#!/bin/bash -e # # Copyright (c) 2009-2020 Robert Nelson <robertcnelson@gmail.com> # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # Split out, so build_kernel.sh and build_deb.sh can share.. shopt -s nullglob . ${DIR}/version.sh if [ -f ${DIR}/system.sh ] ; then . ${DIR}/system.sh fi git_bin=$(which git) #git hard requirements: #git: --no-edit git="${git_bin} am" #git_patchset="" #git_opts if [ "${RUN_BISECT}" ] ; then git="${git_bin} apply" fi echo "Starting patch.sh" git_add () { ${git_bin} add . ${git_bin} commit -a -m 'testing patchset' } start_cleanup () { git="${git_bin} am --whitespace=fix" } cleanup () { if [ "${number}" ] ; then if [ "x${wdir}" = "x" ] ; then ${git_bin} format-patch -${number} -o ${DIR}/patches/ else if [ ! -d ${DIR}/patches/${wdir}/ ] ; then mkdir -p ${DIR}/patches/${wdir}/ fi ${git_bin} format-patch -${number} -o ${DIR}/patches/${wdir}/ unset wdir fi fi exit 2 } dir () { wdir="$1" if [ -d "${DIR}/patches/$wdir" ]; then echo "dir: $wdir" if [ "x${regenerate}" = "xenable" ] ; then start_cleanup fi number= for p in "${DIR}/patches/$wdir/"*.patch; do ${git} "$p" number=$(( $number + 1 )) done if [ "x${regenerate}" = "xenable" ] ; then cleanup fi fi unset wdir } cherrypick () { if [ ! -d ../patches/${cherrypick_dir} ] ; then mkdir -p ../patches/${cherrypick_dir} fi ${git_bin} format-patch -1 ${SHA} --start-number ${num} -o ../patches/${cherrypick_dir} num=$(($num+1)) } external_git () { git_tag="" echo "pulling: ${git_tag}" ${git_bin} pull --no-edit ${git_patchset} ${git_tag} ${git_bin} describe } wpanusb () { #regenerate="enable" if [ "x${regenerate}" = "xenable" ] ; then cd ../ if [ ! -d ./wpanusb ] ; then ${git_bin} clone https://github.com/statropy/wpanusb --depth=1 cd ./wpanusb wpanusb_hash=$(git rev-parse HEAD) cd - else rm -rf ./wpanusb || true ${git_bin} clone https://github.com/statropy/wpanusb --depth=1 cd ./wpanusb wpanusb_hash=$(git rev-parse HEAD) cd - fi cd ./KERNEL/ cp -v ../wpanusb/wpanusb.h drivers/net/ieee802154/ cp -v ../wpanusb/wpanusb.c drivers/net/ieee802154/ ${git_bin} add . ${git_bin} commit -a -m 'merge: wpanusb: https://github.com/statropy/wpanusb' -m "https://github.com/statropy/wpanusb/commit/${wpanusb_hash}" -s ${git_bin} format-patch -1 -o ../patches/wpanusb/ echo "WPANUSB: https://github.com/statropy/wpanusb/commit/${wpanusb_hash}" > ../patches/git/WPANUSB rm -rf ../wpanusb/ || true ${git_bin} reset --hard HEAD~1 start_cleanup ${git} "${DIR}/patches/wpanusb/0001-merge-wpanusb-https-github.com-statropy-wpanusb.patch" wdir="wpanusb" number=1 cleanup exit 2 fi dir 'wpanusb' } rt_cleanup () { echo "rt: needs fixup" exit 2 } rt () { rt_patch="${KERNEL_REL}${kernel_rt}" #${git_bin} revert --no-edit xyz #regenerate="enable" if [ "x${regenerate}" = "xenable" ] ; then wget -c https://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/projects/rt/${KERNEL_REL}/patch-${rt_patch}.patch.xz xzcat patch-${rt_patch}.patch.xz | patch -p1 || rt_cleanup rm -f patch-${rt_patch}.patch.xz rm -f localversion-rt ${git_bin} add . ${git_bin} commit -a -m 'merge: CONFIG_PREEMPT_RT Patch Set' -m "patch-${rt_patch}.patch.xz" -s ${git_bin} format-patch -1 -o ../patches/rt/ echo "RT: patch-${rt_patch}.patch.xz" > ../patches/git/RT exit 2 fi dir 'rt' } ti_pm_firmware () { #http://git.ti.com/gitweb/?p=processor-firmware/ti-amx3-cm3-pm-firmware.