+2. :ref:`filter-software-distribution-PB2` from dropdown and download the image.
+.. _filter-software-distribution-PB2:
+.. todo:: add distros page image selection for pocketbeagle2
+.. tip::
+   You can follow the :ref:`flash-latest-image` guide for more information on 
+   flashing the downloaded image to your board.
+To see what SW revision is loaded into the eMMC check `/etc/dogtag`.
+It should look something like as shown in example below,
+.. code-block:: shell
+   root@BeagleBone:~# cat /etc/dogtag
+   BeagleBoard.org Debian Bullseye Xfce Image 2022-01-14
+.. _rma-support:
+RMA Support
+If you feel your board is defective or has issues, request an Return Merchandise Application (RMA) 
+by filling out the form at http://beagleboard.org/support/rma . You will need the serial number and 
+revision of the board. The serial numbers and revisions keep moving. Different boards can have different 
+locations depending on when they were made. The following figures show the three locations of the serial 
+and revision number.
+.. _getting-help:
+Getting Help
+If you need some up to date troubleshooting techniques, you can post your 
+queries on link: `BeagleBoard.org forum <https://forum.beagleboard.org/tag/pocketbeagle2>`_
+.. _pocketbeagle2-mechanical:
+Mechanical Details
+.. _dimensions-and-weight:
+Dimensions and Weight
+.. table:: Dimensions & weight
+   +--------------------+----------------------------------------------------+
+   | Parameter          | Value                                              |
+   +====================+====================================================+
+   | Size               |                                                    |
+   +--------------------+----------------------------------------------------+
+   | Max heigh          |                                                    |
+   +--------------------+----------------------------------------------------+
+   | PCB Size           |                                                    |
+   +--------------------+----------------------------------------------------+
+   | PCB Layers         |                                                    |
+   +--------------------+----------------------------------------------------+
+   | PCB Thickness      |                                                    |
+   +--------------------+----------------------------------------------------+
+   | RoHS compliant     |                                                    |
+   +--------------------+----------------------------------------------------+
+   | Gross Weight       |                                                    |
+   +--------------------+----------------------------------------------------+
+   | Net Weight         |                                                    |
+   +--------------------+----------------------------------------------------+