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/ti-v4.1.y-next #regenerate="enable" if [ "x${regenerate}" = "xenable" ] ; then cd ../ if [ ! -d ./ti-amx3-cm3-pm-firmware ] ; then ${git_bin} clone -b ti-v4.1.y-next git://git.ti.com/processor-firmware/ti-amx3-cm3-pm-firmware.git --depth=1 cd ./ti-amx3-cm3-pm-firmware ti_amx3_cm3_hash=$(git rev-parse HEAD) cd - else rm -rf ./ti-amx3-cm3-pm-firmware || true ${git_bin} clone -b ti-v4.1.y-next git://git.ti.com/processor-firmware/ti-amx3-cm3-pm-firmware.git --depth=1 cd ./ti-amx3-cm3-pm-firmware ti_amx3_cm3_hash=$(git rev-parse HEAD) cd - fi cd ./KERNEL/ mkdir -p ./firmware/ || true cp -v ../ti-amx3-cm3-pm-firmware/bin/am* ./firmware/ ${git_bin} add -f ./firmware/am* ${git_bin} commit -a -m 'Add AM335x CM3 Power Managment Firmware' -m "http://git.ti.com/gitweb/?p=processor-firmware/ti-amx3-cm3-pm-firmware.git;a=commit;h=${ti_amx3_cm3_hash}" -s ${git_bin} format-patch -1 -o ../patches/drivers/ti/firmware/ echo "TI_AMX3_CM3: http://git.ti.com/gitweb/?p=processor-firmware/ti-amx3-cm3-pm-firmware.git;a=commit;h=${ti_amx3_cm3_hash}" > ../patches/git/TI_AMX3_CM3 rm -rf ../ti-amx3-cm3-pm-firmware/ || true ${git_bin} reset --hard HEAD^ start_cleanup ${git} "${DIR}/patches/drivers/ti/firmware/0001-Add-AM335x-CM3-Power-Managment-Firmware.patch" wdir="drivers/ti/firmware" number=1 cleanup fi dir 'drivers/ti/firmware' } dtb_makefile_append_omap4 () { sed -i -e 's:omap4-panda.dtb \\:omap4-panda.dtb \\\n\t'$device' \\:g' arch/arm/boot/dts/Makefile } dtb_makefile_append () { sed -i -e 's:am335x-boneblack.dtb \\:am335x-boneblack.dtb \\\n\t'$device' \\:g' arch/arm/boot/dts/Makefile } beagleboard_dtbs () { branch="v5.10.x" https_repo="https://github.com/beagleboard/BeagleBoard-DeviceTrees" work_dir="BeagleBoard-DeviceTrees" #regenerate="enable" if [ "x${regenerate}" = "xenable" ] ; then cd ../ if [ ! -d ./${work_dir} ] ; then ${git_bin} clone -b ${branch} ${https_repo} --depth=1 cd ./${work_dir} git_hash=$(git rev-parse HEAD) cd - else rm -rf ./${work_dir} || true ${git_bin} clone -b ${branch} ${https_repo} --depth=1 cd ./${work_dir} git_hash=$(git rev-parse HEAD) cd - fi cd ./KERNEL/ cp -vr ../${work_dir}/src/arm/* arch/arm/boot/dts/ cp -vr ../${work_dir}/include/dt-bindings/* ./include/dt-bindings/ #device="omap4-panda-es-b3.dtb" ; dtb_makefile_append_omap4 #device="am335x-abbbi.dtb" ; dtb_makefile_append #device="am335x-bonegreen-gateway.dtb" ; dtb_makefile_append #device="am335x-boneblack-uboot.dtb" ; dtb_makefile_append #device="am335x-bone-uboot-univ.dtb" ; dtb_makefile_append #device="am335x-boneblack-uboot-univ.dtb" ; dtb_makefile_append #device="am335x-bonegreen-wireless-uboot-univ.dtb" ; dtb_makefile_append ${git_bin} add -f arch/arm/boot/dts/ ${git_bin} add -f include/dt-bindings/ ${git_bin} commit -a -m "Add BeagleBoard.org DTBS: $branch" -m "${https_repo}/tree/${branch}" -m "${https_repo}/commit/${git_hash}" -s ${git_bin} format-patch -1 -o ../patches/soc/ti/beagleboard_dtbs/ echo "BBDTBS: ${https_repo}/commit/${git_hash}" > ../patches/git/BBDTBS rm -rf ../${work_dir}/ || true ${git_bin} reset --hard HEAD^ start_cleanup ${git} "${DIR}/patches/soc/ti/beagleboard_dtbs/0001-Add-BeagleBoard.org-DTBS-$branch.patch" wdir="soc/ti/beagleboard_dtbs" number=1 cleanup fi dir 'soc/ti/beagleboard_dtbs' } local_patch () { echo "dir: dir" ${git} "${DIR}/patches/dir/0001-patch.patch" } #external_git wpanusb #rt ti_pm_firmware #beagleboard_dtbs #local_patch pre_backports () { echo "dir: backports/${subsystem}" cd ~/linux-src/ ${git_bin} pull --no-edit https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/stable/linux-stable.git master ${git_bin} pull --no-edit https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/stable/linux-stable.git master --tags ${git_bin} pull --no-edit https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git master --tags if [ ! "x${backport_tag}" = "x" ] ; then ${git_bin} checkout ${backport_tag} -b tmp fi cd - } post_backports () { if [ ! "x${backport_tag}" = "x" ] ; then cd ~/linux-src/ ${git_bin} checkout master -f ; ${git_bin} branch -D tmp cd - fi ${git_bin} add . ${git_bin} commit -a -m "backports: ${subsystem}: from: linux.git" -m "Reference: ${backport_tag}" -s if [ ! -d ../patches/backports/${subsystem}/ ] ; then mkdir -p ../patches/backports/${subsystem}/ fi ${git_bin} format-patch -1 -o ../patches/backports/${subsystem}/ } patch_backports (){ echo "dir: backports/${subsystem}" ${git} "${DIR}/patches/backports/${subsystem}/0001-backports-${subsystem}-from-linux.git.patch" } backports () { backport_tag="v5.4.18" subsystem="brcm80211" #regenerate="enable" if [ "x${regenerate}" = "xenable" ] ; then pre_backports cp -rv ~/linux-src/drivers/net/wireless/broadcom/brcm80211/* ./drivers/net/wireless/broadcom/brcm80211/ cp -v ~/linux-src/include/linux/mmc/sdio_ids.h ./include/linux/mmc/sdio_ids.h #cp -v ~/linux-src/include/linux/firmware.h ./include/linux/firmware.h post_backports exit 2 else patch_backports fi #regenerate="enable" dir 'cypress/brcmfmac' #exit 2 dir 'cypress/fixes' } reverts () { echo "dir: reverts" #regenerate="enable" if [ "x${regenerate}" = "xenable" ] ; then start_cleanup fi ## notes ##git revert --no-edit xyz -s #${git} "${DIR}/patches/reverts/0001-Revert-xyz.patch" if [ "x${regenerate}" = "xenable" ] ; then wdir="reverts" number=1 cleanup fi } drivers () { dir 'drivers/ar1021_i2c' dir 'drivers/spi' dir 'drivers/tps65217' dir 'drivers/ti/overlays' dir 'drivers/ti/cpsw' dir 'drivers/ti/serial' dir 'drivers/ti/tsc' dir 'drivers/ti/gpio' dir 'drivers/greybus' dir 'drivers/mikrobus' dir 'drivers/serdev' dir 'drivers/fb_ssd1306' } soc () { # dir 'soc/imx/udoo' # dir 'soc/imx/imx7' dir 'soc/ti/panda' dir 'bootup_hacks' } ### #backports #reverts drivers soc packaging () { #do_backport="enable" if [ "x${do_backport}" = "xenable" ] ; then backport_tag="v5.6-rc4" subsystem="bindeb-pkg" #regenerate="enable" if [ "x${regenerate}" = "xenable" ] ; then pre_backports cp -v ~/linux-src/scripts/package/* ./scripts/package/ post_backports exit 2 else patch_backports fi fi ${git} "${DIR}/patches/backports/bindeb-pkg/0002-builddeb-Install-our-dtbs-under-boot-dtbs-version.patch" } packaging echo "patch.sh ran successfully"